广州版小学英语四年级下册《Module 3-6》word教案.doc

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1、 Unit5 What day is today ?一、教学内容:1、理解并掌握如何用英语询问星期几,听懂会话,并能用来进行交际。2、A:What day is today ?B:Its Friday.C:What classes do you have this morning ?D:We have Chinese ,maths English and music.二、教学重点:掌握Lets talk部分在情景中理解并掌握句型What day is today ?能恰当地用此句型询问星期几。三、教学难点:本课时的教学难点是如何以旧引新,让学生进入运用语言的状态,进一步了解科目的英文表达方式。

2、四、教学准备:1、教学课型:新授课2、教学方法:观察法、情景法、对比法3、教具准备:本课时的单词卡和图片、本课时的课件、录音带、录音机、游戏用的头饰五、教学过程:一、复习A闪卡游戏复习第10课新单词。B“七个小矮人“游戏:七名学生扮作七个小矮人,教师分别给他们戴上周一到周日的头饰。一同学任意说出一周内星期几的英文名称,对应的小矮人则站出来“劳动”。二、导入新课。A“七个小矮人”游戏结束后,师指着“Friday”小矮人问“What day is today ?”引导学生回答“Its Friday”或“Friday”.B师板书主题句型:What day is today ?Its Friday.师

3、拿出六张词卡,请六名学生手执一卡,其它同学齐喊“One,two,three.”六名学生手执词卡站好一排,将手中的词卡组成主题句。若有学生站错位置,请同学纠正。若站对位置,大家齐读主题句。C课件展示一张日历表,教师请一名同学任意指一日期,问“What day is today ?”其它同学回答出对应星期几。D课件展示一张对比表,请学生观察总结归纳介词on、at的不同用法。 on aton Mondayat three oclockon Tuesdayat four oclockon Wednesdayat five oclockon Thursdayat six oclockon Fridaya

4、t seven oclockon Saturdayat eight oclockon Sundayat nine oclockE课件展示一周的课程表,教师手指周五上午的课程安排,请学生说出课程的英文名称。然后教师自问自答:What classes do you have this morning ?We have Chinese,maths English and music.进一步帮助学生理解句子的汉语意思。F课件展示Lets talk部分,让同学们在情景中理解对话。然后教师逐句播放录音带,学生逐句翻译。G教师再次逐句播放录音带,学生逐句跟读。反复几遍,直至学生能熟练朗读。H教师扮演璐璐,一

5、男生扮演东东,进行示范表演对话。I同桌两人一组练习对话表演。J.请几组同学到讲台前扮演角色表演对话。K.课件再次展现出一周的课程安排表,请同学们任选一段时间的课程安排,模仿Lets talk部分进行对话练习。A:What day is today ?B:Its .A:What classes do you have this ?B:We have , and .A:What lesson do you have at oclock,on ?B: .B:Do you have lessons on ?A:On , and .B:Do you have classes on ?A:No,we do

6、nt.We have no classes on Saturday and Sunday.家庭作业:1、两人一组自由结合拓展练习对话。2、查找资料,寻找课程表中不同科目的英文名称。 Unit6 What do you usually do on Sunday? 一、 教学目标:1、 掌握本课的词汇,特别是频率副词的使用。 2、 熟练朗读课文,有能力的可以根据提示词背诵课文。3、 理解并灵活运用句型: What do you usually do on Sunday? I sometimes/usually /always /never . 二、教学重点: 1、What do you do us

7、ually do on Sunday?及其回答。 2、频率副词 always/ often /never的理解。三、教学难点: 动词短语的掌握及help somebody do something 的用法。四、教学过程:(一) Warming up : 1. Chant2. Guessing Game : 【设计意图:引起学生对已学动词短语的再现。】(二) Presentation:1. Learning some new verb phrases: go shopping/visit my friend/go to the park/ do housework/ see a film(1)

8、Blinking game to learn go shopping / see a film(2) To set a situation( a wonderful Sunday what I do ) to learn go to the park/ do housework/visit my friend(3) TPR(4) Puzzle game(5) Bom Bom game 【设计意图:让学生能够对动词短语的读音结构更清晰。】 2. Learning about the main sentense pattern: What do you usually do on ?1) Acco

9、rding to what the teacher talk about to show the pattern : What do you usually do on ? Check two of them.2) According their answer lead in always / often/sometimes/ never.3) learn and understand what the exactly meanings of the adverb above.4) Try to use the adverbs and answer the questions : What d

10、o you usually do on ?5) Practice in pairs.3. Show the dialogue: 1) T : I know what you usually do on . Lets see What do Janet and Jiamin do ,Ok ? (若时间允许,可以进行情景训练) Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? 教学目标:1、知识目标:能认读单词weekends,weekdays,painting,drawing,fishing,Chinese writing等,会用句型What do y

11、ou usually do on weekends? I usually 2、能力目标:学生能够用英语表述日常及周末的业余活动;侧重语言的交际功能,培养学生的听、说能力。3、情感目标:通过对周末活动的交流,引导学生发展健康向上的业余爱好。教学重点:单词及句型教学难点:usually的发音教学准备:词卡,中国山水画,学生的绘画作品,书法作品教学过程:一、Warm-up & revisionStep 1 Sing a song “Put on a happy face”Step 2 Warm upT: Lets play a guessing game. Look and guess.找一名学生看

12、词卡上的单词,做相应的动作,让全班学生来猜单词。(复习一些表示学生业余活动的单词)【设计意图】通过做动作猜单词,既复习旧知识,为新课学生做了铺垫,又活跃了课堂气氛。Step 3 Free talk教师引导学生谈论自己在平时和周末都做些什么,如:Do you play football on Sundays ? Do you do your homework ? What do you usually do on weekends ?从而引出本课的词汇,weekdays, weekends 等等。二、PresentationStep 1.学习单词usually ,weekdays, weeken

13、ds。用英语解释英语的方式让学生明白usually 的中文意思。同时复习一周七天的说法。并让学生明白weekdays, weekends 等的意思。特别强调usually的发音。教师利用抛粉笔的形式,教师示范读的同时向上抛出粉笔,学生则要跟读,若不抛出粉笔学生则不跟读,出错者要站出来读单词。【设计意图】采用游戏的方式,让学生注意观察教师的口型和仔细听教师的发音,解决发音难点。Step 2.学习单词painting, drawing, fishing, Chinese writing等。通过出示几幅图画,让学生明白painting, drawing, Chinese writing的中文意思。并

14、了解painting和 drawing的区别。Step 3.师生用对话的形式说说自己周末的活动。以教师问学生答为主的形式,主要复习刚学过的新词。Step 4.话题转到课文:Li Wei ,Joe and John are talking about their weekends. What do they usually do on weekends? Now listen to the tape.整体呈现课文的对话内容。要求学生边听边记录,注意对话中提到了哪些周末活动项目。Step 5.回答问题:What do they usually do on weekends?由于语速较快学生听不出s

15、wim这个词,让学生再听一遍。引导学生看课本,试着读出对话,找出不认识的词。并在全班进行解决。如:learn, want等。然后再让学生读对话。【设计意图】通过让学生试读对话,培养学生的认读能力和合作学习的能力,遇到问题要知道发问,同时培养学生大胆质疑的能力。Step 6.跟录音朗读。注意模仿语音语调。【设计意图】小学生的发音必须要准确地道,录音里的声音都是地道的英美人士的发音。多听多读是小学生学习语音的最佳方式。Step 7.分角色朗读对话。Step 8.小组中分角色朗读对话。三、ExtensionStep 1.Do a survey(1)鼓励学生主动举手申请当小小调查员。(2)让小调查员随

16、意在班上找到五个调查对象,询问他们周末经常做什么,受访同学要认真配合调查员,如实回答:What do you usually do on weekends ?(3)调查结束后,小调查员将调查结果汇总,并向全班汇报各自的调查结果。(4)汇报完毕后,让全班同学根据小调查员的表现,如作调查时的态度、调查用语的正确性和规范度以及调查报告用语的准确性等,评选出“最佳调查员”。并向“最佳调查员”颁发小礼物以示鼓励。【设计意图】此环节主要是让学生搞一次调查活动。通过调查,让学生更好地掌握课文内容。Step2.Find outWhat are your favourite weekends activitie

17、s? 引导学生发展健康向上的业余爱好。四、Homework让学生采访自己喜欢的人(包括学校的师生或家人),了解他们的周末安排。 Unit 8 What are you doing 一、教学目标:语言功能:Taking about activities taking place now学习任务:询问他人或自己正在所作的事情,或判断不是在做某事。运用任务:能运用核心句子询问和回答。学习难点:学生能谈论其他人或自己正在所作的活动。二、课时安排:(Period Division)本单元分四课时完成。PeriodTitle1st PeriodWhat are you doing?2nd PeriodWh

18、at are you doing?3rd PeriodWhats she doing? 三、词汇教学词汇是语言的基本成分,是英语教学中难度较大的教学内容之一。本单元词汇以动词为主,较少出现抽象意义的词,要多以直观方式进行词汇教学。直观的词汇教学能使学生很容易地直接掌握词义。多运用动作、手势、表情、表演、幻灯机投影、计算机动画等来教学。本单元的20个动词词汇:run、swim、walk、talk、write、sing、dance、tidy、watch、read、eat、drink、draw、play、do、colour、skip、ski、fly、listen,要通过反复操练,组词,造句的等方式,

19、达到学以致用。四、教学设计 (Teaching design) 1st Period (40 minutes)Module 4 unit 1 What are you doing?Teaching Objectives:The maximum objectives (上限目标):1. Ps can say and understand the words: noise drink eat talk 2. Ps can say and understand the sentences: - What are you doing? ImThe minimum objectives(下限目标):Ps

20、 can say and recite the poem: Are you doingTeaching Points(教学重难点):Teaching Aids:CD-Rom teaching cardsBL design: (板书设计)Whats that noise? Its - Step1: Warming-upI. Warm-upA: Greeting.B. Sing an English song: What are you doing?T: Can you tell me :What are you doing in the song?S: Im watching TV. Im(歌曲

21、中的六句正在进行时的句子)II. Review. 1. Read the wordsplay-playing read-reading watch-watching 2. Play a game. Get a student hide and do an action. Others guess:Are you_? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.What are you doing? Im _.Step 2: Presentation1. Teach the new sentence: Whats that noise?Ps listen to the sound and g

22、uess T: Whats that noise? Px: Its singing.T: Yes, a bird is singing.Teach the question. Then listen to the sound again and get the Ps to ask together: Amy, Amy, Whats that noise? Amy: Shes running.2. Show some pictures and askPicture 1, T: Whats he doing? Ps: Hes singing.Picture 2, T: Whats he doing

23、? Ps: Hes reading a newspaper.Picture 3, T: Whats she doing? Get a good student to sayP1: Shes drinking. ( Teach the new word “drinking” and practice.)The same as “cooking” and “talking”3. Say the chant together.Whats he doing? He is drinking.Whats she doing? She is talking. singing dancingplaying r

24、unningwalking swimmingeating cookingtalking drinkingreading skiingwriting drawing4. Lets make a chantWhats he doing?He is _ ing.Whats she doing?She is _ ing.Step 3: Practice: Ask and answer in pairs.A: Whats he/she doing?B: He/She is -ing.Show some pictures and get the Ps ask and answer in pairs. Th

25、en show out the dialogue. Teacher gives an example first.T: Whats he doing? P1: Hes cooking.Step 4: Presentation 21. Teach the text. Listen and find outl Whats Amy doing?Shes _.l Whats Tom doing?Hes _.2. Listen and fill in the blanks. Then read the text.A: Hi, Ethan.B: Hello, Miss Zhu.A: Are you _?B

26、: No, Im not.A: What are you doing?B: Im _.A: And your_? Whats she doing?B: Shes _.3. Practice. Pair work: Finish the dialogue and act.Homework1、Ask children to red the words and sentences again, do the summary of the lesson.(和学生一起读板书上的单词和目标语句,再次巩固本课重点内容。)2、Homework: Listen and read the text. Unit9

27、It looks fun1、 教学目标 1:句型“What are they doing? Theyre”,并能在情景中进行运用。 2动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式.2、 教学重点、难点 1实际情景中语言运用的能力。 2动词ing形式.3 教具: 多媒体,录音机,挂图,象棋,水杯,动词和动词短语卡片和图片。4 Teaching instrumentality: 运用多媒体辅助教学。五教学过程1.Warm up 活动一:Sing an English song播放歌曲(课堂活动用书)What are you doing?的录音,让学生对这一句型有初步认识。活动二,口语练习 就学生

28、所学过的内容进行日常交际,目的在于运用语言:T: How are you ? S:Im fine ,thank you. And how are you?T:Im fine, too.T: What are you doing?S:Im talking to you.2.Review活动三:词汇复习A利用课堂活动用书“lake, row a dragon boat, play chess, drink soybean milk, hungry”这六幅图,来让学生猜出图上的人们在干什么,同时也为了复习这些新单词,并让学生模仿这些动作,学生做动作,如,划船、下棋、喝豆浆、肚子饿等动作,使学生学得更

29、容易。Teach:【chess】(look at my mouth and listen to me.)Students:【chess】 (yes ,you are good .) (竖起大拇指肯定)教学【hungry】单词时,(you say , you say , you say .边摸肚皮边学,有趣。)教学【park】时出示了美丽的公园图。教学【noodles】时让学生表演了吃面。教学【boat】时叫学生做划船动作B.教师说动词短语,学生做动作,扩充动词短语的练习,教师在黑板上写好两列词,让学生连线并进行问答练习。Match the phraseswatching a dragon bo

30、atplaying taijiquandrinking TVrow chessdoing soybean milk3.Presentation活动四,猜猜看T:展示课件,带领其他学生问“What are they doing?”S:用主要句型问答:“What are they doing? Theyre”T: Lets describe the pictures with the sentences in this lesson.活动五:句子接力学生五人一组,教师问各组的第一名学生hello,what are they doing?每组的第一名学生回答后转身问后面的学生:what are th

31、ey doing? 依此类推,每名学生的回答不能与同组前面学生的回答重复,看哪个组最先完成游戏。T: hello,what are they doing? Talk about the pictures and then answer the question and ask the question one by one.S.T: Good boy, next one ,please活动六:试试看播放学生用书第一部分的录音,让学生完成听录音选图的练习。T: Listen to the type and answer the questions.1.They are rowing .2.The

32、y are playing .3.They are drinking .4.They are .(肚子饿的表情)活动七Lets play1做:“口型,猜句子”的游戏,教师指着黑板上的句子说:They are,提到动词短语时只作相应的口型,不发出声音,让学生看口型猜短语,把句子补充完整。2请两名学生上来,背对其他学生站好,台下任意一名学生问:What are they doing? 站在前面学生做动作其余学生回答:They are”活动八 Read and actT: Lets read and act. give you a few minutes to work in pairs看课本第一部

33、分,学生两人一组问答练习,然后学生根据自己情况和准备好的图片,实物,改变对话内容,演习对话。让学生四人一组操练后,请几组学生上台表演。5.Summary1.活动,课堂活动用书,指导学生理解题目要求,Listen and number是按所听内容表明序号。2. 让学生合上课本,描述每一幅图中的活动。Picture 3, doing taijiquan; Picture 5 rowing a dragon boat; Picture 6, playing chess; Picture 8, drinking soybean milk. 并用这些图中的动词短语用自已的话来描述出来。For examp

34、le: in the park, there are lots of interestings things, some people are,some people are ,and some others are .Daming is hungry, he and Amy are going.六Homework1. Read the new words and the sentences.2. Describe the people in the park . Unit10 I am very fast一、教学目标:1. 掌握下列单词:basketball, football, swimm

35、ing, table tennis, sport ,let,us,play,after,school,idea2. 句型:-Whats your favourite sport? -Football. -Lets play football after school!-Ok.Good idea!二、教学难点1.句型:-Whats your favourite sport? -Football.-Lets play football after school!-Ok.Good idea!三、教学步骤一:Warming-up教师问学生“Whats your favourite season”学生可

36、能不知道“season”这个单词,那么教师及时给出sping, summer ,autumn,winter 4个单词,学生就能够听懂教师的问题了。学生回答完问题后,教师可以告诉学生“My favourite season is summer.I like swimming in summer”这时教师呈现出“swimming”的图片配以单词,引出本节课的内容。二:Listening and reading1. Listen and repeat本活动复习表示运动项目的四个单词,建议教师采用图片与单词结合的方式,便于学生记忆。2. Listen and number本活动要求学生按照所听内容给图

37、片排序。在听之前,教师可以让学生说说每张图片表示的是哪种运动,为听做好准备。听完之后,全班核对答案。教师再次播放录音,全班跟读。三:Practise1.Ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs.A: Whats your favourite season?B: My favourite season is spring.A: Whats the weather like in spring? (=How is the weather in spring?)B:Its warm.2.Write go play swimming bask

38、etball, 3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer.A;Whats your favourite sport?B;My favourite sport isA:Letsthis afternoon.B:Ok.四:Exercises:A: Whats _ (你最喜爱的)sport?B: I like _.(游泳)A: Lets _.(去游泳吧)B: OK. _.(好主意)五:Homework写两组对话,以自己最喜爱的运动为题。 Unit11 I was born in January第1课时教学目标:1 能听说、认读数字1到10。2 能听懂所学的指令语,并能按照指令

39、做出相应的动作。重点:能认读数字1-10。能按指令语做相应的动作。难点:数字的准确发音,尤其是3、5、9 三个数字的发音要到位。教具准备:1 教师和学生都准备扑克牌中的数字1-10。2 教师准备教学录音带。教学过程:1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)(1)师生共同演唱歌曲 Old MacDonald ,让学生分别扮演歌曲中的动物,边唱边表演。2 呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)教师为学生制定自学任务。让学生以小组为单位,在组长的带领下自由制定学习数字的内容。可学习任意一个或几个数字,但要求每位组员都会说。教师可让学过英语的学生做组长工作,每组并设一名声音监控员。

40、(2)教师展开综合性的数字练习,反馈学生自学效果,注意纠正学生的发音。尤其是3、5、9 三个数字的发音。步骤:1 教师用手指数数字1-10,全体学生说数字。2 教师用扑克牌表示不同的数字,找个别学生说数字。3 教师出示单词卡片,学生认读数字单词。(3)教师用手指做示范: Show me 1 and 2. 让学生跟着做。(4)让学生听录音,跟读Lets learn 的词汇,要求学生用手指指出相应的内容。3 趣味操练 (Practice)(1)游戏: Whats missing?将写有1-10 数字的扑克牌放在一个纸袋中,让学生闭眼的时候教师快速藏起其中的一个,让学生猜Whats missing?

41、猜对的学生抽取下一次的扑克牌。(2)小组比赛:教师不出声音说单词,让学生根据教师的口型举牌。各组有几个人猜对加几分。(3)游戏: Follow me让一个学生任意说一个数字如:4,并做一个动作如:跺脚,其他同学就要做跺脚的动作4次。(4)让学生听录音,边说边做Lets do 部分的指令活动。4 课堂评价 (Assessment) 做活动手册本单元第2部分的练习。5 扩展性活动(Add-activities)游戏:耳语把学生分为5-6个小组,教师向每组的第一个学生耳语一个指令,如 Show me one and two.每组的第一个学生又依次向组里的第二个学生耳语这个指令,直到最后一个学生快步跑

42、到讲台,根据指令做动作,又快又正确为胜利。板书设计: 第2课时教学目标:1 听懂、会说 Happy Birthday to you! How old are you? Im. 能在实际情境中运用。要求模仿正确,语调自然。2 能够听说、认读数字1-10 。重点:Happy Birthday! 。How old are you?及相应的回答 。难点:Im 中 m 音的提示。How old are you? 与How are you? 的区分教具准备:1 教师准备数字110的单词卡片。2 教师准备教学录音带。3 教师准备Lets talk部分的课件。4 教师准备过生日用的蜡烛、气球、生日蛋糕图片等。

43、5 学生准备骰子。教学过程:1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)(1)教师出示数字类单词卡片,学生认读卡片。(2)复习A 部分的 Lets do 。(3)游戏:学生一个接一个的说数字110 ,教师随时拍手说:Stop 。说到哪个数字,如: seven 大家就一同重复此数字 seven 。2 呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)教师播放Lets talk部分的情景课件。(2)学生在课件中的熟悉的过生日的情境中学说Happy Birthday to you! ,了解询问年龄的用语及回答How old are you? Im 。(3)教师播放Lets talk部分的录音,学生跟读句子。(4)教师为学生创设过生日的情景,告诉学生:今天要给在本月过生日的同学共同开生日聚会 Birthday Party 。老师已准备好蜡烛、气球。教师在黑板上贴上生日蛋糕的图片,并画一些花边来点缀黑板。请过生日的学生做到讲台前。同时播放歌曲 Happy Birthday to you! 全体


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