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《人教版五年级下Unit3练习题.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版五年级下Unit3练习题.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、五年级第二学期练习题(三)姓名_班别_一、 根据答句写问题:1、 A: _B: My birthday is in April.2、A:_ B: My mothers birthday is in August.3、A: _ B: Sarahs birthday is in December.4: A:_ B:.Yes, my birthday is in February.5、A:_ B: No, my birthday is in July.6、A: _ B: Womens Day is on March 8th.7、A:_ B: Its August 1st.8、A: _ B: New

2、Years Day is on January 1st.9、A: _ B: Its April 15th today.10、A:_B: Yes, I have a computer.11、A:_B: No, I dont have a bookshelf in my bedroom.12、A:_?B: No, my grandma does have a computer.13、 A:_?B: I usually eat lunch at 12:00.14、 A:_?B: We usually play sports at 4:30 in the afternoon.15、 A:_?B: My

3、 grandparents usually watch TV at 7:30 p.m.16、 A:_?B: I like winter best.17、 A:_?B: Because I can make a snowman in winter. 18、 A:_? B: My father likes summer. 19、 A: _? B:I can wear my coats and sweaters in winter. 20、 A: _? B: Its sunny and cool in fall in Dongguan.二、根据实际情况回答问题:1What day is it tod

4、ay?_2. Whats the date today? _3. When is your birthday?_4. Is your fathers birthday in April?_5. When is Childrens Day? _6. Do you have your own bedroom? _7. Does your mother have a computer? _8. Whats the weather like today? _9. When is your mothers birthday? _10.How many months are there in a seas

5、on? _三根据上下文的意思,在空格中填上适当的句子,使对话完整。A: _?B: Very well, thank you. _?A: My birthday is in August. B: _?A: Its August 12th. _, too?B: No, my birthday is in July.A: _?B: Im eleven years old.四、短文选词填空(birthday, grandparents, books, skirt, doctors, park, mother, live, spring, summer, July, January, ) Hello.

6、Im Helen. I _ in Guangzhou. My grandparents live in Shanghai. I like _ best. Because my _ is in summer. Its _ 25th. Its in our summer holiday, too. Usually my _ come to see me at that time. They always bring some presents for me. My grandma usually gives me a new _ and my grandpa gives me some new _

7、. My father and _ are _. They are very busy. But they often have a birthday party for me on my birthday. Sometimes they take me to a _.五、 阅读理解:阅读短文,然后判断后面的句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”Today is May 16th. Its my grandpas birthday. But nobody can remember that. In the afternoon, Grandpa asks me, “Grandson

8、, what day is it today?”“Itt Sunday.” I answer.“Whats the date today?” “Its May 16th.” “ErWould you like to eat cakes?”“Yes, of course. Cakes are delicious.”So Grandpa goes to the cake shop and buys a big birthday cake with me. “Why does Grandpa buy such a big birthday cake?” I think. So I phone my

9、father and tell him about that.“Oh, today is your grandpas birthday!” My father shouts out.Then we have a birthday party for my grandpa at home in the evening and he is happy, too. ( ) 1. I dont go to school today. ( ) 2. Today is May 16th. ( ) 3. Grandpa buys a birthday cake for himself. ( ) 4. Grandpa is unhappy because we cant remember his birthday. ( ) 5. My grandpas birthday is in May.


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