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《口语考试的模板.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《口语考试的模板.doc(1页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、A: Hello, Id like to discuss anti -smoking with you. What harm does smoking do to smokers?B :Smoking is harmful to our health. As we all know, smoking causes lung cancer and other types of cancer. Studies show that smokers are more likely to die of heart disease than non-smokers. Secondly, smoking w

2、ill waste money and lower the living standard.B: Is smoking also harmful to nonsmokers? In what way? A: Of course. I think smoking is also harmful to nonsmokers. Cigarette smoke pollutes the air of enclosed areas or air-conditioned rooms. Inhaling secondhand smoke can also cause lung cancer.A: So ca

3、n you talk about why some young people learn to smoke?B :Curious, without basic common sense. These are just a few of the people who become addicted simply out of curiosity or to challenge their control. Most people tend to follow the fashion and smoke without their own opinions.Some people may just

4、 choose to smoke as a way to get rid of the blues.B :In what places has smonking already been banned? Are you in favor of this policy or not? Why? A : Smoking is banned in public places in many countries. In my opinion, smoking should be banned in public places or enclosed areas such as elevators, a

5、ir-conditioned offices, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, airports and forests.A: Whats the trouble if a smoker works in a nonsmoking environment?B :For smokers, it is impossible for them to find inspiration by smoking in a smoke-free environment, which makes them even more upset because they cant think of the solution to their problems.B : What do you suggest we should do to create a smoke -free working envirinment? A: I think a smoke-free area for nonsmokers should be created in all public places.


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