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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除l 1.As a linguist,he acknowledges that (all varieties of language,including non-standard ones like Black English,can be powerfully expressive)there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas. Expressive adj. 有表现力的,富于表情的翻译:作为一名语言学家,他承认所有的人类语言,包

2、括一些非标准的语言,如黑人英语,都是可以明确的表情达意的世界上没有不能表达复杂情感的语言或者是方言。l Mr.Smiths academic speciality is language history and change,and he sees the gradual disappearance of “whom”,for example,to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English. Speciality n. 专业,专长;特性 Case-ending 语法变格

3、词尾 No more than 仅仅,只是,不多于,至多翻译:Mr.Smith 的学术研究领域是语言学史及其变迁,例如,他认为在语言中一些词语的渐渐消失,例如“whom”这个词,属于自然现象,这不会比古英语词尾格的消失更令人感到惋惜。l An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism ( by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers.) Machanism n. 机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧翻译:在一个

4、以市场为导向的经济中,一个重要的因素就是一种用来表现消费者需求并能使制造商做出反应的机制。l Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorized poetry in their heads,while Italian politicians tend to elaborate speech (that would seem old-fashioned to most English-speakers.) Elaborate adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的 vt. 精心

5、制作;详细阐述; vi. 详细描述;变复杂 Chunk n. 大块 A chunk of 一大块翻译:俄国人对自己的语言有着深厚的感情,并且他们的脑海里储存着大量的诗歌,而意大利的政客们却倾向于精心准备的演讲,尽管这些演讲在大多数说英语的人眼里看来是过时的。l Many lifes problems (which were solved by asking family members,friends of colleagues) are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve. Capability n. 才能,能力;性

6、能,容量 Extended family n.大家庭翻译:许多以前可以通过询问家庭成员、朋友和同事们来解决的生活中的问题,是现在的大家庭所无能为力的。l In Europe ,as elsewhere,multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups (which bring together television,radio,newspapers, magazines,and publishing house that work in relation to one another.)翻译:多媒体集团在欧洲就像在其他地方一

7、样越来越成功了。这些集团把相互关系密切的(电视台、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社)整合到了一起。l Creating a “European identity” (that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old continent) is no easy task and demands a strategic choice. Identity n. 身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式 Fabric n. 织物;布;组织;构造;建筑物 Str

8、ategic adj. 战略上的,战略的翻译:创造一个(尊重那些将欧洲旧大陆联系在一起的不同文化和传统的)欧洲统一体绝非易事,这需要一个战略性的选择。l The “shareholders” as such had no knowledge of the lives,thoughts or needs of the workmen (employed by the company in which he helo shares ) and his influence on the relations of capital and labor was not good.翻译:像这样的“股东”对他

9、所拥有股份公司所雇用的员工的生活、想法和需求一无所知,而且他们对于资金与劳动力的关系(劳资双方的关系)产生的的影响也是不好的(也不会产生积极的影响)。l (After six months of arguing and final 16 hours of hot parliamentary debates),Australias Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish

10、 to die. Authority n.权力,管辖权 官方,当局 当权者,行政管理机构 权威,专家 Parliamentary adj. 议会的;国会的;议会制度的翻译:经过6个月的努力和最终16个小时的会议讨论,澳大利亚北部地区成为了世界上第一个允许医生终止患有不治之症且希望死去的病人生命的合法当局。l In Australia(where an aging population, life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their part)other states are go

11、ing to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia. Play ones part 尽本分;起作用 Euthanasia n. 安乐死;安乐死术 Community n. 社区;生态 群落;共同体;团体翻译:在澳大利亚人口老龄化、延长寿命的技术和变化着的社会态度都在起着作用其他的州准备考虑制定类似的关于安乐死的法律。l As is true of any developed society,in America a complex set of cultural signals,assumptions,and convent

12、ions underlies all social interrelationships. As conj. 因为;随着;虽然,尽管;依照;当时 prep. 如同;当作;以的身份 adv. 同样地;和一样的 Be true of v. 符合于;对适用 Convention n.会议;惯例;公约;协定;习俗 Assumption n.假定,设想;担任,承担 Underlie vt. 成为的基础;位于之下;引起;使发生 Interrelationship n.相互关系,相互联系,相互联系性翻译:就如同在任何一个发达社会里一样,在美国所有的社会关系之中都隐藏着一系列复杂的文化信号、假设和传统观念。l

13、 The complementary coastlines and certain geological features (that seem to span the ocean) are reminders of where the two continents were once joined. Complimentary a.互补的,补充的,补足的 Span n. 跨度,跨距;范围 vt. 跨越;持续; Reminder n.1. 提醒者;提醒物 2. 催款单 3. 提示 Certain adj. 某一;必然的;确信;无疑的;有把握的 pron. 某些;某几个翻译:那些似乎横跨海洋的互

14、补的海岸线和某些地质特征,提醒人们注意那里是曾经是连接两块大陆的地方。l At the same time,the American Law Institute(a group of judges,lawyers,and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight)issued new guidelines (for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers of bombard them with a lengthy

15、 list of possible ones.) Institute vt 1.建立,设立;组织(学会等);制定(规则等) 2.着手;开始;实行 3.任命,使就职 n. 学会,协会;学院,研究所 Academic n.专业学者,学者 Substantial n. 本质;重要材料 adj. 大量的;实质的;内容充实的 Issue n. 问题;流出;期号;发行物 vt. 发行,发布;发给;放出,排出 vi. 发行;流出;造成结果;传下 Bombard with 连续提出;用轰击 Lengthy adj. 漫长的,冗长的;啰唆的 Tort n. 【法律】(民事)侵犯行为翻译:与此同时,美国法律研究所

16、由一群法官、律师和理论专家组成,他们的建议分量极重发布了新的民事侵权法令指导方针,宣称公司不必提醒顾客注意显而易见的危险,也不必连篇累牍的一再请他们注意潜在的危险。l Some companies are limiting the risk (by conducting online transactions only with established business partners )who are given access to the companys private intranet. Conduct vi. 导电;带领 vt. 管理;引导;表现 n. 进行;行为;实施 Trans

17、action n. 交易;事务;办理;会报,学报 Intranet n. 计内联网;企业内部网 Establish vt. 1.建立;创办;2.确定;确立;证实 3. 使开业、营业;使立足于;使安身,使任职,派,委任。 4.安置,安顿,安排 Established adj. 确定的;已制定的,已建立的翻译:一些公司通过只和有权进入公司内部网的已经建立的(固定的)生意伙伴进行交易来降低风险。l And the cost of computing power continues to free fall,which is a good sign for any enterprise setting

18、 up shop in silicon, Free fall 自由下落,自由下滑,自由落体 Set up 1.建立,开办 2.提出(意见等);创造(新纪录) 3.引起,导致 Silicon n.硅,此处指代互联网与计算机.翻译:计算成本的持续自由下降对于任何一个建立了网上销售的企业来说都是一个好兆头。l An education (that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job) is a technical education,justified for reasons radically different from why edu

19、cation is universally required by law. Technical education n.技术教育;工业教育 Justify vi. 证明合法;整理版面 vt. 证明是正当的;替辩护 Radically adv. 根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式翻译:旨在为学生谋得一份工作的教育是一种技术性教育,其存在的合理性与(教育之所以为法律普遍规定)是迥然不同的。l The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have l

20、imited the opportunities of teenagers( who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japans rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.) Baby boom 生育高峰,育婴高峰,婴儿潮 Involve vt.1. 牵涉,牵连,使卷入;使陷入 2. 使参与;使参加 3. 包含,含有,包括 4. 需要;必需 5. 与有关联;影响 6. 使专心于;使忙于;使从事于 Question beyond

21、all question 毫无疑问 call in(into) question 提出疑问 In question 正在谈论的 out of the question 毫无可能 Out of question 没有问题,能办到的翻译:战后婴儿潮一代的步入成年以及女性打入男性主导的劳动力市场使得青少年的发展机会变得极为有限,他们已经在不停的质疑为了爬上日本那通往优秀学校和体面工作的严酷的社会阶梯而做出的巨大的个人牺牲。 Instead,we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles,which now more than ever seem in a

22、mple supply:the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in tree-star restaurants;the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life,whose own children are enrolled in private schools. Be treated to 被用什么招待

23、Hypocritical adj. 虚伪的;伪善的 Spectacle n. 1. 景色,景象;奇观,壮观 2 复数观点,看法 3.眼镜 Materialism n. 唯物主义;唯物论;物质主义 Participatory adj. 供人分享的;吸引参与的 Enroll in 选课;注册入学;参加;报名参加 Phrase n. 1.阶段,时期;2.面,方面;3.相位 Phrase in 逐步引用 phrase out 逐步停止使用翻译:相反,我们被款待看到这样一些虚伪的壮观景象,它们似乎比以前任何时候都要多:美式物质主义的批判者却拥有南安普顿的避暑山庄;激进书籍的出版商在却在三星级酒店里享用一

24、日三餐;倡导在人生各个阶段的参与民主制的记者,他的子女却就读于私立学校。l Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings (about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes), (that应该是指代findings)combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want. Turn out to b

25、e 结果是;原来是;被证明是 Factual adj. 事实的;真实的;实际的 Puzzlement n.迷惑;费解 In the world 在世界上;到底;究竟 Head-scratching 让人挠头的难题,令人头痛的 From scratch 从头开始 Up to scratch 合格,处于良好的状态翻译:非常遗憾的说,这次项目结果只获得了一些低层次的发现,比如新闻报道中的事实性错误以及拼写或语法错误,同时也提出了大量的关于读者到底需要什么的疑惑。l There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists an

26、d their readers,which helps explain why the “standard templates” of the newsroom seem alien to many readers. Template n. 模板,样板 Newsroom n. 新闻编辑部;报刊阅览室 Disconnection n. 断开;分离,切断翻译:在编辑与读者之间有着社会和文化(方面)的差异(隔阂),这种差异(隔阂)解释了为什么报刊阅览室(新闻编播室)里的“标准模板”对于读者来说非常陌生(与众多读者的意趣相去甚远)。l International affiliates account

27、for a fast-growing segment of production in economies( that open up and welcome foreign investment.) Affiliates n.附属公司,子公司 Account for 对负有责任;解释;说明原因;共计达;(在数量、比例上) 占;导致,引起 On account of 因为,由于 Of no account 不重要的 Segment n.段,节,部分 Economies 此处指经济领域的国家概念,故用复数翻译:国际附属机构迅速占据了在开放并欢迎外资的经济中产量的一部分。(跨国公司在世界各地建立分

28、公司正是各国对外开放、引进外资后生产力能得以迅猛发展的原因。)l I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&A wave are the same that underlie the globalization process:falling transportation and communication costs,lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable

29、of meeting customerss demands. Massive a.大量的,大规模的 Enlarge v. 扩大,扩展,扩充;放大 Operation n.操作,运转,经营;手术;(军事)行动,活动;运算 Bring(put) into operation 实施,使生效,运行 Come into operation 施行,实行,生效 In operation 工作中,运转着;起作用,生效,实施翻译:我相信 巨大的M&A潮流最重要的幕后推动力和全球化过程中的一样:运输和通信成本的降低,交易和投资障碍的减少,逐渐扩大的需要扩宽的管理来满足消费者要求的市场。(我认为巨大的并购浪潮背后最

30、重要的推动力同时也就是促成全球化进程的基石:即降低的交通运输成本,逐渐减少的贸易投资壁垒,以及大幅度拓展市场,这些都要求更大规模的经营管理以满足消费者的需求。)l And should one country take upon itself the role of “defending competition” on issues that affect many other nations,as in the US vs. Microsoft case? Take upon 从事;呈现;承担;接纳翻译:一个国家应该承担就像在美国与微软的案例中影响到众多国家的“反对竞争”的责任吗?(还有,当

31、所处理的国家牵涉到许多其他国家时,例如在美国政府诉微软一案中,一个国家应不应该扮演“自由竞争保卫者”的角色?)l Include a few casual and apparently off-the -cut remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner. Casual a.随便的,非正式的;临时的,偶然的;漠不关心,冷淡的;翻译:包括一些你能够以一种轻松自由(放松自然)的方式表达的临时的,明显是现场(随意的和似乎是脱口而出的)的评论。l As a result, the modern world is incr

32、easingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. Gizmo n.小发明 Populate 1. 居住于中;在中占一定地位 This side of the island is populated mainly by fishermen 2. 使人口聚居于中;移民于;殖民于 The new land was quickly populated by settlers from Eu

33、rope 3.占据;(事物等)在中占有位置 Her paintings were populated by strange creatures 4.填充翻译:因此,当今世界充满着越来越多的聪明的小玩意儿,这些小玩意儿很少被人们所留意,但是它们的普遍存在却代替了许多的人类的劳动。l There are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracyfar greater precision than highly skilled phys

34、icians can achieve with their hands alone. Submillimeter n. 亚毫米 Physician n.内科医生 Surgeon n. 外科医生翻译:现已有一些机器人系统能够进行精确到毫米级以下的脑部和骨骼手术这要比极具技巧的医生单凭双手要精确得多。l The winner, by a large margin,was a tiny Virginia company called Open Source Solution,whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.

35、Mastery n. 掌握;精通;优势;征服;统治权 Electronic world 电子世界翻译:获胜者(赢得比赛的)是一个弗吉尼亚的叫做“公开渠道咨询公司”的小公司,它取胜的明显优势就是它对电子世界的全面掌握。l Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates,whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threating advances in health knowledge. Forcefully adv. 强有力地;激烈地;有说服力地翻译

36、:科学家们应该给予动物权利倡导者们强有力的回击,因为他们的观点蛊惑人心因而也威胁到健康医疗知识方面的进步。l For example,a grandmotherly woman (staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair) was distributing a brochure that (encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals)no meat, no fur, no medicines. Booth n.

37、货摊;公用电话亭 street faif n.街头集市,街头市集翻译:比如说,在最近街头集市上一位为动物权利摊位工作的祖母样的妇女正在分发鼓励人们不使用任何来自动物或者是由动物实验而来的物品的宣传册不要吃肉,不要毛皮制品,不要吃药。l Finally, because the ultimate stakeholders are patients, the health research community should actively recruit to its cause not only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper,(

38、who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research),but all who receive medical treatment. Stakeholders n. 利益相关者;资金,赌款保存人 Cause n. 原因;事业;目标 vt. 引起;使遭受 Actively adv. 积极地;活跃地 Courageous a.有胆量的,勇敢的 Community n. 1. 社区;社会;乡镇;公社 2. 社团;团体;界 3. 共有,共享;共同的责任 4.共同性;一致(性) 5. (国家之间经济、政治)共同体 6. (生物)群落 翻译:最后,因为投下赌注的最终还是病人,所以医学研究界不但要努力邀请像SC这样已经勇敢做出了动物研究价值的有关声明的名人来支持自己的事业,还应力图得到所有接受医疗的人的支持。【精品文档】第 11 页


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