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《2020年中考英语复习之重点核心词汇详解专题11P字部(一).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年中考英语复习之重点核心词汇详解专题11P字部(一).doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题十一 P字部(一)1. pardonn.原谅,宽恕,对不起v.原谅,宽恕用法:pardon作名词,常见搭配为ask/beg ones pardon (for sth.)请求某人原谅(某事)。例如:He asked her pardon for having cheated her. 他欺骗了她,向她请求原谅。pardon作动词,常用于pardon sb. for doing sth.原谅某人(做)某事:He could never pardon her for the things she had said. 他永远不会原谅她说的话。口语中常用pardon me表示一种礼貌用语,意为“对不

2、起;劳驾”,或请求别人重复:Oh, pardon me, I didnt mean to disturb you. 噢,对不起,我不是有意要打扰你。口语中常常直接用Pardon?做语气词,表示“请再说一遍”(没听清,希望对方重复):Hurry up Jonathan! Pardon? I said hurry up! “快点,乔纳森!”“你说什么啊?”“我说快点!”(2019,湖北卷,单项选择)35. The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose. _. You should never say no before you try.A.

3、Forget it! B. Come on! C. Im sorry. D. Pardon me?2. parkn.公园;v.停放(汽车等)关联词组:forest park森林公园;amusement park游乐园;city park城市公园熟词僻义:park还可作动词,表示“停放(汽车等)”,可接宾语,也可不接宾语:I couldnt find anywhere to park. 我找不到地方停车。She parked the car on the drive. 她把车停在了私人车道上。词性转换:parking n.停车,泊车:No Parking禁止泊车;parking space/lo

4、t停车位/场(2019,山东卷,词汇运用)47. There is a big park _(在旁边) the supermarket. I prefer to take a walk there.3. partn.部分;成分;角色;部件,零件用法:表示“部分”,通常和of搭配:In parts of Canada, French is the first language. 在加拿大的部分地区,法语是第一语言。表示“(机器,设备的)零件,部件”,常见词组:spare parts备用零件表示“参与,参加;角色”,常见搭配有take part (in)参加;play an important p

5、art in在中起重要作用:About 40 students took part in the activity. 约有40名学生参加了活动。Work plays an important part in our life. 工作在我们的生活中很重要。词性转换:partly adv.部分的;在一定程度上;partial adj.局部的;partially adv.部分地;偏袒的;(2019,浙江卷,单项填空)9.- Could you tell me _? - You will stay with an English family and take part in their daily

6、life.A. when I should pay for the courseB. what the best part of the course isC. how long the shortest course lastsD. where I can go sightseeing after class4. passv.传,递;经过;通过用法:表示“传递,给”;pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb.把某物(传)递给某人;pass around分发,传阅;例如:Can you pass me that bag by your feet? 能把你脚边的那个包递给我吗?

7、表示“经过,越过”,既是及物也是不及物动词:He gave me a smile as he passed. 他经过时对我微笑了一下。表示“穿过,前行”,不及物动词,通常接副词或介词短语作状语;例如:We passed through the gates into a house behind. 我们穿过几道门进了后面的房子。表示“通过(考试),考试及格”,既是及物也是不及物动词:Did you pass all your exams? 你考试都及格了吗?词性转换:passage n.走廊,通道;一段(文章);passenger n.乘客,旅客反义词:fail v.考试不及格;失败(2019,

8、山东卷,完形)After greetings, the gift should be passed immediately to the host.5. payv.付钱,给报酬词形变化:过去式paid,过去分词paid关联词组:pay back偿还;报复;pay off付清,还清;取得成功,奏效 用法:表示“付款,付钱给,支付”、“偿还,缴纳”,“付酬”等含义;pay的宾语可以是支付的对象,或支付的数目;不要在pay后面直接跟你要买的东西,要用pay for sth.的形式,其中pay后可以跟一定数量的钱。例如:Ill pay you in advance.我会预先付款给你。I paid 10

9、0 for this jacket.我花了100英镑买这件夹克衫。固定搭配pay attention (to sb./sth.)表示“注意”:Im sorry, I wasnt paying attention to what you were saying. 对不起,我没有仔细听你说的话。词性转换:payment n.付款,支付;报酬(2019,浙江卷,单项填空)9.- Could you tell me _? - You will stay with an English family and take part in their daily life.A. when I should p

10、ay for the courseB. what the best part of the course isC. how long the shortest course lastsD. where I can go sightseeing after class6. peacen.和平关联词组:world peace世界和平;peace of mind内心的宁静;make peace with与讲和;言归于好用法:peace为不可数名词,主要有两层含义:表示“和平,太平”,相对战争而言:war and peace战争与和平;peace talks和平谈判表示“平静,安静,宁静”,相对吵闹、

11、聒噪而言:He just wants to be left in peace. 他只希望别打扰他。词性转换:peaceful adj.和平的;爱好和平的;peacefully adv.平静地;(2019,浙江卷,阅读C)But the peace ended the day the British mans pig decided to eat some of an American farmers potatoes.7. percentn.百分之用法:常放在数字后面,表示“百分之几”,可用符号%表示:a 10 percent (10%) increase in house prices 10

12、%的房价上涨固定短语a/one hundred percent表示“百分之百地,完全地”,相当于completely:I agree with you a hundred percent. 我百分之百同意你的看法。关联单词:percentage n.百分比,百分数:The percentage of school leavers that go to university is about five percent. 中学毕业生上大学的比例约为5%。(2019,山东卷,单项填空)20. A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans wan

13、t to use self-driving cars, _ 34 percent believe that they will make the roads more dangerous.A. although B. because C. if8. periodn.一段时间,时期;时代 用法:表示“一段时间,时期”,指时间长度,常和介词of连用。例如:His playing improved in a very short period of time. 他的演奏技巧在很短时间内就有了提高。表示“时代,时期”,指历史或生活时期。例如:Van Goghs early period 凡高的早期生涯

14、词性转换:periodic(al) adj.周期的,定期的;periodically adv.定期地;周期性地;偶尔(2019,山东卷,阅读A)Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss (听力丧失) ,because oflistening to loud noise for long periods of time.9. personn.人关联词组:in person亲自;contact person联系人用法:person为可数名词,“一个人”为one/a person,不能用people;表示多个人时,其复数一般会使用

15、people,persons也正确,但往往用于较正式的语体:Hes a fascinating person. 他是个魅力十足的人。This car is allowed to carry 4 persons.此车准乘4人。person、human和people的区别:human具有总称概念,带有“人类”这层含义;person强调单个的人,如“这个人”、“那个人”;people多用来指“人民;群众”,或者作为person的复数形式,表示很多人或人群。词性转换:personal adj.个人的,私人的;personally adv.亲自;个别地;就自己而言(2019,江苏卷,单项填空)9. I

16、wonder .Someone who can make me a better person.A. when you often meet your friends B. how you make your friends happyC. who you want to make friends with D. where you spend weekends with friends10. physicsn.物理(学)用法:physics这个单词虽以-s结尾,但其本身为不可数名词。例如:a degree in physics 物理学学位;the laws of physics 物理定律词性

17、转换:physical adj.身体的;物质的;物理的:physical examination体格检查;physical world物质世界;physical process物理过程;physically adv.身体上(地)(2019,山东卷,阅读B)Do you want to improve your physics and chemistry grades? Well, maybe you should first learn something about the struggles (奋斗) of great scientists.11. pickv.拾起;采集;挑选关联词组:p

18、ick up捡起;收拾;接电话;接某人;pick out挑选出用法:pick主要有两层含义:表示“采,摘”:pick flowers/grapes采花/摘葡萄表示“选择,挑选”,常用搭配有pick sb./sth. for sth.;pick sb. to do sth.等:I wasnt picked for the football team. 我没被选进足球队。词性转换:picky adj.挑剔的,吹毛求疵的同义词:choose v.选择(2019,浙江卷,单项填空)8.Linda, Dad has finished his work and we _ to the gym to pic

19、k you up. -Thank you, Mum.A. driveB. droveC. have drivenD. are driving12. piecen.一块(片,张,件)用法:piece可用作“量词”,表示“一个,一片,一块,一件,一张”等,通常用于不可数名词的计量:Pass me another piece of paper. 再给我一张纸。You should eat three pieces of fruit a day. 你应该每天吃三个水果。piece表示“片,块,段,截”等,此时相当于part,强调与整体相对。例如:He broke off a piece of brea

20、d and gave it her. 他掰下一块面包递给她。piece还可表示“碎片,切片”,常用于in pieces短语。例如:The china dish lay in pieces on the floor. 瓷盘碎片散落在地上。(2019,北京卷,短文阅读)Some pieces of ice are huge, like moving islands.13. pityn.怜悯,同情;遗憾用法:表示“同情,怜悯”,后常接for sb./sth.;take/have pity on sb.同情某人。例如:He looked exhausted, but Mary felt no pity

21、 for him. 他看上去疲惫不堪,但玛丽一点也不同情他。I beg you to have pity on him. 请你可怜可怜他吧。表示“遗憾,可惜”,常用搭配有a pity (that),what a pity,a pity do sth.等。例如:Its a pity that you cant stay longer. 你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。Ive lost it!-Oh, what a pity. “我把东西弄丢了!”“哎呀,真可惜。”It seems a pity to waste this food. 浪费这些食物真可惜。词性转换:pitiful adj.可怜的,

22、令人同情的;pitifully adv.科联地,令人怜悯地同义词:shame n.遗憾,可惜;羞耻(2019,湖南卷,情景交际)B: What a pity! Given more time, you could visit more places of interest. How about the food there?14. pleasuren.高兴,愉快用法:作不可数名词,表示“愉快,快乐;满足”,常见搭配有with pleasure高兴,乐意;for pleasure为了取乐;take pleasure in (doing sth.)等。例如:to read for pleasure

23、 读书以自娱He takes no pleasure in his work. 他从他的工作中得不到丝毫乐趣。作可数名词,表示“乐事,快事”,常用its a pleasure的短语:Its a pleasure to meet you. 很高兴认识你。口语中,常用Its a pleasure,my pleasure,with pleasure等表示一种礼貌回答,意思相当于“不客气”、“很乐意”。例如:Thanks for doing that.-Its a pleasure. “这事真劳您大驾了。”“不客气。”词性转换:pleasant adj.令人愉快的;友好和善的;please v.使人高

24、兴,使人满意:I did it to please my parents. 我这么做是要让父母高兴。近义词:joy/enjoyment/fun n.高兴,愉快 (2019,山东卷,单项填空)1. Lucy, how about going to the ?Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure.A. libraryB. cinemaC. museumD. concert15. pointv.指(向);n.点;分数;观点动词词组:point out指出,指明;point at指向名词词组:point of view观点;star

25、ting/key/turning point出发/关键/转折点;to the point简洁中肯的动词用法:point表示“(用手或物体)指,指向”;也可表示“朝向”,后常接副词或介词短语作状语。例如:She pointed her finger in my direction. 她指着我这个方向。The hands of the clock pointed to a quarter past one. 时钟的指针指向一点一刻。名词用法:表示“观点,论点”,可与介词about搭配。例如:I agree with Johns point about keeping the costs down.

26、 我同意约翰关于维持低成本的观点。表示“点”,可指地理上的“地点,位置”,也可指时间上的“时刻,阶段”。例如:No cars are allowed beyond this point. 车辆不得越过此处。At this point we should start to do something more meaningful.现在我们应该开始做一些更有意义的事。表示“(比赛,运动的)分数,得分”:He is three points behind the leader. 他落后领先者三分。(2019,北京卷,完形)His speech was short, but all to the po

27、int16. politeadj.有礼貌的,有教养的用法:polite可作表语,也可作定语;it is polite (of sb.) to do sth.(某人)做某事是有礼貌的。例如:We left the party as soon as it was polite to do so. 我们在不失礼节的情况下尽早离开了聚会。词性转换:politely adv.礼貌地,客气地;politeness n.礼貌反义词:impolite adj.不礼貌的(2019,山东卷,完形)When the guests are to leave, the host may still politely a

28、sk them to stay.17. popularadj.受欢迎的;(音乐,艺术等)大众化的,通俗的 用法:表示“受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的”,常与介词with/among连用。例如:Chocolate is always popular with children. 巧克力总是受小孩子喜爱。表示“(音乐,艺术等)通俗的,大众化的”,例如pop music=popular music流行音乐 词性转换:popularity n.普及,流行;名气;受欢迎反义词:unpopular adj.不受欢迎的,不得人心的(2019,山东卷,单项填空)29. Peppa Pig (小猪佩奇) is a Br

29、itish cartoon _has been popular in China and is much loved by little children and their parents.A. who B. which C. /18. populationn.人口,人数 关联词组:the worlds population世界人口;population size人口规模;population growth人口增长用法:population表示“人口”,即某地区所生活的人的数量,常接介词of。例如:India has a population of more than one billion

30、. 印度有超过10亿人口。population表示“(某一地区的)全体居民”。例如:South Florida has a large Jewish population. 南佛罗里达有很多犹太人。词性转换:populous adj.人口稠密的;populate v.居住于(2019年,山东卷,阅读表达)The population of the world continues to increase, but in some areas the population is falling.19. positionn.位置;姿势关联词组:in position就位;social positio

31、n社会地位用法:position表示“姿态,姿势”,比如sitting/standing position坐着/站着的姿势:Lie in a comfortable position. 以一个舒服的姿势躺下。position表示“位置”,相当于place。例如:the position of the sun in the sky 太阳在天空中的位置position表示“地位,级别”。例如:the position of women in society 妇女在社会中的地位position表示“职位,职务”,相当于job。例如:She has held the position of CFO s

32、ince 1992. 她自1992年起担任财务总监一职。词性转换:positioning n.定位(2019年,浙江卷,任务型阅读)Then jump straight up as high as you can after the squat position, holding your arms up directly over your head.20. possibleadj.可能的关联词组:if possible如果可能的话;whenever possible只要可能;make it possible使它变成可能;anything/everything is possible一切皆有

33、可能用法:possible主要表示“可能的,可能做到或实现的”,常用于It is possible (for sb./sth.) to do sth.结构。例如:Is it possible to get tickets for the game? 有没有可能弄到比赛的门票?possible常用于as+形容词/副词+as possible的结构中,表示“尽可能”。例如:I need the money as soon as possible. 我需要尽快拿到这笔钱。I decided to learn as much as possible about the country. 我决定尽可能多地了解那个国家。词性转换:possibly adv.可能地,也许,大概;possibility n.可能性;可能发生的事反义词:impossible adj.不可能的(2019年,江苏卷,阅读填空)In addition, it is highly possible that other students may make jokes about those who sleep in class.


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