仁爱版英语八年级下册 Unit6 知识点归纳.doc

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1、一、重点短语:1 go on继续 go on a spring field trip继续去春游go on a visit / trip to =have a visit /trip to 2 decide on致力于 decide to do sth决定做某事 make a decision决定3 My pleasure. = Its a / my pleasure.我很乐意4 Have a good trip.玩得愉快 Have a good / wonderful time.5 see the sunrise看日出6 raise money筹集钱 make money赚钱save mone

2、y节省钱7 book / order sth for sb为某人预定、8 pay for付、的钱10 plan to do sth计划做某事11 work out解决 work it / them out12 the cost of、的花费 the price of、的价格13 come up with提出,想出14 look forward to doing sth盼望做某事15 hear from = get / receive a letter from收到、来信16 inthe day / daytime在白天at night在晚上 in the evening在晚上17 place

3、of interest有趣的地方Unit 6 Topic 1 SectionA1、I have some exciting news to tell you!to tell you是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词news.和news间是动宾关系。如果该动词是vi,则不要漏掉后面的尾巴介词。如:I have nothing to talk about.go on a visit to “去.参观/旅行”类似的搭配:go on a trip去旅行 go on a picnic去野餐a three-day visit to Mount Tai “去泰山三日游”three-day是个复合形容词,由“基

4、数词+连字符+名词单数”形式构成。可位于名词前作定语。如:a 13-year-old boy一个13岁的男孩 an 18-kilometer river一条18公里长的河3、Lets find out some information about the cost.find out “查明,发现,弄清(情况)”【辨析】find out,find,look for find out多指调查询问,研究后“搞清楚,弄明白” find强调找的结果如:I cant find my shoes. look for指寻找,强调动作如:Im looking for my wallet.4、Bring your

5、 information tomorrow and well decide on the best travel on your field trip.decide on/upon决定,选定decide to do sth “决定做某事”=make a decision to do sth否定形式:decide not to do sth决定(不)做某事the best way to do “做.的做好方式”这里的to do作定语修饰the way如:The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers.Unit 6 Topic 1 Section

6、B5、Kangkang is booking train tickets to Mount Tai.此处book为动词,“订票,预约”book a room for sb/sth=order a room for sb/sth6、May I have your name and telephone number, please?May I have.“可以吗?”是一种委婉表达请求的交际用语。如:May I have a book, please?可以给我拿本书吗?7、A standard room with two single beds costs 100 and a room with o

7、ne single bed costs 80.with two single beds中的with “带有”反义词是withoutUnit 6 Topic 1 Section C8、Its very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.raise是及物动词“筹集”,还表“举起;使升高”,一般指把某物从低处抬高到高处。如:She raised her hand.她举起了她的手。rise是不及物动词“升起,上涨”,一般指事物本身由低处移到高处。如:The sun rises in the east.太远从东方升起。commo

8、n “常见的;共同的”9、It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw.1) spend/cost/pay/take表示“花费”的用法1).人+spend/spent+时间/金钱+ on sth.某人在某事上花时间/金钱。人+spend/spent +时间/金钱+( in) doing sth.某人花时间/金钱做某事。I spent 2 hours (in) seeing a movie=2).人+pay/paid+金钱+for+sth.某人为某东西花钱。人+pay/paid for+sth.某人为某东西付款。3).

9、物/事+cost sb.+金钱什么东西花了我多少钱。4)It takes/took sb.+时间+to do sth.做什么事情花了某人多长时间。我花了380元买了一张去北京的火车票。. (pay) _I paid 380 for a train ticket to Beijing. (cost) _It cost me 380 to buy a train ticket to Beijing.(spend) _I spent 380 buying / on a train ticket to Beijing.10、Im looking forward to hearing from you.

10、1) look forward to “期待,盼望”常见搭配:look forward to sth/doing sth常用于现在进行时中。2)hear from “收到.的来信”如:He heard from his friend yesterday.=He got a letter from his friend yesterday.Unit 6 Topic 1 SectionD11、On the third day of our trip, we climbed Mount Fuji.On the third day of.在具体某一天用介词on如:on the morning of M

11、arch 10th在三月十日的上午 on a cold evening在一个寒冷的晚上12、I was so excited that I didnt feel cold at all.so+ adj / adv +that从句“如此.以至于”三、重点语法动词不定式1、不定式的肯定形式由“to+动词原形”构成。否定形式“not to+动词原形”。2、to只是不定式的一个符号,没有任何实际意义。3、不定式可以作除谓语以外的其他句子成分,如主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾补。1)作主语,常用it(形式主语)代替,不定式放在后面做真正主语.It is hard to say.很难说。It is im

12、portant to learn English well.学好英语非常重要。注:如果要说明动词不定式的动作是谁做的,可在不定式前加一个for sb作它的逻辑主语。如:Its difficult for us to finish the work.如果表语是kind, nice, right, wrong,good,clever等表人的性格,品质等形容词,则加of.如:Its very kind of you to help me.=You are kind to help me.2)作表语,常用在系动词之后.Your groups task is to find out the cost t

13、o go by train.你小组的任务是去弄清搭火车的费用。She seems to be happy.她似乎很快乐。4)作宾语,常用在want; like; hope; begin; try; forget; learn; plan; decide; need等及物动词后,构成动宾结构。如:I want to buy some books.我想去买一些书。She likes to join the English Club.她喜欢加入英语俱乐部。提示:跟动词不定式作宾语的动词有:想预订房间want to book a room决定去春游decide to go on a spring fi

14、eld trip计划骑车去那儿plan to cycle there选择乘火车choose to take a train希望玩得愉快hope to have a good time拒绝与别人说话refuse to talk with others5)作宾补,跟动词不定式作宾补的动词: v. + sb. (not )to dosth.告诉tell鼓励 encourage命令order使 get想要want / would like邀请 invite教teach要求 ask跟动词不定式作宾补的动词(v. + sb. (not ) do sth.)-to省略“听、观、使、让、帮”-hear, se

15、e, watch, make, let, help但是help也可用help sb. to do sth.的结构如:我看见他几乎每天都打篮球。I see him play basketball almost every day.老板强迫工人整天干活。The boss makes the workers work all day.6)作定语,常用在被修饰的名词/代词之后。I have some exciting newsto tell you.我有一些令人激动的消息告诉你。He wants to find a chairto siton.他想找把椅子坐。下列动词常接动词不定式作定语:chance

16、, time, wish, way, the first, the only, the second, the last, promise等。如:He has no time to see the film.7)动词不定式作目的状语:我要去北京看长城。I want to go to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.为了赶上早班车,他每天很早起床。He gets up early to catch the early bus every day.他们决定上网以获取更多的信息。They decided to search the Internet to get mo

17、re information.Topic 2 How about exploring Tiananmen Square一、重点词组1 speak to对某人说话2 be busy doing sth忙着做某事3 ride ones bicycle to = cycle to骑自行车去、4 would like sb to do sth = want sb to do sth想要做某事5 two and a half hours = two hours and a half两个半小时6 in the of在、里 on the of在、边上 to the of相隔7 be surprised at

18、 sth对某事吃惊 be surprised to do sthto ones surprise8 in different directions在不同的方向 in all directions在所有方向9 step on ones feet10 rush out of冲出11 ride to骑自行车去12 be famous for因、而出名 be famous as作为、出名13 cant / couldnt help doing禁不住做某事14 here and there = every where到处15 thank goodness谢天谢地16 have fun doing sth

19、做某事很有趣;Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A1、Whileyou were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams.你在愉快地游玩的时候,我正忙着准备考试。(1)、while在此引导时间状语从句,表示持续性的动作或状态,只与延续性动词连用,侧重表示主句和从句动作同时发生,有对比的意味,常用现在进行时或过去进行时。如:I was doing my homework while mom was cooking.妈妈做饭时,我在做作业。(2)、be busy doing sth “忙于做某事”如:现在我正忙着做饭。

20、_(3)、prepare for(doing)sth “准备(做)某事”考题链接:The boys are busy _(prepare)for their football match.-What were you and your sister doing at this time yesterday, Lily?I was doing my homework _ she was watching TV.A. A.when B. while C. after D. beforeUnit 6 Topic 2 Section B2、Its 880 meters long from north

21、to south and 500 meters wide from east to west.它南北长880米,东西宽500米。基数词+长度单位+long/wide/high/deep “多少(米)长/宽/高/深”如:The desk is about 1.2 meters long.这张课桌大约有1.2米长。试比较以下两句话:The boy is 10 years old.这个男孩10岁He is a 10-year-old boy.这是个10岁的男孩。3、-How far is it from here to Tiananmen Square? -Its about one and a h

22、alf hours by bike. -从这儿到天安门广场有多远? -骑自行车大约一个半小时。(1)、How far多远提问两地之间的距离。 howlong对时间段或长度的提问。如:-Howlongdoesittaketogettoyourhouse?-Twentyminutes.-到你家需要多久?-20分钟(2)、路程表达有两种方式用长度单位表达。如:Its 1000 kilometers away from Shanghai.这儿离上海由1000千米。用时间表达。如: Its about twenty minutes walk from my home to my school.从我家到学

23、校步行大约需要20分钟。(3)、one and a half hours “一个半小时”= one hour and a half4The chairman Mao Memorial Hall lies to the southeast of the Great Hall of the People while it lies to the southwest of the National Museum.毛主席纪念堂位于人民大会堂东南端,国家博物馆西南。(1)、lie在此意思“位于”,其动名词形式为lying,过去式为lay. lie还可以表示“躺,平卧”如:There was a chil

24、d lying on the ground.地上躺着一个小孩。(2)、lie/be to the+方位词+of.指“互不接壤且不管辖的两个地区”Japan lies/is to the east of China.日本位于中国东面。lie/be in the+方位词+of.指“在某一个范围之内的地区”China lies/is in the east if Asia.中国位于亚洲东部。lie/be on the+方位词+of.指“互想接壤但互不管辖的两个地区”North Korea is on the northeast of China.朝鲜在中国的东北面。Unit 6 Topic 2 Se

25、ctionC5、The parking lot was full of tour buses, cars and bicycles, so they had to look for space to park their bicycles.停车场停满了旅游大巴,小车和自行车,因此天安门不得不寻找停自行车的地方。space “空间;太空;空地”,为不可数名词。room作不可数名词时表“空间”=space如:There isnt much room/space here.这里没有什么空闲的地方了。6、While the crowd was pushing Darren in all directi

26、ons, someone stepped on his feet.当人群从四面八方挤来时,有人踩了达伦的脚。(1)、step on sth踏,踩某物 step on sbs feet踩了某人的脚step还可以作名词,表示“步伐”如:He walked with a quick light step.他迈着轻快的步子走着。(2)、push “推”反义词为pull “拉”(3)、direction “方向,方位”,常和in搭配。 in all direction四面八方 in the direction of朝方向 in ones direction朝着某人的方向6、When Darren fin

27、ally pushed his way out, he couldnt find his friends.当达伦最终挤出人群的时候,他找不到他的两个朋友了。push ones way “挤出去”7、He was too worried to think about what to do.他太着急了以至于想不出该怎么办。too+adj+ to do sth “太以至于不能做某事”如:The girl is too young to look after herself.=The girl isnt old enough to look after herself.这个女孩太小了而照顾不了自己。8

28、、They were very cute and we couldnt help watching them.它们太可爱了,我们都忍不住观看起它们来。cant help doing sth “禁不住/忍不住做某事”链接:help sb (to) do sth “帮助某人做某事” help sb with sth帮助某人某事9、His heart was beating fast.他的心跳得很快。beat在此处为“跳动,敲打”表示连续不断的动作。还可表示“打败(某人)”,搭配为beat sb (at) sth “在(某事)中打败某人”如:He beat me at chess.他下棋赢了我。10

29、、While we were having fun exploring, I found that Darren was lost.当我们兴致勃勃地考察时,我发现达伦不见了。have fun(in) doing sth “从某事中获得乐趣”三、重点语法(一)、时间状语从句的连接词类型11、He didnt raise his head until someone called him.直到有人喊他,他才抬起头来。(section C)not.until “直到.才.”主句的谓语动词常用短暂性动词。until“直到.为止”主句的谓语动词常用延续性动词。如:I will stay here unt

30、il the rain stopped.= I wont leave here until the rain stopped.我会等到雨停了才离开这里。12、Would you help me male a plan to explore Beijingbeforehe comes?(Section A)在他来之前,你能帮助我制订一个考察北京的计划吗?As soon asthe three boys saw each other, they all jumped around happily.(Section C)三个男孩一见面,就高兴得跳了起来。before “在之前”。引导的从句表示:主句

31、动作发生在从句动作之前。before反义词是after“在之后”。引导的从句表示:主句动作发生在从句动作之后。as soon as “一就”。引导的从句表示:从句动作一发生,主句动作随即就发生。如:I went to sleep after I finished my homework.=I finished my homework before I went to sleep.=I didnt go to sleep until I finished my homework.我做完作业才睡觉。As soon as the bell rings,the students will go int

32、o the classroom.铃声一响,学生就会进教室。13、Id like you to meet him with mewhenhe arrives.(Section A)当他来的时候,我想让你去见见他。Asthey exploring happily, more and more people came to the square.(Section C)正当他们兴致勃勃地考察时,越来越多的人来到了广场。Whileyou were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams.(Section A)你在愉快地游玩的时候,我正忙

33、着准备考试。when, while , as都可引导时间状语从句,用法有所区别。1)when“当时”(相当于at that time),受限条件最少。2)while表示持续性的动作或状态,只与延续性动词连用.常用进行时。3)as “一边一边”与延续性动词连用,表示主句和从句动作同时发生,强调伴随状态。如:The students were talking in the classroomwhen the teacher came in.学生们在教室里谈话时,;老师进来了。Dont speakwhile you are eating.吃东西的时候别说话。He jumpsas he walks a

34、long.他边走边跳。(二)、时间状语从句要注意的时态当主句为一般过去时的时候,从句常用过去的某种时态。如:While Iwas doingmy homework, the telephonerang.当我在做作业的时候,电话响了。当主句为一般将来时的时候,从句用一般现在时。即主将从现原则。如:Ill callyou as soon as Igetto Beijing .我一到北京,就会给你打电话。Topic3 Bicycle riding is good exercise一、重点词汇1.atrafficaccident一次交通事故2.be/gethurtbadly严重受伤3.obey/bre



37、 6 Topic 3 SectionA1、When I first arrived, I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere.当我刚开来时,在哪儿都不敢骑自行车。“anywhere”表示“任何地方”时,可用于肯定句。如:An accident can happen anywhere.任何地方都可能发生事故。【链接】everywhere “到处,处处”=here and there常用于肯定句中。否定句和疑问句中的anywhere则来代替somewhere(某地)。如:He follows me everywhere.我无论去哪他都跟着我。Did you

38、go anywhere interesting?你去过什么有趣的地方吗?be afraid of dong sth害怕做某事=be afraid to do sth2、But now I feel a little more confident.但现在感觉有点自信了。a little more confident更自信一点more confident是confident的比较级a little. “ 一点” much “得多”,两者都可以放在比较级前,表程度。如:This bag is much is much heavier than that one.这个包比那个包重得多。3、Cyclin

39、g can help us save energy and it doesnt cause air pollution.骑自行车能帮助我们节约能源,并且不会造成空气污染。save energy“节约能源”类似搭配:save time“节约时间”; save money “省钱”如:We should turn off lights after school to save energy.放学后,我们要关灯以节约能源。【链接】save ones life “救某人的命”air pollution “空气污染”类似搭配:water pollution“水污染”noise pollution“噪音污

40、染”Unit 6 Topic 3 Section B4、We should wear bicycle helmetswhen riding.骑自行车的时候我们应该戴头盔。此处when riding是“when we are riding”的省略形式。在以when,while,if等引导的状语从句中,若从句的主语与主句一致,且含有be,则可以省略从句的“主语+be”。如:when (we are) crossing the street,we should be careful.5、If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even

41、 be in danger.如果违反了交通规则,我们会受到惩罚,甚至会很危险。break(动词)“打破;违反” break the traffic rules “违反交通规则”反义词组为obey/follow the traffic rules “遵守交通规则”break(名词) “停顿;休息” have/take a break “休息一下”fine (名词) “罚款”,(动词)“处以罚金”。get a fine“被处以罚金”如:He got a heavy fine.他受到严重处罚。be in danger“处于危险中”=be dangerous“be in +名词”表示处于某种状态中,如

42、: be in peace处于和平中 be in trouble处于困境中 be in good health处于良好的身体状况中Unit 6 Topic 3 Section C6、The bicycle is one of the most important vehicles in the world.自行车是世界上最重要的交通工具之一。one of +adj最高级+名词复数 “最的之一”7、Bicycle ridingcan make riders hearts and lung strong.骑自行车有助于强健骑车者的心肺。Bicycle riding在此时动名词作主语。如:Doing

43、 eye exercise is good for your health.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。make sb/sth+adj“使某人(某物)”如:Drinking milk makes your body healthy.喝牛奶使你的身体健康。8、The bicycle riders mustpay attention tothe traffic around them.骑车者必须注意周围的车辆。pay attention to(doing)sth“注意(做)某事”,其中to为介词,后接doing。类似用法的短语:look forward to;be/get used to如:Pay attention to listening to the teacher when having classes.上课时注意听讲。9、In case of


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