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《罗素--What-I-have-lived-for.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《罗素--What-I-have-lived-for.doc(47页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date罗素-What-I-have-lived-for罗素-What-I-have-lived-forWhat I Have Lived ForBy Bertrand RussellThree passions, simple but 1)overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love,

2、the search for knowledge, and 2)unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, in a 3)wayward course, over a deep ocean of 4)anguish, reaching to the very 5)verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings 6)ecstasy-ecstasy so great that I would often have 7)sacrificed a

3、ll the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness-that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold 8)unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I

4、 have seen, in a mystic 9)miniature, the 10)prefiguring vision of the heaven that 11)saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what-at last-I have found. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the

5、 hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to 12)apprehend the 13)Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always

6、 pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by 14)oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their pain make a 15)mockery of what human life should be. I long to 16)alleviate the evil, but I cant, and I too suffer. This

7、 has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. 我的人生追求有三种简单然而无比强烈的激情左右了我的一生:对爱的渴望,对知识的探索和对人类苦难的难以忍受的怜悯。这些激情像飓风,反复地吹拂过深重的苦海,濒于绝境。 我寻找爱,首先是因为它使人心醉神迷这种陶醉是如此的美妙,使我愿意牺牲所有的余生去换取几个小时这样的欣喜。我寻找爱,还因为它解除孤独在可怕的孤独中,一颗颤抖的灵魂从世界的边缘看到冰冷、无底、死寂的深渊。最后,我寻找爱,

8、还因为在爱的交融中,神秘而又具体而微地,我看到了圣贤和诗人们想象出的天堂的前景。这就是我所寻找的,而且,虽然对人生来说似乎过于美妙,这也是我终于找到了的。 以同样的激情我探索知识。我希望能够理解人类的心灵。我希望能够知道群星为何闪烁。我试图领悟毕达哥拉斯所景仰的数字力量,它支配着此消彼涨。仅在不大的一定程度上,我达到了此目的。 爱和知识,只要有可能,通向着天堂。但是怜悯总把我带回尘世。痛苦呼喊的回声回荡在我的内心。忍饥挨饿的孩子,惨遭压迫者摧残的受害者,被儿女们视为可憎的负担的无助的老人,连同这整个充满了孤独、贫穷和痛苦的世界,使人类所应有的生活成为了笑柄。我渴望能够减少邪恶,但是我无能为力,

9、而且我自己也在忍受折磨。 这就是我的一生。我发现它值得一过。如果再给我一次机会,我会很高兴地再活它一次。注释:1) overwhelmingly 7EuvE5welmiNli adv. 不可抵抗地2) unbearable Qn5bZErEbl a. 无法忍受的3) wayward 5weiwEd a. 任性的4) anguish 5ANwiF n. 痛苦,苦恼5) verge vE:dV n. 边缘6) ecstasy 5ekstEsi n. 入迷 7) sacrifice 5sAkrifais n. 牺牲 8) unfathomable Qn5fATEmEbl adj. 深不可测的 9)

10、miniature 5minjEtFE n. 缩图,缩影10) prefigure 5pri:5fiE v. 预示 11) saint seint, sEnt n. 圣人12) apprehend 7Apri5hend v. 领会,理解13) Pythagorean pai7WAE5ri:En a. 毕达哥拉斯的14) oppressor E5presE(r) n. 压迫者15) mockery 5mCkEri n. 嘲笑16) alleviate E5li:vieit v. 使(痛苦)易于忍受,减轻what I live for? I ever heard a sentence: The p

11、ast is history, the future is a mystery, the time we have now is a gift, thats why its called the present.Now that I can not rest on the past , I must catch present for my future. So successful career ,harmonious family and happy life are all important for me. Thats all I live for. I am trying hard

12、for a succeed career. Good education can help me to get a better career. Everybody has their different hopes and different interests. I often make plans for myself. It can help me to achieve my dream effectively. Here I talk about my present goal: When I decided to pass this examination, I know what

13、 I will face to and what is difficult for me. So I must learn more and more. I often describe my becoming five years: When I will get Master Degree, I hope I will have more-knowledge and like to accept challenge and so on. Not only study knowledge but also own ability about how to learn every people

14、s merit and get rid of my demerit constantly. And then , I live for my family. A harmonious family is the foundation to achieve everything; A good family can give me a strong support on my career. I want to make a more comfortable condition for my parents, especially when they will be old. They are

15、often proud of me. And future I want to make a strong family for my children. Enjoy life is important for me.Good healthy, strong body,wide mode are all useful. I must find the best way to adjust and balance them. I hope my whole life will be full of colorful interesting things and happiness when I

16、will be old. To find many interesting things and to catch the new chance are challenge for me, but I like it both.Even though it is not so easy to get it. Its my answer for “ what I live for”. I believe everybody will achieve your dreams if you decide to do it .The time we have now is a gift for me.

17、 Save time to do what we want to do!What I live for? What are the goal and the pursuit of my life? Facing this problem, I have to begin to review my life and thought about it. Eventually, I got the answer, and the only answer for it is freedom. In my point of view, freedom is not to do whatever you

18、want, to go anywhere you want, or to get anything you want, but is the freedom of thought and mind, and such freedom is the real freedom I want.The freedom of thought differs from the physical and material; it builds on the freedom of knowledge. A persons viewpoint to things also builds on the under

19、standing of thing. Only basing on rich knowledge, the thought can get away from traditional tie, and the problem can be treated from new angles .Kafka is the pioneer of Western modernist literature, but his whole life is just a poor staff, never left his residence further. Van Gogh, one of the maste

20、rs of Impressionist, lived in grinding, even couldnt be accepted and understood by the people. They dont own the physical and material freedom, but their thoughts are so wise and profound, they own the real freedom. These great men are the people I admire, and this kind of freedom is also the thing

21、I pursue.The freedom of mind means the freedom of personality.As Marxs freedom, a free man in real sense, must obtain independent personality first and eventually achieve his self-liberation through self-choices, self-development, and self-creation,this is a free state. In my opions,this freedom is

22、understanding and embodiment of self-worth. A person, who owns the freedom, also is the one of value and contribution .His freedom does not lay in what he has been given, but what he has created. What I pursue is also such freedom.If a person does not want to waste his life, he must have some pursui

23、ts. My pursuit is freedom, I would like to pursue my freedom from cradle to the grave.What I live for When talking about pursuit, people have thousands of answers. Everyone have different global concept,philosophy and values. Some may hold the view that people should live for prosperous life, others

24、 may live for national prosperity. As to me, I also have different goal in different period.First, I live for win as a Champion in the National University Fencing Championships again in this three years. I love fencing, it has already been a part of my life. I have train in fencing for 13 years and

25、have been deeply attracted by it. Rapid, flexible, elegant, it is the fascinating place of fencing. The 13 years of strict train not only make my body strong but also change my temperament. A very important rule of fencing is “tens of thousands” that means to be tolerance in fighting. This rule taug

26、ht me a lot and made me to be more sturdy. I have took part in many competitions during the 13 years, I hope I can win the golden medal when I study in Shanghai University. That is what I live for now.Second, I wish more and more people can know fencing and like it. I dream of having a fencing club

27、of my own in Shanghai. I plan to marange the fencing club with my professional knowledge what I have learned now and build the club as the home of all the fencing fans. I can help to teach them how to catch the key of fencing and strong their will in excecising.Last, I live for make myself to be mor

28、e independent and bring my parents more happy and give them a better life.This is the essence of my private life. This is what I live for. I want to learn more. I want to make my friends happy. I want to remain grateful for being born.I want to realize my dream.A forgotten friend aged 25 passed away

29、 recently, it makes me perceive that life is so fragile .But, one of the hardest lessons to learn from death is that life must go on. I should live better, for my dream, for the ones who love me, for unknowable life, even I do not know which way to go. My dream is a part of my life. It is well-known

30、 that periods of rapid social and economic create a criterion of judging value, which is money and status. My dream is to own them in right position. I like stability and I like to understand my place in society, meanwhile, I respect the criterion which has been created. I come from a small country,

31、 so I have to study more knowledge and improve my abilities to make my dream come true .I think, probably this is will be my real life. Moreover, I live for the ones who love me. When I was young with ignorance got love and pardon from my family and friends. But now I am aware of my obligation. I wi

32、ll tell my family and my friends the truth I love them .I will spend more time to stay with my parents ,protecting them again loneliness ;and communicate with my friends to tell them I am happy and make them happy. There is a point, which I think is the most important. I am interested in my unknown

33、life. Life is too rich in contradictions for any expectation of it to be possible. The most important fact about life, which is that it is unknowable. I want to know that what will be happen in my future life. Everyone should bear his responsibility, for himself and our society, me too. In this worl

34、d, fortunes and misfortunes are common. I should make every stable step with peaceful mind day by day. What I Have Lived For It really confused me a lot when I was asked to write the article named what I have lived for. Since I have never thought it over, I cant give the answer immediately. There ar

35、e too many people in the world, so different people have different thought. Some people are ambitious, they hunger for anything they want, power, luxury, moneyothers are lofty, they just have aims to be like someone they worship who lived for love knowledge or the sufferings of mankind. Those people

36、 are respectable. But most of us are common Then what I have lived for?First, I think I live for myself. I am independent and have my own thought. I have great vigor and enthusiasm. I prefer to discipline myself rather than be disciplined by others. I pride myself on my independence, my right to mak

37、e up my minds. I am prepared to take the initiative, even when there is a risk in doing so. I have courage and do not give in easily. I cant be looked down upon by others, cant be defeated by destiny.Second, I lived for my parents love. In my parents eyes, I am a filial daughter .I love them very mu

38、ch. They brought me to the world, took care of me as soon as I was born, taught me a lot of things on life study and so on. They paid so much to bring me up. So I must pay them back for their love. They have lived for me, so do I.Third, I have lived for my future. Tomorrow, there are many opportunit

39、ies and challenges. I should face up to it bravely. Therefore, the efforts I made today are for having a good future. We should look to the future. I believe that I will be successful in the near future. I want to create the future that belongs to me with my hands.I am ordinary. I have lived for mys

40、elf, my parents and my future. Also, I have lived for my lover and the person who loves me. The world is full of love, I think I will meet someone I love somewhere someday.I love my life and hope everyone I knew can have a good life, have their aims of the life.What I live for?Life for everyone is o

41、nly once ,and the problem -the meaning of our existence, puzzled the most of us .Whats the most important thing in my life ?and what I live for ? I looked deeply in my twenty years life ,and found that four things always touch my heart profoundly ,they are happiness, beauty ,truth and the life itsel

42、f .Happiness, the first thing I live for .It is a state of feeling of pleasure and contentment. On one hand ,it is related to all the wonderful thingslove , health , success and so on . Seeking happiness is an instinct for me .On the other hand , if it were not for the pleasure we get from happiness

43、 ,we would have no hope to live . Though theres much pain in our life, we do not live for pain ,but for happiness .When we get happiness from our experience ,the memory of misery fades away ,and the life becomes much more hopeful and meaningful than ever before .Beauty, one of the most lovely words

44、in the world , is the second thing I am living for . The beauty of the nature, the universe, and the sense and emotion of the human race, always exerts a strong fascination upon me. When I see a sunset, I cant conceal my excitement simply because the vision waken my desire of seeking another world,

45、which lies beyond, born in beauty and serenity, investing any of us the ability to imagine and to create. Beauty is the gift given by the god .It makes the world colorful and wonderful. Except for requirement of exist, beauty is the basic necessity for me.I also live for truth , for it is the eterna

46、l pursue of all the human beings .The truth shows me what the value is , and makes me intelligent and sensible .It indicates the right direction for me , like a lighthouse . With it in front of me , I will never get lost .Istill found An uncertain long journey really the life is. I remember when I w

47、as in junior high school , I began to think about the questionWhats the goal of my life ? I tried to find the answers , but I had never gotten a solution which could satisfy myself for a long time .I was puzzled by these issues , till one day I read a sentence from Einsteins article, “The World As I

48、 See It”, it said, “To inquire after the meaning or object of ones own existence or that of all creatures has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view.” I was disenchanted by it , and I tried to think back to the process of my seeking .Finally , I got a conclusionmaybe I was wrong at the very start .Life is a journey of which we do not know the destination at the beginning ,a


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