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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date衢州市2015年中考英语试题2015年宁夏中考数学试卷浙江省衢州市2015年中考英语试题 完型I was walking around in a shopping center for a long time. Tired and 16 I decided to go end get a cup of coffeeAs I was making my way to t

2、he 17 ,I noticed an old gentleman quite poorly dressed sitting on bench nearby. From the 18 sight I knew that he was in need of some kind of help. He had only a little lunch in front of him, but he was enjoying it 19 It was also quite clear that he had a problem with his right eye and probably could

3、nt see out of it. I then 20 and waited to be served. There was a young man in front of me in the line who was also 21 to be served. It was his 22 and the young may handed he server(服务生)a twenty dollar bill and wanted en orange juice as well as some help. He asked the server to give the 23 to the old

4、 gentleman outside on the bench. The server looked at the young man, a little 24 ,not fully understanding the requirement. The young man also told her that he would be watching all the time 25 he would be completely safe. Then there was a wonderful exchange (交流)between the server and the 26 That was

5、 one of the most beautiful scenes I had ever seen in my life. I only wish I had a photo of both of their faces while they were 27 “ 28 didnt the young man do this act of kindness himself? As 29 as thinking about this experience later. I asked myself. I guess that deep down in his heart he was hoping

6、 that this act of kindness might 30 others to do something for the people in need as well. Absolutely beautiful!16. A. thirsty B. hungry C. angry D. busy17. A. shopping center B coffee shop C book shop D. sports center18. A. first B. second C. third D. last19. A. softly B. loudly C. kindly D. sweetl

7、y20. A. looked around B. looked away C. joined the line D. left the line21. A. sitting B. waiting C. calling D. jumping22. A. turn B. duty C dream D. interest23. A. coffee B. tea C, water D. juice24. A. worried B. excited C. Pleased D. surprised25. A. so that B . Though C, because D. as if26. A youn

8、g man B stranger C. old man D. manager27. A, drinking B. crying C. smiling D. eating28. A. How B. Why C. When D. Where29. A. he B. she C. I D, it30. A, invite B. encourage C. requite D. order三、阅读理解(共20小题,共35分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A.B,C.D四个选项中选出佳选项 A来源:学科网 Tessa is now 18 years old. Shes leaving her scho

9、ol soon. She remembers her time at school very well. Some of it was good but some of it brings back bed memories. Good or bad , they are unforgettable memories for her.My First Day Ill never forget my first day at primary school. I remember there was a funny smell in the school and I felt really ner

10、vous. We were in assembly(集合)and the head teacher was introducing himself. A girl near to me started asking me questions about my shoes! I wanted to listen the head teacher but I didnt want to be rude to my new friend. So. I told her about my shoes. Suddenly the head teacher looked at me with an ang

11、ry face. “Be quiet when I am speaking! Go and sit in the corner.”I remember feeling so stupid.My First Teacher I remember her name was Mrs. Simpson and he was our music teacher. She was really pretty and had a lovely smile. She had a soft voice and always wore the same sweater! She seemed so nice af

12、ter that terrible head teacher.来源:Zxxk.ComSpats Day Sports day was the beat day of the year! I used to practice for the running race and one year 1 actually won! I used to cheer my friends on when they ran their races too.My Nickname(绰号) Everyone in the class had nicknames. Some of the nicknames wer

13、e fumy and some werent very niceThere was this really thin girl who everyone called “spider legs. I remember they used to call me “mushroom head, because my hair stuck out(突出)on either aide. It made a lasting impression on me. Not a good one.31. According to the passage. which of the following is tr

14、ue? A. Tessa seemed to like her music teacher better than her head teacher. B. Tessa was very happy on her first day at primary school. C. Tessa never won in the running rears. D. Tessa liked her nickname32. Tessa felt stupid on her first school day because A. he was rude to her new friend H she did

15、nt listen to her head teacher C. she didnt answer her new friends question D. she made the head teacher angry and was punished33. Which can be the beat title of the passage? A. School History B. School Memories C. School Courses D. School Education B Every country has its own way of saying things一it

16、s own special expressions. Many everyday American expressions are based on colours. Today our program is all about colours.Red is a hot colour. Americans often use it to express heat. They may say they were “red hot ahout something unfair. When they are red hot, they are very angry about something.

17、Fast, loud music is popular with many people. They may say the music is red hot”Pink is a lighter kind of color. People sometimes say they are “in the pink” when they are in good health. It probably comes from the fact that many babies are born with a nice pink color that shows that they are in good

18、 health.Blue is a cool color. The traditional blues music in the United States is the opposite of red hot music. Blues is slow, sad and soulful. Someone who is blue is very sad. The color green is natural for trees and grass. But it is an unnatural color for humans. A person who has a sick-feeling s

19、tomach may say he feels “a little green”. A passenger on a boat who feels sick may look very green. Sometimes a person may be unhappy because he does not have something as nice as a friend has, like a new sports car. That person may say he is green with envy(妒忌). Some people are green with envy beca

20、use a friend has more dollars or greenback. Dollars are called greenbacks because that is the colour of the back aide of the paper money.The color black is used often in expressions. People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as a black day. And at one time, some companies refused to emplo

21、y(雇佣)the people on the “blacklist, because they belonged to(属于)unpopular organization.34. If a person is in the pink, we know he/she is A. angry B. sad C. sick D . healthy35. The underlined word it in Paragraph 5 refers to_ A. the grass B. the tree C. the colour green D. he colour blue36. It war rai

22、ning hard and Johns car broke down on his w y home. So we can say_“ A. He was “green with envy” B. He bad a black day C. He felt a little D. He was on the “blacklist.37. This passage is probably in the part of radio program A. science B. health C. culture D. music CIt is August 2040. People in Garde

23、n city are buying their homes and cars on the Internet from QuickB. Here is he website.38. Which of the following is the best for the blank in Paragraph 2? A. It is also smart. B. It is also common. C. It is also quiet. D. It is also beautiful.39. According to the passage, we can in the CJ3. get inf

24、ormation about the weather book a restaurant order the food see all the traffic ahead of us know where we are A. B. C. D.40. According to Mr. Jacky Hu, he feels good driving the CJ3 because A. it is new B. it isnt expensive C. it doesnt pollute the city D. it has Internet connection41. Which word ca

25、n be used to describe both the house and the car? A. Large. B. Small. C. Cheap. D. Green. D People who are about the same age as you are your peers. Peers include your friends and your classmates. They have strong influence on your actions. Your peers influence how you think, how you act, and even h

26、ow you dress. Peer pressure is the influence that people of the same age have on one another.Sometimes your peers influence you in a helpful or positive(积极的)way. A friend may notice that you have problems in math. And he might invite you to join a study group or show you how to solve a difficult pro

27、blem during lunch. Such actions are helpful to you.Sometimes your peers influence you in a negative or unhealthy way. A friend might offer you cigarettes(香烟)Cigarettes are harmful to your health. Your friend knows that. Your friend also knows that underage smoking is against the law. Yet he or she s

28、till makes the offer. This bad influence is negative peer pressure. Your peers may not always realize they are influencing you in a negative way. For example, a friend might invite you to the movies. You would love to go. but you have a lot of housework to do. In situations like this you should make

29、 a wise decision. You can learn to deal with negative peer pressure. Keep away from people who try to influence your behavior in harmful ways. Though it is not always easy to say no, its really necessary to learn how to do that. Follow the following steps. First. look at the person and say no in a f

30、irm(坚定的)but polite voice. Make sure your face shows that you are serious. Let the person know you will not back down. Then, give reasons for saying no. Explain why you wont do what the person wants. Remember to say goodbye and walk away if he or she continues.42. From Paragraph 2, we can infer(推断)th

31、at a friend who influences you in a positive way might A. go to school together with you B. do your homework instead of you C. share cigarettes from his father with you D. try to help you when you are in trouble43. What does the underlined word negative in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Harmful. B. U

32、seless. C. Careless. D. Forgetful.44. How many steps of saying no are mentioned in the last paragraph? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.45. Which sentence shows the writers opinion? A. Peer pressure is the influence that people of the same age have on one another. B. We should learn to deal with n

33、egative peer pressure. C. Its not always important to say no to your peers. D. Peers include your friends and your classmates.第二节:任务型阅该下列影评中的4处需要添加小标题,请从A,B,C.D四个选项中选出第46-49四段的小标题然后完成第50小题。来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K50. The last paragraph is mainly the writers_ Aplan B. story C. advice D. experience 四、词汇运用A用方框中

34、所给单词的适当形式城空每词限用一次,每空限填一词51. Teachers Day is in the month of a year.52. Shakespeare wrote many great 53. We should always speak to our parents 54. Dont the rope. Cant you see the sign?55. The popular teacher is his students nowB.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式每空限填一词 In 1911 the small, peaceful village of

35、 Hollywood in California 56 (成为)part of Los Angeles, because it had problems with the water supply. Today, 57 (几乎)ninety years later, this same village changes a lot. It has grown into the home of one of the most 58 (著名的)industries(产业)in the world一the American film industry With this growth, came ma

36、ny symbols. Vow there is the grand Hollywood sign which 59 (站立)above the hills of the town. The first sign was 60 (建造)in 1923 and it was changed many times during the next half century. The, present one has only been there 61 (自从)1978. Then there is the Hollywood Hall of Fame, where great actors and

37、 actresses leave their footprints. In 62 (三月)of every year actors are still waiting nervously to find out if they have won an Oscar. Nowadays it is getting more and more common for films to be made away from Hollywood. 63 (然而), it remains the home of films and the wonderland for 64 (千)of hopeful you

38、ng actors and writers. They are still coming to“the Dream一 65 (工厂)”every year.五、语法填空(共10分) 阅该下面的短文按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求在空白处填人一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单语的正确形式每空不多于两个单词 For some teenagers, being an adult(成年人)is the coolest thing in the world. Adults don t dohomework 连词 take exams. They do what they like and make

39、money. 感叹句 wonderful!But is it true? Last month, Grade 7 students at Sunshine School had a taste of the adult world. The teachers asked them 固定词组 (finish) a piece of special homework called Working with your parents for one day.” Wujings mother works as 定冠词 ticket collector in a park. At 6 a. m, the

40、 14-year-old girl set 介词固定搭配 forwork with her mother. It was dark and cold. 连词 the park opened, they did some cleaning and prepared for the visitors coming. When the visitors came, they greeted with a smile. After standing for the whole day, Wu was worn out. She is 比较级 (busy) and more tired than wha

41、t I thought. I should help her more.” said Wu. Li Shiyi.,14, spent her day 固定词组 (help) in car. Her father is a taxi driver. She had to pick calls and来give change back. Li thought it做形式主语would be easy to sit in a car and tour the city. But soon she found that her father didnt even have time for lunch

42、. Now I know how hard it is to make money.” Li said, We 情态动词care for our parents more and never waste money.”六、书面表达(共1小题,共20分76.最近,部分学校开设了一些特色课(special classes),诸如烹饪课、手工制作课以及传统戏曲课等你校校园网就你们学校开设此类课程的必要性广泛征求同学们的意见以下是你们班同学的观点和理由请就此并结合你自己的想法用英语写一篇短文发表在校园网的英语论坛上注意(1)文章应包括表格中的信息,允许适当发挥 (2)文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名 (3)词数:80-110: (4)短文首句仅供选择使用不计入总词数 短文首句Recently some schools offer their scodenn some spedd classes such as cooking classes.handicraft classes, traditional opera classes and so on-


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