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《新版仁爱英语八年级下册Unit8topic1知识点总结.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新版仁爱英语八年级下册Unit8topic1知识点总结.doc(47页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新版仁爱英语八年级下册Unit8topic1知识点总结Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show.Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show.重点句型。Section A 1.My father says that

2、 its a Chinese Tang costume. 我爸爸说这是中国唐装。 a Chinese Tang costume 一件唐装;e.g. Do you want to buy a Chinese Tang costume? 你想买一件唐装吗?2.I liked it so much that my father bought it for me. 我非常喜欢,所以我爸爸就给我买了。so.that. 如此以至于,引导结果状语从句。e.g. The room is so quiet that one can even hear a pin drop. 这房间安静得能听见一根针落地的声音。

3、注意:有时so.that.引导的结果状语从句中的that在口语中常省略。e.g. The climber was so tired, he could hardly stand alone. 这位爬山者很累,他几乎都站不住了。3.And you know we will have a class fashion show next Monday. 而且你知道我们下周一将举行一场班级服装秀。1)A. show n. 展览,演出e.g. a flower show 花展;B. show v. 给看,显示;e.g. Many famous models are going there to show

4、 the clothes. 许多著名模特将去那儿展示服装。 The clock shows a quarter to ten.时钟显示差一刻10点。短语:(be) on show展出,陈列;show sb. around带某人参观; show sb. in带某人进来。2) have a class fashion show 举办一场班级服装秀;4.Do you have time tomorrow? 你明天有时间吗?此句也可以说:Are you free tomorrow?have time 有时间; have no time 没有时间;n. 领带。e.g. a silk tie 一条真丝领带

5、;tie. 领带。 tiev. (用线、绳等)系,捆。通常接副词或介词。固定搭配: tie sth. / sb. to sth. 意为“把某物/ 某人绑在某物上”。e.g. They tied him to a chair. 他们把他绑在一把椅子上。 I tie back my hair when I am cooking. 我做饭时把头发束在后面。5. Is it a cotton one? 句中one/ones是代词,one代替前文提到的可数名词单数; ones代替前文提到的可数名词复数。 1)Thisstoryisasinterestingasthat_. 2)Theapplesonth

6、etablearebiggerthatthe_inthebasket. 区别:it指同一个,而one指同一类1) MypenislostandIcantfind _anywhere.SoIhavetobuy_.2)Thepearsinmybasketaresmallerthanthe_inJims.3)-Yourwatchisquitenice.Wheredidyoubuy_? -InShanghai.Doyouwanttohave_likethis?6.Excuse me,could you tell me where to buy a scarf?劳驾,你能告诉我在哪里可以买到围巾吗?疑问

7、词+to do作宾语相当于宾语从句。 1) 疑问代词what/who(m)/which/where/when/how+不定式, 2) 连词whether+不定式。 Idontknowwhattodonext.我不知道下一步该做什么。 Willyoupleaseshowmehowtouseit?请你给我示范一下怎样使用它好吗? Mens Wear Section 男装区; Womens Wear Section 女装区; Sports Wear Section 运动装区;Shoes and Hats Section 鞋帽区; 这些都是由普通名词构成的专有名词,实词的首字母大写。Section B

8、 1.What do you think of them?你觉得怎么样?此句的同义句: How do you like them?2.I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look great. 为了显得英俊,我想买一件风衣。so that 意为“以便,为的是”,引导目的状语从句。e.g. I got up very early so that I could catch the early bus. 我起得很早,以便能赶上早班车。3.What size do you take? Size M. 你要多大号的? 中码。M是medium(中等的,中

9、间的)的缩写,Size S小号(S=small), Size L大号(L=large), Size XL特大号(XL= extra large)。对型号提问:What size.? 多大号?e.g. What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号的鞋? Size 37. 37码。4.Perfect! 太好了!perfect 可视为感叹词,在英语中,一些表示情绪的单词或词组可构成感叹句。e.g. Wonderful! 太好了! Great! 太棒了! Oh, dear! 天哪!5.Its such a cool windbreaker that you should buy

10、 it at once. 这件风衣很酷,你应该立刻买下它。such.that. 如此以至于,引导结果状语从句。e.g. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed. (后面是a,一定是用such a.,不能so a.)他给我们讲了一个如此滑稽的故事,引得大家都笑起来。such.that 与so.that的区别:so后接形容词或副词,such后接名词。但如果名词前有表示数量多少的形容词many, much, few, little修饰时,则要用so,而不用such。e.g. There were so few people on the s

11、treet that the street seemed lonely. 街上没几个人,显得冷清。另外,“such+a(n)形容词+名词单数”=“so+形容词+a(n)+名词单数”。e.g. Mr. Miller is such a busy man that he cant leave his office. = Mr. Miller is so busy a man that he cant leave his office. 米勒先生是个大忙人,离不开办公室。6.Beautiful!真美!beautiful, pretty, handsome 均有“漂亮的”之意,但用法有所不同。(一)、

12、当它们都指“人”的美时,有四点区别: a. 指女性美时,一般多用beautiful 与pretty,但beautiful比pretty语气强。 e.g. Nearly all girls are good-looking; some are pretty, a few, but very few are beautiful. 少女们几乎都好看,有些长得标致,但算得上美丽的为数不是很多,甚至没有。 b. handsome一般都形容男性美,形容女性时一般表示“五官端正”的意思。e.g. Mr Li is a young handsome man. 李先生既年轻,又英俊。 Do you descri

13、be her as beautiful or handsome? 你说她是长得美丽呢,还是五官端正? 注意:形容男性美一般很少用beautiful或pretty,若偶尔使用或者指这种男人没有男子气,要么就是指这种男人长的极美。 c. 形容小孩美用beautiful或pretty均可。 e.g. Kate is a beautiful / pretty girl. 凯特是个漂亮的女孩。 d. 指老人,不论男女,都可用handsome,但其含义不是“美丽”或“漂亮”,而是“老而健壮”。e.g. a handsome old man 精神矍铄的老人; (二)其他用法 a. 一般形容看起来美的东西用b

14、eautiful语气最强。 e.g. Beijing, the capital of China is a beautiful city. 中国首都北京是一座美丽的城市。 b. 形容灵巧、小巧的美用pretty。e.g. a pretty bonnet 一顶漂亮的女式无边帽; c. 中国人习惯说的“很有派头”、“很有样子”一般用handsome。 e.g. a handsome dress 笔挺的衣服; a handsome building富丽堂皇的建筑; a handsome horse 一匹高头大马;d. 如表示听起来美,用beautiful或pretty都可,但用beautiful语气

15、更强。 a beautiful / petty voice 动听的声音; a beautiful / pretty song 动听的歌曲;7.After looking around, she buys a cotton skirt and it costs her 20 dollars. 四处浏览之后,她买了一件棉质短裙,花了20 美元。look around意为“环视,环顾,四下察看”。e.g. People came out of their homes and look around. 人们走出家门四处察看。Section C1. Congratulations ! You opene

16、d your own clothing store.I hope you will succeed.祝贺你!你的服装店开始营业了!我希望你取得成功。1)Congratulations! 恭喜!/ 祝贺你! congratulations “祝贺”,用于对别人取得进步或成功时表示祝贺。2)own 自己的; e.g. I hope I can have my own apartment one day. 我希望我有一天可以有自己的房子。succeed v. 达到目的;成功;常用结构:succeed in doing sth. 名词:success,副词:successful。The success

17、 is a great progress. 这个成功是一个很大的进步。We succeed in solving the question. 我们成功地解决了这个问题。The performance goes very successful. 这个项目进展地很顺利。4)open有多层含义。a)v. 打开,开启;(商店、企业等)开业,其反义词为close。e.g. The new supermarket opens on Oct. 1st.这家新超市十月一日开业。b)adj. 开的,开放的,反义词为closed。e.g. The museum is open on Sundays.博物馆周日照常

18、营业。c)n. 户外,野外,旷野;e.g. Children need to play out in the open.孩子需要在户外玩耍。2 .Its important for you to help people choose suitable clothing. 帮助顾客挑选得体的服装对你来说是很重要的。此句为形式主语it引导的固定句型:It is +adj. (for sb.) to do sth. 意为“做 某事对于某人来说是.的”。e.g. Its very important for us to study English well. 学好英语对我们来说是很重要的。3.If t

19、all and thin people wear warm clothes, they will appear strong and full. 如果高而瘦的人穿暖色调的衣服,他们会显得强壮而又丰满。appear在此处作连系动词,意为“显得,看来,似乎”,与seem同义,后接形容词作表语。e.g. He seems a little angry. 他似乎有点生气。4. I hope your business does well. 我希望你的生意兴隆。business意为“生意,公事;职责” 词组:on business 出差。e.g. I will go to Beijing on busi

20、ness next Monday. 下个礼拜我将北京出差。do well=go well 进展情况良好5.Customers with broad waists will look good in dark or cold-colored clothes that will make them look slimmer. 腰粗的顾客穿上黑色或冷色调的衣服看上去效果比较好,因为这种颜色的衣服会使人看上去更苗条。broad waist 粗腰;e.g. I have a broad waist. 我腰很粗。Section D1.The first types of clothes were made

21、 of animal skins. 最早的衣服是用动物皮毛做的。A. be made of. 由.制成(从表面可看出原材料);B. be made from. 由.制成(从表面看不出原材料);e.g. The desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是由木头制成的。 Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木材制成的。2.People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun, wind, rain and cold. 人们开始穿衣是为了免受日晒、风吹、雨淋和

22、寒冷的侵袭。1)protect 意为“保护,防护”,其后可直接跟名词或代词。e.g. We should learn to protect ourselves.我们应该学会保护自己。2)protect. from . 保护免受;e.g. I will protect you from everything around you. 我会保护你不受周围一切的伤害。 Youd better take a sun umbrella to protect yourself from the sun.你最好带把遮阳伞以防太阳晒。3. But, nowadays, clothes do more than

23、just keep us warm.但是在当今,服装不仅仅是用来保暖的。1)A. more than 不仅仅,超过;e.g. She is more than our teacher. She is also our friend. 她不仅仅是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。 She has stayed there for more than one hour. 她待在那一个多小时了。 B. no more than 不过,仅仅;e.g. The boy is no more than five. 这个男孩只不过5岁。 C. not more than 至多,不超过;e.g. The boy i

24、s not more than five. 这个男孩最多5岁。2)keep us warm 使我们暖和;keep +sb./sth.+adj. keep +sb./sth.+doing 保持keep 为及物动词,意为“使,让”。其结构是keep+宾语+补足语(补语为adj., v.-ing, prep.等)。e.g. We must keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们必须保持教室干净整洁。Keep the door open. 让门开着。He kept me waiting for 2 hours. 他让我等了两个小时。The doctor kept h

25、er in bed. 医生让她卧床休息。4. As the saying goes, “You are what you wear”. 正如俗语所讲:“衣如其人”。saying “格言,谚语,俗语,名言”的意思。e.g. There is a saying, “Practice makes perfect.” 有句格言:“熟能生巧。”二重点词组1.a Chinese Tang costume 一件唐装; 2. so.that. 如此以至于;3.have a class fashion show 举办一场班级服装秀; 4.have time 有时间; 5.at the school gate 在

26、校门口; 6.prepare. for.为准备;7.so that 以便,为的是; 8.such.that. 如此以至于9.such+a(n)形容词+名词单数=so+形容词+a(n)+名词单数如此以至于10.look around 环视,环顾,四下察看; 11.bright color 亮色;12.warm color 暖色; 13.simple style简单款式;14.sth.look good on sb. 某物穿在某人身上很好看 15.broad waist 腰粗16.be made of. 由制成(从表面可看出原材料);17.be made from. 由制成(从表面看不出原材料);

27、18.protect. from . 保护免受 19.different kinds of各种各样的;20.more than 不仅仅,超过; 21.keep us warm 使我们暖和;三重点语法。结果状语从句结果状语从句表示主句的动作所引起的结构,可以用so.that.,such.that., so.that.和such.hat.引导结果状语从句时在结构上的区别:1. so.that. 结构中,so 是副词,与形容词或副词连用,其结构是.so + adj./adv.(原形)+ that + 从句。e.g. He was so glad that he couldnt say a word.

28、 他太高兴了以至于说不出话来。so.that可变成enough to.”或“.too.to”句型 (1)当主句和从句的主语一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可用“enough to do sth.” 来转换。 The man is so strong that he can lift the heavy box. =The man is strong enough to lift the heavy box. (2)当主句和从句的主语一致,且that从句是否定句时,可以用“too.to”来替换。 The girl is so young that she cant dress herself.

29、=The girl is too young to dress herself. (3)当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是肯定句时, 可用“enough for sb. to do sth.”来替换,但须注意不定式的宾语要省略。 The question is so easy that I can work it out. =The question is easy enough for me to work out. (4)当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是否定句时,可用 “too.for sb. to do sth.”来替换,不定式的宾语要省略。 The bag is so

30、 heavy that she cant move it. =The bag is too heavy for her to move. 2. such.that.结构中,such是形容词,后跟可数名词或不可数名词;名词前可以带形容词,也可以不带。如果其后是单数可数名词,前面需加不定冠词a或an。因此,such.that.的句型结构可分为一下三种: (1) such +a / an + 形容词+单数可数名词+ that + 从句。 e.g. It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything. 天气那么的热以至于没有人想做事情。(2)

31、 such + 形容词+复数可数名词+ that + 从句。 He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling. 他的手臂那么的长,几乎可以碰到天花板了。 (3) such + 形容词+不可数名词+ that + 从句。 e.g. It was such bad weather that I had to stay at home. 天气太恶劣,以至于我不得不待在家里。3. 如果名词前面有many, much, little, few等表示数量多少的词修饰时,只能用so, 不用such。e.g. There were so

32、 many nice books in the bookstore that I didnt know which one to choose. 书店里有那么多的好书,我不知道该选哪一本了。4. 当名词为单数时,such +a/an+adj.+n=so+adj.+a/an+ne.g. This is such an important meeting that you should attend. = This is so important a meeting that you should attend. 这是一次很重要的会议,你一定要参加。so that 引导目的状语从句 e.g. Yo

33、u had better speak aloud so that we can hear you. 你最好大声说话,以便我们能听到。 八年级下册 Unit 8 topic 1练习. 单项选择。( )1. _ shoes would you like to buy?39. A. How long B. What size C. How wide D. What color( )2. This purse is made _ leather _ France. A. of; by B. by; from C. with; in D. of; in( )3. The girl _ a red coa

34、t is my sister. A. wears B. In C. wear D. puts on( )4. Why dont you take the T-shirt, Linda? I have only $10. I cant _ it. A. borrow B. afford C. sell D. bring( )5. The _ are very excited to come to the Great Wall. A. Australia visitors B. Australian visitors C. Australians visitors D. Australian vi

35、sitor( )6. When I went shopping, a beautiful hat _ my eye. A. came B. went C. TookD. caught( )7. I want to buy a windbreaker _ I will look more handsome. A. so B. so that C. that D. that so( )8. This pair of sunglasses _ very expensive. A. is B. are C. pays D. does( )9. Did you see who the driver wa

36、s? No, the car ran so fast _ I couldnt have a good look at his face. A. that B. which C. as D. after( )10. Youd better take a sun umbrella to protect yourself _ the sun shine. A. of B. from C. under D. to( )11.She was _ tired _ she could not move an inch.A. so, thatB. such, that C. very, that D. so,

37、 as( )12.I got there _ late _ I didnt see him.A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. so; as( )13.It is _ hot in the room _ we have to go out for a walk.A.such; that B. so; that C. as; as D. such; as( )14. He has_ an interesting book that we want to read it. A.so B. such C. the same D. As( )15. I hu

38、rried_I wouldnt be late for class. A.so B. so that C. if D. Unless( )16. Lift it up_I may see it. though B. so that C. as D. Than( )17.My dad got up early he could catch the early train.A. so, that B. such, that C. very, but D. very, that( )18. Janes silk dress feels so soft that Lily wants to buy .A. it B. that C. one D. ones( )19.There are few new words in the article that everyone in our class can understand it.A.a B. so C. such D. Every ( )20. does your son wear, Madam? Size L.A. How size B. How big C. What size D. What big-


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