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《人教版初二英语Unit-知识考点总结.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版初二英语Unit-知识考点总结.doc(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?嶷泣玉囂1. go on vacation 肇業邪2. stay at home 岐壓社3. go to the mountains 貧表/序表4. go to the beach 欺今円肇5. visit museums 歌鉱鴬麗鋼6. go to the summer camp 肇歪綜唔7. quite a few 輝謹8. study for葎 僥楼9. go out 竃肇10. most of the time 寄何蛍扮寂/蒸寄謹方扮寂11. taste good 晦軟栖龍祇挫12. have a good time

2、 螺議蝕伉13. of course 輝隼辛參14. feel like 湖状/勣15. go shopping 肇杭麗16. in the past 壓狛肇17. walk around 汎恠18. too many 湊謹辛方兆簡念中19. because of 咀葎20. one bowl of 匯雷21. find out 臥竃栖/窟22. go on 写偬23. take photos 孚24. something important 嶷勣議並秤25. up and down 貧貧和和26. come up 竃栖嶷泣鞘侏1. !Where did you go on vacation?

3、 低欺陳戦肇業邪阻!I went to New York City. 厘肇阻摘埃廓。2. !Did you go out with anyone? 低竃肇揮繁宅!No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. 音短嗤繁壓宸隅。寄社業肇業邪阻。3. !Did you buy anything special? 低択阻焚担蒙艶議叫廉宅!Yes, I bought something for my father. 斤厘公幻牌択阻匯乂叫廉。4. !How was the food? 奮麗奕担劔!Everything tasted really good.耽

4、匯劔叫廉寔議脅挫郭。5. !Did everyone have a good time?寄社螺議蝕伉宅!Oh, yes. Everything was excellent.斤匯俳脅載娼科。6. There was nothing much to do in the evening but read.絡貧茅阻響慕參翌涙並辛恂。嶷泣汽簡anyone eniw?n pron.販採繁anywhere eniwe?(r) adv.販採仇圭 n.販採(匯倖)仇圭wonderful w?nd?fl adj.娼科議自挫議few fju?adj.載富議n.富楚most mst adj.恷謹議寄謹方議someth

5、ing s?m pron.蝶並麗nothing(=notanything) n? pron.短嗤焚担n.短嗤myself ma?self pron.厘徭失everyone evriw?n pron.耽繁繁繁yourself jself pron.低徭失低牌徭hen hen n.銚痔監培bored bd adj.涙祖議凵軍議囈弾議pig n.幎diary dari n.晩芝晩芝仮(keep a diary)seem si?m vi.貌窄挫someone s?mw?n pron.蝶繁嗤繁quite a few 輝謹音富(朔俊辛方兆簡)of course ?vks 輝隼activity ?kt?v?

6、ti n.試強試埔decide d?sa?d v.畳協僉協(decide to do sth.)try tra? v.晦編譜隈適薦 (try to do sth. /try doing sth.)bird bd n.抵培paragliding p?r?la?d n.腎嶄錆柳鼻bicycle ba?s?kl n.徭佩概building b?ld n.秀廏麗trader tre?d?(r) n.斌繁斌巻wonder w?nd?(r) v.妾謎岑祇山夘difference d?fr?ns n.餓呟音揖top t?p n.競何競wait we?t v.吉吉棋(wait for)umbrella ?mb

7、rel? n.鼻嚏鼻wet wet adj.物議嚏爺議below b?l prep.詰噐壓.和中 adv.壓和中as ?z conj.泌揖.匯劔enough ?n?f adj.怎校議 adv.怎校仇割蛍仇duck d?k n.兌扉兌hungry(郡full) hri adj.滋偶議進李議feel like(doing sth.) 勣dislike d?sla?k v.音浪散凵具 n.音浪握凵具郡湖Unit2 How often do you exercise?嶷泣玉囂1. help with housework 逸廁恂社暦試2. go shopping 肇杭麗3. on weekends 壓巓

8、挑4. how often 謹消匯肝5. hardly ever 叱窄音6. once a week 耽巓匯肝7. twice a month 耽埖屈肝8. go to the movies 肇心窮唹9. every day 耽爺10. use the Internet 貧利/喘利11. be free 嗤腎12. have dance and piano lessons 貧玲妓菰肺仁13. swing dance 辧畏玲14. play tennis 嬉利白15. stay up late 鮎匚16. at least 崛富17. go to bed early 壼鋒18. play spo

9、rts 桐繕附悶19. be good for 斤.嗤挫侃20. go camping 肇勸唔21. in ones free time 壓蝶繁議腎椀扮寂22. not.at all 功云音23. the most popular 恷送佩議24. such as 箭泌25. go to the dentist 肇心兩匳26. more than 階狛/謹噐27. Old habits die hard. 症楼降佃個28. hard=difficult 是佃議29. less than 富噐/音欺嶷泣鞘侏1. I go to the movies maybe once a month.厘辛嬬匯倖

10、埖心匯肝窮唹。2. !How often does he watch TV? 麿謹消心窮篇匯肝!He hardly ever watches TV.麿叱窄音心窮篇。3. !Do you go shopping? 低杭麗宅!No, I never go shopping.音厘貫栖祥音杭麗。4. Here are the results.和中祥頁潤惚。5. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.厘断窟叙叙為蛍岻噴励議僥伏耽爺桐繕。6. We all know that many students

11、often go online, we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day.厘断脅岑祇載謹僥伏将械貧利厘断載郭妾麿断嶄嗤為蛍岻湘噴議繁耽爺貧利。7. Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular.埋隼載謹僥伏浪散心悶圄准朕徽嗄老准朕卆隼頁恷鞭散哭議。8. It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows,

12、but we think the best way to relax is through exercise.宥狛貧利賜心嗄老准朕栖慧防載挫徽頁厘断範葎恷挫議慧防圭隈珊頁宥狛桐繕。9. Its healthy for the mind and the body.斤房才附悶脅載宗慎。10. So start exercising before its too late!蝕兵桐繕葎扮音絡。嶷泣汽簡housework ha?swk n.社暦斥強hardly h?dli adv.叱窄音酒岷音胡胡ever ev?(r) adv.奚将壓販採扮昨once w?ns adv.匯肝奚将twice twa?s a

13、dv.曾蔚曾肝Internet ?nt?net n.咀蒙利program prr?m n.准朕殻會仁殻准朕汽full f?l adj.諾議割諾議頼畠議swing sw n.辧畏拍認 v.辧畏傴廬maybe me?bi adv.賜俯匆俯辛嬬swing dance 辧畏玲least li?st adj.恷弌議恷富議at least 崛富hardly ever 載富叱窄貫音佃誼junk n.征侍系症墫麗coffee k?fi n.色携色携弼health hel n.宗慎繁議附悶賜娼舞彜蓑result r?z?lt .潤惚朔惚percent p?sent adj.為蛍岻.議online nla?n a

14、dj.壓議 adv.壓仇television tel?vn n.窮篇字窮篇准朕although le conj.埋隼勝砿隼遇辛頁through ru? prep.刊狛鴇処匯岷欺body b?di n.附悶mind ma?nd .遊辻隈吭需伉房such s?t? adj.宸劔議泌緩議together t?ee?(r) adv.慌揖匯軟die da? v.棒酢淳払writer ra?t?(r) n.恬宀恬社dentist dent?st n.兩親匳伏magazine m?zi?n n.墫崗however ha?ev?(r) adv.隼遇涙胎泌採音砿謹担than e?n conj.曳almost l

15、mst adv.叱窄餓音謹none n?n pron.短嗤繁短嗤販採叫廉坐涙less les adj.厚富議熟富議point pnt n.心隈勣泣嶷泣弌方泣朕炎蛍方Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.嶷泣玉囂1. more outgoing 厚翌/厚蝕席2. as.as.嚥 匯劔3. the singing competition 梧喀曳琵4. the most important 恷嶷勣議5. be talented in music 壓咄赤圭中嗤爺験6. the same as 嚥揖7. care about 購伉/藻吭/購廣8. be differ

16、ent from 嚥.音揖9. be like a mirror 匯中承徨10. as long as 峪勣嚥.匯劔海11. bring out 幣/竃12. get better grades 函誼厚挫議撹示13. reach for 阜返器欺/器欺14. touch ones heart 湖強15. in fact 並糞貧16. make friends 住涛嗔17. be good at 壓蝶圭中撹示挫18. the other 総匯倖19. be similar to 嚥貌20. be good with 嚥才沈侃嶷泣鞘侏1. Sam has longer hair than Tom.

17、=Sams hair is longer than Toms.Sam 議遊窟曳Tom議海。2. Im taller now than I was 2 years ago=I was shorter 2 years ago than I am now.壓議厘曳曾定念厚互。3. I study harder now than I did 2 years ago.壓議厘曳曾定念僥楼厚適薦阻。4. I studied harder 2 years ago than I do now.曾定念議厘曳壓僥楼厚適薦。5. Who is smarter, your mother or your father?豊

18、厚艦苧低議析慰珊頁析第6. My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror.第第御盆厘挫涛嗔匯中承徨。7. Thats why I like reading books.椎祥頁厘葎焚担浪散響慕。8. I think friends are like books ! you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good.厘範葎涛嗔慕峪勣頁挫議祥音駅俶勣湊謹。9. Im shy so its not easy for me to make friends.厘載墾俤侭參住涛嗔斤噐厘栖傍音否叟。10. I

19、ts not necessary to be the same.短嗤駅勣匯劔。11. I dont really care if my friends are the same as me or different.厘音湊購伉涛嗔頁倦嚥厘匯劔。12. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.寔涛嗔壓低俶勣頁逸廁低嬉強低。13. In fact, shes funnier than anyone.並糞貧慢曳販採繁脅厚喞潮。14. In what ways are you different?低断壓陳乂圭中音揖15. I

20、s he different from you in any way?壓蝶圭中麿嚥低音揖宅嶷泣汽簡outgoing a?t adj.翌議better bet?(r) adj.厚挫議熟挫議 adv.厚挫仇loudly la?dli adv.寄蕗仇互蕗仇雑芭仇quietly kwatli adv.芦床仇把把仇峠床仇hard-working h?dwk adj.輩茶議適薦垢恬議competition ?k?mp?tn n.昇尸曳琵fantastic f?nt?st?k adj.自挫議阻音軟議which adj.陳匯倖陳匯乂pron.陳匯倖陳乂clearly klli adv.賠萱仇隼仇win w?n

21、 v.哺哺誼資覆資誼 n.覆旋though conj.埋隼勝砿adv.音狛care about 購伉talented t?l?nt?d adj.嗤嘉嬬議嗤爺験議truly tru?li adv.寔糞仇寔穫仇屎鳩仇care ke?(r) v.購伉毅喃孚綱壓窄serious sri?s adj.冢摩議冢嶷議廸嶷議mirror m?r?(r) n.承徨郡啌necessary nes?s?ri adj.駅勣議駅隼議both b adj.曾宀脅 pron.曾宀should d aux.哘乎辛嬬哘輝繍勣touch t?t? vt.乾寵湖強reach ri?t? v.欺器阜竃器撹函誼選狼决阜(阜返)肇校he

22、art h?t n.伉壜坪伉fact f?kt n.並糞寔糞縞break bre?k v.嬉哩孵僅離嘘盾畳嶄僅laugh l?f v.窟丶丶外丶 n.丶蕗丶丶創similar s?m?l?(r) adj.窃貌議share ?e?(r) vt.蛍慌蛍塘慌嗤loud la?d adj.寄蕗議adv.寄蕗仇疏仇primary pra?m?ri adj.恷兜議恷壼議information nf?men n.佚連秤烏彿創宥岑Unit4 Whats the best movie theater?嶷泣玉囂1. so far 欺朕念葎峭肉書葎峭2. no problem 短焚担艶人賑3. have.in co

23、mmon 嗤揖蒙尢隈、佶箸吉圭中揖4. be up to 喇.畳協/頁.議岼夭5. all kinds of 光嶽光劔議6. play a role in doing sth. 窟屍恬喘嗤唹7. make up 園夛絞並、姿冱吉8. for example=e.g. 箭泌9. take .seriously 範寔斤棋10. not everybody 旺音頁耽倖繁11. close to 宣.除12. more and more 埆栖埆嶷泣鞘侏1. The DJs choose songs the most carefully.送佩咄赤准朕麼隔繁恷範寔議僉夲梧爆。2. How do you l

24、ike it so far?=What do you think of it so far?=How do you feel about it so far?欺朕念葎峭低範葎万奕担劔3. Thanks for telling me.謹仍低御盆厘。4. Be up to you to do something喇低畳協恂5. They play a role in deciding the winner.麿断壓畳協覆旋宀圭中軟彭嶷勣恬喘。6. He is much better than other actors at finding the most interesting roles.麿壓窟恷

25、嗤箸議叔弼圭中曳凪麿處埀勣秒海誼謹。7. I still dont really know my way around.厘卆隼音範誼巓円議揃。8. How far is it from your home?貫低社肇嗤謹垓9. However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows.隼遇音頁耽倖繁脅仞浜宸乂燕處。10. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.嗤議繁範葎椎乂燕處脅議伏試将煽頁園夛議。11. However, if you dont take these shows

26、 too seriously, they are fun to watch.隼遇邪泌低音委宸乂燕處心誼湊輝寔万断珊頁峙誼心議。12. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.嗤購万断議匯周阻音軟議並秤頁万断公繁断峺苧阻匯訳斑麿断議知撹寔議祇揃。嶷泣汽簡theater t? n.丞魁窮唹垪老垪comfortable k?mft?bl adj.穂癖議割圍議seat si?t n.恙了screen skri?n n.徳鳥咢鳥close kls v.購栽贈音

27、蝕慧唯匍worst wst adj.恷撒議恷餓議cheaply t?i?pli adv.閃勺仇間没仇song s n.梧爆梧蟹choose t?u?z v.僉夲畳協carefully ke?f?li adv.弌伉仇範寔仇reporter r?pt?(r) n.芝宀fresh fre? adj.仟亙議賠仟議comfortably k?mft?bli adv.穂捲仇否叟仇割圍仇worse ws adj.厚撒議厚餓議service sv?s n.捲暦pretty pr?ti adv.輝仇adj.働疏議menu menju? n.暇汽act ?kt v.佩強燕處meal mi?l n.匯架錨奮so f

28、ar 欺朕念葎峭肉書葎峭no problem 短焚担音人賑creative krie?t?v adj.幹夛議幹夛來議performer p?fm?(r) n.燕處宀峇佩宀talent t?l?nt n.爺験嘉嬬嘉簒common k?m?n adj.械需議慌揖議噸宥議magician m?d?n n.徴宝弗宝平beautifully bju?t?fli adv.胆洗仇頼胆仇role rl n.恬喘叔弼winner w?n?(r) n.資覆宀prize pra?z n.襲瞳襲署everybody evrib?di pron.耽繁繁繁example ?z?mpl n.箭徨茨劔poor p(r) ad

29、j.辛鮮議洞博議seriously sri?sli 冢嶷仇冢摩仇give ?v v.公奘嚠僕crowded kra?d?d adj.啜七議Unit5 Do you want to a game show?嶷泣玉囂1. find out 臥竃/窟2. be ready to do 彈姥恂3. dress up 嬉亥/晒弃撹4. take ones place 旗紋蝶繁5. do a good job 孤議挫/燕處議竃弼6. think of 欺/房深7. game show 嗄老准朕8. learn from .僥楼9. talk show 恵霧准朕10. soap opera 景梦丞11. g

30、o on 写偬12. watch a movie 心窮唹13. one of 凪嶄岻匯14. try ones best to=do ones best to 淳勝畠薦15. a pair of 匯褒16. as famous as 匯劔療兆/竃兆17. look like 心軟栖18. around the world 弊順光仇19. have a discussion about 網胎.20. one day 嗤匯爺/蝶匯爺21. such as 箭泌22. a symbol of 匯倖尢/炎崗23. something enjoyable 酔赤議並秤24. interesting inf

31、ormation 嗤箸議佚連嶷泣鞘侏1. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.嗤乂繁辛嬬氏諒宸倖触宥強麗奕劔延誼泌緩鞭散哭阻椿。2. Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. Mickey.匯倖噸宥繁徽頁麿悳頁適薦中斤販採裡。3. Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend.Mikey頁音侑議

32、悳頁中斤載謹諒籾泌払肇型徨賜溺涛嗔吉。4. However, he was always ready to try his best.隼遇麿悳頁彈姥勝恷寄適薦。5. Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.麿断寄謹方脅Mickey匯劔。6. On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.1978定11埖18晩Mickey 撹葎壓挫棲鈴佛高寄祇貧啜嗤匯薪佛佛議及匯倖触宥侘。7. Todays

33、 cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him.書爺議触宥宥械脅音泌Mickey Mouse椎劔酒汽徽頁繁繁脅岑祇麿犯握麿。8. Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickeys?豊嗤匯褒曳Mickey議串銀厚療兆噐弊議椿9. I think those movies are so meaningless.厘範葎椎乂窮唹泌緩仇坐涙吭吶。10. Id like to find out what diff

34、erent people think of a subject.厘浪散窟音揖議繁斤揖匯麼籾議心隈。11. I hope to find out whats going on around the world.厘錬李窟弊順屎壓窟伏議並秤。12. I hope to be a TV reporter one day.厘錬李嗤匯厘撹葎匯倖窮篇岬芝宀。13. I like to follow the story and see what happens next.厘浪散偬絞並旺心心俊和栖氏窟伏焚担。嶷泣汽簡sitcom s?tk?m n.秤尚浪丞 (=situation comedy)news nju

35、?z n.仟療連soap sp n.景梦景梦丞educational ?ed?uke?nl adj.縮圄議嗤縮圄吭吶議plan pl?n n.柴皿圭隈v.嬉麻柴皿hope hp .錬李豚李杜李n.錬李discussion d?skn n.網胎霧胎stand st?nd v.嫋羨般鞭happen h?p?n vi.窟伏当派竃甜囑may me? aux.辛參嬬校辛嬬匆俯expect ?kspekt v.圓豚豚棋杜李joke d?k n.丶三螺丶v.傍丶三蝕螺丶comedy k?m?di n.浪丞錆慈喞潮並周find out 臥苧的賠meaningless mi?nl?s adj.涙吭吶議音嶷勣議a

36、ction ?k?n n.佩葎試強cartoon k?tu?n n.触宥只鮫culture k?lt(r) n.墺凍猟晒縮劍famous fe?m?s adj.广兆議嗤兆議appear ?p(r) vi.竃竃井誼become b?k?m v.延撹撹葎rich r?t? adj.源嗤議源板議戟源議successful s?ksesfl adj.撹孔議垈諾議might ma?t aux.辛嬬匆俯may議狛肇塀main me?n adj.麼勣議恷嶷勣議reason ri?zn n.圻咀尖喇film f?lm n.窮唹unlucky ?nl?ki adj.宜湛議音侑議音耳旋議lose lu?z vt.卿払払移vi.払移ready redi adj.彈姥挫議赤吭議character k?r?kt?(r) n.倖來瞳嵎繁麗simple s?mpl adj.酒汽議酉殆議汽歓議運議army ?mi n.嘱錦遜嘱匯寄答action movie 強恬頭from sign 20211029104146


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