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《2021年最全高考英语备考自测选择题(含解析及答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年最全高考英语备考自测选择题(含解析及答案).docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语历年真题含答案解析1.The professor gave orders that the test _ before 10:30.译文. 教授命令测验必须在10:30前完成。 A. will finish B. will be finished C. be finished D. shall finish答案:C。 在表示命令,建议,请求等词后面的从句中得用虚拟语气。2.In the cinema, there was an old man_ beside me.译文. 在电影院有个老年人坐在我旁边。 A. at B. sit C. sitting D. to sit 答案:C。 现

2、在分词作定语。3.I told him that if painting was important for him he would live on bread in order to _ .译文. 我告诉他,如果绘画对他来是很重要,他就得靠吃面包为生以求成功。 A. Succeed B. success C. succeeding D. to success答案:A。 in order to接不定式表示目的。4.When will you leave for Paris for a visit? -_next month.译文. -什么时候你到巴黎参观?-下下个月。 A. Until B.

3、 After C. At D. In答案:B。 导向,在此表示达到学位的课程。5.He gave me the phone number in order _ contact him when we are in need of help.译文. 他给我电话号码以便我们需要他帮助的时候好联系。 A. to B. of me to C. for me to D. that I答案:C。 固定结构。in order (for sb.) to do sth.6.Miss Yang will teach us Chinese today _ Mr Zhang.译文. 今天杨老师代替张老师给我们上语文课

4、。 A. instead B. instead of C. to D. of答案:B。 instead 是副词;instead of是介词短语,才能跟宾语。7.People _ the new TV play.译文. 人们对这部新的电视剧评价很高。 A. think high of B. think well of C. think poor of D. think good of 答案:B。 think well/ highly of 对评价很高。8.How pleased the emperor was _ what the cheat said!译文. 皇帝很高兴地听到这个骗子说的话!

5、A. hearing B. heard C. hear D. to hear答案:D。 be pleased to do sth. 结构变成的感叹句。9.When he was there, he _ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.译文. 每当他在那儿的时候,他总是每天下班后到街角的那家咖啡店去。 A. would B. should C. had better D. might答案:A。 would 表示过去常常发生的动作。10.To all of you _ the praise for the succ

6、ess.译文. 成功的表扬应该属于你们大家。 A. belongs to B. belong to C. belongs D. belong答案:C。 倒装句:the praise for the success belongs to all of you.11.As middle school students, we _ the police to keep order.译文. 作为中学生,我们过去常常帮助警察维持交通秩序。 A. are used to help B. used to helping C. used to help D. used to be helped答案:C。 us

7、ed to do sth. 过去常常做;be used to doing sth.习惯语做。 12.Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is a must in _ international trade today.译文. 许多人都同意英语知识是在国际贸易中的必备之物。 A. a; / B. the; an C. the; the D. / ; the答案:A。 a knowledge of 固定搭配的知识,加冠词表示抽象名词的具体化。13.This is the plane _ he went to Shanghai _ busine

8、ss.译文. 这就是他去上海出差乘坐的那架飞机。 A. where, for a B. by which, on the C. in which, on D. where, on答案:C。 定语从句,by plane = in/ on the plane ;出差on business。14.The city was difficult _, _ was defended by an army of 6,000 men.译文. 要占领这座城市很难,有6,000人的军队把守。 A. to be taken; which B. to take; that C. to take; which D. t

9、o be taken; that答案:C。 The city was difficult to take = It was difficult to take the city. 只要这两种句型能够互换,不定式就得用主动的形式。15.The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.译文. 被邀请人的数目达到五十人,但许多人因为各种原因没到。 A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were答案:C。 the n

10、umber of 后面的谓语用单数;a number of后面的谓语用复数。16.I think _ at the train station will surprise Aunt Kate.译文. 我认为你在车站会使Aunt Kate感到惊讶的。 A. your being B. you are C. you were D. you to be答案:A。 动名词的复合结构作主语。17.Travellers _ our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing, Hangzhou, and many other places of intere

11、sts.译文. 到中国的游客喜欢北京,杭州和其它地方的美景。 A. for B. to C. till D. by答案:B。 去什么地方的游客,后面的介词应该是to。18.Im not very good at playing chess. He often _ me.译文. 我不太善长于下棋。他经常赢我。 A. beats B. wins C. hits D. fights答案:A。 在比赛中战胜对手用beat;win指赢得某项比赛,后接比赛项目的名词。19.He always _ other people first.译文. 他总是考虑他人在先。 A. thinking of B. thi

12、nks C. thinks of D. think about答案:C。 从always解题,本句应该是一般现在时态。 20._ to collage this year, We must study harder than ever before .译文. 为了上大学,我们必须更加努力学习。 A. Go B. Going C. Gone D. To go答案:D。 不定式表示将来和目的。21.No one noticed him _ in.译文. 没有人注意到他进来了。 A. to come B. came C. come D. have come答案:C。 使役动词notice后面的不定式

13、做宾补,不定式符号要省略。22.Three students in ten will go and _ to stay in the classroom.译文. 百分之三十的学生要去,剩下的将留在教室里。 A. the rest are B. the rest is C. the other are D. the other is答案:A。 rest 可以代替可数名词也可以代替不可数名词,谓语用单数还是用复数就看它代替的是什么名词了。23.You can go out _ you promise to be back before 11 oclock.译文. 只要你保证在11点前回家,你可以出

14、去。 A. so that B. as far as C. so long as D. in case答案:C。 as/so long as在此表示只要24.The head engineer is in _ the project .译文. 主任工程师负责这个工程。 A. his charge of B. the charge of C. charge of D. ones charge答案:C。 固定搭配:in charge of负责。25.A fish needs water and without water it will die. _.译文. 鱼需要水,没有水鱼就会死。人也是这样。

15、 A. so does a man B. so will a man C. so it is with a man D. so is it with a man答案:C。 当前面的句子是两回事或者两个不同的谓语动词,要表示与这种情况一样就得用so it is with的结构。26.Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.译文. 一般都认为是Charles Babbage发明的第一台电脑。 A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invente

16、d答案:C。 不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前,不定式要用完成时态。27.If city noise _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.译文. 如果不制止噪音继续污染,从现在起年后人们就不得不在吃饭的时候大声喊叫才能听得见。 A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have to C. do not kept; will have to D. do not kept; have to答案:A。 kee

17、p sth. from doing sth.的被动形式;have to可以用于任何人称。28.Ahead of me I saw a woman _ I thought was my aunt.译文. 我想,在我前面的那个妇女是我的婶子。 A. who B. whom C. of whom D. whose答案:A。 定语从句中加入了一个插入语I thought。29.When he entered college, he began to learn _ language.译文. 他进入大学以后,开始学习第二门语言了。 A. a third B. the third C. a three D

18、. the three答案:A。 这儿表示又一次再一次的意思,故只能选A。30.According to the time table , the train for Beijing_ at seven oclock in the evening .译文. 根据时刻表,去北京的火车晚上七点发车。 A. leaves B. has left C. was left D. will leave答案:A。 火车时刻是固定的用一般现在时态。31.How can I use this washing machine?-Well, just refer to the _.译文. 我如何使用这台洗衣机?参考

19、说明书。 A. explanations B. expressions C. introductions D. directions答案:D。 directions此处意为指示;用法;说明书。32.It was not until then that I came to know knowledge _ only from practice.译文. 直到那时我才明白知识来自实践。 A. had come B. came C. would come D. comes答案:D。 用现在一般时态表示真理和事实。33.Was the class long enough? -No, _ enough.译

20、文. -这节课够长的吧?-不,不太长。 A. it wasnt much too long B. it wasnt too much long C. it wasnt quite long D. it wasnt too long much答案:C。 enough 不能与too连用。34.This task is _ for us. We need _ people.译文. 这个任务对我们来说太重了。我们还需要三个人。 A. much too; another B. too much; other three C. much too; more three D. too much; three

21、 more答案:D。 much too后面一般接形容词或副词;too much过多,在句中可以作宾语,定域,状语或表语;another后面一般跟名词单数,要跟复数名词就得加数词。35.He _ tasted the mixture and give a smile.译文. 他很高兴地尝了尝混合物然后笑了笑。 A. glad B. gladly C. was glad D. was glad to be答案:B。 副词才能修饰动词。36.He asked several questions_ the professor who gave us a lecture_the balance of n

22、ature.译文. 他经常向那个教授提问,他给我们讲关于生态平衡的讲座。 A. with; for B. from; of C. to; about D. of; on答案:D。 ask表示提出请求或问题时,其间接宾语可用of引出。后一空白填on表示书37.would you like another piece of cake? -_.译文. -再吃一块蛋糕好吗?-好的。 A. Yes, thanks B. No, please C. Yes, please D. Yes, if you like答案:C。 在这个情景中,如果你要表示接受用Yes, please;不接受则用No, thank

23、s。38.Dont be joking. Its time to _ your business.译文. 不要开玩笑了,是干活的时候了。 A. set out B. take up C. go on D. get down答案:A。 set out着手开始; set out your business开始干活儿; take up占用; go on后不能直接接名词; get down to business开始干正事。39.They waited and waited. _ they had been looking forward to.译文. 他们等等呀,他们盼望已久的时刻终于到了。 A.

24、Then the hour came B. The hour then came C. Then came the hour D. Then did the hour come答案:C。 then类似的的词语在句首句子要完全倒装。40.Its a good idea. But whos going to_ the plan?-I think Tom and Grey will.译文. -这是个好主意。但谁去执行这个计划呢?-我认为Tom和Grey会去的。 A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D. get through答案:B。 set aside 留出,

25、存储;carry out 贯彻,执行;take in 吸收;get through做完,完成。41.It was foolish _ you to give up what you rightly owned.译文. 放弃你所拥有的东西很愚蠢。 A. for B. of C. about D. from答案:B。 It is + 形容词 +of sb. + to do sth.句型。该句型中的形容词如果是休息sb.的特征,形容词用of。42.Mrs.Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she _ that the cloth _ very

26、 well.译文. Mrs.Green想买那种布料,因为有人告诉她这种布料耐洗。 A. has been told; washed B. has told; washes C. has been told; is washed D. is told; is washed答案:A。 wash well好洗,容易洗。43. _ crossing the street, he was knocked down by a car.译文. 在过马路的时候,他被一辆小车撞倒了。 A. At B. As C. While D. Since答案:C。 while在的同时。44.The pen _ she wr

27、ites letters is broken.译文. 她写信的钢笔坏了。 A. which B. that C. with which D. by which答案:C。 用钢笔写信,使用工具介词应该用with。45.What do you think of the Prime Ministers address to the nation?-I like_of what he said.译文. -你认为首相的对全国的演讲如何?-我喜欢她的大部分演讲。 A. more B. many C. few D. much答案:D。 address(讲话)是整体名词,表示整体的一大部分不可数,该用much

28、代替。46.So far nothing _ Tom. I want to know the reason _ he hasnt written to me.译文. 到目前为止,还没有收到汤姆的任何来信。我想知道他没给我写信的原因。 A. heard from; why B. has been heard from; why C. was heard from; that D. has heard from; that答案:B。 含有so far的句子应该时现在完成时态;reason作先行词,定与从句应该用that引导。47.You _ a child. You can take careof

29、 yourself.译文. 你不再是小孩了。你能自己照料自己了。 A. no longer are B. not any more are C. are no longer D. no more are答案:C。 no longer 不再 常放在助动词或be动词后。48.Both the Summer and Winter Olypics _ every four years.译文. 春冬两季奥运会都是每四年举行一次。 A. hold B. are hold C. are held D. is held答案:C。 主谓一致问题,bothand引起的短语做主语谓语用复数;此句的主语不能发出动作故

30、用被动语态。49._ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.译文. 考虑到他的健康状况,可能要花费一段时间恢复。 A. Given B. To give C. giving D. Having given答案:A。 given = considering 考虑到.50._ a terrible storm would take place in Shanghai.译文. 消息说,暴风雨即将降临上海。 A. Word came with B. Word came

31、 that C. Word with came D. Word that came答案:B。 word单数,无冠词表示消息,信息;that是同位语从句。51.Now that there are only a few minutes left, wed better talk about the plan in _.译文. 既然只剩下几分钟了,我们最好简短地谈谈我们的计划。 A. short B. secret C. all D. general答案:A。 in short 简短地;in secret 秘密地;in all总共。52.Miss Yang will teach us Chines

32、e today _ Mr Zhang.译文. 今天杨老师代替张老师给我们上语文课。 A. instead B. instead of C. to D. of答案:B。 instead 是副词;instead of是介词短语,才能跟宾语。53.You just need a lot of _ instead of more _.译文. 你需要的只是实践而不是语法。 A. practices; grammars B. practice; grammar C. practices; grammar D. practice; grammars答案:B。 practice和grammar都是不可数名词。

33、54.Her boy friend is a tall young man _ glasses. He likes to _ a face.译文. 她的男朋友是一个带着眼镜的高个子年轻人。他喜欢装怪像。 A. wear; make B. wears; makes C. with; make D. wearing; making答案:C。 第一个空用介词短语,表示伴随;第二个空缺一个动词原型。55. -Wouldnt be _ wonderful world, if all nations live in _ peace with one another?-What _ pleasure to

34、live in _ world!译文. 如果所有的国家都和平相处,不是一个美好的世界么?居住在这样的一个世界该多好呀! A. the; the; the; such B. the; a; /; such C. a; /; a; such a D. a; a; /; such a答案:C。 三人称,反意疑问句则根据主句确定。the Olympic Games作为复数来看待,故不选C。56._ you understand the rule, you can do it well.译文. 你一旦理解了规则,你就会把它做好。 A. For B. As C. Once D. While答案:C。 on

35、ce连词,引导状语从句,一旦。57.I dont think Mary and Sue _ before, _?译文. 我认为以前Mary 和 Sue没有见过面,是么? A. have met; havent they B. have met; have they C. have seen; do I D. have seen; dont they答案:B。 主句是第一人称,而且谓语动词是think, find, believe,make等,反意疑问句要和宾语从句一致;而且还得注意否定的转移问题。58.If you _ it , I will lend the book to you.译文.

36、如果你愿意看这本书,我就把它借给你。 A. read B. will read C. have read D. were reading答案:B。 will用在条件状语从句中是情态动词表示愿意。59.May I have a talk with one of your sports reporters?-Sorry, but all of them are out to_the main events of the day.译文. -我可以和你们体育记者钟的一个谈一谈吗?-对不起,所有记者都外出采访今天的新闻去了。 A. get B. find C. cover D. search答案:C。

37、cover the events采访事件。60.I think _ at the train station will surprise Aunt Kate.译文. 我认为你在车站会使Aunt Kate感到惊讶的。 A. your being B. you are C. you were D. you to be答案:A。 动名词的复合结构作主语。61.Be sure to _ your wife when we go to the party this evening.译文. 今天晚上的舞会你一定要把你的妻子带来。 A. bring B. take C. get D. carry答案:A。

38、bring带来;take带走;carry去取来。62.I tried my best. -Yes, but _ .译文. -我尽力了。-是的,然而老板还是不满意。 A. the boss didnt seem satisfied B. the boss seemed that he was not satisfied C. it seemed not to have satisfied D. it looked that the boss was not satisfied答案:A。 seem是连系动词,后面跟形容词做表语。63.When will they come back? -I _ d

39、ont know.译文. -他们什么时候回来?-我真的不知道。 A. simply B. hopefully C. happen D. as well答案:A。 simply用来修饰动词,加强语气,意为真的,确实。64.Only when _ the painting _ decide whether the painting is worth buying.译文. 只有当他看了这幅画后,才决定是否值得买这画。 A. he sees, he can B. does he see, can he C. he sees, can he D. sees he, he can答案:C。 only引导的

40、状语在句首,主句要部分倒装。65.She wants very much to improve her _.译文. 她很想提高她的英语口语。 A. speaking English B. spoken English C. English speaking D. speak English答案:B。 spoken English 口语。66.Its nice _ me with my lessons.译文. 谢谢你帮助我学习功课。 A. of you to help B. for you to help C. of you helping D. for you helping答案:A。 在该句

41、型中如果主句中的形容词是表示逻辑主语的特点,那么介词就的用of,反之就用for。67.Dont have horse _ too fast, it will get tired soon.译文. 不要让马一直这样快的跑着,它很快就会累倒的。 A. ran B. to run C. runs D. running答案:D。 have sb./sth. doing sth.让一直做某事,或者让某物一直处于某种状态。68.The man and the horse _ fell into the river were drowned.译文. 掉在河里的人和马都淹死了。 A. Which B. who

42、 C. that D. of which答案:C。 人和物做先行词,定语从句用that引导。69.I expect everything will turn out as you wish.-_.译文. 我祝您万事如意!谢谢!你也一样。 A. The same to you? B. All right C. Id like to D. Certainly答案:A。 此处It为形式主语,第一个that引导主语从句,第二个that引导同位语从句。70._ a mobile phone can you ring _ you want to talk with anywhere .译文. 只有用移动电

43、话你才能够打给任何你想讲话的人。 A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whomever C. By; whomever D. With; whoever 答案:B。 a wonderful world一个美好的世界; in peace / at war为固定搭配。71.They waited and waited. _ they had been looking forward to.译文. 他们等等呀,他们盼望已久的时刻终于到了。 A. Then the hour came B. The hour then came C. Then came the hour D.

44、Then did the hour come答案:C。 then类似的的词语在句首句子要完全倒装。72.So loudly_that everyone of the class could hear him.译文. 他这样大声地讲话,教室里的每个人都能听得见。 A. did he speak B. did he spoke C. spoke he D. he spoke答案:A。 So + 形容词. that.在句首,主句要部分倒装。73.After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced_ tractors in 1998

45、 as the year before.译文. 引进了新的技术后,这加工厂1998年生产的拖拉机是以前的两倍。 A. as many twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many D. twice many as答案:C。 比较级的修饰语应该放在比较级结构的前面。74.May I _ you to write me a receipt?译文. 麻烦给我写张收据。 A. worry B. disturb C. trouble D. annoy答案:C。 礼貌用语,麻烦某人做什么。75.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could t


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