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1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil一、含有be动词的一般疑问句1. 将含有be动词的陈述句转换为一般疑问句将be动词提到句首,首字母大写,句末用问号,句子就变成了一般疑问句。如果原来句中的主语是I,变为一般疑问句要改为you;原来句中有形容词性物主代词my,变为一般疑问句时要改为your。I am Zhang Yang. Are you Zhang Yang?That is my bike. Is that your bike?2. 含有be动词的一般疑问句的肯定回答和否定回答肯定回答:Yes, 主语+be(am, is, are).否定回答:No, 主语+be(am, is

2、, are)not.3. Is this/that?结构的一般疑问句的答语要用Yes, it is.或No, it isnt.而不用Yes, this/that is.或No, this/that isnt。另外,Are these/those ? 结构的一般疑问句的答语要用Yes, they are.或No, they arent.而不用Yes, these/those are.或No, these/those arent. Is that your ruler? 那是你的尺子吗?Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 是的,它是。/不,它不是。Are those his dict

3、ionaries? 那些是他的词典吗?Yes, they are./No, they arent. 是的,它们是。/不,它们不是。二、名词性物主代词1. 英语中的物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,其中名词性物主代词起名词的作用。单复数单数复数人称第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称名词性物主代词mine我的yours你的his他的hers她的its它的ours我们的yours你们的theirs他/她/它们的2. 名词性物主代词在句中独立使用,其后不接名词;名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。Look at the two pencils. The blue

4、one is yours and the green one is mine.看这两只铅笔,蓝色的是你的,绿色的是我的。3. 名词性物主代词用作主语时,谓语动词的数应随所指者的数而定。 Is this ruler yours or hers? Its mine. Hers is in her bag.(Hers=her ruler) Whose books are these? They are his. Yours are over there.(Yours=Your books)单项选择1. This isnt pencil. is in my pencil box.A. my, Mine

5、B. mine, MyC. my, MyD. mine, Mine2. -Are those your boxes?-.A. Yes, they arent B. No, these arentC. No, they arentD. Yes, these are3. -Is that your schoolbag?-. Its his schoolbag.A. Yes, it isB. Yes, it is a schoolbagC. No, it isntD. No, it isnt s schoolbag4. -Is this your notebook?-No, it isnt. Ask

6、 Bill. He is looking for(在寻找).A. mineB. yoursC. hersD. his5. Mr. Black is a teacher of . She and her classmates like him very much.A. my sisterB. my sistersC. my sistersD. my sisters6. -Is this his ruler?-, its my ruler.A. YesB. NoC. NotD. Dont7. Alice has a red pen, and the blue one is , too.A. his

7、B. herC. hers解析及答案:1. 第一个空格后有名词pencil,说明缺少限定成分,用形容词性物主代词;第二句缺少主语,名词性物主代词可以作主语。故答案为A。2. 问句主语是复数形式,答语的主语必须是they,be动词用are。排除B、D。选项A自相矛盾,不符合一般疑问句的回答习惯。因此选。3. 含有be动词的一般疑问句常用“Yes,主语+be.”或“No,主语+be+ not.”来简略回答。由答语第二句“它是他的书包”可知做否定回答,故选C。4. 句意:“这是你的笔记本吗?”“不,他不是。问问比尔。她正在找。”根据语境可知“比尔正在找他的(笔记本)”,故选D。5. 句意:布莱克先生

8、是我姐姐的一个老师。她和她的同学都非常喜欢她。由此可知,此处为单数名词my sister的所有格,直接在词尾加s。故选B。6. 由句中的his和答语中的my可知应做否定回答。Is this.?的否定回答只能用no;not不能单独使用;dont不能对be动词进行否定。故选B。7. 句意:爱丽丝有一支红色的钢笔,那支蓝色钢笔也是她的。Alice是女名,可排除his,空格后无名词,应用名词性物主代词作表语,故选C。基础演练一、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)1. Pauls jacket is black. What about _ (you)?2. Is that _ (she) pencil box

9、? Yes, its _ (her). 3. _ (he) name is Dale. _ (he) is a teacher.4. Is this _ (you) dog?No, _ (my) is white.5. Are these _ (you) pens?Yes, they are _ (ours) books.答案:1. yours2. her; hers3. His; He4. your; mine5. your; our二、连词成句1. is , my , this, jacket, lost._ .2. is , it ,his , not, notebook._ .3. t

10、hat, your, game, is, computer, the, in ,lost, found, and, case._?答案:1.This is my lost jacket. 2.It is not his notebook.3.Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? 巩固提高三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 1. 那是你的书包吗?是的。 _ _ your notebook?Yes, _ _.2. 这些是琳达的书吗?_ these _ books?3. 他的橡皮是什么颜色?_ _ _ his eraser?4.

11、他是玛丽的爸爸吗?不,他不是。 _ _ Marys father?No, _ _.5. 那个盒子不是他的。 That box _ _. 答案:1. Is that; it is2. Are; Lindas3. What color is 4. Is he; he isnt 5. isnt his 四、按要求转换句型1. These books are his. (改为一般疑问句) these books ?2. This is my pencil box. (改为否定句)This my pencil box.3. Is this your eraser? (作否定回答) , it .4. Th

12、at is her pen. (改为同义句)That pen .5. Those are Helens rulers. (对划线部分提问) those?答案:1. Are, his2. is, not3. No, isnt4. is, hers5. What are一、单项选择1. This is my pen. And that ruler is , too.A. IB. myC. mineD. me2. - these your cousins?- . They are my brothers.A. Is; YesB. Is; NoC. Are; YesD. Are; No3. - thi

13、s book?- It is good. I like it.A. WhatsB. WhosC. What aboutD. What color is4. - Are those Jennys photos?- . Theyre Anns.A. Yes, they areB. No, they arentC. Yes, it isD. No, it isnt5. The red pencil is Mikes and that green one is , too.A. herB. yourC. hisD. my6. - these your books?- Yes, they are.A.

14、BeB. IsC. AmD. Are7. - Who is ?- She is my sister. And this is computer.A. he; hisB. she; herC. she; sheD. he; he8. - Whose(谁的) dictionary is this?- Its .A. DaleB. BobC. CindysD. Alice9. - My pen is blue. yours?- Its red.A. How areB. How isC. What forD. What about10. - Is that your book?- Its his bo

15、ok.A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, it isnt.C. No, it isnt.D. No, it is.答案:1-5 CDCBC6-10 DBCDC二、完形填空 Hello! Im Mrs. Smith. Here 1 some lost things(东西). 1 in the lost and found box. This is a watch. 3 is blue. David found it this morning. Is it 4 ? That is a jacket. It is yellow and black. Alan found it this af

16、ternoon. Those are 5 pencils. One is blue. One is red. Mary found them in 6 classroom. By the way, Jack lost his 7 . Its a white key. He must find it. Can you 8 Jack? Boys and girls, if(如果) you lose something, you can ask me 9 help. Call me. My 10 number is 887-9006.1.A. amB. isC. areD. be2.A. ItsB.

17、 TheyreC. YoureD. Im3.A. ThatB. ThisC. ItD. One4.A. mineB. yoursC. yourD. my5.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five6.A. hesB. shesC. hisD. her7.A. penB. pensC. keysD. key8.A. helpB. askC. spellD. thank9.A. atB. aboutC. forD. of10.A. carB. schoolC. cardD. phone答案:1-5 CBCBA6-10 DDACD_ _一、阅读理解A Hi, I am a penci

18、l box. I am blue. I am the house of two pencils and three pens. Oh! Two rulers and an eraser are here, too. They are good friends. I have good friends, too. A pencil sharpener (卷笔刀) and some books are my good friends. We are in a black schoolbag. Our owner is a nice girl. Her name is Linda. She take

19、s us to school every day. She is kind(善良的) to us.1. The pencil box is .A. whiteB. redC. blueD. yellow2. pens are in the pencil box.A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five3. are good friends.A. Two pencils and three pensB. Two rulers and three pensC. The black schoolbag, the pencil box and LindaD. The pencil bo

20、x, the pencil sharpener and some books4. The underlined(画线的) word owner means in Chinese.A.主人B.老师C.服务员D.售货员5. What are in the schoolbag?A. Three pencils, two pens and an eraser.B. A pencil box and a pencil sharpener.C. Four rulers, an eraser and some books.D. Two pencil sharpeners and some books.B(山

21、东夏津县第四实验中学期中) Hi, Im Lin Tao. This is my room. This is my desk and those are my pencils .Thats my bag. These are three apples. Whats this? Its a pen. Thats my bed. Whats that in English? Its a pencil-box. What are those? They are four books.6. Whats his name?A. Lin FangB. Lin Tao C. Lin Lin D. Lingl

22、ing7Thats Lin Taos _.A. room B. pencils C. desks D. pens8These are three _.A. pears B. bananas C. apples D. pencil9Those are four _.A. pens B. books C. apples D. pencils10.What does the underlined word mean?A.铅笔B.钢笔C.铅笔盒D.箱子CLost My school ID card.The number is 3354679.My name is Susan Brown.Please

23、call 468-6375.FoundCupIs this your cup?Its white and red.E-mail me at eric115.Eric LostI lost my English dictionary. I must find it.Call me at 579-3364. Thanks.Tina Lucy, Your notebook is in the lost and found box. Peter 11. Susans school ID card number is .A. 4686375B. 3354679C. 4686675D. 335767912

24、. The cup is .A. redB. yellowC. white and yellowD. white and red13. If the cup is Tims, he can .A. call SusanB. e-mail EricC. call TinaD. e-mail Peter14. is in the lost and found box.A. An ID cardB. A pencil boxC. A notebookD. A dictionary15. 下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. Tina lost a dictionary.B. Lucy found a note

25、book.C. Susans last name is Green.D. Peters phone number is 579-3364.D Hello! I am Bob. I have a new schoolbag. Its yellow. I like it very much. I pack(收拾) it every day. My mom lets me know how to pack it. Clean the schoolbag. Put books and notebooks in the schoolbag. Put the pen, pencil, eraser and

26、 ruler in the pencil box, and put the pencil box in the schoolbag. Put other things such as clothes in the schoolbag at last. My cousin is a middle school student. He has a new schoolbag, too. But he neednt pack it. His new schoolbag is an iPad. Its cool!16. Bobs schoolbag is .A. yellowB. blueC. pur

27、pleD. black17. Who packs Bobs schoolbag every day?A. Bob himself.B. His father.C. His mother.D. His cousin.18. There are steps(步骤) to pack a schoolbag.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six19. Bob puts in the schoolbag first.A. books and notebooksB. clothes and notebooksC. books and the pencil boxD. clothes a

28、nd the pencil box20. Bob thinks his cousins schoolbag is .A. oldB. badC. coolD. big二、阅读与表达(填空式) Alice: Hi, Peter, is this your schoolbag?Peter: Yes, it is.Alice: Its blue, and I like it. What are in it?Peter: Look, these are four books and this is my pencil box.Alice: And the English dictionary? Is

29、it yours?Peter: No, its Helens. What are in your schoolbag?Alice: Five books, a red pencil box, my school ID card and six keys.Peter: What colour is your schoolbag?Alice: Its yellow.根据短文内容填空。1. Peters is blue.2. There are books in Peters schoolbag.3. Helens is in Peters schoolbag.4. There are five and six in Alices schoolbag.5. Alice has a pencil box and a schoolbag.答案:一、阅读理解1-5 CBDAB 6-10 BACBC11-15 BDBCA16-20 AABAC二、阅读与表达(填空式)1. schoolbag2. four3. English dictionary4. books; keys5. red; yellow9


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