2022年英语高考短文改错精选及答案详解 .pdf

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1、第 1 页 共 9 页高考短文改错精选及答案详解(25 篇) 1. Friendship is importance. Everyone needs friendship. In all 76. our lives we cant live without friendship just like we cant77. live without air and water. Friendship makes us getting on 78. well with one another to go ahead under different kind of 79. difficulties i

2、n front of us. But real friendship is easy to 80. come by, True friendship must be sincerely and be based 81. on understand each other but not on benefits of each 82. other. A good friend can always be a good teacher to us. 83. By his advice we are persuading to go the right way. Therefore 84. more

3、friends we have, the better we can improve ourselves. 85. 2. Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All over 91. _ the world men and woman , boys and girls enjoy sports . Since 92. _ long ago , many adults and children called their friends together 93. _ to spend hours , even days p

4、lay games . One of the reasons why people 94. _ like to play is that sports help them to live happily . In other words, 95. _ they help to keep people strongly and feeling good . When people are 96. _ playing games, they move a lot. That is how sports are good activities 97. _ for their health .Havi

5、ng fun with their friends make them happy. 98. _ Many people enjoy sports by watch the others play. In American 99. _ big cities, thousands sell tickets to watch football or basketball games. 100 _ 3. Last week life didnt look very well for heart transplant patient.76. Barry Brooks from London. He w

6、as told six month ago that he would 77. need the operation if he is to survive. He immediately planned to make 78. the across Atlantic journey to the hospital in Chicago to have the 79. operation on. While he was in transit(中转) at JFK airport in New York, 80. he received the news that his new heart

7、had accidentally transported 81. to other hospital. Barry then had to get on a different plane to 82. convey him to the other hospital, there the operation was carried. 83. out in time. Barry is now gradually recovering from the transplant. 84. but he told us,“ I feel like being a new man-this new h

8、eart has”85. changed my life.” 4. Have you ever asked you why children 76. go to school? Youll probably say that they 77. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页 共 9 页go to learn their native languages and other 78. languages,

9、 physics, geography, history or all 79. the other subject. That s quite true, but 80. why they learn these things? And are these 81. things all what they learn at school? 82. There is much in school education than 83. just learning knowledge. We go school, above 84. all, to learn how to learn, so th

10、at when well 85. finish school, we can continue to learn. 5. The Chinese diet is the healthy in the world. 61. It contains lots of fruit and green vegetables. 62. Its high at fibre and low in sugar and fat. 63. But the western diet contains too many 64. fat and sugar in form of creams, cakes and so

11、on. 65. Because this, westerners very easily 66. put to weight. As a result, scores of people 67. die from heart illness, some suffer from 68. bad teeth. So the doctor suggests us not 69. to do that. Wed better to eat our healthy food. 70. 6. Dear classmates , Now I d like to tell you why I learn En

12、glish.1. _ I often read English aloud and try learn something 2. _ important by hearts , which helps me remember it easily and 3. _ form the good habit of thinking in English 4. _ I listen to a lot and talk with others in English . 5. _ In this way , I was improved both my hearing 6. _ and my spoken

13、 English. I keep a diary in English every day but my 7. _ spoken English is becoming better and better. 8. _ I also try my best to master the necessary grammar knowledge. By this means , I can express itself 9. _ in English correct . Thats the way I have been learning 10. _ English . I hope it will

14、be useful to you .Thats all . Thank you.7Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to tell you a piece of excited news: 76._ I won first place in the Spoken English Competition of 77._ our city . The achievement that I made it is due to your 78._ kind help. You spent so much time help me with my spoken 79._ 名师资料

15、总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页 共 9 页English that I made rapid progress, I remember you advice 80._ Speak slowly and clearly. Thank you very much all your time 81._ and advice . I heard that you and your wife will visit 82

16、._ our school before long. Im very glad and look forward to 83._ see you. I sent you a telescope as a small gift. 84._ Please check the mail and I hope you will like them. 85._ Yours Li Ming 8Nowadays more and more people, specially schoolboys and schoolgirls, are 76_ give to video games. Many of th

17、em spend all of their spare time 77_ to the games, and some even stay at the game machines all day 78_ long. The reason is that they can enrich their lives as well as 79_ knowledge by playing video games. But its a good way of relaxing 80_ after a days work and study , as video games can bring a fun

18、 to 81_ people s life. However, on the other hand , play video games too 82_ much can waste time and money, and has an ill effect on 83_ people s eyesight and healthy .So, video games, like coins, have two sides. 84_ The key point is that we should make of the games properly. 85_ 9 Henry Royce did n

19、ot like his car, that ran badly and often 76. broke down. So he decided to make a best car himself, 77. and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls, 78. a car maker, was very interested in Royce s car, but soon 79. Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first 80. mode

20、l was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the 81. world s record by drive 14, 371 miles without breaking down 82. once. After the drive, it was cost just over 2 to put the car 83. back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that the Silver 84. Ghost was regarded “the best car in

21、the world”. 85. 10Most families in China hoped their single children will 61. _ have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. 62. _ So do teachers in schools! Many children are given so much 63. _ homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. 64. _ The children are for

22、bidden to do anything but to study. No 65. _ wonder so many children are tired of lessons. Some even 66. _ attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people 67. _ already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. 68. _ Shouldn t we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our 69. _

23、government is carry out a plan to solve the education problems. 70. _ 11 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页 共 9 页One day, on her way school, Li Lan found a small bag 76._ near a bus station. She opened it and found a lot

24、of money 77._ as soon as a calling card inside. From the calling card, she 78._ invented the owner s address and his telephone number. 79._ She thought the owner must very worried. So she went 80._ to the public telephones and called the owner. Then she 81._ waited for the bus station. The owner cam

25、e by taxi very 82._ soon, and Li Lan gave the bag to him. The owner is so grateful 83._ to her that he took out from 100 yuan to reward Li Lan, 84._ But Li Lan polite refused it and went on to school. 85._ 12 Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fished for 76._ hour without catching anything, but t

26、his doesnt worry 77. _ me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead catching fish, 78. _ they catch old boots and rubbish. I m even less luck. I 79._ never catch everything even old boots after having 80. _ spent a whole morning on the river. So I always go home 81. _ with empty bag. “You should give up

27、fishing,” my friends 82. _say, “ It s a waste time.” But they dont realize one 83. _ important thing. I m not real interested in fishing. Im 84. _ only interested in sitting in a boat and do nothing at all. 85. _ 13Life is made up from success and failure. No 76. _ one is always success and also no

28、one is always a 77._ failure. So it doesn t make much different 78._ whether you are successful or not. The most 79._-_ important thing is simply that you do before your success 80._ or failure. If you lost heart when you fail 81._ or show proud when you succeed, you will 82._ never succeed. Instead

29、, you should face to it 83._ bravely and keep up with your courage when you 84._ success, and then your failure can be changed into success. 85._ 14I went to the Summer Palace last week. At the gate I happened to meet some American tourists. I greeted to 76._ them in English and then we began to cha

30、t. I got know 77._ that they were college students travel in China. Most of 78._ them were found of Chinese medicine. They are busy taking 79._ pictures and were much impressed with the changes that 80._ had been taken place in the past few years as well. After 81._ that, we went boating on a lake a

31、nd having a good time. 82._ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页 共 9 页We exchanged our email address so that we could write to 83._ each other in future. They thanked us again and again. I 84._ was very glad to have a chanc

32、e to practicing my oral English. 85._ 15Tom and Dick are next door neighbor who both 76. _ work in same office. They often walk together to and 77. _ from work. Once they were walking to home together 78. _ while it suddenly started to rain. Tom quickly opened 79. _ his umbrella and said proud, “ My

33、 wife really was great80. _ foresight. She said this morning it would rain and tell 81. _ me to carry my umbrella.” Dick smiled and walked 82. _ up to him under the protection of the umbrella, said, 83. _ “ Mine has even great foresight. She didnt let me84. _ carry one as she knew you d share yours

34、with you.” 85. _ 16Before he was a teacher , Bob told me what he 76 _ would like to be a lawyer when he was at school . 77 _ He worked very hard in his lessons and tried to 78_ enter into a famous university , but something unhappy 79 _ happened in his family , which make necessary for him 80_ to ma

35、ke for a living . As a young man , he had been a 81_ bus driver ,a dustman and a salesman .But he spends his 82 _ spare time studying and finally becoming a college 83_ teacher . “Young people,” he often said ,“full of wishes 84 _ and dreams before they st ep into the society” 85 _ 17As is known , t

36、hat is interesting to teach children to 76_ swim while they are still babies . Most the large towns in 77 _ Florida and California have already run particularly lessons for 78_ babies . The idea has quickly spread to Europe from where, 79_ in several countries , special courses are now offered to 80

37、 _ the children who are from 7 to 24 month old . 81 _ The first step is to have child get rid of fear of 82 _ water . Next , he is teaching to float in water . Once he 83_ can do that naturally and can swim with fear , the child can 84_ master the technique and push him forward through the water. 85

38、_ 18At a party, it is quite normal of someone to have 1. _ a short conversation with you and then go on to talking 2. _ to other people! Don t think they dislike you or they 3. _ are impolite. It has the custom at many parties 4. _ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - -

39、- - - - - 第 5 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页 共 9 页in Britain, particularly there people are standing up rather 5. _ than sitting down. Here are two ways of finishing conversation 6. _ at a party. Excuse me. I think I ll go and get another drinking. 7. _ See you later, perhaps? Oh. Excuse me. I ve j

40、ust seen 8. _ Mary Jennings over here. I ve got to discuss a meeting we 9. _ are been having on Thursday. Would you excuse me for a moment? 10. _ 19There are advantage for students to work while 76. _ studying at school. One of them was that 77. _ they can earn money. For the most part, 78. _ studen

41、ts working to earn money for their own 79. _ use. Earning their own money allow them 80. _ to spend on anything as if they please. 81. _ They would have to ask their parents for 82. _ money or for permission to do things by 83. _ the money. Some students may also to save 84. _ up for our college or

42、future use. 85. _ 20 My sister found a bird on the roadside. We named him Jack and keep him for about three years. He would greet us 76._ in a tree outside our bedroom, calling Hello as we lay in 77._ bed in a morning. He also passed Hello to the cats when 78._ they came into the room. We often play

43、ed a trick on himself. 79._ Wed throw a coin as far as possibly. Jack would fly away 80._ and bring it back for us throw again. He would also catch 81._ the food throwing to him from the other side of the room and 82._ sing happily. But for the most wonderful thing about Jack 83._ were his musical a

44、bility. Leaving him at home all day, we 84._ would return at night to hear that hed picked up from the 85._ radio in the day 21My car just wouldn t move any further .It was complete 76_ dead, and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold, 77_ wet night .I decided walk around a little before

45、 accepting Id 78_ have to spend the night in the car .Maybe I can find a 79_ telephone .Actually ,I didn t have to walk far before I 80_ found a small house standing on a field with a light 81_ shone from the sitting room .I knocked at the door and 82_ was delighting when a pleasant old man opened t

46、he 83_ door but listened to my story carefully .He said he had 84_ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 第 7 页 共 9 页no telephone, and it wasnt one within walking distance, 85_ but offered to come and look at my car. 22 You can fin

47、d all kinds information in just 76. _ a few minute on the Internet. Its like going to a77. _ huge library without have to walk around to find 78. _ your books. Recently even though, many people 79. _ have been discussing the dangers of the Internet. 80. _ They have been reports in America about peop

48、le 81. _ trying to steal person information for bad purposes. 82. _ Finding information on the Net is easily. But not all 83. _ information are good to society. For example, you 84. _ can find such information like how to kill people. 85. _ The problem will become more serious in the future. 23I oft

49、en dream of a teacher , I dream of standing on the 76platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys 77and girls . I teach them , play with them , but watch them 78growing up . I am always young when I was staying 79with them . I know there is not easy to be a teacher . You 80have to learn

50、 in order to teach . Without enough knowledge, 81you can never learn well .What is more , you have to 82be friends with your pupils and take good care of him . 83Only in this way can you be a good teacher and win 84respect from them . Though I am a student now , I will work as very hard to make my d


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