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《2022年英语并列连词的区别.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年英语并列连词的区别.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载并列连词 并列连词可表示多种意义,但主要有四种,即表示并列、转折、挑选、因果等;留意并列连 词在句子中位置比较固定,定位于所连接的语言单位之间,两个并列连词不能并用 ,而可以 与从属连词并用;1、表示并列关系的并列连词(1)并列连词 and 的用法 可以连接两个的词,多用于确定句中;Go and fetch something to eat.(连接两个动词如 He started to shout and sing.他开头大叫并唱歌;Read it slowly and clearly. 渐渐念,念清晰;go, come 等表

2、示目的)去取些吃的东西来;The balloon flew higher and higher. 气球越飞越高;You can meet teachers and students.你会见到很多老师和同学;Proper diet and exercise are important to health. 适当的饮食和锤炼对健康很重要;连接两个句子,表示因果、对比、条件、假设、目的等;They didnt catch the bus, and had to stay in a hotel for the night. 过夜;(因果)他们没赶上汽车,只好在旅社Mary likes music an

3、d Lily is fond of sports.玛丽喜爱音乐,莉莉爱好体育运动;(对比)Work hard and you will succeed. (条件,前面部分常为祈使句)假如你努力工作,就会胜利;One more week and well accomplish the task. 再一星期,我们就完成任务;(条件)(2)并列连词 both and, not only but also, as well as 的用法both and 意为:“ 不但 而且 ;既 又 ” ,是并列连词, 可以并列主语、 宾语、 表语、状语、谓语等成分;并列主语时谓语动词用复数形式;Both New Y

4、ork and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题;The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish.这位秘书不但能讲而且能写西班牙语;Both teaching and research work are making great strides. 教学与科研都在大踏步前进;The delegates visited both New York and Boston. 代表们既拜访了纽约,又拜访了波士顿;She both plays the piano and sings.她既会弹钢琴又会唱歌;Both

5、 she and the headmaster were pleased with the boy.她和校长都喜爱这个男孩;The situation both at home and abroad is in our favor. 国内形状势对我们都很有利;not only but also 意为:“ 不但 .而且” ,是并列连词,可以连接两个词,也可连接两个句 子;其中, but also 中的 also 可以省略;a.连接两个成分 not only but also 可以连接句中全部的成分,连接并列主语时,其谓语动词依据就近原就,与所靠近的成分保持数的一样;Not only the st

6、udents but also their teacher is enjoying the movie. 这部电影,而且他们的老师也是如此;不仅同学们津津有味地看着He can speak not only French but also English. 他不但会讲法而且会讲英语;He not only had seen the film but also remembered what he had seen. 他不仅看过那部影片,而且 记得影片的内容;b.并列两个句子not only but also 可以连接两个句子,not only 位于句首时,not only 后的句子要倒装;No

7、t only is he a scientist, but he is also a fighter. 他不但是位科学家而且仍是名战士;Not only was evrything he had taken away, but his citizenship. 不仅他的一切被拿走, 而且他的国 籍也被取消;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载as well as 其连词作用,表示“ 同、和、也” 等;The editors as well as the proofreaders are working

8、 overtime. 编辑和校对者都在加班工作;I have read his novels as well as his plays. 我读过他的小说和剧本;when 并列连词,意为“ 就在那时”I was about to leave when the telephone rang.我刚想走,突然电话铃响了;We played outside till sunset, when it began to rain. 我们在户外始终玩到太阳下山 , 那时天下起 雨来了;2、表示转折关系的并列连词 这类连词连接两个含义不同的甚至是反义的词、短语或分句;常见的仍有 yet然而 ,while 而,h

9、owever可是 等;其中 while 与 but 的区分在于 :while 表示对比, 而 but 表示意义 正好相反;Learning the guitar isnt difficult ,but you have to practice.学弹吉它并不难,但你得练习;The changes in the city will cost quite a lot, but they will save us money in the long run. 改造城市需要花费很多的钱,但从长远来看仍是省钱;Excuse me for breaking in, but I have some news

10、for you. 你;请原谅我冒然闯入,但我有消息告知In some Asian countries , nodding the head means not “ Yes” but “ No”. 有些亚洲国家,点 头并不表示“ 是” 而是表示“ 不”;He was in deep trouble , yet he didnt lose heart. 他深陷困境,然而他没有丢失信心;Rick was very successful. However, the last few years of his life were not happy ones. 瑞克特别成 功,然而他的晚年并不幸福;Yo

11、u like sports, while Id rather read. 你喜爱体育而我却喜爱读书;They were surprised that a child should work out the problem,while they themselves couldnt. 他 们很惊讶一个孩子能把这个题解出来而他们却不能;She thought I was talking about her daughter, while in fact I was talking about my daughter. 她认 为我是在谈论她的女儿,而事实上我在谈论我女儿;留意: not but 在连

12、接主语时,谓语动词要按就近原就,与靠近的主语在人称和数上保持一 致;Not the manager but the workers are hoping to do that. 不是经理而是工人们期望那么做;Not you but I am a teacher. 不是你而是我是老师;3、表示挑选关系的并列连词 此类并列连词主要有 or, or else, either or, otherwise,neither nor, not nor 等;(1)or 的用法 可以连接两个的词,多用于否定或者疑问句中;主语的人称、数不一样时 , 动词随着接 近的主语而变化;John or you are in

13、 Class Two. 约翰或者你在二班;He never smokes or drinks. 他从不吸烟,也不喝酒;Will you have tea or coffee. 你喝茶仍是喝咖啡?Are you leavening for Beijing by train or by plane.你是坐火车仍是坐飞机去北京?She will be back either today or tomorrow. 她不是今日回来,就是明天回来; 连接两个句子,常和 else 连用;Would you like a cup of coffee or shall we get down to busine

14、ss right away. 你情愿先喝咖啡仍是我们谈正事;Put on your overcoat, or you will catch cold. 穿上你的外套,不然你会着凉;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载He must pay the debt or else go to prison. 他必需仍债 ,否就就得去坐牢; Hurry up, or/or else well be late for the meeting.赶快,否就我们开会要迟到的;留意: or, or else, other

15、wise 三者相比, or else 语气较 or 强,而 otherwise 语气就最强;Make haste, or else youll be late. 快点 , 要不然就来不及了;Lets begin, otherwise, we will fall behind.我们这就开头吧,不然会落后的;I would like you to change this blouse, or else give me my money back. 我想要你换掉这件衬衣,要不把钱退给我;or 和 and 与否定词连用之谜先做下面三道题:用 or 或 and 填空,要求构成完全否定;did not s

16、peak Japanese l.Tom_Mary cannot speak Chinese.They clearly_correctly,either. 汤姆和玛丽不会讲汉语,日语也讲得不清晰,不正确;2.The clock has no eyes_ears.And it has no mouth_ no legs,either. 时钟没有眼晴和耳朵,也没有嘴和腿;3.Man can t live without air_water.That s to say,man will die without air_water. 没有空气和水,人就不生活,也就是说,没有空气和水,人就会死;说明 :在

17、否定句中, 并列成分的列举通常用or 连接构成完全否定, 用 and 连接构成部分否定;但在中学英语课本中,否定词与 and 连用,有以下几种情形,仍构成完全否定 : 1.列举成分是主语,又在否定词之前, 用 and 连接, 而在否定词之后的列举成分用 or 构成完全否定,所以句 1 的答案是 and,or;2.列举成分之前都有否定词时,用 and 连接,否就用 or 连接,也都构成完全否定,所以句 2的答案是 or,and;3.在否定句中, without 之后如有列举成分用and 连接,构成完全否定; 而在确定句中, without之后的列举成分要用or 连接才能构成完全否定,故句3 的答

18、案应是and,or;再做如下练习,你心中之谜就可以迎刃而解了;(2)either or, neither nor, not nor 的用法可以连接两个的词either or, neither nor, not nor 等连接主语时,谓语动词也依据就近原就;Either my father or my brothers are coming. 不是我父亲就是我兄弟要来;Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错;Either the coach or the players are responsible for the defeat. 不是教练就是运动员对这次失败负

19、有责任;He does not ride, nor shoot, nor fish . 他既不爱好骑马,也不爱好射击、钓鱼;连接两个句子,当 neither, nor 放句首时,该句倒装;Either we go now or we remain here forever. 要么我们现在走,要么我们永久在这呆下去;Neither could theory do without practice, nor could practice do without theory.理论没有实践不行, 实践没有理论也不行;Mrs. Smith doesnt smoke, neither/nor does h

20、er husband. 史密斯夫人不抽烟,她丈夫也不;4、表示因果关系的并列连词这类连词常见的有so因此 ,for 由于 ,therefore因此 等;并列连词for 表示缘由,用以附加说明;这个词引导的分句必需放在第一个分句之后;(1)for 的用法for 可以表示缘由,但引起的不是从句,而是分句,对前面的情形加以说明,有逗号把它和 前面的分句分开,在书面语中用的较多;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载I apologized to her , for I had wronged her. 我向她

21、赔礼了,由于我错怪了她;The shop was quite new, for it had opened only the week before. 商店相当新, 由于它一星期前才开业;He felt no fear, for he was very brave. 他很英勇 , 毫不恐惧;比较: for 和 because 在表示“ 缘由”的时候意思基本相同 , 一般可以相互代用;for 可以表示缘由又可以用于提出说明 , 语气比 because 轻得多; Because 引导的从句一般放在主句后 , 有时也可放在主句前 , 而 for 引导的句子只能放在后面;另外在回答 Why 的问句时

22、, 只能用because不能用 for;再者 , for 不能跟 not.but 这一结构连用;I did it not because I liked it but because I had to do it. 正我做这件事,不是由于我喜爱,而是由于我不得不这样做;I did it not for I liked it but for I had to do it. 误 (2)so 的用法so 表示结果,意为“ 因此,所以,于是”;这些建筑物已有50 多These buildings were over 50 years old, so they were not strong enoug

23、h. 年的寿命,因此不够牢固;It was late, so we went home. 天晚了 , 所以我们就回家去了;He was sick, so they were quiet. 他病了 , 所以他们 很寂静;(3)therefore 的用法therefore 意为“ 因此 , 所以” ,语气比较文气,多放在分句或句子的前面;It was rather late, so we decided to go home. 天相当晚了,因此我们打算回家;Good technique in medicine means less pain and fewer deaths,therefore it is our duty to master it.治疗中采纳先进的技术就意味着削减痛楚与死亡,因此把握先进的技术是我们的职责;He broke the law ,therefore he was put into prison. 他违犯了法律,因此被投入监狱;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页


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