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《2022年译林版英语四年级上册第三单元教案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年译林版英语四年级上册第三单元教案.docx(33页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载译林版英语四年级上册第三单元教学要求教学内容及课时支配:1. 话题和功能: Possession/ Number 2. 日常用语与句型: How many do you have. I have What do you have. 3. 词汇: thirteen,can,fifteen,sure ,eighteen ,play ,many,do(四会)sticker,have a look,very ,fourteen ,sixteen ,seventeen ,nineteen ,box,table tennis,but (三

2、会)4. 歌谣: Cakes 5. 语音:字母 l 在单词中的发音;八课时 单元教学目标:1. 学问技能目标能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:thirteen,can,fifteen,sure ,eighteen ,play ,many,do 能听懂、会说、会读、单词:sticker,have a look ,very ,fourteen ,sixteen ,seventeen ,nineteen ,box,table tennis,but 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型How many do you have. I have / What do you have. 能够正确读出辅音字母 Ll

3、的发音,并自己归纳一些词;能诵读歌谣: Cakes 2. 情感态度目标:能初步学会运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论全部物品及物品 数量单元教学重点、难点:1) 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:thirteen,can,fifteen,sure ,eighteen ,play ,many,do 2) 能听懂、会说、会读、单词:sticker,have a look,very ,fourteen ,sixteen ,seventeen ,nineteen ,box,table tennis,but 3) 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 have. How many do you have. I

4、 have / What do you 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载译林版英语四年级上册第三单元教学设计方案 NO :1教学内容 Unit 3 How many. 课型 新授课 时间1、句型:Do you have any .How many do you have. I have2、词汇: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,特殊留意教学目的thirteen, fifteen 和 eight

5、een 的读音和拼写;3、同学能通过比较,明白数词的构词规章;4、同学能懂得How many 后面使用名词复数形式,并能尝试正确运用;5、通过各种活动充分激发同学学习英语的积极性;1、句型:Do you have any .How many do you have. I have重点、难点 2、词汇: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,特殊留意thirteen, fifteen 和 eighteen 的读音和拼写;课前预备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件同时二度修改课时第一

6、课时教学过程:1、 嬉戏引入,复习词汇(1)Today I have some toys in the toy shop Let s look and sat. What is that.How many. Lets count.(设计思路: 通过看玩具店图片嬉戏复习以前学的动物单词,复习数字词汇 . 同上方式供应水果店的图片,复习水果单词,并继续复习数字)(2)T: Today I have some pencils in my bag. Do you know how many. Today let s learn to count, using How many板书课题2、 嬉戏活动,引

7、入话题(1)T: First Lets count (设计思路:老师通过数数的过程, 学习 13-19 的数字;这个过程,老师主要应当留意同学发音上的订正 (2)T: Do you find something from these words. a.(设计思路: 老师通过让同学比较词汇的拼写,的特点)得出后面加 teenb. (接着老师通过十几与几的比较,让同学找出特殊变化的词汇)(3)T: How many pencils do you have. S: I have pencils.(设计思路:老师通过同桌问答,练习新句子;)板书: How many do you have. I hav

8、e(设计思路:老师可以连续延长使用其他文具进行问答;先示范,后同桌对话;在进行对话练习前,老师可以提示同学观看,并总结 How many 后面使用单词复数形式;)T: Do you have any .S: Yes, I do. T: How many do you have.S:I have 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载T: I see. 板书: Do you have any . (4)T: Now Let s play a guessing game.(设计思路:老师供应生活真实情形,

9、 如屏幕上显现娃娃、 书等物,让一个同学依据自己的实际情形预先写好该物品他们所拥有的数 字,其他的同学进行猜猜;为了进行的顺当,老师可以让同学先自己预备半分钟,再开头玩嬉戏;同学集体问,个别同学答)S: I have .T: How many dolls do you have. S1:S: No./Yes. T: Now lets try to ask together.Ss: How many dolls do you have. 3、 Chant 嬉戏巩固 1,2,3 19, I can count. Do you have any balls. Do you have any ball

10、s. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. How many balls do you have. I have thirteen balls. Thirteen balls. Do you have any robots. Do you have any robots. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. How many robots do you have. I have fifteen robots. Fifteen robots. Do you have any mangoes. Do you have any mangoes. Yes, I do. Yes, I do

11、. How many mangoes do you have. I have eighteen mangoes. Eighteen mangoes. 4. 检测(1)老师利用 Checkout time 中的活动,进行问答练习;老师可 以同步进行数字的书写的检查与辅导;(2)闪卡复习 老师利用卡片,对本课的内容进行快速复习;课堂作业: 誊写单词句子课外作业: 誊写单词句子,并熟读,预习课文;Unit 3 How many ?板书设计What do you have. fourteen thirteen fifteen I have. How many . do I / You have. Ca

12、n I have a look./have one. Yes./ Sure./OK.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载译林版英语四年级上册第三单元教学设计方案 NO :2教学内容 Unit 3 How many. 课型 新授课 时间1、复习巩固句型: Do you have any .How many do you have. I have 并进一步学教学目的习 What do you have. sticker,have a look, 2、复习数字词汇,并正确发音与书写;三会把握词汇:3、同学

13、能使用以下日常交际用语:Can I have one. Sure. They are very beautiful. 1、复习巩固句型: Do you have any .How many do you have. I have 并进一步学重点、难点习 What do you have. sticker,have a look, some 2、复习数字词汇,并正确发音与书写;三会把握词汇:3、同学能使用以下日常交际用语:Can I have one. Sure. They are very beautiful. 课前预备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件课时其次课时教学过程:

14、1、 嬉戏引入,复习词汇(1)闪图复习数字词汇(设计思路:老师可以通过首字母、阿拉伯数字、等多种方式,复习)(2)Sing and talk ” Do you like purple grapes.”a. sing the song b. free talk T: Do you like purple grapes. S: Yes, I do. T:I have some purple grapes. Let do I have. S: You have grapes(3)talk in groups T: I have some grapes. What do you have. s cou

15、nt. How many grapes Let s talk about something we have.二度修改-What do you have. - I have - How many do you have.- I have (设计思路: 在同学表演对话的时候, 老师可以学习 Can I have a look., 引导同学体会,看一看的意思;)(设计思路:在同学展现完对话后,老师提议同学进入借东西的场景)T: Today I dont have any rubber. Do you have any rubber. S: Yes, I do. T: How many rubber

16、s do you have. S: I have two rubbers. T: Can I have one. S: Ok. (设计思路:学习 Can I have one.) 老师邀请同学向老师借一把尺子,并带领同学学习 Sure; 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载2、 故事,引入新知1T :Today Yang Ling and Liu Tao are in Mikeand Helen have. Lets look and guess. s home. What do Mike (设计思

17、路:听故事,并回答疑题;) 在听录音前,老师可以先和同学学习 sticker及其复数的发音; Mike a. toy cars b. stickers c. toys Helen a. toy cars b. stickers c. toys S: Mike likes toy cars. T: Why. S: He has many toy cars T: What about Helen. S: She has stickers. T: Why. S: She has many stickers. T: How many toy cars does Mike have. How many

18、stickers does Helen have. Now read the text and tell me your answers. Mike has toy cars. a.13 b. 14 c.15 Helen has stickers. a. 13 b.14 c.15 T: Do they like their toys. S: Yes, they do. T: Right. And they are beautiful. (设计思路:由于同学在回答中会涉及很多第三人称单数,因此老师可以通过挑选或判定,帮忙同学表达他们对短文大意的懂得,而不必苛求他们学会正确的表达;)2Read a

19、nd Fill in the blanks (设计思路:老师号召同学以小组为单位进行对话的朗读与表演,并最终完成与短文相关的填空,巩固对短文中词句的写的要求;)a. 跟读课文;b. 小组齐读 c.4 人小组分角色表演;d. 尝试填空 Look at toy cars. They are nice. cars do you have, Mike. Do you have toy cars, Helen. No, I . do you have. I have stickers. Can I a look. Yes. They are very beautiful. stickers do you

20、 have. I have stickers. I have one. Sure. 3、 嬉戏巩固名师归纳总结 (1)老师利用 Fun time 的活动,同桌进行问答练习;第 5 页,共 18 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - -What do you have.- 学习必备欢迎下载I have some - How many do you have. - I have 老师可以通过对话展现的方式进行成果的反馈;(2)总结,看图完成句子(设计思路:同学依据图片所供应的内容,进行句子的填空,着重练习 单复数,以及 some与 any 的使用;)I ha

21、ve thirteen stickers Do you have any toy cars. How many mangoes do you have. 课堂作业 :誊写句子 课外作业 :完成所摘的练习,并熟读课文 , 预习故事与小诗;Unit 3 How many ?What do you have. thirteen fifteen I have. 板书设计How many . do I have. fourteen YouCan I have a look./have one. Yes./ Sure./OK.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 -

22、 - - - - - - - - 学习必备欢迎下载新授课 NO :3译林版英语四年级上册第三单元教学设计方案教学内容Unit 3 How many.课型时间1. 复习巩固句型: Do you have any .How many do you have. What do you have. 并能综合运用;教学目的2. 复习数字类词汇,尝试综合运用;三会把握词汇;box, table tennis, but 并借此给他人供应帮忙;3. 同学能诵读歌谣cake,并尝试创新改编;4.同学通过调查, 学会用英语明白他人的物品,复习巩固句型: Do you have any .How many do y

23、ou have. What do you 重点、难点have.并能综合运用;;box, table tennis, 2、复习数字类词汇,尝试综合运用;三会把握词汇but课前预备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件二度修改课时第三课时教学过程:1、 活动引入,复习词句(1)Chant I have thirteen grapes, purple and green. I have fourteen mangoes, nice and sweet. I have fifteen pineapples, come and eat. Fruit sweet, I love

24、 to eat. I have sixteen toy cars, I have seventeen cute dolls, I have eighteen beautiful stickers, I have nineteen nice robots, Toy lovely, I love to play. (2)pick and say(同学依据他们选取的图片或实物进行对话)-What do you have. - I have some .- How many do you have .- I have Do you have any .-Yes, I do. - How many do

25、 you have. - I have -Can I have a look. -Sure. (设计思路:由于这个过程话轮较多,老师可以先示范,然后让小组先预备对话,再进行表演;)2、 朗读表演课文对话 Show time a 仿照录音朗读 story time 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载b 齐读 story time c Work in groups d Act in roles 组织同学朗读课文,齐读,分角色读;小组角色表演;组织同学上台表演;3、 诗歌学习(1)Free talk T

26、:Sam and Bobby all like cakes. Do you like cakes. S: Yes, I do. T: Look at all those cakes. How many. Lets count.S: Four. T: (显现大胃王竞赛) See how long it takes for you to eat them all. (上面的句子比较长, 有难度,老师需要带领同学以嬉戏的形式多读几次;老师可以假设一个句子就是一个蛋糕,将这个长句子说上四遍;)(2)跟读诗歌;(3)小组表演;(4)诗歌创编;看哪个孩子最快能(设计思路:老师可以供应一个范例,同学小组自己

27、编写,并将自 己的诗歌朗读出来;)4. 总结并布置作业(1)总结本课新学的词句;(2)布置作业;课堂作业 :完成所摘的习题;课外作业 :完成所摘的练习,并熟读诗歌与故事;Unit 3 How many. 板书设计What do you have. Do you have any . I have some .-s Yes, I do. How many -sdo you have. I haveCan I have one/have a look. Yes./Sure. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备欢

28、迎下载新授课 NO :4译林版英语四年级上册第三单元教学设计方案教学内容Unit 3 How many.课型时间1、复习巩固句型: Do you have any .How many do you have. What do you have. 以及数字类的词汇;2、通过绕口令,学习字母l 的发音,并尝试举一反三;教学目的3、同学能娴熟地默出本单元的重点词汇;4、同学能正确地写出本单元的四会句型;5、同学对本单元所学的学问进行自我评判,并在小组中查漏补缺;能够 顺当通过朗诵测试;1、通过练习(补充习题)复习巩固句型:Do you have any .How many重点、难点do you ha

29、ve. What do you have.以及数字类的词汇;2、通过绕口令,学习字母l 的发音,并尝试举一反三;课前预备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件二度修改课时第四课时教学过程:1、 歌谣引入,复习词汇(1)听音,复习数字词汇(2)闪图复习词汇和句子(设计思路:老师通过情形、词汇中文意思等,要求同学回忆出本单元的一些需要把握的学问;) 当你想知道别人有没有玩具汽车时,你要怎么问? 当你想知道别人有哪些玩具的时候,你怎么问? 当你想知道你妈妈买了多少个香蕉的时候,你怎么问? 当你想要看一看同学的新书时,你可以怎么说? 当你想要借用同学的橡皮时,你可以怎么说 . 当你想知道

30、同学是不是会打乒乓球时,你可以问? 假如你觉得同学笔袋里的铅笔很不错,你可以说:2. 语音教学 1 Find the same letter in the word Lion, lovely, ruler,like 2 Look and try to read Look at the lion in the library. It looks so funny and lovely. 3 Find the words has the same pronunciation 4 Try to read some new words Fly, clock, lot, 3、 完成同步的补充习题练习(1

31、)校对前一次课堂作业 DEF (2)看图,明白图片内容; A/B (3)听力练习(4)校对答案;(5)同桌表演问答 C部分;4. 总结(1)总结本课学习的学问,评判练习中的错题;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载(2)默写本单元的词与句;板书设计: 留意要写在四线格中 Unit 3 How many. What do you have. Do you have any .I have some . -s Yes, I do. How many -sdo you have. I have Can I

32、 have one/have a look. Yes./Sure. l l 课堂作业:完成默写的订正与单元内容的过关;课外作业:复习单元内容,完成相关练习;Unit 3 How many. 板书设计What do you have. Do you have any .I have some . -s Yes, I do. How many -sdo you have. I have Can I have one/have a look. Yes./Sure. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载译

33、林版英语四年级上册第三单元教学设计方案 NO :5教学内容 Unit 3 How many. 课型 新授课 时间1. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇 play ,many, do, box, table tennis, but 教学目的 2. 能有感情地朗读卡通,懂得其幽默之处 3. 能依据语境正确询问并回答他人拥有的物品和数量;重点、难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇play ,many, do, box, table tennis, but 2. 能有感情地朗读卡通,懂得其幽默之处3. 能依据语境正确询问并回答他人拥有的物品和数量;课前预备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件二度修改

34、课时第五课时教学过程:教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1. Sing a song: number song 2. 出示本节课学习目标 2. Greetings and Free talk 师生间,生生间 复习句型 What do you have . I have Do you have . How many do you have.1. Retell the text Step2 Presentation 1. Count the numbers a. Count from 1 to 19 or from 19 to 1. b. Count the odd numbers an

35、d the even numbers c. Say the next number and the last number 2. Play a guessing game 一人在纸上写出自己拥有的玩具及数量,另一个人用提问的方式问出对方的玩具和数量;对话终止后,提问人在纸条上写出答案;最后,将两张纸条放在一起,检查是否一样;2. Checout time a. 同学看图独立完成练习(指导看气泡次序)b. 核对答案,两两对话(懂得 What about you. 在这里的用法含义)3. Cartoon time 出示 Sam 和 Bobby, 以 Checkout time 形式让同学看图完成对

36、话;Sam: I have_ ball. How many balls do you have. Bobby: I have_ balls. T: Look. Who are they. What do they have. T: How many balls do they have. Lets count.S: Thirteen balls. T: Are they big balls. 名师归纳总结 S: No. re right. These are small balls. Theyre table tennis 第 11 页,共 18 页T: You- - - - - - -精选学

37、习资料 - - - - - - - - - balls. 新授 table tennis 学习必备欢迎下载T: How many small balls. How many big balls. S: Twelve small balls and one big ball. a. T: Good. Bobby has twelve table tennis balls. Can he play e story table tennis. Lets read the story by yourselves. b. Watch the cartoon and choose a title for

38、th A. My balls. B. Can you play table tennis? C. I can do this. D._ c. Read after the tape. (帮忙懂得 Let s 及图三对话)a. Read togther. b. Read in roles c. Act the story Step3 Ticking time 1. 回忆本单元学习内容;2. 按要求完成 Ticking time. Step4. Exercises 一中译英 1. 看看我的玩具小汽车;2. 你有多少本书?3. 你有什么?4. 我有一些贴纸;5. 我能看一看吗?6. 我能拥有一张吗?

39、7. 它们在那个盒子里;8. 你会打乒乓球吗?9. 不会,但是我会这样做!二、依据中文提示完成句子;1. 你的文具盒里有多少支钢笔?- 四支;-_ _ _ do you have _your pencil box. - _. 2. 你有什么? - 我有很多盒子在课桌上; -_ do you _. - I have _ _ on the _. 3. 我有十四个球;你呢?- I have _ _. _about you. Unit 3 How many. 板书设计What do you have. Do you have any .I have some . -s Yes, I do. How m

40、any -sdo you have. I have 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 18 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载译林版英语四年级上册第三单元教学设计方案 NO :6教学内容 Unit 3 How many. 课型 复习课 时间1. 复习巩固句型: Do you have any .How many do you have. What do 教学目的 you have. 并能综合运用;2. 复习数字类词汇,尝试综合运用;重点、难点1. 复习巩固句型: Do you have any .How many do you hav

41、e. What do you have. 并能综合运用;2. 复习数字类词汇,尝试综合运用;课前预备pictures, cards, tape,配套软件二度修改课时第六课时教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1.Greeting 2. 单词和句子默写 3.Free talk Step 2 Revision 1.Story time 1 跟读(老师留意语音和语调的指导与订正)2 自读(任选一种方式读)A.自己单独读 B.跟伙伴扮演角色读 C.跟伙伴齐读 D.比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,仿照得像;利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能;2.Cartoon time 1Read

42、after the tape 逐图跟读,留意语音语调;让同学可以加上自己的表情和动作;2Read by yourself A.自己单独读 B.跟伙伴扮演角色读 C.跟伙伴齐读 3 比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,仿照得像;利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能;Step 3 Checkout time Ask and answer What do you have. Do you have any . I have some . -s Yes, I do. How many -sdo you have. I have Step 4 Ticking time 名师归纳总结 1. 帮忙同学懂得 Ticking time要求;第 13 页,共 18 页1 我能从 1 数到 19;- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢


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