2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit2 exploring english periodⅢdevelopingideas教学案版本:外研版必修第一.doc

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1、Period Developing ideas课前自学导引英语中的不幸事件上周,我们的论坛问你有没有关于使用英语的有趣或奇怪的故事。我们没有想到会有这么多的帖子!这里有一些我们最喜欢的(帖子)提醒我们,我们在教室里学习的英语与外部世界的英语是相当不同的!人们说英国人总是谨慎对待他们的饮食。不是真的!我去了曼彻斯特的一所暑期学校,我的英语老师叫玛吉。一天,另一位老师带我们去上课。他告诉我们那天玛吉不能去教书,因为她喉咙里有只青蛙(实指咽喉痛而说话困难)。可怜的玛吉,但是她为什么要吃这么大的青蛙呢?135条评论当我第一次去纽约的时候,我去市区的一个购物中心去买一些冬天穿的靴子。在入口的问询处,我问

2、一位女士鞋子柜台在哪里。她说在the first floor(一层)。所以我去了the first floor(一层),但是没有找到任何鞋子。我决定离开。当我在找出口的时候,我看到鞋子实际上是在楼下的the ground floor(负一层)卖的,而不是在the first floor(一层)。她为什么要给我错误的信息呢?128条评论 我有一个英国笔友,今年夏天我终于在伦敦见到了他。他告诉我他的祖父真的很wicked(缺德)。但是当我见到他的祖父时,我很喜欢他。我觉得很奇怪。我的朋友为什么用贬义词来形容这么好的人?63条评论英国人一定有很高的标准。我参加了英国一所大学和中国一所大学的学生交流活

3、动。我花了几天时间准备并且写我的第一篇英语论文。我知道我做得很好,我期待着得到一个好的评语。当我拿回试卷时,我发现我的老师写的评论“不错!”不错?可是我的论文里没有任何错误。85条评论课堂合作探究1remind vt. 提醒,使想起(P20)归纳拓展(1)remind sb. (not) to do sth. 提醒某人(不)做某事remind sb. of/about (doing) sth. 使某人想起(做过)某事remind sb. that . 使某人想起,提醒某人(2)reminder n. 引起回忆的事物,提醒人的事物;(告知该做某事的)通知单,提示信Let me remind yo

4、u once again so that you wont forget.我再说一遍,省得你忘了。Please remind him to start early.请提醒他早点动身。The pictures reminded me of my school days.这些照片使我想起了学生时代。Please remind me that there is an important meeting tomorrow morning.请提醒我明早有个重要的会议。单句语法填空He reminded me not (forget) my promise.Your words remind me my

5、mistakes.I left a (remind) for myself on the table.答案:to forgetofreminder2comment n. 评论;议论vt.& vi. 作出评论;表达意见(P20)归纳拓展(1)make comments on/about . 对加以评论No comment! 无可奉告!offer comments 提意见(2)comment on/upon sth. 对发表评论comment that . 评论称He made no comments on our proposal.他对我们的建议没有作评论。Users can also offe

6、r comments and feedback.用户还可以提出建议和反馈。I commented on his actions and speech without any prejudice.我评论他的行为和言论丝毫不带偏见。(1)单句语法填空The reporter (comment) that the film Lost and Love was very moving.Dont offer (comment) if you cannot understand the real meaning. I know nothing about the incident so I refuse

7、to comment it.答案:commentedcommentson/upon(2)同义句转换It is rude to comment on others appearance.It is rude to others appearance.答案:make comments on3base v. 以为基础(P24)归纳拓展(1)base . on/upon 把置于基础之上be based on/upon 以为基础/根据(2)basis n. 基础,根据on the basis of 以为基础;根据(3)basic adj. 基础的,基本的You should base your conc

8、lusion on/upon careful research.你应该以审慎的研究为基础而下结论。The movie is based on/upon the popular novel of the same name.这部电影是以同名人气小说为基础(改编)的。On the basis of these facts, we can reach the following conclusions.以这些事实为基础,我们能得出以下结论。单句语法填空We drew this conclusion on the (base) of experiments. (base) research is of

9、 great importance in all scientific fields.The research group produced two reports (base) on the survey, but neither contained any useful suggestions.Youre foolish enough to base your hopes his promise.答案:basisBasicbasedon/uponbe aware of 意识到,察觉到(P24)归纳拓展(1)be aware of 意识到,察觉到be aware that . 意识到,知道(

10、2)awareness n. 意识raise ones awareness 增强某人的意识unaware adj. 不知道的He was not aware of her presence till she spoke to him.直到她开口对他说话他才意识到她在场。In order to raise peoples awareness of protecting our environment, we must make people around us aware of the importance of it first.为了增强人们的环保意识,我们必须首先让周围的人意识到它的重要性。

11、(1)单句语法填空Only if you are aware the importance of English can you learn it well.答案:of(2)单句写作我们应该增强人们节水的意识。 答案:We should raise peoples awareness of saving water.Here are some of our favourites to remind us that some of the English we learn in the classroom is rather different from the English in the o

12、utside world! 这里有一些我们最喜欢的(帖子)提醒我们,我们在教室里学习的英语与外部世界的英语是相当不同的!(P20)剖析本句为here置于句首引起的完全倒装句。其正常语序应为Some of our favourites are here。归纳拓展完全倒装是把整个谓语放到主语之前,完全倒装句的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能进行完全倒装。常使用完全倒装的情况:(1)以副词here, there, out, in, up, down, away, then, now等开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain

13、, seem, stand (表示位移的不及物动词)等时,句子进行完全倒装。(2)there引出完全倒装句,除了最常见的there be句型以外,there还可以接appear, exist, lie, remain, seem to be, stand等,一般都译成“有”的含义,句子进行完全倒装。(3)为了保持句子平衡或上下文衔接紧密,表示地点的介词短语作表语或状语并置于句首时,句子进行完全倒装。(4)有时为了强调,可将谓语部分的现在分词、过去分词置于句首,句子进行完全倒装。Then came the hour we had been looking forward to.我们期盼的时候到了

14、。There lies a temple near our cottage.在我们小屋附近有一座寺庙。Under the big tree stand some farmers.大树下站着一些农民。Hidden behind the door were some naughty children.藏在门后面的是几个顽皮的孩子。(1)单句写作一个苹果从树上掉了下来。 an apple from the tree.公交车来了! the bus!答案:Down fellHere comes(2)句型转换(改为完全倒装句)Our new teacher stands in the front of t

15、he classroom. 答案:In the front of the classroom stands our new teacher.单词拼写1The database could be used as a teaching (资源) in colleges.答案:resource2He made a few notes to (提醒) himself of what he wanted to say.答案:remind3The speech received much (评论) in the press.答案:comment4Peppa Pig has to put on her (靴

16、子) to jump in the mud.答案:boots5I dont i staying long.答案:intend6If the problem is not properly handled, it may have n effects on them. 答案:negative7The two groups met for i talks.答案:informal8The paper had intended to b itself in London.答案:base.单句语法填空1On the top of the hill (be) two small houses.答案:are

17、2He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of (recognise)答案:recognition3Government officials have tried to raise (aware) about internet addiction.答案:awareness4You cant expect (learn) a foreign language in a few months.答案:to learn5Most of her life was spent in (care) for others.答案:caring6I

18、 would rather you (go) right now.答案:went7The beautiful song reminded me my childhood.答案:of/about8I have a friend always helps me when I am in trouble.答案:who.选词填空play safe; based on; pick up; would rather; be aware of1Their relationship was mutual respect.答案:based on2Lets and make enough preparations

19、.答案:play safe3Do we need to any differences between them?答案:be aware of4If you go to England, youll soon English.答案:pick up5She go there by train than by plane.答案:would rather.单句写作1下课后孩子们蜂拥而出。(out引导完全倒装句) the children after class. 答案:Out rushed2我宁愿你没有告诉我这个消息。(would rather)I would rather the news.答案:

20、you had not told me3我想知道你能不能帮我一个忙。(wonder if/whether) you would mind doing me a favour. 答案:I wonder if/whether4山上坐落着一座古庙。(there引起完全倒装句) an old temple on the hill.答案:There stands5这本书是专为五至七岁儿童写的。The book children aged 5 to 7.答案:is intended for课后课时作业How do young people learn best? This is something I t

21、hink a lot when I am teaching foreign languages to young people. I often 1 that traditional teaching 2 are hardly effective for young brains to learn a foreign language.After moving to southern Italy, I was 3 to have had the chance to 4 a private course teaching English to children under 7. I 5 chil

22、dren liked singing and enjoyed games so I wanted to use these 6 to help my students 7 English conversation skills. I found some fun and easy songs online, 8 they loved. I also found the English version of some nursery rhymes (童谣) they once were 9 with. All of them were very entertaining and helpful

23、but 10 could still not have a basic 11 in English.I wanted these guys to be 12 in the language I was teaching and I also wished them to speak it. I was eager to deliver 90% of my lessons in English. 13 , I knew it would be difficult to get them to talk in a foreign language they 14 speak outside our

24、 lessons. So I had to 15 a simple yet effective plan.One day I decided to 16 a dialogue in English and rather than simply getting students to repeat the phrases, I got them to sing and chant (唱) 17 . I discovered that chanting along to some conversational sentences was a practical way to get student

25、s to speak in Englishit 18 !So when teaching English to young people now, I 19 them to make up their own songs and chants to help them remember 20 or complex sentences.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者用自创的不同于传统教学方式的方法来教授7岁以下孩子学习英语的经历。1A.suggestBknowCfindDguess答案:C“我”经常发现(find),传统的教学方法对年轻人学习外语几乎没有什么效果。2A.materials


27、Dlessons答案:B唱歌和做游戏是作者用以教授英语的工具,故选B项。7A.developBpracticeCsupportDincrease答案:A此处指帮助“我”的学生发展(develop)英语会话技巧。8A.thatBwhenCwhereDwhich答案:D“我”在网上找到了一些有趣且简单的歌曲,他们很喜欢。指代先行词songs,故用which引导非限制性定语从句。9A.popularBfamiliarCsimilarDparticular答案:B“我”还发现了一些他们曾经熟悉的(familiar)英文版的童谣。be familiar with “对熟悉”。10A.studentsBt

28、eachersCwritersDreaders答案:A这些学习资料都很有趣,也很有帮助,但是学生们(students)仍然不能用英语11A.conversationBperformanceCapplicationDcontact答案:A由第12空后的“wished them to speak it”可知,学生们仍然不能用英语进行基本对话(conversation)。12A.experiencedBinterestedCconcernedDcaught答案:B“我”希望这些孩子对“我”所教的语言感兴趣(interested)。13A.BesidesBThereforeCHoweverDThoug

29、h答案:C然而(However),“我”知道要让他们用一种外语进行交流是很困难的。14A.fairlyBeagerlyCnearlyDseldom答案:D由上文所述作者在意大利教英语,并结合设空前的“it would be difficult to get . ”可知,让他们用一种外语进行交流是很困难的,说明他们很少(seldom)在课堂之外讲外语。15A.come up withBput up withCkeep up withDcatch up with答案:A所以“我”必须想出(come up with)一个简单而有效的计划。put up with “容忍,忍受”;keep up wit

30、h “赶得上”;catch up with “赶上,追上”。16A.prepareBmanageCconnectDbring答案:A“我”决定用英语来准备(prepare)对话。17A.thatBitConeDthem答案:D用them指代前边提到的phrases。18A.matteredBvaluedCworkedDwondered答案:C它起作用了(worked)!19A.persuadeBencourageCremindDcommand答案:B“我”鼓励(encourage)他们自己编歌,唱歌来帮助他们记住表达或复杂的句子。20A.expressionsBconversationsCco

31、ursesDmeasures答案:A“我”鼓励他们自己编歌,唱歌来帮助他们记住表达(expressions)或复杂的句子。与前文出现的phrases相对应,应用expressions。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。English has been called one of the most difficult languages for nonnative speakers to learn. One reason is that English has so many rules. 1 Sometimes, this leaves lea

32、rners confused. For example, the order of words in a sentence can be tricky. 2 The pronunciation of English words cannot always be judged by their spelling. For example, there are at least six ways to pronounce the group of letters spelled ough. And, maybe the worst thing of all is that there are ma

33、ny idioms, or expressions, in English. 3 So, it is comforting to know that learning root words can help a nonnative speaker use English. 4 Root words can help you to break down large, new words into smaller units to discover their meanings.Learning just one root word can help you understand several

34、words in English. 5 Then where can a root be found? A root can be any part of a word that carries meaning: the beginning, middle or end. Prefixes, bases, and suffixes are types of roots. The prefix appears at the beginning of a word, the base in the middle and the suffix at the end.AA root word is t

35、he most basic form of a word.BThe English have always been fond of all kinds of rules.CYou could say we use idioms like theyre going out of style.DAnd there are almost as many exceptions (例外) of those rules!EMost English root words came from the Greek and Latin languages.FAnother reason why English

36、is hard to learn is the pronunciation of its words.GSo, by learning 20 or 30 root words, you can increase your vocabulary to hundreds of more new words.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文,分析了英语对于非母语学习者难学的原因。1D根据设空前一句“One reason is that English has so many rules.”可知,英语有许多规则;根据设空后一句“Sometimes, this leaves learners confused

37、.”可知,这有时会让学习者感到困惑。因而推断设空处的表述应指出这些规则的不利之处。故D项(这些规则也有很多例外。)符合语境。2F根据设空后一句“The pronunciation of English words cannot always be judged by their spelling.”及所举的例子可知,本段说英语发音与拼写的关系。F项(英语难学的另一个原因是单词的发音。)符合语境。3C根据设空前一句“And, maybe the worst thing of all is that there are many idioms, or expressions, in English

38、.”可知,也许最糟糕的是,英语中有很多习语或表达。C项中idioms为复现词,且举了一个习语的例子。4A根据设空前句“learning root words can help a nonnative speaker use English”可知,学习词根可以帮助非母语者使用英语。设空下句“Root words can help you to break down large, new words into smaller units to discover their meanings.”表述了词根的作用,即词根对英语学习有很大的帮助,由此推测设空处应是对词根的解释或定义。故A项(词根是词的最

39、基本形式。)符合语境。5G根据设空前一句“Learning just one root word can help you understand several words in English.”可知,学习词根可以有效扩大词汇量,故G项(所以,通过学习20或30个词根,你可以增加你的词汇量到上百个新单词。)符合语境。Voyages of people from England play an important part in 1 (spread) the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as 2 offi

40、cial or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries, all of 3 are based on British English. The Englishes spoken in these countries can 4 (understand) well by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been changing gradually in

41、 accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences 5 (tell) which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss 6 (fluent) commands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment 7 elevator and take some gas

42、for my trucks and cabs”, instead 8 requesting, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize 9 (he) American identity while the latter 10 (suggest) that he is British.1 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 答案:1.spreading2.an3.which4.be understood5to tell6.flu

43、ently7.by8.of9.his10.suggests阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。How can you start a conversation with an English person? The answer is quite simple. Many people will tell you that any English conversation begins with “the weather”. Such a fixation (固定) with the weather finds expression in Dr Johnsons famous

44、comment that “When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of weather.” Though Johnsons finding is almost the same as it was over two hundred years ago, most commentators (评论员) fail to come up with a convincing (令人信服的) explanation for this English weatherspeak.Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that, as the English weather is not exciting at all, the obsession (痴


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