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《大学英语(A)考试-大纲.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语(A)考试-大纲.doc(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。


2、学生,应参加网络教育部分公共基础课全国统一考试。“大学英语(A)”考试大纲适用于英语类专业的高中起点与专科起点本科学生。考试目标本考试旨在全面检查现代远程教育英语专业学生综合运用英语听、说、读、写、译各项基本技能的能力。考生应扎实地掌握基本的语法知识和词汇,具备运用不同的阅读和听力技巧获取信息的能力以及用英语进行口头和笔头交际的能力。 听说能力考核暂不列入全国统考范围之内,由各学校自行组织。相关要求参见本大纲。考试内容与要求【语法】 考生应扎实地掌握基本的英语语法知识,并能在交际中正确地加以运用。【词汇】 考生应认知5 000个单词,并熟练掌握其中的2 300个词及其基本的搭配。【阅读】 考生

3、应能读懂与日常生活和社会生活相关的不同类型的文字材料,包括应用文、描述文、记叙文、说明文和议论文等不同文体,阅读速度为每分钟80个单词。考生应能:1 理解主旨要义;2 理解文中具体信息;3 根据上下文推测生词词义;4 进行有关的判断、推理和引申;5 理解文中的概括性含义;6 理解文章的结构及单句之间、段落之间的关系;7 理解作者的意图、观点或态度;8 区分观点、论点和论据。【翻译】考生应能在规定的时间内将2个难度适中的中文句子翻译成英语。考生应能:1 用正确的语法、词汇、拼写、标点等进行表达;2 做到译文通顺、达意。【写作】 考生应能在30分钟内写出长度不少于150词的常见应用文及一般的描述文

4、、记叙文、说明文和议论文。考生应能:1 用正确的语法、词汇、拼写、标点进行表达;内容切题,结构严谨,条理清楚;2 遵循文章的一般文体格式;3 根据不同的写作目的进行有针对性的写作。【听力】 考生应能听懂日常生活以及社会生活中的一般性谈话,平均语速为每分钟140个单词。考生应能:1 理解主旨要义;2 获取事实性的具体信息3 了解明确表达的概括性含义;4 进行有关的判断、推理和引申;5 理解说话者的意图、观点或态度。【口语】 考生应能就日常生活和工作中的常见情景进行对话,表达个人意见、观点和态度。考生应能:1 根据特定场景进行有效、得体的口头交际;2 基本连贯地进行较长的表述;3 做到语音、语调基

5、本正确,无重大语法错误,语言流畅;4 主动交流,并能用适当的补救措施解决交流中出现的困难。试卷结构与题型部分项目内容题型题量分值总分时间(分钟)I 阅读理解2篇短文,每篇5道题单项选择1033025II 词汇与结构10个单句单项选择1022025完型填空1篇短文完型10220III汉译英2个句子翻译251010IV写作1篇作文命题作文1202030总计3310090考试方式与时间考试为基于网络的闭卷考试,满分为100分,时间为90分钟。除翻译与写作部分采用人工阅卷以外,其他部分采用机器阅卷。考试由全国高校网络教育考试委员会组织命题,在同一时间全国统考。题型示例 大学英语(A)模拟试卷Infor

6、mation for the Examinees:This examination consists of FOUR parts. They are:Section I Reading Comprehension (30 points, 25 minutes)Section II Vocabulary and Grammar (40 points, 25 minutes)Section III Translation (10 points, 10 minutes)Section IV Writing (20 points, 30 minutes)The total score for this

7、 examination is 100. The time allowed for this examination is 90 minutes.Section I: Reading Comprehension 30 pointsInstructions: This section will take approximately 25 minutes. There are TWO sections in this part.Part 1: Questions 1-5 are based on this part. (15 points)Read the following passage an

8、d choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Manhattan Island is the oldest and most important of the five boroughs that make up New York City. It is 21.7 kilometers long and 3.8 kilometers wide at its widest point. It contains New Yorks tallest buildings as well as some of the largest schools and c

9、olleges, and the most famous financial and theater districts in the United States. It has skyscrapers and Central Park, the old and the new, the best and the worst. It is like no other big city. It is unique. To understand Manhattan, we must know something of its early history: its early days of Dut

10、ch colonists and English settlers; the waves of the nineteenth-century European immigrants who arrived at its shores; the African-Americans who moved north after the Civil War; recent immigrants from China and other parts of Asia; and young people who go to New York from all over America. It is a mi

11、x of ethnic groups and cultures, successes and failures, hopes and fears. The United States is a nation of immigrants and no other city displays this fact as well as New York City. From Chinatown and Little Italy to Harlem, New York is a place where communities take pride in retaining their ethnicit

12、y. Most immigrants went to America with very little money. America gave them hope and a new beginning. Millions of immigrants have prospered in America. On July 4, 1884, the people of France gave to the United States as a symbol of friendship, a statue sculptured by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. This

13、statue was placed on an island in New York Harbor. It is 46 meters high and was the first sight immigrants saw as they came into New York City by ship. It is known as the Statue of Liberty. On the statue is a poem written by Emma Lazarus. This poem sums up the American tradition of accepting people

14、from other countries. It reads as follows: Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!1. What was the first sight immigrants on incoming ship

15、s saw as they entered New York Harbor?A. Chinatown.B. Central Park.C. Harlem.D. The Statue of Liberty.2. Emma Lazarus poem says that America is a place _.A. where poor and unfortunate people are welcomeB. where there is fortune for people coming from other parts of the worldC. where there is garbage

16、 and litter on the shoreD. where there is a big light for people to get together.5.Part 2: Questions 6- 10 are based on this part. (15 points)Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. (题型示例参见Part 1)6.10.Section II: Vocabulary and Grammar 40 pointsInstructions: This se

17、ction will take 25 minutes. There are TWO parts in this section.Part 1: Questions 11- 20 are based on this section. (20 points)Read the following sentences and choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. 11. Mary did her work _ the manager had instructed. AasA. untilB. whenC. though12. The boss gave

18、orders that nothing _ touched until the police arrived here. A. should beB. ought to beC. must beD. would be13. _ of the twins went out of town because I saw both at my brothers party last night. A. None B. BothC. NeitherD. All.20 Part 2: Questions 21 - 30 are based on this section. (20 points)Read

19、the following passage and fill in each blank by choosing the best answer from A, B, C and D. More and more people have to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insurance. Insurance companies _ (21) people in certain areas to install the alarms before they will give them insuranc

20、e for the past year. This is _ (22) to increasing crimes in some parts of the country. This can be a problem for people who are struggling to make _ (23) ends meet. The alarms, _ (24) can be very expensive, need to be installed by an electrician. It is _ (25) that 20% of homes have alarms installed,

21、 and another 20% of people plan to have them installed, but have not installed them yet. The insurance companies _ (26) people to install the alarms on all doors and windows.21A. have been askingB. have been askedC. had been askingD. had been asked22A. causedB. becauseC. dueD. resulted23A. / (不用填)B.

22、 theC. allD. their24A. whoB. thatC. whereD. which 25A. estimateB. estimatingC. estimatedD. being estimated26.A. warnedB. toldC. suggestedD. reminded.30. Section III: Translation 10 pointsInstructions: This section will take 10 minutes. There are TWO sentences in this part.Questions 31-32 are based o

23、n this section.Translate the following sentences into English. 31. 我选择网络教育的主要原因是其灵活性。32. 我已经认真考虑过你提出的建议。Section IV: Writing 20 pointsInstructions: This section will take 30 minutes. Your essay should be no less than 150 words. You are supposed to have witnessed a bag snatch and you need to describe

24、it to the police.Write about the incident in no less than 150 words. You can write about the bag snatcher, the place, the time and what happened, etc. 大学英语(A)模拟试卷参考答案Section I: Reading Comprehension 30 pointsPart 1. (15 points, 3 points each)1.D 2. A(略) (共5个题)Part 2 . (15 points, 3 points each) (略)(

25、共5个题)Section II: Vocabulary and Grammar 40 pointsPart 1. (20 points, 2 points each)11.A 12. A 13. C(略) (共10个题)Part 2. (20 points, 2 points each)21.A 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B(略) (共10个题)Section III: Translation 10 points评分标准:1、每题5分。其中译文基本通顺、达意,得3分;能用基本正确的语法、词汇、拼写、标点等进行表达,得2分;2、每句可有多种译法,评分时不要拘泥于参考

26、答案。学生的译文只要基本达意就应得分。31. I choose/have chosen/chose online education mainly because of its flexibility.32. I have seriously thought over the suggestion you put forward.Section IV: Writing 20 points写作评分标准:满分为20分,分为内容(满分6分)、语言(满分12分)和书写(满分2分)三部分打分,三部分分值相加的分数即为作文的总分。各部分评分标准如下:项目分数标准内容6文章切题,内容充实,有独到之处;篇幅适



29、开放教育试点”项目中自2004年3月1日(含3月1日)以后入学的本科层次学历教育的学生,应参加网络教育部分公共基础课全国统一考试。“大学英语(B)”考试大纲适用于除英语类和艺术类专业以外的其他专业高中起点与专科起点本科学生。考试目标本考试旨在考查现代远程教育所有专业(除英语类和艺术类专业)的学生掌握英语基础知识的水平及应用能力。考生应掌握基本的英语语法知识和词汇,具备运用不同语言技能进行交际的基本能力。考试内容与要求【语法】 考生应较好地掌握基本的英语语法知识,并能在交际中较正确地加以运用。【词汇】 考生应认知3 000个单词,并熟练掌握其中的1 800个单词及其基本的搭配。【交际能力】 考生

30、应掌握日常生活常见情景中的基本交际用语。【阅读】 考生应能读懂与日常生活和社会活动相关的不同类型的文字材料,包括应用文、描述文、记叙文、说明文和议论文等,阅读速度为每分钟50个单词。考生应能:1 理解主旨要义;2 理解文中具体信息;3 根据上下文推测生词词义;4 进行有关的判断、推理和引申,理解作者的意图、观点或态度。【翻译】考生应能在10分钟内将3个难度适中的英文句子翻译成中文。考生应能:1. 对英语原文有准确的理解;2. 做到译文通顺、达意。【写作】 考生应能在30分钟内写出长度不少于80词的常见应用文及一般的叙述文、说明文或议论文。考生应能:1 用较正确的语法、词汇、拼写、标点进行表达;

31、2 基本做到内容切题,结构严谨,条理清楚;3 根据不同的写作目的进行有针对性的写作。试卷结构与题型 大学英语(B)试卷结构与题型部分项目内容题型题量分值总分时间(分钟)I交际用语5个简短对话单项选择531510II阅读理解2篇短文,每篇5道题 单项选择1033020III词汇与结构5个单句单项选择5 31510IV完型填空1篇短文单项选择1011010V英译汉3个单句笔译 351510VI写作1篇作文命题作文1151530总 计3410090考试方式与时间考试为基于网络的闭卷考试。考试满分为100分,时间为90分钟。除翻译与写作部分采用人工阅卷外,其他部分采用机器阅卷。考试由全国高校网络教育考

32、试委员会组织命题,在同一时间全国统考。题型示例大学英语(B)模拟试卷第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。1 Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? _A. Who are you?B. Whos there?C. Who could I help?D. Whos speaking?2. I believe weve met somewhere before. No, _.A. it isnt the sameB. it ca

33、nt be trueC. I dont think soD. Id rather not35 (略).第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。Passage 1The United States covers a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Although the United States is

34、a big country, it is not the largest in the world. In 2000, its population was over 222 million.When this land first became a nation, after winning its independence from England, it had thirteen states. Each of the states was represented on the American flag by a star. All these states were in the e

35、astern part of the continent. As the nation grew toward the west, new states were added and new stars appeared on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 stars. In 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states of Alaska and Hawaii.Indians were the first people of

36、 the land which is now the United States. There are still many thousands of Indians now living in all parts of the country. Sometimes it is said that the Indians are “the only real Americans”. Most Americans come from all over the world. Those who came first in greatest numbers to make their homes o

37、n the eastern coast of North America were mostly from England. It is for that reason that the language of the United States is English and that its culture and customs are more like those of England than those of any other country in the world.6. Which of the following is TRUE?A. America is the larg

38、est country in the world.B. The United States lies next to Canada and Mexico.C. America covers most part of the North American continent.D. Mexico is to the north of Canada.7. After winning its independence, the United States _.A. had nothing to do with EnglandB. made India part of its landC. mainly

39、 developed westwardD. took over parts of Canada and Mexico8.The United States didnt have _ states until _.A. thirteen; 1959B. fifty; 1959C. fifty; this land first became a nationD. fifty;19649. Why is English the language of America?A. English is the native language of the Indians.B. Most Americans

40、come from all over the world.C. Canada is Americas nearest neighbor.D. Most of the people who first settled in America were from England.10. The best title for the passage is “ _”.A. the States of AmericaB. The language of AmericaC. The United States of AmericaD. The Culture and Customs of AmericaPa

41、ssage 21115 (略)第三部分:词汇与结构(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)此部分共有5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。16.I tried to put _ a telephone call to him, but his line was always busy.A. overB. intoC. awayD. through17.I hadnt seen him for years, but I _ his voice on the telephone.A. realizedB. recognizedC. disco

42、veredD. heard18.Neither Bill nor his parents _ at home.A. isB. hasC. areD. was19.If you dont want to get wet, you had better _ this umbrella with you.A. takeB. to takeC. takenD. for taking20. (略)第四部分:完型填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)以下短文中共包含10个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中空缺部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。A survey was carried

43、out last year by the British Medical Association, an organization of doctors. It shows that most people do not do 21 exercise. In 1995, 60% of people walked more than one mile a day. Now, that number has fallen 22 to only 20%. 23_ more people are going to the gym, fewer people are walking. Doctors say we need 24 for 20 minutes three times a week. 25 is an easy form of exercise that everyone can do. If you walk one mile each day, you 26 your health very quickly. Doctors say we _27_ to ta


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