2019版英语人教版选修11训练:模块综合检测:(B) .docx

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1、模块综合检测(B)(时间:90分钟满分:120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ANow many young people are traveling around the world on their own,not because they have no one to travel with,but because they prefer to go alone.Kristina Wegscheider from California first traveled

2、 alone when she was at college and believes that it is something everyone should do at least once in their life.“It opens up your mind to new things and pushes you out of your comfort zone.” Wegscheider has visited 46 countries covering all seven continents.In foreign countries,with no one to help y

3、ou read a map,look after you if you get ill,or lend you money if your wallet is stolen,it is challenging.This is what drives young people to travel alone.It is seen as character building and a chance to prove that they can make it on their own.Chris Richardson decided to leave his sales job in Austr

4、alia to go traveling last year.He set up a website,The Aussie Nomad,to document his adventures.He says he wished he had traveled alone earlier.“The people you meet,the places you visit,or the things you do,everything is up to you and it forces you to grow as a person,” said the 30-year-old.Richardso

5、n describes traveling alone like “a shot in the arm”,which “makes you a more confident person that was ready to deal with anything”.He said,“The feeling of having conquered something on my own is a major part of what drives me each day when Im dealing with a difficult task.”I walk around with my hea

6、d up because I know deep down inside that nothing is impossible if you try.The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said,“Only by going alone in silence can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness.”1Which of the following will Kristina Wegscheider agree with?A.Traveling alone is a neces

7、sary experience for everyone.B.It is more meaningful to travel in foreign countries.C.It is comfortable to travel around without a friend.D.Traveling abroad helps people to find new things.答案A解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“it is something everyone should do”可知答案为A项。2Traveling alone is challenging because .A.you

8、have to make things on your ownB.it is hard for you to prove yourself to othersC.you depend on yourself whatever happensD.it will finally build your character答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章第三段的第一句话:在国外,没有人帮你看地图,你生病的时候没有人照顾你,你钱包被偷的时候没有人借钱给你,这些都是有挑战性的。因此C项正确。3What can we know about Chris Richardson?A.He started trave

9、ling at an early age.B.He was once shot in the arm.C.He used to work as a salesman.D.His website inspires others a lot.答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章第四段的第一句话可知A项错误;根据第五段的第一句话可知B项错误,文章中用的是比喻,而不是胳膊上真的中了一枪;D项文章没有涉及;从第四段的第一句话可知C项正确。4What is the best title for the passage?A.Travel AbroadB.Travel UnaccompaniedC.Travel L

10、ightD.Travel Wide and Far答案B解析主旨大意题。文章介绍了单独旅行的好处、挑战及感受。根据文章第一段中的“traveling around the world on their own”以及下文多次出现的“alone”一词可知,B项适合作文章标题,其中unaccompanied“无人陪伴的”与alone同义。BHow can you help kids cope with (对付) stress?Proper rest and good nutrition can improve coping skills,so can good parenting.Make time

11、 for your kids each day.Whether they need to talk with you or just be in the same room with you,make yourself available.Even as kids get older,quality time is important.Its really hard for some people to come home after a tiring day of work,get down on the floor,and play with their kids or just talk

12、 to them about their dayespecially if theyve had a stressful day themselves.But expressing interest in your kids shows that theyre important to you.Help your child deal with stress by talking about what may be causing it.Together,you can come up with a few solutions.For example,he should cut back on

13、 after-school activities,spending more time talking with his parents or teachers,developing an exercise plan or keeping a journal.You can also help by predicting potentially stressful situations and preparing kids for them.For example,let a child know ahead of time,but not too far ahead of time,that

14、 a doctors appointment is coming up and talk about what will happen there.Keep in mind,though,that younger kids probably wont need too much advance preparation.Too much information can cause more stress.Remember that some level of stress is normal.Let kids know that its OK to feel angry,scared,lonel

15、y,or anxious and that other people share those feelings,too.When kids cant or wont discuss these problems,try talking about your own concerns.This shows that youre willing to handle tough topics and are available to talk with when theyre ready.If a child shows symptoms that concern you and is unwill

16、ing to talk,consult a counselor (顾问) or other mental health experts.Most parents have the skills to cope with their childrens stress.The time to seek professional attention is when any change in behavior continues to exist,when stress is causing serious anxiety,or when the behavior is causing signif

17、icant problems in functioning at school or at home.5What is the purpose of the text?A.To share the authors ideas on proper parenting.B.To persuade parents to spend more time with their kids.C.To advise parents how to help their kids deal with stress.D.To seek different ways to help solve kids proble

18、ms.答案C解析主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文意在向父母提供一些如何帮助孩子应对压力的建议,故选C项。6Why do some parents feel it difficult to spare quality time for their kids?A.Their kids are growing so fast.B.They have too much housework.C.Their kids are losing interest in them.D.They are tired out after work.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“Its really hard

19、 for some people to come home after a tiring day of work.especially if theyve had a stressful day themselves.”可知D项正确。7You are advised not to talk too much about a stressful situation in advance because .A.it does no good to your kidsB.it doesnt work in practiceC.your kids may not feel stressedD.your

20、 kids dont want to listen答案A解析细节理解题。根据第四段的最后一句“Too much information can cause more stress.”可知,过多的信息会给孩子带来更多的压力,故选A项。8What can we learn from the text?A.Normal people share the same feelings.B.It is normal for kids to have some stress.C.Kids should get rid of the negative feelings.D.Everybody feels an

21、gry,scared,lonely or anxious.答案B解析推理判断题。从倒数第三段的内容可知,有某种程度的压力是正常的。让孩子们知道感到愤怒、害怕、孤独或者焦虑是没有关系的,其他人也有这种感受,故B项正确。CTelling fewer lies benefits people physically and mentally.Anita E.Kelly,professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame,employed 110 adults for her study.She divided them into two gr

22、oups and asked one group to stop lying for 10 weeks.Lies included big ones and tiny onesany false statementsbut participants were still allowed to leave out the truth,keep secrets and avoid questions they didnt want to answer,etc.The other group wasnt given any special instructions about lying.It tu

23、rned out that both groups reduced their lying,but those who were specifically told to tell the truth improved their health more.“We found that the participants could purposefully and dramatically reduce their everyday lies.That in turn was associated with significantly improved health,”said Kelly.Wh

24、en participants in the no-lie group told three fewer white lies than they did in other weeks,they experienced,on average,fewer mental-health complaints and physical complaints.They were less likely to feel tense or sad and also experienced fewer sore throats and headaches.They also reported that per

25、sonal relationships improved.Additionally,participants found themselves honest about their daily accomplishments,and they stopped making up excuses for being late or failing to complete a task,for example.“Its certainly a worthy goal to have people be more honest and interact with others in a more h

26、onest way,”says University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert Feldman.“That would be beneficial.Im a little doubtful whether it makes us all healthier,but it may make us healthier in a psychological way.”9Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A.People who tell lies are healthier tha

27、n those who dont.B.Being honest can help cure sore throats and headaches.C.Not all the participants were required to tell the truth.D.Participants involved are asked not to keep secrets.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段第四句中的“but participants were still allowed to leave out the truth”可知应选C项。10The participants of the

28、two groups .A.told as many lies as beforeB.were almost equally healthyC.tended to lie less about their activitiesD.experienced tenser personal relationships答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“It turned out that both groups reduced their lying.”可知应选C项。11From Robert Feldman,we can learn that .A.white lies might mak

29、e people have more complaintsB.honesty is likely to help people become mentally healthierC.people should not be honest with others but with themselvesD.telling the truth can make people physically and mentally healthy答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章的最后一句“Im a little doubtful whether it makes us all healthier,but it

30、may make us healthier in a psychological way.”可知应选B项。12The text is mainly about .A.the connection of honesty and healthB.research on physical and mental healthC.advice on being an honest personD.effects of honesty on personal relationships答案A解析主旨大意题。第一段的第一句“Telling fewer lies benefits people physica

31、lly and mentally.”和最后一段中的“Its certainly a worthy goal to have people be more honest and interact with others in a more honest way”首尾呼应,点明主题。故A项正确。DA few years ago,the streets of Bogota,the capital of South American country Colombia,wore a very unusual look at night.Not one man appeared outside.Bogot

32、as mayor,Antanas Mockus,had announced March 9 as the Night of the Women.All the citys men were ordered to stay at home and leave the city free for women that night.So,did the women have a good time?It was fun.They went to women-only concerts,dances and cycle rides,while 1,500 policewomen patrolled (

33、巡逻) the streets.The men were told to stay at home and watch the children.While the idea may seem strange to many,in a city like Bogota it has great importance because of the serious violence in the Colombian capital.This violence has a lot to do with the attitudes that men have toward women in that

34、society.In a survey taken in Bogota,at least 40 per cent of the men interviewed said that they would not let their wives go out alone.And that is the reason why the Night of the Women became such an important occasion for the women of Bogota.And the results?“Its wonderful.Ive never been out at night

35、 before.Normally its too dangerous . But tonight I feel free to walk,” said Ana Lucia Preciado,who spent a night in town with some women friends.Other women agreed.Crowds of them appeared on the road,drinking,singing and dancing.A carnival atmosphere was all the way!The mayor said that the announcem

36、ent was an effort to make the people of Bogota realize the high level of street crime and violence at home.“We want to let women take over the citys public space and encourage men to give women a hand at home,” he added.But although it was a good plan,there were many men who were left completely unt

37、ouched by the mayors efforts.They said they owned the street and that they hated the rules to keep them out of it.13On the night of March 9,men in Bogota were asked to.A.stay indoors B.clean the houseC.patrol the streetsD.go out with their wives答案A解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the citys men were ordered to stay a

38、t home”和第三段的“The men were told to stay at home and watch the children”可知,当晚男士们要待在家里。14According to Ana Lucia Preciado,.A.women and men should have equal rightsB.walking out at night was not dangerous at allC.women in Bogota had a good time that nightD.it was the first time she had gone out with frie

39、nds答案C解析推理判断题。根据“wonderful”,“feel free to walk”可知,这样一个晚上对于当地妇女来说是很难得的,她们当晚玩得很开心。15The text is mainly about.A.mens roleB.womens rightsC.the violence in BogotaD.a special day for women答案D解析主旨大意题。本文围绕波哥大市的the Night of the Women展开,说明了其缘由、经过、结果等,故D项很好地概括了文章的大意。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处

40、的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Early Childhood EducationEarly childhood education is the formal teaching and care of young children.It primarily focuses on learning through playing to encourage the childs different kinds of development.16Studies with Head Start programs throughout the United States have shown so

41、me evidence that there are quite a few advantages to early childhood education,which can produce significant gains in childrens learning and development.Compared to a child who does not attend pre-school,children completing their early education programs are found to be better at math and reading sk

42、ills.They are excited to learn and have the tools to do so.17 These children are more competent in their pre-school,kindergarten and school-age years,and they are usually reported as “friendlier” by parents and the childrens peers.18In studies with matched control groups,more students who had early

43、schooling experiences were employed at the age of 19,fewer were on welfare,and fewer were involved with the criminal activity.Whats more,some studies show that children attending pre-school are more likely to graduate and have higher education,and be well integrated as an adult.Early childhood educa

44、tion gives most children a jump-start on education for their kindergarten and primary school years.It is clear that early childhood education can have some great benefits for children.19 If early childhood education is less effective,perhaps the best model is finding strategies for allowing a parent

45、 to stay home with his or her child for at least the first two to three years.Also important is considering a childs own personality.20A.The long-term influence of early education is significant as well.B.They can benefit greatly from encouragement in their early childhood.C.Yet its quality must be

46、assessed to see what kind of benefits it actually provides.D.They are also able to relate to others in a superior way and that improves their social skills.E.Many experts of education have concerned about what early childhood education means today.F.Individual differences in children mean that not a

47、ll children will get equal benefits from early childhood education.G.It consists of activities that serve children in the pre-school years and is designed to improve later school performance.答案1620 GDACF第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My

48、 daughter wanted to take music lessons at the community center.She asked us if she could 21 the drums,but we did not want to have drums in our house.So we 22 her to study the violin.During the 23 interview,my daughter was so happy with her teacher that she 24 her dream of playing the drums and was looking forward to violin lessons with this 25 man.He told her that she would do well with the 26,but he thought drums would be the 27 instrum


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