2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit2 wild life protectionsectionⅠlisteningandspeaking教学案版本:人教版必修第二.doc

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit2 wild life protectionsectionⅠlisteningandspeaking教学案版本:人教版必修第二.doc_第1页
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1、 Unit 2 Wildlife protection在日常生活中如何保护野生动植物呢,一起来看看文中提出了哪些做法。Wildlife faces threats from habitat destruction, pollution and other human actions. Althoughprotecting wildlife can seem overwhelming at times, even small actions in your own neighborhood canhelp protect many different animals.Create wildlif

2、e friendly areas in your backyard. You can choose native plants that can provide food andshelter to native wildlife. This will also help cut down on pollution. Add bird or bat houses to your yard orgarden to attract and shelter these species.Avoid disrupting the natural ecosystem in your area. Nonna

3、tive plants or animals can destroy habitats, particularly if there is no natural predator to keep the species in check. Invasive plants can kill or disrupt native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.Have a greener lifestyle. By conserving water and fossil fuels, you will be helping to

4、protect the wildlife around you. Take public transportation when you can, turn off electric devices when youre not using them. Become knowledgeable about what contributes to global warming, what disrupts migration patterns and habitats.Buy products that are wildlife friendly. Avoid products that are

5、 made from threatened or endangered animals. Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps, snares or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat.Talk to or write to policymakers about protecting wildlife. Discuss ways to help animals with friends and family members.

6、Limit family size. Population growth is one of the major factors in habitat destruction. By living in established city limits and limiting family size to around two children per family, the earths population will stabilize and native habitats can be protected.【注】habitat n. (动物的)栖息地disrupt v. 扰乱preda

7、tor n. 捕食性动物fossil fuel 化石燃料(如煤、石油等)stabilize v. (使)稳定【立德树人】如果没有野生动植物,地球上的人类也延续(continue)不下去,野生动植物帮我们制造氧气、食物、提供各种资源,没有野生动植物就没有人类(No wildlife, no humans)。做一个爱护野生动植物的人,用自己的聪明才智保护好野生动植物,让野生动植物和人类和平相处。Section Listening and Speaking基础知识 预习自检.重点词汇1illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的illegally adv. 不合法地;非法地legal adj. 合法的

8、legally adv. 合法地;在法律上2hunt vt.& vi. 打猎;搜寻;追捕hunter n. 猎人hunting n. 狩猎运动;打猎3immediate adj. 立即的;立刻的immediately adv. 立刻4alarming adj. 惊人的;使人惊恐的alarm vt. 使惊恐;使害怕;使担心n. 恐慌;警报;警报器5rate n. 速度;(比)率vt. 划分等级rating n. 等级;级别6extinct adj. 已灭绝的extinction n. 灭绝7aware adj. 知道;发觉;有意识的awareness n. 觉悟;意识 8danger n. 危险

9、endanger vt. 使遭受危险;危害 9concern vt. 涉及;让担忧concerned adj. 担心的;关切的10live vi. 居住adj. 活的;现场直播的living adj. 居住的;活的;在用的n. 生活方式;生计.教材原句 1What message do these _ (海报共享)?答案:posters share2Between 150 and 200 species are becoming _ (灭绝的;消亡的) every day.答案:extinct3What _ (究竟) are we doing to our planet?答案:on earth

10、4We must make people _ (意识到) the problem.答案:aware of5How many elephants are killed _ (平均) every day?答案:on average6Im _ (关心) the African elephants.答案:concerned about7Elephants need large _ (生活) spaces.答案:living8Its difficult for them to _ (适应) the changes.答案:adapt to9_ (什么措施) are being taken to help

11、them?答案:What measures10The authorities are _ (在压力下) to build elephant parks.答案:under pressure重点知识 合作探究1die out 灭亡;逐渐消失(教材P14)归纳拓展die off 相继死去,先后死去die down 逐渐变弱,逐渐平息die away (尤指声音)逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊,逐渐消失die from 死于(强调外因,如污染、事故、地震等)die of 死于(强调内因,如疾病、衰老、悲伤等)Scientists said that those plants died_out a century

12、ago.科学家们说那些植物一个世纪前就灭绝了。She waited until the footsteps had died_away.她一直等到脚步声渐渐消失。After a while, the wind began to die_down.过了一会儿,风开始减弱。More than half of patients die_of the disease.有超过半数的患者死于该病。(1)单句语法填空It is reported that there are 40,000 species dying _ in the world every year.The sound of the car

13、 died _ in the distance.The young driver died _ the wounds caused by a road accident.The trees have been dying _ during the cold winter, and there are few left.答案:outawayfromoff(2)单句写作如果我们不采取行动,许多物种将很快灭绝。Many species _ soon if we dont take action. 答案:will die out2aware adj. 知道;发觉;有意识的(教材P14)归纳拓展(1)b

14、e/become aware of . 知道/明白/意识到be/become aware that . 知道/明白/意识到make sb. aware of sth. 让某人明白某事as far as Im aware . 据我所知(2)awareness n. 意识,觉悟The children are_aware_of the danger of taking drugs.孩子们知道吸毒的危害。If she had_been_aware_that the mushrooms were poisonous, she wouldnt have picked them for dinner.她那

15、时要是知道这些蘑菇有毒,就不会采来做晚餐。Everybody should be_made_aware_of the risks involved.应该让人人都知道所涉及到的风险。It is important that students develop an awareness of how the Internet can be used.重要的是学生逐渐懂得如何使用互联网。(1)单句语法填空I dont think people are really aware _ just how much it costs.Were you aware _ something was wrong?Y

16、ou must have an _ (aware) of the importance of eating a healthy diet.答案:ofthatawareness(2)单句写作我在等待的时候,感觉到房子里发生了什么事。As I waited, I _ something happening in the house. 据我所知,他们是一对幸福的夫妻。_, they are a happily married couple.答案:became aware ofAs far as Im aware3average n. 平均数;平均水平adj. 平均的;正常的;普通的(教材P14)归纳

17、拓展(1)above/below average 平均水平以上/以下on average 平均an average of 平均为(2)average out (at sth.) 平均数为The average age of the students is 15.学生的平均年龄是15岁。Parents spend an_average_of $220 a year on toys for their children.父母一年平均在孩子玩具上的花销为220美元。These marks are above/below_average.这些分数在一般水平以上/以下。400 people a year

18、 die of this disease on_average.平均每年有400人死于这种疾病。The cost should average_out at about 6 per person.费用应该是平均每人约6英镑。(1)单句语法填空The prices were a little _average, but theyre of the highest quality.It takes an average _ten weeks for a house sale to be completed.答案:aboveof(2)单句写作现在一辆公共自行车平均每天被租借和归还4次。At pres

19、ent a public bicycle is rented and returned four times a day _.答案:on average4concern vt. 涉及;让担忧(教材P15)归纳拓展(1)concern oneself about/with . 担忧/关心/使感兴趣concern sb./sth. 与有关;关系着(2)feel/show concern about/for . 担心/关心/挂念sb.s concern 某人的责任(3)concerned adj. 担心的;关切的be concerned with 与有关的be concerned about/for

20、 担心/关心be concerned that . 担心as far as . be concerned 就而言(4)concerning prep. 有关,关于,涉及He didnt concern_himself_with the details.他对细节不感兴趣。We are all concerned_about/for your safety.我们都关心你的安全。Thats good news, but as_far_as_Im_concerned,_its not good enough. 这是一个好消息,但就我而言,这还不够好。The money side of the busi

21、ness is your_concern.这件事钱的方面由你负责。She was_concerned_that she might miss the turning and get lost.她担心自己会错过转弯的地方而迷路。(1)单句语法填空Ive been concerned _ you lately.As far as Im _ (concern), tennis is a much more interesting sport than football.The text is concerned _ space flight.答案:about/forconcernedwith(2)单

22、句写作你不需要为那件事担心。You dont need to _ yourself _ it. 答案:concern; with/about5adapt vi. 适应vt. 使适应;使适合(教材P15)归纳拓展(1)adapt (oneself) to (使自己)适应adapt sth. to do sth. 改装某物以便做某事adapt sth. for sb. 修改某物供某人使用be adapted for sth. 改编成某物(2)adaptation n. 适应;改编(本)It took him a while to adapt_himself_to his new surroundi

23、ngs.他过了好一阵子才适应了新环境。The house was_adapted_for wheelchair users.为方便轮椅使用者,对房子进行了改造。When it comes to adaptation,_it is important to understand that climate change is a process.当谈到适应时,理解气候改变是一个过程很重要。(1)单句语法填空The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt _ the change.Evolution occu

24、rs as a result of _ (adapt) to new environments.答案:toadaptation(2)单句写作首先,适应一种新文化是很难的。For a start, it would be hard _ a new culture.答案:to adapt to6in danger of 有危险(教材P15)归纳拓展(1)out of danger 脱离危险a danger to . 对有危险;对是危险的人或物(2)dangerous adj. 危险的This kind of animal is in_danger_of becoming extinct. 这种动物

25、有灭绝的危险。My father has been very ill, but the doctor says he is out_of_danger now.我父亲一直病得很重,但医生说他现在已脱离危险。A careless driver is a_danger_to the public. 粗心的驾驶员对于公众是一种危险。The prisoners who escaped are violent and dangerous.这些逃犯残暴而危险。易混辨析:in danger, dangerousin danger指人或物本身处于危险中,受到外来的威胁dangerous指人、物、事态可能引起危

26、险,对别人构成威胁(1)单句语法填空People who get lost in the forest will be _ danger because there are many _ (danger) animals there.There lives a criminal in the neighbourhood, who is a danger _ the people there.答案:in; dangerousto(2)单句写作The little girl was _ (处于危险中) yesterday, but now she is _ (脱离危险)Gradually, tho

27、se workers began to know that they were _ (有危险) losing their jobs.答案:in danger; out of dangerin danger of学习效果 随堂演练.单词拼写1Youll be very pleased to know that we offered help _ (立即)答案:immediately2Giant pandas are the worlds most endangered _ (物种)答案:species3They have collected a great _ (大量) of data.答案:m

28、ass4It is dangerous using this method to _ (测量) the speed of light.答案:measure5She now has _ (当权;权威) over the people who used to be her bosses.答案:authority.单句语法填空1A _ (hunt) is a person who hunts wild animals for food.答案:hunter2These reports about the teenagers are extremely _ (alarm)答案:alarming3We c

29、annot ignore the danger of tigers _ (extinct) in our country. 答案:extinction4The President is deeply _ (concern) about this issue.答案:concerned5I want Welsh to be seen and heard as a _ (live) language.答案:living.单句写作1一般来说,女人比男人寿命长。_, women live longer than men.答案:On average2我一直很清楚还要做多少工作。Im always very

30、 _ how much work there is still to be done.答案:aware of3我发现适应新生活并不容易。I found it not easy to _ new life.答案:adapt to4你究竟是怎样设法逃脱的呢?How _ did you manage to escape?答案:on earth5迫于公众压力,许多地区政府对各自海滩进行了清理。_ from the public, many regional governments cleaned up their beaches. 答案:Under pressure.阅读理解The Fennec fo

31、x is also known as the desert fox since it survives in the Sahara Desert (沙哈拉沙漠). It is the smallest of the species of foxes, and quite a few people wish to raise it as a pet because of its appearance. However, this is very rare, as it needs special care and attention. Lets take a look at the basic

32、information on the Fennec fox, including its physical appearance, natural habitat, and diet.Physical AppearanceThe Fennec fox is the smallest type of fox, with a body length of about 9.516 inches, and 6inchlong ears. It weighs only around one kilogram. It has a creamcolored, furry body, with a black

33、tipped tail.Their ears are the largest among all foxes relative to the body size, which not only provide them with great hearing, but also radiate the extreme desert heat and thus help to keep the body cool. Moreover, in order to walk on the hot sand, a Fennec foxs feet are covered with thick fur. N

34、ot only that, the feet also help in digging, as this animal lives under the ground.Habitat and LifestyleThe habitat of this animal is mainly in the Sahara Desert, and also in other parts of North Africa. The Fennec fox is usually active during the night. This character helps it deal successfully wit

35、h the extreme heat in the desert.As an extremely social animal, it often lives in groups of ten and each group has its own land. This animal is, however, aggressive too, ready to attack, especially in the mating (交配) season, when they all compete with each other for a mate.DietThe Fennec fox is an o

36、mnivore (杂食动物). While it can survive on plants, it also needs other items such as insects, rabbits, birds and eggs. Getting used to living in the desert allows it to survive for long periods without any water. They are known to take in water when eating food, but will drink water if available.篇章导读:本

37、文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了耳廓狐的形态特征、栖息环境、生活习性以及食性。1What helps the Fennec fox survive in the desert?AThe small body size.BThe great hearing.CGetting active at night.DLiving in groups.答案:C细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The Fennec fox is usually active during the night. This character helps it deal successfully with the extreme he

38、at in the desert.”可知,耳廓狐通常在晚上活动,这一特点使它可以应对沙漠的酷热,故选C项。2The word “radiate” (Paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to _.Asend outBtake inCsuffer fromDturn down答案:A词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“. radiate the extreme desert heat and thus help to keep the body cool.”可知,耳廓狐通过耳朵调节热量,保持身体凉爽。保持身体凉爽应该是要散发热量,所以radiate的意思与A项接近。3Wh

39、at can we learn about the Fennec fox in the passage?AIt seldom attacks others.BIts difficult to raise it as a pet.CIt can survive without any water.DIts the smallest animal in the desert.答案:B推理判断题。根据第一段中的“However, this is very rare, as it needs special care and attention.”可知,耳廓狐作为宠物非常少见,因为它需要特殊的护理,由

40、此推断B项正确。根据第五段中的“This animal is, however, aggressive too, ready to attack”可知A项错误;根据最后一段中的“They are known to take in water when eating food, but will drink water if available.”可知C项错误;根据第二段中的“The Fennec fox is the smallest type of fox .”可知,耳廓狐是最小的狐狸,而不是沙漠最小的动物,故D项错误。课后课时作业完形填空A thousand years ago Hong

41、Kong was covered by a thick forest like the forests we now find in Malaysia and Thailand. As more and more _1_ came to live in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is no forest left, _2_ there are still some areas covered with trees. We call these _3_.Elephants, tigers, monkeys

42、and many other animals used to live in the _4_ forests of Hong Kong, and there were even crocodiles in the _5_ and along the coast. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the animals began to _6_ out. Early farmers grew rice and kept pigs and chickens in the valleys.They _7_ the trees and burnt them

43、. They needed fires to keep themselves _8_ in the winter, to cook their food, and to keep away from dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough _9_ for them. So did most of the wolves, and tigers. Monkeys, squirrels and many other animals soon died out in the same _

44、10_.You might think that there are _11_ any animals in Hong Kong, except in the _12_. You might think there cant be any wild animals in such a _13_ place with so many cars and buildings. But there is _14_ a good deal of countryside in Hong Kong and New Territories, and there are still about thirtysi

45、x different kinds of animals living there.One of the most interesting of Hong Kongs _15_ is the barking deer. They are beautiful little creatures with rich, brown coat and a white patch under the tail. They look like deer but they are much _16_. They are less than two feet high. The male barking deer has two small horns but the female has none. They make a _17_ rathe


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