2019-2020学年高中英语unit5 first aidsectionⅤwriting教学案版本:人教版必修5.doc

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1、Section Writing急救技法指导本单元的写作任务为介绍急救措施,为指导性说明文,该类说明文旨在为读者提供解决问题的方法及具体步骤。这类写作的特点是:目的明确、简洁明了、步骤清晰、操作性强。基本结构是:第一部分:对要说明的现象或事物作简单介绍,引出主题。第二部分:按照一定的顺序对要说明的现象或事物进行客观描述。第三部分:简要总结全文。要写好这一类文章,应注意以下几点:1按照时间顺序或空间顺序描述,要条理清楚、详略得当。2注意句式的灵活使用,避免句式单一。3时态多选用一般现在时,人称宜用第一人称复数或第二人称。黄金表达1过程说明常用表达When you find/see ., what

2、should you do?Be careful (not) to . If the injuries are . , it is vital to . In addition/Then/Next/Also/At the same time, you must/should . Firstly/First of all/To begin with, . Secondly, . Besides/In addition/Whats more, . At last/Finally, . 2结尾常用表达Last but not least, youd better . More importantly

3、, you should . The last but most important step is . In a word, as long as you . you can . 典题演练流鼻血是人们在日常生活中经常遇到的小问题。请结合下面的要点,写一篇短文,介绍针对流鼻血应该采取的一些措施。1流鼻血时,应坐着或者站着,勿平躺,因为平躺会使头部血压升高,更易出血。2可用拇指和食指捏住鼻翼两侧,暂时用嘴呼吸;同时,在前额敷上一块凉毛巾,一般冷敷1030分钟。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头已给出(不计入总词数)。A nosebleed is a common

4、accident 谋篇布局1体裁:说明文2话题:急救知识3时态:一般现在时4人称:第二人称5结构联想词汇1采取措施 答案:take measures2平躺 答案:lie down3如果必要的话 答案:if necessary4同时 答案:meanwhile5牢记 答案:keep sth. in mind连词成句1流鼻血时,应坐着或者站着,勿平躺。When you are bleeding, never lie down, youd better sit up or stand.While bleeding, never lie down, youre supposed to sit up or

5、 stand straight.(升级句)2同时,在前额敷上一块凉毛巾,一般冷敷1030分钟。At the same time, put a cold towel on your forehead, and do this for 1030 minutes.Meanwhile, put a cold towel on your forehead, which lasts for about ten to thirty minutes.(升级句)3牢记这些建议,会大有益处。Remember these suggestions, and they will do you good.Keep the

6、se suggestions in mind and they are of great value.(升级句)连句成篇A nosebleed is a common accident that often happens in our daily life, so knowing how to stop it is necessary. Now we are going to learn something about what we can do to stop it.First of all, while bleeding, never lie down, youre supposed

7、to sit up or stand straight, or your nose will bleed worse because of the increased blood pressure in your head. Then, pinch both sides of your nose together with your thumb and forefinger and breathe through your mouth. Meanwhile, put a cold towel on your forehead, which lasts for about ten to thir

8、ty minutes.All the above are my suggestions. Keep these suggestions in mind and they are of great value.跟踪训练请根据以下提示写一篇100词左右的短文,简要介绍一下对遇到心脏病等疾病突发(seizure)病人应该采取什么样的措施。题目:First Aid for Seizures急救过程中的注意事项:1把附近的危险物体移开以免病人受到伤害;不要移动病人,除非他们处于危险中。2把病人的头部用垫子垫起来,等病发结束后帮助病人呼吸。3在病人没有完全恢复之前不要给他任何吃的或喝的东西;等病人完全恢复

9、以后再离开。4如果病情发作持续5分钟以上,打电话叫救护车。First Aid for Seizures 精彩范文名师点评There is no doubt that . 固定句式,意为“毫无疑问”。unless引导条件状语从句,描述一个相反的情况。once引导时间状语从句。until引导时间状语从句。if necessary条件状语从句的省略,相当于if it is necessary。总评文章开头结尾相互呼应,中间有关急救过程的注意事项用Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Then表示时间顺序,结构合理,行文流畅。课外拓展阅读中国优秀传统文化专题练阅读下面短文,在空白处填

10、入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。If you speak to a local about your stay in Chengdu, theyll probably ask if youve tried hotpot. Everyone 1 (live) here seems to love it, and trying it should be a 2 (fix) part of everyones culinary tour of Sichuan.Hotpot restaurants can 3 (find) on pretty much every street in Chen

11、gdu, but the quality and taste can vary hugely.When you do go for hotpot, you will often be asked to make a 4 (choose) of broth in which you cook your raw ingredients (食材). If youre 5 (adventure) and up for a challenge, the traditional oily spicy broth might be just the thing youre after. But 6 you

12、havent yet fully adapted to the local taste, youd better choose a nonspicy broth, or 7 (go) for a less spicy option. Bear 8 mind that some broths like the tomato, mushroom or northern style will not be on offer at every restaurant.Half spicy and half clear broth is 9 (ready) available at most restau

13、rants; these pots either come divided down the middle like a giant yin and yang, or with 10 separate smaller pot of clear broth in the middle. If you cant bear too much chili and oil, but want to have a try, ask for yuanyangguo.1 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 答案:1.living2.fixed3.be found4.choice5.adventurous6.if/when7.go8.in9.readily10.a


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