2019-2020学年新教材高中英语unit3 the internetsectionⅤsummaryandwriting教学案版本:人教版必修第二册.doc

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1、 Section Summary and Writing重点词汇1engine n. 引擎;发动机engineer n. 工程师2identity n. 身份;特征identify v. 确认;鉴定;说明身份3convenient adj. 方便的convenience n. 方便4benefit n. 益处;优势v. 受益benefit from . 从中受益5distance n. 距离distant adj. 远处的in_the_distance 在远处6inspire v. 鼓舞;激励inspire sb. to_do sth. 鼓励某人做某事be inspired by . 受到的鼓

2、舞7access n. 通道vt. 进入access to 通向的通道8function n. 作用;功能 vi. 起作用function as sth./sb. 起作用9press vt. 按;压pressure n. 压力;要求under pressure 被迫;承受着压力10rude adj. 粗鲁的;粗野的rudely adv. 粗鲁地;突然地11particular adj. 特指的;特别的specific (同义词)in particular 尤其;特别12make_fun_of 取笑play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人13familiar adj. 熟悉;通晓be f

3、amiliar with 对熟悉14keep (.) in mind 牢记memorize vt. 记忆;记住15case n. 箱;盒;情况,案件in case 万一,如果教材原句1So I use a nonsense name for_my_net_identity.(P27)所以我就用了一个毫无意义的名字作为我的网络身份。2There are countless articles telling us how_the_Internet_has_made_our_lives_more_convenient.(P28)有无数的文章告诉我们互联网如何使得我们的生活更便捷。3She reali

4、sed that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its_ability_to_remove_the_distance_that_usually_exists_between_people.(P28)她意识到互联网的最大好处之一就是能够消除人与人之间通常存在的距离感。4Identity theft is a_common_and_serious_problem.(P32)身份盗窃是一个常见并且严重的问题。5Being_online_is_no_excuse for being rude.(P32)上网不是粗鲁的借口。6New k

5、inds of crimes are happening on the internet, too, so cyber_security_has_to_be_constantly_updated.(P34)形形色色的犯罪也在网上发生着,所以网络安全必须不断更新。书面表达 网络安全话题类读后续写1品读原文,确定文章线索通过精读全文,找到网络安全话题类文章写作线索。原文有的是以时间为线索,有的是以空间为线索,还有的是以事件某一个细节为线索。按照事件发生的逻辑性,构思好情节,并且使情节合情合理地发展延续,这个发展须符合情节内在的逻辑,与原文有着必然的联系。搞清楚写作线索有利于续写出符合逻辑的语段。2


7、语段中。1开头常用句式Cyber security is becoming a serious problem with the technology developing.随着科技的发展,网络安全日益成为一大问题。Have you written blog posts?你写过博文吗?Streaming movies and music is enjoyable and relaxing, but do be careful not to let out your privacy.在线看电影和听音乐是件很享受也很放松的事情,但是千万别泄露了私人信息。Online community, such

8、 as chatting on WeChat, is something pleasant but kind of complex.网上社区,比如微信聊天,是令人愉快但又有点复杂的事情。2主体段落常用句式You can listen to music, stream videos, or look up information online.你可以在网上听音乐,在线看视频或者查阅信息。Remember to keep things secret when you go online.记得上网时有些信息要保密。Rather than going out to stores weekly, peo

9、ple order things online and have them delivered directly to their homes.人们不再每周去商店,他们从网上订购东西,然后直接把它们快递回家。Online shopping is both cheap and convenient.网上购物既便宜又方便。3结尾常用句式Life has been greatly changed by the Internet.网络已大大改变了生活。Post your comments below if you want to share something.如果您有什么要分享的,可以在下面写评论。

10、Do you still have some other good advice about staying safety online?关于安全上网你还有什么别的好建议吗?They take any possible measures to protect the security of the Internet.他们采取任何可能的措施来保护互联网安全。阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Jack, a clerk at the local bank, was wandering alone on the street. It was a cold, silent w

11、inter night. His mind was on his wife Linda, who had been in a car accident two months ago and was now lying in a hospital bed, waiting for more money for her operation. Jack had sold everything he had, and he had tried his best to borrow money from all the people and banks he could. But the real wo

12、rld is cruel. A large amount of money was still needed. To Jack, it would mean a great deal of suffering to see his wife die without any help. “I have only one option left,” Jack said to himself. Then he went the bank, his workplace, again. For several days, he observed the bank and planned a theft.

13、The next day, he went to work as usual. Everything seemed normal: he joked with his workmates and helped his clients as he always did. But no one noticed that he had brought a bigger suitcase to work, instead of the small one he always carried. At 5:00 pm, the_bank closed, and the_clerks and the_gua

14、rds had all gone home. However, at that moment, Jack was in the bathroom. He first cut the lines of the alarms and monitors with tools from his new suitcase. He was all too familiar with the equipment since he had been working there for 8 years and had been studying the security system for the past

15、30 days. Using a special key and some other tools, he then easily opened the doors of the safes, The banks security_system wasnt very good, which allowed Jack to take a lot of money. Several minutes later, Jack left the bank with a heavy bag filled with money.注意:1所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语

16、;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:After Jack had been gone from the bank for a while, the alarms began to ring. Paragraph 2:But the most unlucky man was the manger of the bank, an old man. 精彩范文Paragraph 1:After Jack had been gone from the bank for a while, the alarms began t

17、o ring. The police arrived at the_bank very quickly, only to find no one there. The next day was a really special day for the town, which was filled with newspaper and TV reporters covering the strange theft. The_clerks at the bank were busy discussing the case, of course, including Jack. The police

18、 could only promise to catch the thieves as soon as possible, even though no clues had been found yet.Paragraph 2:But the most unlucky man was the manager of the bank, an old man. He seemed to be the only person to blame and was removed from his position. At last, with enough money for her operation

19、,_Jacks wife was saved. However, Jack felt guilty about the manager of the bank. He could not forget what he had done to the old man. His guilt deepened as time went by. Finally, he turned himself in to the police and accepted his punishment.【总评】作者对案件后续情节进行了合理的描述,用语流畅,想象丰富,符合故事发展内在关系,主人公去自首的结局也体现了作者

20、正向的价值观。【亮点呈现】(1)作者运用非限制性定语从句which was filled with newspaper and TV reporters covering the strange theft以及让步状语从句even though no clues had been found yet、宾语从句what he had done to the old man等高级句式对事件的发生发展进行了生动形象的描述,内容丰满,符合逻辑。(2)作者大量运用非谓语动词短语,如only to find no one there, covering the strange theft, discuss

21、ing the case, including Jack等体现英语行文特点的语言结构,不仅仅使得语段丰富多彩,灵活多变,而且用语简练,易于表达真情实感。(3)作者给出的故事结局Finally, he turned himself in to the police and accepted his punishment.也具有教育意义,体现了人性自省、向善的特点。阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。The Internet is a huge part of many peoples everyday lives. Its fun, useful, and informa

22、tive, but can also be dangerous, no matter how safe you feel while browsing. By getting into the habit of using good Internet safety practices, you can protect your information and your identity for years to come.When youre creating a password for your account,_make_sure to include a mix of numbers,

23、 symbols, and letters, both uppercase and lowercase. Avoid using the same passwords for multiple accounts. Its harder to remember, but it will keep your information much safer.Password managers automatically generate and store strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts. Youll simply create o

24、ne master password for the manager and let it keep all the others safe.Multifactor authentication makes an account even more secure by requiring extra information to let you log in, such as a code sent to your phone. Many large email providers and social media accounts offer this service.Consider ve

25、ry carefully before you make an account on a website, even if it just requires giving your email address. No matter how secure your passwords are, using them on unsafe sites will put your information in danger.Logging into a site creates a cookie in your browser, which identifies you and, if stolen,

26、 can compromise your account. This is especially an issue on sites that hold sensitive information, like your bank account or credit card number,_so its always best to log out once youre finished.Keeping your social media profiles private can make it harder for strangers to contact you online or get

27、 hold of your information. Choose an option that makes your profile visible to only you or your_friends.注意:1所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Review what information is public on your social media profiles. Paragraph 2:Dont open emails or

28、files from people you dont know. 写前导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章向读者介绍了在互联网中保护自己信息安全的方法。精彩范文Paragraph 1:Review what information is public on your social media profiles. Important information on your account can slip through the cracks and be made public, especially if you recently made or edited your profile. Head

29、to the Privacy section of your account to check whats currently accessible by people who arent your_friends. Do this every few months or so to make_sure that everything you want to be private stays that way.Paragraph 2:Dont open emails or files from people you dont know. Phishing spammers are people

30、 who use fake emails or messages to make you share personal information. If you see an email from an unfamiliar address, or from an address you know but with a suspicious message, move it to your spam folder. The email could also include links that might look legitimate, but never click on them unti

31、l you can verify that its a legitimate message. Phishing spammers are often after your bank account or Social Security number,_so be extra cautious if you get an email requesting money, login credentials, or very personal information.课外拓展阅读中国优秀传统文化专题练阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。There are a v

32、ariety of activities in the celebration of the Double Ninth Festival: climbing, wearing cornel (山茱萸) leaves, appreciating chrysanthemums (菊花), drinking chrysanthemum wine and eating DoubleNinth cakes.Autumn is the _1_ (good) season for climbing high places. When you look down from the height you fin

33、d _2_ (you) free from cares and becoming part of nature. The climbing custom _3_ (start) from the Han Dynasty. To begin with, they climbed high terraces (梯田) on the outskirts of _4_ capital Changan and later the hills and mountains around. And then it became a custom _5_ the custom spread about.When

34、 people climbed they wore cornel with them because they believed that cornel could keep away evils. Cornel is an evergreen shrub (灌木) _6_ a strong fragrance. Its roots, stems and leaves can _7_ (process) as a medical herb that can cure some symptoms of a bad disease and keep away mosquitoes. The poe

35、m “Reminiscing My Brother in Shandong on Double Ninth” _8_ (write) by Wang Wei describes climbing with cornel: “Being a _9_ (strange) in a foreign place, I miss my flesh and blood all the more. I know you are climbing with cornel, but your brother is not with you.” Even today when people miss their

36、relatives and friends on festivals, this is the poem they are likely _10_ (sing)1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了重阳节的起源、发展以及这一节日的习俗。1best考查形容词的最高级。由空前的the和空后的名词season可知,这里应填形容词最高级形式。2yourself考查代词。本空作动词find的宾语,且与主语you指代相同,故填反身代词。3started考查动词的时态。根据时间状语from the Han Dynasty可知,应用一般过去时。4th

37、e考查冠词。此处特指都城长安,故填定冠词the。5and考查连词。该句意为“这成为了一个习俗并流传开来”,前后为顺承关系,故填and。6with考查介词。根据句意“山茱萸是一种有浓烈香味的常青灌木”可知,应用with表达“有”。7be processed考查被动语态。主语Its roots, stems and leaves和process之间是被动关系,故填被动语态。8written考查非谓语动词。由空后的by可知此处表被动,故用过去分词短语作后置定语。9stranger考查词性转换。由空前的a可知,此处应填名词单数形式。10to sing考查非谓语动词。be likely to do为固定用法,表示“可能做某事”。Combining traditional and modern ideas, the Double Ninth Festival encourages people to respect, care for and help seniors.重阳节将传统与现代思想结合起来,鼓励人们敬老、爱老和助老。


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