2020届英语高考二轮专题复习与测试:题型组合练(二十九) .doc

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1、题型组合练(二十九)阅读理解阅读七选五.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2019太原高三模拟)Where there are humans,there are house sparrows.But despite their suggestive species name,Passer Domesticus,they arent officially domesticated.The bold,tiny and grayandbrown birds are found on every continent except Antarctica,hop

2、ping around cities,pecking (啄)at leftover food on sidewalks,and sometimes chasing away native bird species.The house sparrows have adapted to living alongside humans,but this friendly behavior to humans is legendary.No one knew what set them apart from the other wild members of the sparrow family. L

3、ooking for a genetic explanation,Mark Ravinet,an evolutionary biologist and his colleagues caught dozens of sparrows at sites across Europe.They set up mist nets that harmlessly trapped the birds as they flew insidemeasured and tagged the birds,drew blood samples,and then released them.Back in the l

4、ab,they sequenced the birds DNA.They found that the house sparrows genes of many regions appeared to have experienced positive selection,helping the birds live alongside humans.The evolutionary process of natural selection may have favored genetic changes that altered their skull shape and allowed t

5、hem to eat food with starch (淀粉)similar to domesticated animals like dogs.The most significant sign of positive selection in the birds DNA was found in a region with two known genes:one is linked to skull development and another helps create the amylase (淀粉酶),which helps break down starch in humans,

6、dogs and other domesticated animals.Changes to both genes might have helped the house sparrows eat humancultivated foods.Another evolutionary biologist Samuel Andrew says the work is an exciting new step for bird researchers that could answer many questions about how sparrow species adapted to diffe

7、rent conditions.But he and Ravinet agree there may be changes to other genes that were missed in this initial analysis,yet still helped the birds take advantage of humans.“If you live in a major city,there are more animals around you than you realize,” Ravinet says.“They have a history and a story t

8、o tell.”1What do we know about the house sparrows from Paragraph 1 ?AThey are domesticated.BThey are very friendly.CThey are welladapted.DThey are a rare species.2What is the purpose of Ravinets research?ATo experience positive selection.BTo confirm the species name of house sparrows.CTo compare hou

9、se sparrows with other domestic animals. DTo genetically explain house sparrows friendly behavior.3Why is the amylase important to genetic change?ABecause it helps digest starch.BBecause all animals can create it. CBecause it promotes skull development. DBecause it can sequence animals DNA.4What can

10、 we conclude from the text?AHouse sparrows history is legendary.BHouse sparrows take advantage of humans.CThe skull shape determines animals evolution.DPositive selection in DNA leads to biological evolution.体裁:说明文题材:自然主题:家雀的基因与进化【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。通过积极的基因选择,家雀适应了现在的生存环境。1解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“The bold,tiny.

11、on sidewalks” 和“The house sparrows have adapted to living alongside humans”可推知,家雀的适应能力很强。答案:C2解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“but this friendly behavior to humans is legendary.No one knew what set them apart from the other wild members of the sparrow family”及第二段第一句中的“Looking for a genetic explanation”可推知,Ravinet的研

12、究的目的是想从基因上解释家雀具有友好行为的原因。答案:D3解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“which helps break down.eat humancultivated foods”可知,这种淀粉酶对基因改变重要的原因是它有助于消化淀粉。答案:A4解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They found that the house sparrows genes of many regions appeared to have experienced positive selection.similar to domesticated animals like dogs”和倒数第二段中的

13、“the work is an exciting new step for bird researchers that could answer many questions about how sparrow species adapted to different conditions”可推知,积极的基因选择会引起生物的进化。答案:DB(2019武昌高三调研)Parents complain about their teenagers noses constantly in their phones,but they might want to pay attention to their

14、 own screen time habits.A study out Wednesday from the Pew Research Center found that twothirds of parents are concerned about the amount of time their teenage children spend in front of screens,while more than a third express concern about their own screen time. Meanwhile,more than half of teens sa

15、id they often or sometimes find their parents to be absentminded when the teens are trying to have a conversation with them.The study calls teens relationship with their phones at times “hyperconnected” and notes that nearly threefourths check messages or notifications (通知) as soon as they wake up.P

16、arents do the same,but at a lower if still considerable rate57 percent.Big tech companies face a growing backlash (强烈反应)against the addictive nature of their phones and apps,the endless notifications and other features created to keep people fastened to their screens.Many teens are trying to do some

17、thing about it:52 percent said they have cut back on the time they spend on their phones and 57 percent did the same with social media.Experts say parents have a big role in their kids screen habits and setting a good example is a big part of it.“Kids dont always do what we say but they do as we do,

18、” said Donald Shifrin,a professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine,who was not involved in the study.“Parents are the door that kids will walk through on their way to the world.”The study surveyed 743 US teens and 1,058 US parents of teens from March 7 to April 10.The range of erro

19、r is 4.5 percentage points.5According to the survey,how many parents are concerned about their screen time?AAbout 354.BAbout 317.CAbout 603. DAbout 705.6What does the underlined word “hyperconnected” in Para.3 mean?AInteractive. BUndervalued.CNonexistent. DOverdeveloped.7Who makes it hard for people

20、 to fight against phone addiction?AProtective parents. BThe Pew Research Center.CInexperienced teens.DGreedy tech companies.8What does the text suggest parents do about their kids screen habits?AUpgrade the smart phones.BCriticize kids for bad habits.CForbid kids from using phones.DCut down their ow

21、n screen time.体裁:说明文题材:社会生活主题:对父母和孩子沉溺于手机的研究【语篇解读】父母总是抱怨他们的孩子太沉溺于手机,其实是他们自身的这种行为影响到了孩子。为了避免孩子对手机上瘾,父母自身应该首先树立好榜样。5解析:数字计算题。根据第二段最后一句的“.while more than a third express concern about their own screen time”和最后一段中的“The study surveyed 743 US teens and 1,058 US parents of teens”可知,这次研究调查了1 058位父母,而他们中超过1/

22、3的人表示对自己使用手机的时间担忧;由此可知10583352.7;又根据“more than”可知,应该大于352,故选A。答案:A6解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“Parents complain about their teenagers noses constantly in their phones”和第二段中的“twothirds of parents are concerned about the amount of time their teenage children spend in front of screens”都提到父母担忧孩子看手机的时间太长;而画线词所在句又讲到

23、青少年一醒来就先查看手机的信息和通知;由此可推知,孩子和手机之间的关系是“过度联系”,故画线词与D项意思相近。答案:D7解析:推理判断题。根据第四段内容可推知,大型科技公司为了自己的利益,会不断研发使人上瘾的手机功能,故选D。答案:D8解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Experts say parents have a big role in their kids screen habits and setting a good example is a big part of it”以及“Kids dont always do what we say but they do as we

24、 do”可知,父母对于孩子看手机的习惯有不可推卸的责任,树立榜样意义重大;由此可推知,文章建议父母减少自己看手机的时间,故选D。答案:DC(2019安徽五校联盟质量检测)While an entire month free of homework or tests may sound too good to be true,that is exactly what the students at Sturenskolan School in Boden,Sweden were treated to in April.Whats more,if the results of the experi

25、ment prove encouraging,starting 2019,the middle schoolers will never have to worry about afterschool work or tests,aside from the national examinations,which are compulsive for students across the country.The schools principal,Petronella Sirkka,who came up with the idea,said,“We are constantly recei

26、ving new reports that our children feel bad.And thats because they have a high level of stress all the time.This is our way of trying to reduce that stress.”The educator says that while banning homework and tests sounds radical (激进的),it makes sense given the changes in the curriculum and approaches

27、to education.While in the past students were primarily subjected to memorizing facts,learning today is all about reflection and analysis.As a result,it is often harder for kids,especially those with little support at home,to comprehend the material by themselves.Sirkka is not the only one who believ

28、es afterschool work does not help students learn.In March 2018,another principal in Canada also decided to do away with homework.They hope parents will spend the extra time reading to their kids. While the longterm impact of the recent decisions made by the two educators remains to be seen,the exper

29、iment has already proved successful in Finland which has done away with homework,grades,and even teaching by subjects for many years.Yet,Finnish students always rank high in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) tests especially in math and science but they have the least homewor

30、k!Hopefully,it will only be a matter of time before US educators follow their lead and ban afterschool work as well!9The students at Sturenskolan School had no homework in April because_Athe headmaster was experimenting with her ideaBthey needed to do some experiments during the monthCthey were busy

31、 preparing for the national examinationsDthe headmaster had to carry out the governments policy10What makes childrens learning hard nowadays?AChildren have to do more analyzing.BThe approach to education is complex.CChildren get no support at home and school.DThere are many more facts to memorize.11

32、What does Petronella Sirkka most likely advise parents to do?AHelp children with their homework.BFree children from afterschool housework.CSpend more time reading to their children.DCommunicate with teachers from time to time.12What can we infer about the students in Finland?AThey study the hardest

33、at school.BThey have a more relaxing school life.CThey enjoy great success after graduation.DThey all have a talent for math and science.体裁:说明文题材:学校生活主题:取消家庭作业和考试【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。瑞典一所学校在四月份取消了学生的家庭作业和考试,这是该校校长Petronella Sirkka看到学生作业负担太重而提出的举措,且芬兰采取的类似做法已获成功。9解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“The schools principal,P

34、etronella Sirkka,who came up with the idea”,并结合第一段的内容可知,Sturenskolan学校的学生们在四月份没有家庭作业和考试是该校校长提出的想法,故A项正确。答案:A10解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三句“While in the past students were primarily subjected to memorizing facts,learning today is all about reflection and analysis.As a result,it is often harder for kids,especi

35、ally those with little support at home,to comprehend the material by themselves”可知,在过去,学生主要是被要求记住事实,而如今学生需要的是反思和分析。因此,孩子们往往很难自己理解这些材料。据此可知,反思和分析让孩子们的学习更加困难。故A项正确。 答案:A11解析:推理判断题。根据第四段尾句“They hope parents will spend the extra time reading to their kids”可推知,Petronella Sirkka很可能会建议父母花些时间为他们的孩子们阅读,故C项正确

36、。答案:C12解析:推理判断题。根据尾段第一句中的“.the experiment has already proved successful in Finland which has done away with homework,grade,and even teaching by subjects for many years”可知,多年来,芬兰已经取消了家庭作业、成绩等级,甚至科目教学。据此可推知,芬兰学生的学校生活更加轻松,故B项正确。答案:B.阅读七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2019河南五校高三联考)For most s

37、tudents,writing more clearly and persuasively presents a great challenge._1_Few of them,though,focus on filling their essays with necessary information and details,let alone organizing the information.In order to make an essay convincing,students should know how to select the necessary information a

38、nd details._2_Information that can help students clarify and better convey their ideas is certainly important.To figure out what this is,you should make sure you understand the theme of the essay._3_Suppose you were asked to write an essay describing a memorable event in your life.You should start o

39、ff by thinking about the events youve experienced,and why a particular event is especially memorable to you._4_While writing the essay,you should constantly remind yourself that since the event must be a memorable one,you should pay attention to describing the details that make it so special. _5_Ind

40、eed,before you include any information in your essay,you should think about how to link reasons,examples and details together before you start writing.Only then will you be able to produce a strong and coherent(连贯的) essay.ABut how do you know what to include?BGood writing is sure to leave a deep imp

41、ression on the readers.CThrough this process,you can choose a meaningful experience.DYou can begin with a question,such as why Im writing this essay.EMany can write grammatically correct sentences and choose proper words.FHowever,even if you think of good reasons and examples,you must try to organiz

42、e your essay well.GOnly after clearly understanding the topic can you choose proper reasons and examples to support your ideas. 体裁:说明文题材:学校生活主题:写作的要领【语篇解读】本文为说明文,简要阐述了一些学生如何写作的要领。1解析:根据前一句中的most students和后一句中的Few of them可知空处与students有关;根据后一句中的though(然而)可知空处与后一句形成转折关系。故E项正确。答案:E2解析:前一句中的“Students sho

43、uld know how to select the necessary information and details”及下文关于如何选择信息的内容与A项中的“what to include”吻合,故A项正确。答案:A3解析:根据前一句中的“you should make sure you understand the theme of the essay”可知G项正确。 答案:G4解析:前一句“You should start off by thinking about the events.to you”与C项的“this process”吻合,故C项正确。答案:C5解析:下文中的“how to link reasons,examples and details together before you start writing”与F项中的“organize your essay well”吻合,故F项正确。答案:F


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