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《中医学习基础理论英文单词.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中医学习基础理论英文单词.doc(42页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、-#每日单词1.学科 【中医基础理论】2017-3-21中药 Chinese materia medica mtrr 中药学 Chinese materia medica 中医药 traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology frmkld中西医结合 integration of traditional and western medicine 方剂学 prescriptions of Chinesemateria medica 中医皮肤科学 dermatology of TCM ,dmtldi中医肛肠科学 proctology of TCMprkt

2、ldi中医妇科学 gynecology of TCM ,gankldi中医儿科学 pediatrics of TCM,piditrks中医眼科学 ophthalmology of TCM,flmldi中医耳鼻喉科学 otorhinolaryngology of TCM ,oto,rano,lrldi 中医骨伤科学 osteology and traumatology of TCM ,stldi ,tramtldi中医急诊学 science of emergentology of TCM针灸学 science of acupuncture and moxibustion of TCM中医推拿学

3、science of tuina of traditional Chinese medicine 中医养生学 science of preservation of traditional Chinese medicine 中医康复学 science of rehabilitation of traditional Chinese medicine 中医护理学 science of nursery of traditionalChinese medicine 温病学 science of epidemic febrile disease of TCM fibral药用植物学 pharmaceut

4、ical botany ,frmsutkl【中医基础理论】2017-3-22中药化学 chemistry of Chinese materia medica 中药药理学 pharmacology of Chinese materia medica 中药鉴别学 identification of Chinese materia medica 中药炮制学 science of processing Chinese materia medica 中药药剂学 pharmacy of Chinese materia medica 中药制剂分析 analysising drug form of Chine

5、se materia medica 中国医学史 Chinese medical history 中医文献学 Chinese medical literature 中医各家学说 theories of schools of traditional Chinese medicine 医案 medical record 国家中医药管理局 State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中华中医药学会 China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy 世界针灸学会联合会

6、 The World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies 中国针灸学会 China Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 中国中西医结合学会 Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine 中国民族医药学会 Chinese Association of Minority Medicine 阳生阴长:yin growing while yang generating 阳杀阴藏:yin co

7、ncealing while yang declined 阴静阳躁:static yin and dynamic yang阳化气,阴成形:yang transforming qi while yin constituting form【中医基础理论】2017-3-23 阴阳平衡:yin-yang balance 阴阳调和:yin-yang harmony 阴阳交感:interaction of Yin and Yang 阴阳自和:spontaneous harmonization of yin and yang 阴阳对立:opposition of yin and yang 阴阳互根:inte

8、rdependence of Yin and Yang 阴阳消长:mutual consuming of Yin and Yang 阴阳转化:Inter-transformation of Yin and Yang 阴阳互根:mutual rooting of Yin and Yang 阴生于阳:Yin originating from yang 阳生于阴:yang originating from Yin 孤阳不生:solitary yang failing to grow 独阴不长:solitary yin failing to develop阴偏盛:Preponderance (Exce

9、ss) of Yin 阳偏盛:Preponderance (Excess) of Yangprpndrns 阴偏衰:Weakness (Deficiency) of Yin 阳偏衰:Weakness (Deficiency) of Yang 重阴必阳:extreme yin turning into yang 重阳必阴:extreme yang turning into yin 阴平阳秘,精神乃治:when yin is at peace and yang is compact essence-spirit is normal 阴阳离决,精气乃绝:when yin and yang separ

10、ate, essential qi expires【中医基础理论】2017-3-24 阴阳偏盛:preponderance of yin or yang 阴阳两虚:Dual deficiency of yin and yang 阴虚阳亢:Yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity 阴盛阳衰:Exuberance of yin with decline of yang gzjbrns 亡阴亡阳:yin collapse; yang exhaustion 阳胜则阴病:when yang prevails, yin ails 阴胜则阳病:when yin preva

11、ils, yang ails 阴阳失调:yin-yang disharmony 阳损及阴:yang impairment affects yin 阴阳乖戾:yin-yang perversion 阴阳胜复:Alternative preponderance of yin and yang阴竭阳脱:Yin exhaustion and yang collapse 阴盛格阳:exuberant yin repelling yang 阳胜则热:excess of yang causing heat; exuberance of yang leads to heat 阴盛阳衰:exuberance o

12、f yin with decline of yang 阴阳俱损:simultaneous consumption of yin and yang 扶阳退阴:strengthening yang to reduce yin 滋阴抑阳:enrich yin and repressing yang 阳中求阴:seek yin from yang 阳病治阴:Treating yang disease from yin【中医基础理论】2017-3-25阴阳平衡: balance of yin and yang; Yin-yang balance; balance between yin and yang

13、阴平阳秘:Yin is even (steady) and yang is sound (firm). 阴阳失调:disharmony of yin and yang; imbalance of yin and yang 阴阳调和:Harmony of yin and yang调和肝胃:Harmonizing the liver and stomach水曰润下:Water characterized by moistening and descending火曰炎上:Fire characterized by flaring up木曰曲直:Wood characterized by bendin

14、g and straightening 金曰从革:Metal characterized by changing 土爰稼穑:Earth characterized by sowing and reaping 木克土,土生金,金克木:Wood controls Earth, but Earth generates Metal, which controls Wood 母病及子:disease of the mother affects the child 子病及母:disease of the child affects the mother子盗母气:child stealing the mot

15、hers qi【中医基础理论】2017-3-28 虚则补其母:deficiency is treated by supplementing the mother 实则泻其子:excess is treated by draining the child 补母泻子:supplementing the mother and draining the child 滋水涵木:replenishing water to nourish wood 培土生金:reinforcing earth to generate metal 益火补土:tonifying fire to supplement earth

16、 金水相生:mutual generation between metal and water抑强扶弱:restrain the powerful and help the weak 抑木扶土:inhibiting wood and strengthening earth培土制水:cultivating earth to control water佐金平木:assisting metal and calming wood泻南补北:purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north (water)精:Essence【中医基础理论】2017-3-29

17、三宝:three treasures先天之精:prenatal/innate essence ,prinetl后天之精:postnatal/acquired essence脏腑之精:essence of the bowels and viscera vsr生殖之精:reproductive essence水谷之精:essence of grain and water 推动作用:Propelling 温煦作用:Warming 防御作用:Protecting 固摄作用:Fixating fkset 气化作用:Qi-transforming气机:qi movement 气化:qi transform

18、ation 升:upward movement / ascending 降:downward movement / descending 出:Outward / going out 入:inward / coming in【中医基础理论】2017-3-30 元气:primary qi / genuine qi (most essential qi in the body)宗气:pectoral qi; ancestral qi (it accumulates in the chest) pktrl 营气:nutrient qi (forms blood to nourish body)卫气:d

19、efensive qi; protective真气:genuine qi 正气:healthy qi; normal qi 中气:middle qi藏象 viscera manifestation肾间动气:stirring qi of the kidney region心主血:the heart governs the blood 肝藏血:the liver stores the blood 脾统血:the spleen manages the blood 津:thin fluid/fluid liquid 液:thick fluid/liquid humor 五液:five humors;v

20、isceral humor2017-3-31 汗:sweat 泪:tears 涕:snivel美 snvl 涎:drool; thinner salivadrul slav 唾:spittle; thicker salivasptl气为血之帅:qi is the commander of the blood 血为气之母:blood is the mother of qi 精血同源:essence and blood are of the same source 津血同源:liquid and blood are of the same source 神:Mind 魂:Ethereal Soul

21、rl 魄:Corporeal Soulkrprl 意:Intellect 志:Will-power五脏:five viscera六腑:six bowels奇恒之府:extraordinary organs【中医基础理论】2017-4-1心主血脉:It governs Blood & vessels心藏神:It houses the Mind其华在面:It manifests in the complexion 开窍于舌:It opens into the tongue 在志为喜:It is related to joy在液为汗:It controls sweat君主之官 monarch org

22、an主血脉 governing blood and vessels主藏神 storing spirit主通明 governing smoothness and brightness 肺为娇脏:delicate viscus 主宣发与肃降:They control diffusing and descending of Qi and Body Fluids 主气司呼吸:They govern Qi and respiration主通调水道:They regulate Water passages 朝百脉,主治节:They control channels and blood vessels,an

23、d regulate all physiological activities 在体合皮:They control the skin 其华在毛:They manifest in the body hair 开窍为鼻:They open into the nose 在液为涕:The control nasal mucus 在神为魄:They house the Corporeal Soul 在志为忧(悲):They are affected by worry, grief and sadness【中医基础理论】2017-4-2脾气主升:It controls the ascending of Q

24、i喜燥恶湿:likes dryness and is averse to dampness主运化:It governs transformation and transportation 主统血:It controls the Blood 在体合肉,主四肢:It controls the muscles and the four limbs 在窍为口,其华在唇:It opens into the mouth and manifests in the lips 在液为涎:It controls saliva 脾舍意:It houses the Intellect 在志为思:It is affec

25、ted by pensiveness 肝为刚脏:liver is the unyielding viscus 肝主升发:liver governs upbearing and effusion 主疏泄:It ensures the smooth flow of Qi 主藏血:It stores Blood在体合筋:It controls the sinews 其华在爪:It manifests in the nails 在窍为目:It opens into the eyes 在液为泪:It controls tears 肝舍魂:It houses the Ethereal Soul 在志为怒:

26、It is affected by anger【中医基础理论】2017-4-3藏精,主生长发育与生殖:Store Essence and govern birth, growth, reproduction and development主水:Govern Water主纳气:Control the reception of Qi在体合骨,生髓:Produce Marrow, fill up the brain and control bones在窍为耳及二阴:Open into the ears &the two lower orificesrfsz其华在发:Manifest in the h

27、air在液为唾:Control spittle sptl肾舍志:House the Will-power肾主命门:Control the Gate of Life (Minister Fire)The Gallbladder贮藏和排泄胆汁:It stores and excretes bile kskrit bal 主决断:It controls decisiveness dsasvnsThe Stomach后天之气之根:Root of Post-Heaven Qi水谷之海:the Sea of water and grains主通降:Controls the descending of Qi

28、/free downflow喜润恶燥:likes moisture and is averse to dryness mst主受纳:Controls receiving / intake主腐熟水谷:Controls the rotting and ripening of foodrti rapn太仓:Great Granarygrnri【中医基础理论】2017-4-4The Small Intestine主受盛化物:controls receiving and transforming主泌别清浊:separates the clear and turbid tbdThe Large Intes

29、tine主传化糟粕:Controls passage and conduction/governs the conveyance and transformation of waste大肠主津:it governs fluids 通行元气:It mobilizes the Original Qi运行水液:It controls the transportation and penetration of Qi ,pntren上焦如雾:The Upper Burner is like mist.中焦如沤:The Middle Burner is like foam (fermenter). fom

30、 fmnt下焦如渎:The Lower Burner is compared to sluice (drainage ditch).slus 水闸脑:Brain髓:Marrow 骨:Bones 脉:Blood Vessels 胆:Gall Bladder 女子胞:Uterusjutrs 主持月经:it regulates menstruation 孕育胎儿:it houses the fetus during pregnancyfits 心肾相交:heart-kidney interaction 心肾不交:heart and kidney failing to interact水火既济:coo

31、rdination between water and fire肝肾同源:liver and kidney are of the same source【中医基础理论】2017-4-5 脾为生痰之源,肺为贮痰之器:spleen is the source of phlegm formation, lung is the receptacle that holds phlegm五体:five constituents筋:sinew; tendon snju脉:vessel肉:flesh 皮:skin 骨:bone 皮毛:skin and hair 腠理:striae and interstice

32、sstraii: 玄府:sweat pore(mysterious mansion) pr. 气孔 mnn 大厦气门:sweat pore (qi gate) 肌:muscle; flesh 宗筋:convergence of tendon; penis (and testes)pins 面:face颈项:neck (and nape)nep胸胁:chest and hypochondrium,hapkndrm 脘腹:stomach duct and abdomen 腰背:lumbus and back 四肢:Four limbs 前阴:external genitalia (anterior

33、 yin) ,dntelj 后阴:anus (posterior yin)ens 五官:five sense【中医基础理论】2017-4-6七窍:seven orifices九窍:nine orifices 清窍:clear orifice上窍:upper orifice下窍:lower orifice苗窍:signal orifice外因:external cause内因:internal cause不内外因:cause neither internal nor external / miscessaneous causes of disease其他致病因素:other pathogens病

34、理产物:pathological products六淫:six excesses疠气:pestilential qi ,pstlnl风:wind 寒:cold 暑:summer-heat 湿:dampness 燥:dryness 火:fire喜:joy 怒:anger:忧:worry/anxiety 思:pensiveness/thought 悲:sadness/sorrow恐:fear 惊:shock/fright【中医基础理论】2017-4-7怒伤肝: anger affecting the Liver喜伤心: joy affecting the Heart思伤脾: pensiveness

35、 affecting the Spleen悲伤肺: sadness affecting the Lungs恐伤肾: fear affecting the Kidneys.饮食失宜:improper diet饮食不节:improper eating habit过饥(进食不足):insufficient eating过饱:overeating饮食不洁:eating unclean food五味偏嗜:flavor predilection偏嗜肥甘:predilection for greasy foodgrisi ,prdlkn过食生冷:overconsumption of raw or cold

36、foods劳逸不当:overwork or lack of exercise过劳:overwork/overstrain劳力过度:excessive physical work劳神过度:excessive mental work房劳过度:excessive sexual activity过逸:lack of exercise体逸太过:lack of physical exercise神逸太过:lack of mental exercise邪气、病邪:evil/pathogen/pathogenic factor外邪:external evilFrom: 国医英语QQ群459509898【中医基

37、础理论】2017-4-8内生五邪:five endogenous evil客邪:visiting evil/intruding pathogen时邪:seasonal evil合邪:combined evil浊邪:turbid evil毒:toxin热毒:heat toxin胎毒:fetal toxin蛊毒:parasitic toxin恶气:malign qi外感:external contraction内伤:internal damage劳倦:fatigue due to overstrain劳复:relapse due to overwork跌打损伤:injuries due to kn

38、ocks and falls禀赋不足:constitutional insufficiency先天不足:inadequate natural endowment后天失调:lack of proper care after birth水土不服:failure to acclimatize to a new environmentFrom: 国医英语QQ群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-9心藏神heart storing spirit 肺藏魄 lung storing inferior spirit 肝藏魂liver storing soul 脾藏意 spleen storing

39、idea 肾藏志kidney storing will 调节脏腑机能regulate viscera function 主宰dominate/dictate/govern/decide 疏泄catharsis krss升降出入coming out and entering 维系hold together 精 jing(as the world origin in ancient philosophy)气 qi(as the world origin in ancient philosophy)精气学说 theory of jingqi生殖之精 essential substance for r

40、eproduction有形物质 tangible material感应 induction水地说 hypothesis of jing originating from water and earthhapss运气说 hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air元气 primordial qipramrdlFrom: 国医英语QQ群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-10(元)气一元论 monism of qi阴阳:yin and yang the two opposing principles in nature变化:variat

41、ion子午线:meridian (厥阴:jueyin meridian)太阴:lunar太阳:sunshine阴阳交感:interaction of yin anyang阴阳互藏:yinyang mutual hiding阴阳转化:mutual transformation between yin and yang 阴阳消长:waxing and waning of yinyang阴阳相关:the relativity of yin and yang阴阳对立制约the opposition of yin and yang 阴阳互根互用interdependence and interpromo

42、tion of yin and yang筋骨阳中之阴skin and musclesyang within yangtendon and boneyin within yang 阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang ;五行学说doctrine of five elements春夏养阳reinforcing yang in summer to treat yang deficiency. 秋冬养阴nourishing yin in water to treat yin deficiency.夏病冬治treating summer disease from winter Fr

43、om: 国医英语QQ群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-11木曰曲直;wood can be flexed and extended 火曰炎上fire flames up 土爰稼穑 earth can grow props ;水曰润下water moistens and flows downward气机qi activity气化qi transformation五行相生inter-promotion of five elements五行相克inter-inhibition of five elements五行制化relationship of promotion and rest

44、riction of five elements五行相乘inter-invasion of five elements五行相侮reverse restriction in five elements五行胜复resistance of oppressed elements母病及子mother-organ disorder involving its child-organ子病及母child-organ disorder involving its mother-organ滋水涵木 replenishing water to nourish wood培土生金 reinforcing earth t

45、o generate metal益火补土 tonifying fire to supplement earth金水相生 mutual generation between metal and water抑木扶土 inhibiting wood and strengthening earth培土制水 cultivating earth to control water佐金平木 assisting metal and calming wood泻南补北 purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north(water)阴阳自和 reestablishment


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