2022年人教版七下-单元句子翻译专练英语 .pdf

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1、七下 1-12 单元(期末复习)句子翻译专练U11.你的笔友是哪里人? Where is your _ _ _? 2.他是澳大利亚人He is _ _. 3.他住在哪里 ? Where _ he_. 4.他住在悉尼He _ _ _. 5.她来自多伦多She _from _. 6.我们能说一点英语We can _ _ _ _. 7.她讲什么语言? _ _ does she _. 8 你最喜爱的科目是什么_ your _subject? 9.他有一个法国的笔友. He _ _ pen pal _ _. 10.体育很有趣 ,我非常喜欢体育P.E._ _,and I _ _very much. U2

2、1.向右拐 ,沿着汤姆森街前行_ _ and go _ _ Thompson Street. 2.你得走过三个街区.You will _ _ pass three blocks. 3.如果你想快些到医院,你最好乘出租车去. If you want to get to the hospital earlier, youd better _ _ _. 4.沿着中心街走,直到看见你的左边有一个大公园为止Go along Cebter Street _you see a big park. 5.邮局在超市与图书馆之间. The post office_ _the suapermarket _the l

3、ibrary. U3 1.我想先完成作业. I wnat to finish my _ _. 2.你只考拉很伶俐.This koala _ _ _. 3.你还喜欢其他什么书吗?_ _ books do you _. 4.他总是在白天睡觉,晚上起来工作. He usually sleeps _ the day,but he _ _ and works _ _. 5.我觉得有点冷.I feel _ _ cold. 6.George 喜欢玩雪 .George likes_ _ _snow. 7.Laura 通常每天要睡12 个小时 .Laura _ sleeps twelve hours _ _.

4、8.长颈鹿生活在非洲.Giraffes _ _ _. 9.这头大象7 岁了 .This elephant _ _ _. 10.Jim 为什么要先看考拉?因为它们可爱. _ _Jim want to see koalas _._they are _. U4 1.他想成为译名电影员演. He _ _ _a film actor. 2.我害怕看牙医I _ _ _seeing a dentist. 3.Mary 的妈妈是干什么工作的? _ _ Marys mother _? 4.坐在这儿很无聊. Sitting here is rather_. 5.我的工作很有趣,但有些危险My job _ _but

5、 _ _ _. 6.我妈正忙于做饭。My mother _ _cooking. 7.你想当警官吗? _ you _ _be a police officer? 8.Sam 想干什么工作_job _Sam _? 9.他为一家电脑公司工作He _ _ a computer company. 10.他在与 Tom 谈论那场足球比赛He talks _Tom _the football game. Unit5 1.他的确很友好._ _ _friendly ) 2.你叔叔是个什么样的人?他很能干 _your uncle _?He _very smart. 3.他喜欢在学生游览室看书He likes re

6、ading _ _ _reading-room. 4.那个长着一头棕色卷发又高又瘦的男人是谁? _the _,_man _brown curly hair? 5.我不在的时候有没有人打电话给我_anyone call _me while I was _? 8.他们有些什么别的爱好呢? _other hobbies _they _? 9.Mark 想成为一名中国的流行歌手Mark _ _ _ _pop singer _China. 10.我与我的同学关系都很友好I _ _ _my schoolmates. Unit6 1.广东的天气怎么样? _the _in Guangdong? 2.到学校有多

7、远? _ _ _it from the school. 3.Mary 正在玩电脑游戏Mary _ _computer_. 4.喂!波伯 ,你好吗 ?还可以 . Hi,Bob._ it _?Not_. 7.天气晴朗而且干燥The _ is _and _. 9.在晴天时 ,我能看见长城I can _the Great Wall _ _ sunny. 10.我想他们戴头巾是因为天气太热了I _they _a scarf_its_hot Unit7 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - -

8、 第 1 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - - 1.Paul,这里是 Cathy 的兄弟 . paul,_ _ _ brother Jim. 2.那个人中等个子,短发 That person _ medium _ _short hair. 3.Peter 看上去像他父亲Peter _ _ his father. 4.你的女朋友长得什么样子_ _ your girlfriend_ _? 5.他是一个体格健壮的运动员. He is a player _ strong build. 6.我想我认识他I _I_him. 7.我父亲总是不停地工作. My father _ _working

9、. 8.那个老师很受学生们的欢迎. The reacher _very _ _ the students. 9.老师来了 ,我们别讲话了Lets_ _.The teacher _ _in. 10.有些人不喜欢他的新形象. Some people _ _his new_. Unit8 1、你想要什么种类的面条?_ _ _ _ would you like? 2、你想要多大碗的稀饭?_ _ _ _ _ would he like? 3、你想要小碗面条吗?_ you _ a small _ of noodles? 4、我想要一个中碗的羊肉马铃薯饺子。I _ _ a _ bowl of _ and _

10、dumplings. 5、你的地址是什么?_ your _? 6.我想订一个大比萨. Id like _ _ a _pizza. 7.你想看什么样的电影? _ _ _movies would you like? 8.你想要多大码的鞋子_ _shoes would you like? 9.请告诉我你的地址和电话号码. _me your _number and your_. 10.Jack 想要一杯加了牛奶的咖啡. Jack would like _cup _coffee _milk. 11.我想于你一起共进晚餐. I _ _to have dinner _you. 12. 在我们饺子店,我们有一

11、些很好的特色饺子_, we _ some _ 13、特色饺子一是牛肉和洋葱馅,15 个仅售 10 元。Special 1 _ _ and _, and _ just _ 10 _15. 14、橙汁饮料仅售2 元。Orange juice _ are only RMB 2. 15、饺子配汤的特色午餐是10 元。The_ and _ lunch special is RMB 10. 16、今天就来吃饺子。_ and _ your _ today. 17、他喜欢橙汁和绿茶。He _ orange _ _ green _. 18. 我不喜欢牛肉和西红柿I _ like _ _ _. Unit9 1.我

12、们星期一有两节英语课. We_two English_ _ _. 2.他们圣诞节期间留在了那儿They _there _Christmas. 3.我今天早上没吃早饭. I_ _ breakfast_ morning. 4.Ben,你周末过得怎么样?好极了 ! _ _your weekend, Ben?_ _ _! 5.他昨天夜里回到了家. _night, he _ back to his home. 6.你认为每个人的周末都会过得很好吗? _you _everyone_ _weekends? 7 他在 10 分钟之前给我打了电话. He _me _ten minutes_. Unit10 1.

13、你在哪儿遇见她的? _ _you meet her? 2.Sally 去哪儿度假的? Where did Sally _ _ _? 3.你好 ,马克 ,周末过得如何? Hi,Mark._ _your weekend? 4.他们在暴风雪中迷了路. They _ _ _the snowstorm. 5.她要孩子们在吃东西前洗手. She made her children _their_ _eating. 6.我从 6 点钟一直等到9 点钟 ,但她没来 . I waited _six _nine,_she _come. 7.我们决定下午去打篮球We _ _play basketball this_

14、. 8.写出下列词组的英文: 去年 _;刚才 _;上周五 _;前三天 _; 前天 _;昨天晚上 _ 1 我受不了这些噪音I_ _these noises. 2.你觉得这场足球赛如何_ _you_ _the football. 4.谢谢你参加我们的晚会. Thank you _ _us at our party. 5.听点古典音乐如何? How _ _ _some classical music? 6.-今天下午我想去游泳.-我也想去 . -I_ _swim this afternoon.-I_,_. 9.我才不在乎年轻人怎么看我呢. I_ _ _young people _ _me. 10.A

15、da 着装亮丽因为她希望自己年轻漂亮. Ada wears_clothes_she wants_ _young _beautiful.( Unit12 1.我在上学时的晚上不能看电视. I_watch TV _ _ _. 2.星期日我得到少年宫去练钢琴。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - - I _ _go to the_palace _learn the piano ao Sunday. 3.赵培每天得整理床铺打扫房间

16、。Zhao Pei _ _ _her bed and clean _room_ _. 5.离开房间时关灯。Turn _the lights_leaving the room. 6.这件事我们不要对任何人说Lets _tell anyone_it. 7.决不许那样对你母亲讲话!_speak_ your mother _that! 8.我 们 可 以 在 自 助 餐 厅 里 吃 饭 , 但 不 能 在 教 师 里 吃 。 We _ _in the cafetria,_we _ _in_ _. 9.我得睡会儿,我太累了。I_ _get some _.I_too_. 10.你不必要今晚写完作文。You

17、 _ _ _finish_composition. Unit712 1.为什么不看中央电视台的新闻呢? _ _you watch CCTV news? 2.有三个孩子在湖边照相. There _three_ _photos by the lake. 3.你们必须照管好你们的东西. You must_ _your things well. 6.你们家乡春季的天气怎么样? _the weather like _spring_your hometown? 7.下课了,你们可以回家了。Class is _.You _ _home now. 8.他决定买一台电脑。He_ _buy a computer.

18、 9.我们发现一个男人躺在地下。We found a man _ _the ground. 10.我不想你们任何人迷路。I don t want any of you to _ _. 同义句转换:1.They enjoyed themselves yesterday. They _ _ _ _ yesterday. 2.What was the weather like last Monday? 3.What animal do you like best? _ is your _ animal? 4.Kate dances well. Kate is_ _ dancing. 5.He oft

19、en goes to school on foot. He often _ to school . 6.Mary was ill( 生病 ),so she didn t come to school.Mary didn t come to school _ she is ill. 7.I didn t see anything new in yesterday s newspaper.I saw _ _ in yesterday s newspaper.8.Go along the street and take the second turning on the right. Go alon

20、g the street and _ _ at the second crossing. 9.I m sure you ll have a lot offun. I m sure you ll _ _ _ _.10. He is out. He isn t _ _.11. May I ask your name,please? Please _ _ your name,_ you? 12. It s time to have dinner. It s time _ _.13. John thinks Kate is right. John _ _ Kate. 14. The best time

21、 to visit China is spring or autumn. _ you want to visit China,please _in spring or autumn. 15. His mother spent a lot of money buying clothes. His mother _ a lot of money _ clothes. 16. How is it going? How s _ going?17. He doesn t want to do anything. He _to do _.18. It s time for lunch. It s time _ _ lunch. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - -


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