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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 马曹庙中学 2022-2022 学年七年级下学期英语Unit 5优秀学习资料欢迎下载B. Yes, we are. C. They aren t pandas.单元测试卷 7. A. Good idea. 8. A. Yes, it is. B. No, I m not.C. Yes, they are. We all want to be a lucky dog. 个句子读一遍; 9. A. Theyre lions.B. Theyre very strong. C. South Africa. s boring.一、听力 共三节,计 25

2、分 10.A. It s a panda.B. I t s black and white.C. It can dance. 第三节 共 5 小题;每道题 1 分,满分 5 分 第一节 共 5 小题;每道题 1 分,满分 5 分 听对话;从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中挑选正确选项;对话读两遍;听句子;从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图片中挑选与句子内容相符的图片;每 11. What animals does Julie like. A. Pandas. B. Koalas. C. Lions. 12. Why does Rose like lions. A. They are fast. B.

3、They are strong.C. They are interesting. 13. Where is the animal from. A. South Africa. B. Australia. C. South America. 14. Why doesnt Jenny s mother like the dog.A. She thinks its scary B. She thinks itC. She thinks it 15. Where does Ms. Clark work. A. In a school. B. In a zoo. C. At a bus station.

4、 第四节 共 5 小题;每道题 1 分,满分 5 分 听短文,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中挑选正确选项,短文读两遍; 16. What animals does Rose like. A. Koalas. B. Pandas. C. Tigers. 17. Where does Rose go on Sundays. A. To a pet shop. B. To a village. C. To the zoo. 18. What can Marys dog do.A. It can listen to music. B. It can walk on two legs. C. It

5、can dance with music. 名师归纳总结 其次节 共 5 小题;每道题 1 分,满分 5 分 19. Marys parents say their pet dog is _.第 1 页,共 5 页 A. too noisy B. kind of shy C. very smart 20. Why does Tom want to have a small elephant. A. He thinks elephants are strong and tall. 听句子;从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中挑选最恰当的答语;每个句子读一遍;B. He thinks elephant

6、s are smart. 6. A. No, I dont like them. B. Yes, I do. C. Because they are cute. - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 优秀学习资料欢迎下载“C. He thinks elephants are kind of interesting. A. happy B. scary C. friendly D. cool 第五节 共 5 小题;每道题 1 分,满分 5 分 33. There are so many people and it is easy for two to hav

7、e the same name. 听短文,补全短文信息;每空不超过三个词;短文读两遍;But remember, parents give赐予 us the name and the name has its special the elephants in the movie. The elephant is a kind of important animal in Thailand. The white elephant is a symbol of 22. _. very well, too. People can also ride an elephant to go out bec

8、ause elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. about 3,000 live in Thailandover 24. _ before. On one hand, people Do you watch the movie Lost in Thailand泰囧. Well, do you 21. _ The elephants can do many things. They can 23. _ and they can draw But now the number of elephants is on the de

9、crease在下降 . Today only Lets Save the Elepha nts A. with A. More lung of the earth ” . fresh air制造新奇的空气 . A. don34. -How many students are there in Grade 7. 35. To save the earth地球, we _ cut down the trees. We call trees meaning特别的含义 . So we can say, - I m not sure. Umm _ 70.t mustB. must don B. for

10、B. On Trees are home to many animals and they can produce tC. must can C. of C. Over “ It is a good name _ me.tD. must not D. about D. At ”cut down many trees so that elephants are 25. _. On the other hand, people kill elephants for their ivory. motherland祖国 . 36. Remember that _ October 1st is the

11、birthday of our great Let s save the elephants. You can do some small things for them. A. on 37. -Why _ English your favorite subject. B. in C. at D. / 二、单项挑选(共 15 小题,每道题 1 分,满分 15 分)- Because Cici the teacher always says, “ Go and copy抄 for 100 times.” 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处或者符合题意的正确选项; She is so

12、 lazy and she never gets the mice at home. A. the; the A. dining hall A. with A. cut down 26. - Jenny, what are your favorite animals. 27. I feel boring at home. So I call my best friend and ask her to go to the 28. Dingding the dog is very smart. He can walk _ two legs. 29. It is the first time for

13、 me to come to Macaomiao Village, so it is easy to - My favorite animals are _ cats. But I don_ and see the animals. _. I always ask B. a; a B. library B. by B. get lost “ Where am I. ” C. /; / C. school C. on C. go out or “ How can I get there.D. /; the D. zoo D. to D. be in danger t like _ cat in

14、my family. ” My right hand右手 is still 仍旧 sore酸疼的 . A. donme on my birthday. _ beautiful. A. Is not it - Well, I like dog meat best. You know, it is a symbol of Macaomiao Village. A. Why do you like dogs. C. What do you like to eat. D. Do you like dogs. A. That sounds good. C. Sorry, I don 38. This i

15、s my new dress. My mom bought 买,buy 的动词过去式 it for 39. -_. 40. Let -_. They are too lazy. ts see the elephants now. B. doesnB. Isn t want to.D. Sure, I t it t C. isn C. It is B. What animal do you like best. B. Thats too bad td love to. D. is D. It isnt 30. Decades ago几十年以前 , people loved to wear sil

16、k 丝绸 clothes 三、完形填空(共 15 小题,每道题 1 分,满分 15 分)A. made with because they look beautiful. But now we often buy clothes _ cotton and flax 棉麻 because they feel comfortable舒服的 . B. made of C. make with D. make of 的正确选项;阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 31. -Where are you from. Hello. We are students

17、41 China, and we want to 42 Tibetan - I m from China. I am a _. I feel proud of 为 感到骄傲 my country. Antelopes藏羚羊 . The Tibetan Antelope is one of China 43 . s A. China people B. China s people C. Chinese people D. Chinese In 2022, there were five mascots吉利物 for Beijing Olympic 32. When I go to this n

18、ew school. I am shy and I dont talk to my new Games奥运会 . Yingying the mascot is one of them and it is a classmates. So some people dont think I am _. But in fact 事实上 , I symbol of health and friendliness.really want to make friends with them. Tibetan Antelopes are smart animals. They are good at 44

19、. If you take a train 45 Tibet西藏, you can see them running in groups. They 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 优秀学习资料 欢迎下载have wide noses宽大的鼻腔 and this helps them 46 at high-altitude areas高海拔地区 . But Tibetan Antelopes are 47 great danger. Tibetan people graze放牧 too 48 sheep and c

20、attle牛羊 and the antelopes are 49 their homes. And some bad people kill them for their down hair底绒 . Today there 50 only about 300,000 Tibetan Antelopesover 1,000,000 before.What can we do to save these antelopes. Well, we must tell people that antelopes are 51 and endangered濒危的 animals. We 52 buy th

21、ings 53 of down hair. Remember that animals are also 54 the biosphere生物圈 and they make peoples life beautiful. It is best 55 these antelopes. 41. A. to B. from C. about D. of 42. A. kill B. see C. save D. like 43. A. symbol B. symbols C. place D. places 44. A. runing B. to run C. running D. run 45.

22、A. from B. to C. before D. after 46. A. to live B. live C. life D. A & B 47. A. in B. on C. with D. under 48. A. much B. lots of C. many D. lot 49. A. lose B. lost C. loseing D. losing 50. A. is B. are C. be D. being 51. A. important B. good luck C. importance D. terrible 52. A. must B. have to C. c

23、an D. mustnt 53. A. making B. makes C. make D. made 54. A. under B. on C. in D. over 55. A. save B. to save C. saving D. saves 四、综合阅读(共两节,计 32 分)第一节 阅读懂得 共 12 小题;每道题 2 分,满分 24 分 阅读下面三篇短文,依据短文内容,从所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确选项;1 Let s meet the “ Cat” and the “ Tree ” . They are the mascots for the 2022 Olym

24、pic Games and Paralympic Games残奥会 in Rio de Janeiro里约热内卢 . The Olympic athletes运动员 gets a “ cat ” and the disabled athletes get a “ treeOne is in bright yellow 亮黄色 and looks like a cat and the other one has a green leaf树叶 hair. The two mascots stand for代表 Brazils different animals and plants 植物. The

25、 yellow Olympic mascot is a symbol of all of the animals in Brazil 巴西 , and the blue Paralympics mascot is a mixture混合 of plants in Brazilian forests森林. The Olympics mascot combines融合 the agility 灵敏 of cats, the sway摇摆 of monkeys and the beauty of birds鸟. It can stretch伸展 its arms胳膊 and legs. The Pa

26、ralympic mascot comes from the Brazil rainforest热带雨林 . It is a symbol of creativity 制造力 , wisdom聪明 and determination决心 It is always growing toward the sun面 向 太 阳 生 长 and overcoming 克 服 difficulties. The mascots are one of the symbols of the Games. Their purpose目的 is to make people happy and attract

27、their attention吸引留意 , particularly 特别 the children. 56. The disabled athletes will get a mascot like a _. A. panda B. cat C. tree D. forest 57. The yellow Olympics mascot is a symbol of Brazils _.A. animals B. plants C. players D. forest 58. The description描述 about the Paralympics mascot, which is N

28、OTmentioned提到 in the passage. A. Beauty. B. Creativity. C. Wisdom. D. Determination. 59. Which of the following is true. A. The 2022 Paralympic Games mascots are in bright yellow.B. The mascots are only symbols of the games. C. The 2022 Olympic mascot is a combination of cats, monkeys and dogs D. Ri

29、o de Janeiro is in Brazil. 2 Ticket February December January Adults16&older $10 $5 Children $6 $4 Children under 3 free免费 Free Opening hours: From 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Rules Dont ride a bike in the zoo. Dont bring your pets into the zoo.Dont get too close 靠近 to the animals. They may可能 hurt损害 you

30、. Dont give food to the animals. It may make the animals sick 生病. Dont drop litters丢垃圾 and make the zoo dirty. Dont smoke 抽烟 in the zoo. Dont take photos of the animals.Watch your kids when you see these animals in the zoo. 60. How many hours is the zoo open every day. A. 5 hours. B. 6 hours. C. 7 h

31、ours. D. 8 hours. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 61. Which of the following can you do in the zoo. C. Joe lives in the police station. A. Ride a bike. B. Smoke. D. Today is Freds birthday.C. Take kids. D. Give food to the animals. 其次节 任务型阅读 共 4 小题 , 每道题 2 分,满分 8

32、分 62. Mr. Brown and his 13-year-old son want to visit the zoo in May. How 4 much do they need to pay支付. We find many different kinds of animals on the earth. Some animals, such A. $6. B. $10. C. $15. D. $16. as比如 tigers and elephants, live in big forests森林. They live on wild 野生 63. Who follows the r

33、ules when visiting the zoo. 的 plants and other small animals. We call them wild animals. Some other, like A. Albert takes a picture of pandas. cats and dogs, live with people and we call them domestic驯养的 animals. B. Julia gives her food to a monkey. Animals are important to people. People catch抓 wil

34、d animals for fur 皮毛 C. Mike takes his pet dog with him to the zoo. and meat. Domestic animals give us food, too. We get milk from cows奶牛 D. Jane takes her two-year-old son the the zoo. and eggs from chickens. Without没有 them, life will be 将会是 difficult. 3 Sheep and pigs give people food and fur. Ski

35、ns 皮 of some animals can be “ Joe, you are a very old dog, ” says policeman警察 Fred. “ Today is your made into被制成 coats or shoes. Dogs can help people a lot, too. They can do birthday. You were 14 years old last year. But you are still 仍旧 a good police many things for us. Some of them can watch the h

36、ouse at night. Some of them dog. ”can guide blind people给盲人带路 , and some can even help the police. “ ARF. ARF. ” barks 吠 Joe. So everyone has to know that animals are our fr iends and we cant live “ You are welcome,” says Fred. “ Now let s get your birthday dinner. Show me without animals. where you

37、 want to eat.”阅读上面短文,依据短文内容,完成表格中的信息;Joe takes Fred down the street. Good smells come from all the eating places. wild animals 68 and 68 . live in big forests But Joe walks on. At last he stops at a small place. He smells around围着 的 cows and chickens give 70 to people 四周 the door. Then he pushes推开 t

38、he door open and walks inside the room. 69 animals 71 and 71 . for food and fur “ Is this where you want to eat.” asks Fred. But Joe does not bark. He put dogs and cats to live with people nose to the door and runs. Then he jumps 扑向 onto a man at a table. “ Good boy, Joe.” says Fred. Joe and Fred lo

39、ok for this thief 小偷 for a long 五、补全对话(共 5 小题,每道题 2 分,满分 10 分)time. “ And now you find him.”依据对话内容, 从方框内的选项中, 挑选 5 个恰当的句子完成对话, 并将所选句子Joe and Fred take the thief to the police station. Then Fred says, 前的字母代号写在答题卡上的相应题号后;“ All right, Joe. Now do you want your birthday dinner.go, ” says Fred. A. Fourte

40、en years old. 64. How old is Fred now. hungry, too.”B. Fifteen years old. ”“ ARF. ARF. ” barks Joe. It is Saturday next day. Cindy and Jenny surf the Internetinteresting things.Cindy: Wow. It Jenny: Well, I don“ Let s weekend again. What are you going to do, Jenny. s t have any idea. 上网 to get some

41、C. Forteen years old. 65. The underlined word “smells” in the fourth paragraph段落 means D. I don t know. Cindy: How about watching TV. You know, the TV show Run For Time IIcomes out. “ _” in Chinese.A. 闻;嗅 B. 微笑 C. 食物 D. 气味 Jenny: Err. 72. _ Cindy: Yeah. It is like Running Man and it is not so intere

42、sting. 73. _ “ _” . 66. In the story, Joe says “ ARF. ARF. ” two times. The first time he means Jenny: Great. ICindy: Now let me book 预订 two tickets票 on the Internet. Here is a map of d love to.A. Hello. How are you. C. Oh, no. Im not a good dog. B. Thank you. D. I m sorry to hear that. Jenny: 74. _

43、 the zoo. There are some new animals. A. Joe is a smart pet dog. 67. Which of the following is true. Cindy: Let Jenny: Yes, you are right. But they sleep in the daytime and get up in the evening. s see the koalas first. They are interesting.B. Joe eats the thief for his birthday dinner. 名师归纳总结 - - -

44、 - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 优秀学习资料 欢迎下载We can only see them sleeping most of the time. Cindy: Haha How lazy they are. 75._ Jenny: I like tigers and lions. Cindy: 76._ They are so scary and they eat other small animals. Jenny: Because they are cool and they are “ kings of the forest 森林之王 ” .Cindy: I thin


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