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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上(考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分)第 卷(选择题)第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the boy probably eat next? A. An apple.B. Vegetables.C. Chocolate cake.2. When did Tom finish work? A. At 1

2、0:00.B. At 6:30. C. At 4:30.3. What is the doctors advice? A. Come back in two days.B. Take some medicine.C. Stay home from school.4. How does the woman feel? A. Surprised.B. Tired.C. Relaxed.5. Who has been to Yellowstone National Park? A. The woman.B. The mans uncle.C. The mans sister.第二节:(共15小题;每

3、小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What do we know about the mans wife? A. She likes reading very much. B. Shes counting the days. C. She will visit some old friends.7. Where did the woma

4、n probably go last summer? A. Hawaii. B. Europe.C. Egypt. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What kinds of pictures does the man want to take? A. Insects.B. Birds.C. People.9. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a store.B. In a school. C. In a museum.10. What will the man probably do next? A. Buy his own

5、 equipment.B. Give the woman $500.C. Borrow a camera.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why are the speakers walking to school? A. Its close to home.B. They want to get in shape.C. They can stop at McDonalds on the way.12. How many calories does the breakfast sandwich have? A. 25 calories.B. 320 calories.C. 100 c

6、alories.13. What does the woman want to avoid? A. Meat.B. Salads.C. Seeds and berries.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Where did the first Hard Rock Caf open? A. In San Francisco. B. In London. C. In Istanbul.15. What happened in 1982? A. The caf was founded.B. The headquarters moved to Florida.C. The chain beg

7、an to expand worldwide.16. How many locations does the caf have around the world? A. 59. B. 171. C. 191.17. When will the speakers probably visit the caf? A. Sometime next week.B. This weekend.C. Tomorrow.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What day is this announcement given? A. On Friday.B. On Monday.C. On Wedn

8、esday.19. Why do the volunteers need to make a plan? A. The students will be here for only three hours.B. There are too many students.C. They are new volunteers.20. What will Mindy do? A. Write down what has been organized.B. Help students put beans into boxes.C. Give a history lesson.第二部分:阅读理解 (每小题

9、2分,满分40分) 第一节 :(共15题;每题2分,满分30分阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AChallenge Course ProgramsChallenge Course Goals:Develop the ideas of support, teamwork, communication, planning, organization, and theimportance of individual(个体的) member contributions and differences within a group.Bring participants t

10、ogether in a new environment where theyll share a common experience while working together.Participants must rely on others, completing the course as a group and not on an individual basis.Overcome personal fears of weaknesses or lack of confidence.Encourage team and individual growth.Promote feelin

11、gs of personal confidence, accomplishment, responsibility, leadership, and self worth.Improve goals-setting and problems-solving skills by individuals and by the group or team.Planning a Program:A variety of challenge course programs can be designed. Working with your group, the 4-H Center will desi

12、gn a program based on your group/teams goals, time frame, group size, and budget. The 4-H Center offers cooperation and team building programs for youth, adolescents, and adults. Both on-site and off-site programs are available. Programs conducted on-site at the 4H Centers Challenge Course consist o

13、f an outdoor recreation field, Low Challenge Course, 7 element-High Ropes Course, 35 Climbing Wall, and Zip Line. This course is physically, mentally, and emotionally (情感上地) challenging. All instruction and equipment are provided by the 4-H Center.Eligibility (资格) Requirements:For Low Challenge Cour

14、se: Anyone! We can work together to create a program that will be beneficial for ANY age group.For High Challenge Course. Climbing Tower-must be 9 years or older; High Ropes-must be 12 years or older.Group Pricing:Low Challenge Course-$150/a personHigh Challenge Course-$ 250/a person(High Ropes Cour

15、se or Climbing Tower)Both- $ 300/a personContact Heather Benninghove on 434-348-5444 or heathernvt, edu to plan your challenge course program!21. What can we know about the programs?A. They ignore individual efforts. B. They encourage group trust. C. They aim to develop leadership.D. They are intend

16、ed for children.22. Which of the following words can best describe the activities provided by the programs?A. Adventurous and healthy. B. Recreational and educational.C. Personalized and instructive. D. Challenging and encouraging.23. If the Smiths want their eight-year-old twins to participate in a

17、 course, how much should they pay? A. $ 300. B. $450.C. $ 600. D. $ 750.24. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To encourage teamwork.B. To increase individuals confidence.C. To adapt participants to new environment. D. To invite people to participate in the programs.BIt was early Oct

18、ober and Wanja Mwaura, 32, was on her way to a market, when she heard someone shout out her name. She looked up and raised her eyebrows to see a man with a thin figure, dirty black overalls and a dirty thick woolen hat, sitting on the side of the road. She didnt recognize him. But when Hinga, 34, in

19、troduced himself, Wanja, a nurse from the Kenyan capital, said she found herself in shock. Standing before her was a friend shed known since she was seven.Hinga was abandoned by his parents and lived with his grandmother. When she couldnt pay his school fees, he was forced to skip classes. However,

20、against all the difficulties, Hinga did well in his exams, until his grandmother diedthen he left school and started abusing drugs. From then on, Hinga and Wanja lost touch. And when they met again, Hinga had been homeless for over a decade. Sensing Wanjas shock, Hinga convinced her that hed only wa

21、nted to greet her. Anyway, she gave him her mobile number before leaving him. Over the next days, Hinga borrowed phones and would regularly call his childhood friend, often just to hear her voice. He told her he was committed to getting clean from drugs.I decided then, that something needed to be do

22、ne to help him, Wanja says.She set up a crowd-funding(众筹) page and managed to raise much money. Then she took him to Chiromo Lane Medical Center in Nairobi. Within days Hinga gained weight and his concentration improved. Wanja took to Facebook to speak about her pride at her friends transformation i

23、n such a short period of time.People say I changed Hingas life, but he changed mine too. says Wanja. I realize now that a small act can change a persons life. 25. How did Wanja Mwaura feel when she saw Hinga?A. Disappointed. B. Amazed.C. Frightened.D. Annoyed.26. What forced Hinga to drop out of sch

24、ool?A. His habit of taking drugs. B. His disability in studying.C. His grandmas passing away.D. His regular absence from class.27. Wanja decided to help Hinga when she .A. invited him to dinner B. received his first callC. learned about his homelessnessD. knew his desire to quit drugsCMost kids dont

25、 think a lovely dog would ever hurt them, but the fact is that about 4.7 million dog bites happen every year in the United States, and more than half of kids bitten are under age 10. Dog bites are harmful, and some require hospitalization or even operation. Any kind of dog might bite. And that a dog

26、 is small or seems friendly doesnt mean it cant do some damage. Even the nicest, most well trained family dog may bite if its scared, angry, or hungry.To reduce the risk of bites, teach your kids these: Always ask the owner if its OK to pet the dog; Let the dog see and sniff you before petting it; D

27、o not run toward or away from a dog; If an unfamiliar dog comes near you, stay calm, dont look it directly in the eye, and stand still or back up slowly; If a dog tries to bite you, put anything you can between you and the dog.If your family has a dog, make sure it gets all required immunizations (防

28、疫注射) and regular checkups in an animal hospital. Also, consider taking your dog to a dog training school to make it more social and obedient(听话的), and thus less likely to bite someone. When you take your dog out in public, always keep it on a rope so you can control it if its behavior gets out of ha

29、nd. If you have kids, keep a close eye on them when theyre around the dog and never leave a young child alone with your pet. If your child is bitten by a dog, get in touch with your doctor, particularly if the dog is not yours. Some dog bites need to be treated in an emergency department.28. Accordi

30、ng to the first paragraph, dog bites .A. are done by fierce dogs B. mainly happen to teenagersC. happen frequently in America D. can cause little or almost no harm29. What are kids advised to do when seeing a strange dog approaching?A. Run away quickly. B. Look at it in the eye.C. Touch its head sof

31、tly. D. Walk backwards slowly.30. What should you do if you keep a dog as a pet?A. Have it examined regularly.B. Train it patiently on your own.C. Avoid walking it in public places.D. Allow your kids to play with it alone.31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Causes of Dog

32、 BitesB. How to Avoid Dog BitesC. What to Do with Dogs BitesD. Things to Know about Dog BitesDParents and educators can teach kids to change their fixed mindsets(思维) and see more potential in themselves and other people. Do you agree with this statement? If your answer is yes, heres something you mi

33、ght consider: Research suggests that believing in the human ability to change is linked to less depression(沮丧), better health, and greater achievement. This is the growth mindset, an idea pioneered by Stanford researcher Carol Dweck.According to this research, when we practice a growth mindset, the

34、difficulties were facing seem more likely to be surmounted. Its important for us to realize we arent helpless, and that we can grow and adapt. Just as important as seeing ourselves as able to grow, this reduces some of the pressure we might feel, and helps us think more in terms of challenges than t

35、hreats(威胁).According to studies, developing a growth mindset is of importance. For example, a simple belief in the possibility of change may have a powerful effect on our thinkingpotentially freeing us to actually see our way through anxiety and a sense of failure among peer(同龄人) conflicts. Research

36、 also indicates that believing personalities can change and lower aggression behavior. Additionally, if we believe personalities are changeable and that situations can change, we can also apply this thinking to groups.A growth mindset isnt a personal state of being; instead, its a way of thinking or

37、 a strategy we can apply in a given situation. It isnt something you simply have or you dont. However, sometimes its really challenging to access a growth mindset. Something like feeling threatened, compared or criticized can make us feel unsafe so that it can be difficult to believe in the ability

38、for change. Fortunately, theres always something you can do to develop a growth mindset.32. According to Carol Dweck, a growth mindset is the belief that our abilities .A. are stable B. arent fixedC. are for growth D. are linked to health33. What does the underlined word surmounted in Paragraph 2 pr

39、obably mean?A. Overcome. B. Strengthened.C. Predicted. D. Approved.34. According to studies, people with growth mindsets are more likely to .A. behave more bravely B. be strict with themselvesC. do something on their own D. get along better with others35. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.

40、 A growth mindset is difficult to develop.B. People with growth mindsets will not be criticized.C. The sense of insecurity can be a barrier to a growth mindset.D. Growth mindsets are challenging if people dont have good states.第二节:(共5个小题;每题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多用选项。 36 You do

41、nt have to completely change the way you live. You just need to make a few small changes. From recycling to green shopping, each small change you make can really make a difference. Here are some benefits of living a green lifestyle.Help the environment. By being energy -saving and using green produc

42、ts you can reduce your influence on the environment. You can help preserve our natural wealth and reduce pollution. 37 It does feel very rewarding when you start making positive changes and feeling as though youre making a difference to such an important cause.Live a healthier life. Youre also more

43、likely to make better choices when it comes to food and you could find yourself leading a more active lifestyle. Growing your own vegetables is a very healthy way to live as well as buying green, natural foods. Cycling and walking instead of using your car can have a big influence. 38 .Save money on

44、 bills. You can greatly reduce your energy bills by using energy-saving equipment. 39 Recycling is also another great way of saving money and helping the environment. 40 Once you have picked up some good tips and green living techniques you can pass them on to other people. You can also talk to frie

45、nds and family and inform them of the benefits of going green. Your children will grow up understanding the importance of living a green lifestyle and will learn how to reduce their influence on the environment.A. Educate others.B. Meet like-minded people.C. It will also make you much fitter.D. Ther

46、e are lots of ways of saving money.E. You can also do your part for wildlife conservation.F. Living a green lifestyle isnt as hard as it might seem.G. If you grow your own produce, you neednt spend as much on food.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最

47、佳选项。It was a long drive to the nursing home where my Grandmother was living. 41 , at least twice a month I drove to see her. Id already 42 my Mom to cancer and I wanted to always remember my Grandmother, especially because she was beginning to 43 me. Nana had Alzheimer(老年痴呆症) disease, which was slowly starting to eat away at her 44 . Sometimes she recognized me when I visited her and sometimes she didnt.On one visit, I 45 my Grandmother good-bye and started to walk towards my


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