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1、省市九年级英语第一次月考试题考试时间:90分钟 总分值:100分 听力局部20分I. 听对话,选择相应的图片。5分 A. B. C. D E.II. 听对话和问题,选择最正确答案。5分6. A. To have a talk with others. B. To take a long walk and listen to light music. C. To go to bed early.7. A. A dog B. Some goldfish C. A cat8. A. She is tired. B. She is shy. C. She is outgoing.9. A. Tomor

2、row B. This afternoon C. Tonight10. A. Go back to school. B. Take a vacation. C. Find another job. 听下面两段对话,选择最正确答案。5分听第一段对话,答复第11-12两个小题。11. Why is the man still in the office?A. He wants to write a letter . B. He has to clean the floor .C. He is waiting for the woman.12. What will the man do this e

3、vening? A. See a film with Mary. B. Go shopping with Mary. C. See a play with the woman.听第二段对话,答复第13-15三个小题。13. What is the girl shopping for? A. A present for her mother . B. A present for a friend . C. A present for her father.14. How much is the black wallet? A. $ 13.99 B. C. 15. What does the gi

4、rl decide to buy? A. A black wallet. B. A brown wallet. C. A tie .D. 听短文,完成下面表格,每空一词。读两遍5分 ProblemsAdviceFeeling stressedFinding time to (16)_as much as possible.Getting short-sighted(近视的)Doing homework or reading in a (17) way.(18)_ with each otherMaking more friends and understanding each other.Fe

5、eling tired of studyPlaying computer games just for a (19) time.Getting fatSpending some time (20)_exercise every day.笔试局部80分I.单项选择 15分 每题1分21. _ _People in England rest two days a week. _ _ _ . A. So Chinese are B. So are Chinese C. So do Chinese D. So Chinese do22. Which would you like to visit, S

6、hanghai Expo Garden or Beijing Bird Nest? . I prefer to enjoy the FI World Cup at home.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None23. If I _Alice, I _them the truth.A. was , would tell B. were ,would tell C. am, will tell D. is , will tell24. My school isnt far from here. Its only _ walk. A. An hours B. fi

7、fteen minutes C. fifteen minutes D. fifteen minutes 25. Tom worked for a long time. So he wanted to stop _ . A. to have a rest B. have a rest C. having a rest D. has a rest26. _ _What are you going to do this afternoon?_ _My hair is too long. I want to get my hair_. A. cut B. to cut C. long D. too l

8、ong27. _ _Dont_ too late, or you will feel tired in class tomorrow. _ _I wont, Mom. Good night. A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up 28. I_ Lucy at the bank the other day.A. see B. saw C. was seen D. seeing29. His parents were worried that he too much time chatting on line. A. spent B. cost C

9、. paid D. had30. Girls are afraid of math . They think they have some learning it .A. questions B. problems C. problem D. troubles31. He must be in the room, because the light in the room is_. A. open B. on C. off D. in32. I_ a worker, but now I am an actor. A. used to be B. used to being C. was use

10、d to be D. was used to being33. The student is _ see the teacher because he_a mistake. A. afraid of; has B. afraid to; has made C. afraid to; make D. afraid of; made34. We were worrying about you. You shouldnt leave us_ telling us.A. with B. without C. instead D. rather35. Did you find _very interes

11、ting to play yo-yo? A. this B. its C. that D. itII.完形填空 10分 每题1分When we see a cigarette box, well see “ Smoking is harmful to your health on it. Children are not 31 to smoke by their parents or teachers. But in many countries 32 is becoming a bigger problem for young people. Most smokers 33 in their

12、 teens or earlier. Some students think smoking is very cool, and they can see many people smoking around them. They want to have a 34 . “If young people start smoking early, they will probably get addicted 上瘾的to nicotine尼古丁. And it will be very hard to 35 later on, said a professor. A study shows sm

13、oking is a problem for many Chinese teens. 36 can we do to make them stop smoking?Some people think we can make a law. Teenagers under 18 are not allowed to smoke, 37 they should be fined. Parents should give up smoking. They can set an example 树立典范 38 their children. “Every year about four million

14、people die of smoking. And if people 39 smoking, the number will increase 增加10 million a year from now on, said the World Health Organization. So we must learn and tell others about the 40 of smoking.36. A. asked B. allowed C. interested D. suggested37. A. smoke B. smokes C. smoking D. smokers38. A.

15、 make B. stop C. start D. finish39. A. sleep B. rest C. look D. try 40. A. get up B. give up C. stay up D. look up 41. A. How B. What C. When D. Why42. A. and B. but C. so D. or43. A. for B. to C. at D. of 44. A. begin B. keep C. stop D. end45. A. danger B. good C. use D. pointIII.阅读理解 20分 A、B 每题1分

16、, C每题2分( A )Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members, especially their parents, dont know them as well as their friends do. In a large family, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and th

17、en they only go to their friends for getting ideas. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a circle of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among them on the phone. This communication is very important in childrens growin

18、g up, because they can not discuss something difficult to their family members. Parents often try to choose their childrens friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends: The question of “choice is an interesting one. Have you ever thought of the followi

19、ng questions? Who choose your friends? Do you choose your friend or your friends choose you? Have you got a good friend your parents dont like? Your answers are welcome.46. Who know them better than their parents for the teenagers? A. Their parents. B. Their friends. C. Brothers and sisters. D. Fami

20、ly members.47. How do they communicate when the teenagers stay alone? A. Go to their friends. B. Talk with their parents: C. Talk with their friends on the phone. D. Have a discussion with their family by phone.48. Which of the following sentences is true? A. Parents should like everything their chi

21、ldren enjoy. B. In all families, children can choose everything they like. C. Teenagers can only go to their friends for help. D. Parents should try their best to understand their children better.49. What is the meaning for “Your answers are welcome. ? A. You are welcome to have a discussion with us

22、. B. You have got an idea, so your answers are welcome. C. Your answers are always right. D. You can give us all the right answers.50. Which is the best title of this passage? A. Only parents can decide. B. Parents and children. C. A strange question. D. Teenagers need friends.( B ) Mobile phone ( )

23、has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned (禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours. Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the schools this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas presents, and more

24、 students want them. Mary Bluett, an official(官员), said mobile phone use is a distraction(分心) to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams. She said som

25、e schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy, because they couldnt get in touch with their children. Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were m

26、any reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school; they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies. Many people say that they understand why parents would like their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mob

27、ile phones.51. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones _. A. because they are students B. when they are free C. when they are at school D. because they are children52. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from _. A. the makers and se

28、llers B. the passers-by and strangers C. their parents and friends D. some mobile phone users53. What does the word “cheat mean in the passage in Chinese?A. 聊天 B.核对 C.查询 D. 作弊54. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt _ during school hours.A. use their mobile phones B. leave their mobile pho

29、nes at school officeC. help the teachers with their work D. get in touch with their children55. The passage tells us that_.A. students shouldnt have mobile phones at school except for some special reasonsB. it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phone at schoolC. some parents felt unhapp

30、y because they couldnt Use their phones at schoolD. parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours( C )根据短文完成任务 When you think of Beijing, the beautiful green waters and hills of Beihai Park and the grand and beautiful Forbidden City will come to your mind. In recen

31、t years, groups of modern buildings and specially designed plazas have appeared on Beijings streets. Standing in the street, you can feel how Beijing has changed. But foreigners still like to go to the hutongs. The word hutong comes from the Mongolian language. Hutongs come to Beijing more than 700

32、years ago. As time passed, the hutongs have remained, and have become an important part of the essence of Beijing. Many foreigners, when they come to Beijing from their far countries, will go directly to visit the hutongs after setting down. They sit in the courtyards, chatting with the native Beiji

33、ngers about neighbors and their life. It seems that through their chatting, they can find the true meaning of Chinese family life. Waving good-bye, they have to leave the hutongs, and say goodbye to the families with whom they have chatted happily. But they dont feel like leaving. The hutongs have b

34、rought great enjoyment to them. Although every country has it own special cultural background, economic situation and level and feelings are similar. The hutong is a cultural symbol of this city. And the families of the hutongs are also unforgettable. 56.What do we often think of when we talk about

35、Beijing? 57. Where do the foreigners still like to go although Beijing has changed a lot? 58. What do we know from the third the paragraph ? . 59. 将文中划线局部译成汉语60. The best title for the passage can be_. A. How the word hutong comes from B. Every country has it own special cultural background C. The f

36、oreigners like to go to hutongs directlyD. Hutong and familyIV.情景反响5分 每空1分根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。A : (61_?B: Im going to Toms party.A: Great ! Ill go to the party, too. We can go together.B: Well, Im a little nervous. (62_.A: What about your white skirt? You look beautiful in it.B: Re

37、ally? OK, Ill wear my white skirt. (63)_.A: I bought him a shirt. Perhaps you can buy him a tie. What do you think of it?B: (64)_.A: So how about a watch?B: (65_.Thank you very much.A: You are welcome.V.短文填空 10分 每空1分阅读短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。注意:每个词只能用一次。每空限填一词enjoy they somet

38、ime mix alone part make about listen know sing hear Have you heard country music? Its very beautiful. And many people like singing and 66 to it. Do you know how it came from? Now let me say something about it.Western country music is very old. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland and Grea

39、t Britain. It is a 67 of music from all of these places.In the west of America, cowboys had to take care of their cows. They had to watch 68 all day and all night because the cows were nervous and 69 they ran away. A cowboys life was interesting and dangerous. When he was 70 in the desert with the c

40、attle, nobody was around him, he drank strong coffee to stay awake at night. He also 71 music to the cows to make them quiet. Of course, the cowboys also sang music when they traveled to town to relax and 72 themselves.Western country music describes life. It talks 73 love, jobs, home and money. It

41、talks about friends and enemies, farms and crops. People in many 74 of the world like western country music. Everyone 75 something about these ideas.VI.翻译句子10分 71-76每题1分 ,77-78每题2分71. 我喜欢大声朗读来练习发音。I like to practice pronunciation _ .72. 他想要他妈妈更多的关注他。He wants his mother to _ .73. 如果我有许多钱,我会把它捐给医学研究。I

42、f I had a lot of money , I would _ .74. 十五岁的孩子应该被允许周末和父母一起看电影。Fifteen-year-olds should _to movies with their parents .75. 记忆流行歌曲的单词也有一点帮助。_ helped a little .76. 我不能选择要买那条牛仔裤。I cant choose _ .77. 如果其他每个人都带一个礼物,该怎么办?78. 你认为什么规定应该被改变?。VII. 书面表达 10分在每个人的成长过程中,都或多或少有一些变化,请以How Ive Changed! 为题写一段话,介绍一下你的过去与现在的不同。50-60词。5分亲爱的同学们,如果还有时间,请仔细检查哦!Best wishes to you!七中 度上学期九年级第一次月考英语试卷答案听力局部20分


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