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《(整理版高中英语)南马高中上学期第二次月考试卷高二英语.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(整理版高中英语)南马高中上学期第二次月考试卷高二英语.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、南马高中上学期第二次月考试卷高二英语一、单项填空共20小题;每题0.5分,总分值10分从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题纸上将选项标号涂黑。1Public places are becoming more to people with disabilities.Aeasy Baccessible Chard Dsuitable2Cycling is highly beneficial health and environment.Afor Bof Cto Dfrom3Slavery was in the US in the 19th century.Aabol

2、ished Bstopped Crid Dpublished4We held a party to my parents silver wedding.Acongratulate Bwish Cregard Dcelebrate5It really me when people forget to say thank you.Aangry Banger Cannoys Dannoyed6Three of her novels for television.Ahave adapted Bhave been adaptedChave adopted Dhave been adopted7The c

3、hildren all turned the famous actress as she entered the classroom.Alook at Bto looking at Clooked at Dto look at8Edison was the first scientist a modern research and development centre.Abuilt Bhaving built Cto built Dto be building9Could you me a favour and pick up Sam from school today.Agive Bmake

4、 Cbring Ddo10The singer was on the piano by her sister.Acompanied Baccompanied Cattended Dabsent11Angry residents have war on the owners of the factory.Aannounced Bmade Cdeclared Dclarified12They dont like to talk of personal such as money and age.Aevent Bmatter Caffairs Dbusiness13She showed a for

5、acting at an early age.Adesire Btalent Cenvy Dambition14Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he his own work and translated itinto German.Agave off Bturned down Ctook over Dset aside15Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it .Areusing Breused Creuses Dto be reused16

6、He is three years to his elder sister.Asenior Bolder Cyounger Djunior17The students in our school are required their school uniforms from Monday toFriday.Awearing Bto wear Cbeing worn Dto be worn18 , the northerners like noodles while the southerners are fond of rice in Chine.AIn general BIn total C

7、In other words DIn all19Well, my daughter takes great interest in most of the food on the menu.Thanks. ?Salad, fried fish, chips and orange juice, please.ACan I help you BShall I take your orderCAt your service DWhat to follow20The old lady got up just before sunrise, as she often does, along the be

8、achand get some fresh air.Awalked Bwalking Cto walk Dhaving walked二、完形填空共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。School was over and I felt quite tired. I sat at the very 21 of the crowded bus because of my anxiety to get home. Sitting there makes me 22 out like

9、a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies.Janie, the 23 , tries to break the uncomfortable atmosphere by striking the match of 24 .I tried to mind my manners and 25 listen, but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day, 26 , her conversation was worth listening to.“My fathers sick, she s

10、aid to no one in 27 , I could see the anxiety and fear in her eyes. “Whats wrong with him? I asked. With her eyes wet and her voice tight from 28 the tears, she answered, “Heart trouble. Her eyes 29 as she continued. “I have already lost my mum, so I dont think I can stand losing him.I was 30 . My h

11、eart ached for her. And this reminded me of the great 31 that my own mother was thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was, and 32 is, for her. I wouldnt like anyone to 33 that.Suddenly I realized Janie wasnt only a bus driver. That was 34 her job. She had a whole world of 35 and concer

12、ns, too. I suddenly felt very 36 . I realized I had only thought of people as far as what their purposes were in my life. I paid no attention to Janie 37 she was a bus driver. I had 38 her by her job and brushed her off as unimportant.For all I know, Im just another person in 39 elses world, and may

13、 not be 40 . I should not have been so selfish and self-centered. Everyone has places to go, people to see and appointment to keep. Understanding people is an art.21AfrontBendCsideDmiddle22AfindBtakeCthinkDstand23AdoctorBdriverCteacherDassistant24AfireBtopicCconversationDdiscussion25ApolitelyBslight

14、lyCcarelesslyDpartly26AhoweverBthereforeCinsteadDotherwise27AsurpriseBparticularCsilenceDpurpose28AfightingBturningCclearingDprotecting29AopenedBshoneCclosedDlowered30ArecognizedBworriedCshockedDexcited31AvictoryBpainCrespectDdisappointment32AawayBseldomCstillDnever33Apick upBwork outCgo throughDget

15、 down34AalmostBnearlyCeverDjust35AfamilyBbusCschoolDfriend36AselfishBdesperateCpessimisticDridiculous37AwhileBbecauseCthoughDuntil38AcriticizedBreceivedCconsideredDjudged39AeveryoneBanyoneCsomeoneDnobody40AhappyBwiseCusefulDimportant三、阅读理解共25小题;每题2分,总分值50分第一节:阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题纸上

16、将该选项标号涂黑。AIn a surprising discovery about where higher life can survive, scientists have found a shrimp -like creature and a jellyfish swimming beneath an Antarctic ice sheet.About 180 meters below the ice where no light can get through, scientists had figured nothing much more than a few microbes微生

17、物could exist.Thats why a NASA team was surprised when they lowered a video camera to get the first long look at the underbelly of an ice sheet in Antarctica. A curious shrimp-like creature came swimming by and then parked itself on the cameras cable. Scientists also pulled up a tentacle触须they believ

18、e came from a jellyfish.“We were operating on the presumption that nothings there. said NASA ice scientist Robert Bindschadler. “It was a shrimp youd enjoy having on your plate.“We were just gaga狂热的over it, he said when talking about the long, orange creature starring in their two-minute video. Tech

19、nically, its not a shrimp. Its a Lyssianasid amphipod, which is distantly related to the shrimp.The video is likely to inspire experts to rethink what they know about life in harsh environments. And it has scientists thinking that if shrimp-like creatures can live below 180 meters of Antarctic ice i

20、n freezing dark water, what about other cold places? What about Europa, a frozen moon of Jupiter?Cynan Ellis Evans, a scientist of the British Antarctic Survey called the finding fascinating. He said it was possible the creatures swam in from far away and dont live there permanently.But Kim, who is

21、a co-author of the study, doubts it. “The site in West Antarctica is at least 19 km from open seas. Bindschadler drilled a 20 cm-wide hole and was looking at a tiny amount of water. That means its unlikely that two creatures swam from great distances and were captured randomly in that small area, sh

22、e said.“Yet scientists were puzzled at what the food source would be for these creatures. While some microbes can make their own food out of chemicals in the ocean, complex life like the shrimp cant, Kim said. “So how do they survive? Thats the key question. Kim said.“Its pretty amazing when you fin

23、d a huge puzzle like that on a planet where we thought we know everything. Kim said.41Scientists had believed that harsh environments could only have been populated by .Ajellyfish Bmammals Cmicrobes Dshrimp-like creatures42According to Kim, the shrimp-like creature .Aswam great distances to Antarcti

24、c Bhas always lived in the areaCgradually evolved from shrimps Dhas nothing in common with shrimps43The finding is significant in that .Ait marks NASAS first Antarctic biological studyBit proves there is marine life in the AntarcticCit could inspire further study of life in harsh environmentsDit sho

25、ws that Lyssianasid amphipod is closely related to shrimps44The last three paragraphs suggest that .Aresearchers will look at the places the creatures came fromBice scientists will drill deeper to find more creaturesCscientists know very little about the planet they live onDfurther research will be

26、done about what the creatures live onBBeing a mother is apparently not like it was in the good old days.Todays parents yearn for the golden age that their own mothers enjoyed in the 1970s and 1980s, researchers found. Mothers have less time to themselves and feel under greater pressure to handle wor

27、k and family life than the previous generation. As a result, 88 per cent said they felt guilty about the lack of time they spent with their children.The survey of 1,000 mothers also found that more than a third said they had less time to themselves than their mothers did just three hours a week or 2

28、6 minutes a day. And 64 per cent said this was because they felt they had to go out to work, while nearly a third29 per centsaid they were under constant pressure to be the perfect mother, the report found.Other findings showed social networking and parenting websites, as well as technology such as

29、Skype, were important in providing help and support among female communities. Kate Fox, a member of the Social Issues Research Centre, which conducted the survey for Procter & Gamble, said: With increasing pressure on mothers to work a “double shift to be the perfect mother as well as a wage-earner

30、support networks are more important than ever. It comes as a separate report examining childcare in the leading industrialised nations found that working mothers in Britain spend just 81 minutes a day caring for their children as a primary activity. Mothers who stay at home, on the other hand, manag

31、e twice as much time more than two and a half hours looking after their offspring, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Critics say the pressure on women to work long hours, and leave their offspring in the hands of nurseries or childminders, is putting the well-be

32、ing of their children at risk.The study also reveals that, despite the fact that more and more modern mothers go out to work, the burden of childcare still falls on them - even if their husband is not in work. A father who is not in work tends to spend just 63 minutes a day looking after his child -

33、 18 minutes less than a mother who goes out to work. Working fathers spare less than three quarters of an hour with their children.45What does the passage mainly talk about?AThe good old days of mothers in the 1970s and 1980s.BThe great sufferings of todays children.CThe statistics of working mother

34、s and full-time mothers.DThe big problems that todays working mothers face.46What does the underlined phrase “yearn for probably means .Ahate Bmiss Cabandon Dcontrol47Which of the following problems is NOT mentioned in the passage?ATodays mothers have less time left for their children and themselves

35、.BThe working mothers can hardly strike the balance between work and family.CMost of the mothers can not control their husbands nowadays.DModern fathers do not spend enough time with their children.48From para. 4, we can infer that .Aworking mothers can seek help on lineBSkype is a very famous exper

36、t in studying social issuesCworking mothers double shift is to be a wife and a motherDKate Fox has opened a website offering help to working mothers49What critics say means that .Ait is wise for working mothers to put their kids in nurseries or childmindersBtoo much time in nurseries or childminders

37、 is bad for kids mental and physical healthCnurseries or childminders are dangerous places for childrenDchildren do not like nurseries or childminders at allCXIAN - Chinas conservation work for the endangered crested ibis朱鹮is facing new challenges, including an increasing mortality rate due to inbre

38、eding, and the conflict between the need to expand natural habitats and local communities economic interests, bird experts have warned.The crested ibis, once widespread in Japan, China, Russia and the Korean Peninsula, almost became extinct in the first half of the 20th century.Before 1981, when sev

39、en crested ibis were accidentally found in Yangxian county, in Northwest Chinas Shaanxi province, academics thought the species had been extinct in China for almost 17 years.Due to the huge effort put into species protection since 1981, the number of crested ibis in China has risen to an estimated 1

40、,617, including 997 in the wild, the State Forestry Administration said at a meeting on crested ibis protection in Xian on Monday.However, although the ibis population exceeds 1,000, the birds are still not free from the threat of extinction, said Fang Shengguo, director of the State Conservation Ce

41、nter for Gene Resources of Endangered Wildlife at Zhejiang University.“Ornithologists used inbreeding in the early stages of protection so that numbers of the precious birds could increase quickly, but that method had consequences, Fang said.Studies have proved that as a result of inbreeding, creste

42、d ibis have the lowest genetic diversity of all endangered birds, Fang said.It means a high mortality rate and more physical defects for hatched chicks.“The government should collect genetic information from all crested ibis and establish a genetic database as soon as possible, then design a scienti

43、fic mating plan for the species, Fang said.So far, about 90 percent of crested ibis live in Shaanxi province, and fewer than 140 ibis live in three zoos in other parts of the country, including Beijing Zoo, according to Liu Dongping, an assistant researcher at the National Bird Banding Center of Chi

44、na, which is affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Forestry.The bird has lost the ability to migrate, he said, adding that if an unexpected natural disaster occurred in Shaanxi province or an infectious disease spread through the area, the ibis population could be greatly reduced.Experts also warned that the increased population of ibis, whether in the wild or in captivity, requir


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