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1、Section Communication Workshop.单词拼写1Factories were spreading outwards (向外地) from the old heart of the town.2The fence makes the boundary (边界) between my property and hers.3Terrorism is a phenomenon (现象) of the 20th century.4The accident has not done any permanent (永久的) damage.5My initial (最初的) react

2、ion was to decline the offer.6The work will begin on Monday if circumstances permit (允许)7The leaves of certain trees are poisonous (有毒的) to cattle.8The government has declared (宣布) a state of emergency because of the infectious disease.单项填空1Large quantities of solid fuel _ consumed every day and too

3、 much carbon dioxide is sent into the air, which in turn _ the rise of temperature.Ais; causesBare; results inCis; leads to Dare; results from解析:选B。考查句子主谓一致与动词词义辨析。句意:每天都有大量的固体燃料被消耗,所以有太多的二氧化碳进入空气中去,从而导致气温上升。Large quantities作句子主语,所以谓语动词用复数,排除A,C两项;result in“导致;result from“由于。应选B。2After supper she wo

4、uld sit down by the fire, sometimes for _ an hour, thinking of her young and happy days.Aas long as Bas soon asCas much as Das many as解析:选A。as long as意为“时间长达,与an hour对应,此处不表示“只要,所以做题要灵活处理。3Your job here is only_, for you will be removed from it when we have a proper post for you.Apermanent Bconvenie

5、ntCtemporary Dspecific解析:选C句意:你在这儿的工作只是暂时的,当我们有适宜的岗位给你时你就可以离开这儿了。permanent“永久的,固定的;convenient“方便的;temporary“临时的;specific“特定的。由句意可知选C。4Impressive as the record is, it _ next to the story of Armstrongs struggle against disease.Afades BliesCstands Dinterests解析:选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管该记录让人印象深刻,但是,与阿姆斯特朗同疾病抗争的

6、经历相比却黯然失色。fade“失去光泽;lie“躺着;存在于;stand“站立;interest“使感兴趣。应选A。5For all three years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill _ my own business someday.Aturn up Bfix upCset up Dmake up解析:选C。考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我已经为别人工作了三年了。我一直希望有一天我会创办自己的事业。turn up“调大(声音);fix up“固定,约定;set up“创立,搭建;make up“组成,弥补。应选C。6“Terro

7、rists _ war on the United States, and war is what they got. Bush said.Aattacked BdeclaredCfought Doffered解析:选B。declare war on“对宣战。句意:“恐怖分子向美国宣战,他们得到的是战争,布什说。7He had his camera ready _ he saw something that would make a good picture.Aeven if Bif onlyCin case Dso that解析:选C。句意:他准备好相机以防能拍到好的风景。in case“以

8、防在此引导目的状语从句。8She _ down hard on the gas pedal so as to catch the taxi, because she left her bag in it previously.Acarried BdeliveredCpressed Dpacked解析:选C。句意:为了赶上出租车,她用力踩下油门踏板。因为之前,她将包忘到出租车上了。carry“搬运;deliver“递送;press“按,压;pack“打包。.完形填空It seems as if cellphone could be the protection that parents expe

9、cting the kids to have freedom and be safe have been looking for. Lets _1_ your 11yearold son is going on a long bike ride with a friend, so they take along your cellphone _2_ they need help. Not only could they call you if necessary, but _3_ Global Positioning Systems (GPS) equipped on many mobile

10、phones today, your son and his friend could also be _4_ easily. Plus, with an additional service, you could track the boys _5_ location. Or consider this: If your daughter is _6_ herself and three friends to a concert, she could _7_ out exactly how to locate the concert location and get back home by

11、 using her equipped cellphone. And through a(n) _8_ software package, you could _9_ her whereabouts (行踪)_10_ tracking devices as we all consider useful, however, have _11_. If the boys urgently needed help during the ride, _12_might be too late by the time someone found them. And if they wanted to,

12、the concertgoing girls could deviate (偏离) from the _13_ route and go to a night club after the _14_ they could turn off the phone or leave it in their own car and drive with someone else.Cellphones and their accompanying programs are tools for _15_ children safely today, but all of them are _16_ ext

13、remely reliable. Under no circumstances does _17_ else replace a wellestablished parentchild relationship _18_ love and trust.If you do decide to let your kids use these devices, dont rely _19_ on them for protection. Your children need you to watch them, but _20_ will never take the place of your t

14、ime, attention, eyes, and ears when overseeing your childs whereabouts.语篇解读:利用 上的一些功能,父母可以跟踪孩子的行踪,确定他们所在的位置。然而,技术也不是绝对可靠的,它无法取代父母对孩子的关注。1A.pretendBseeCprove Dsay解析:选D。考查动词词义。say假定,比方说。让我们假定你11岁的儿子正和一个朋友进行一次骑自行车的旅行。2A.even if Bonly ifCin case Dso that解析:选C。in case“以防,万一;even if“即使;only if表示假设条件;so th

15、at“以便,目的是。3A.with BasCalso Dfor解析:选A。许多 都配备了GPS全球定位系统。with在句中用于引出一个复合宾语结构。4A.called BobservedCcontacted Dlocated解析:选D。GPS定位系统的作用是确定用户所处的位置,故这里located适合语境。5A.obvious BclearCexact Dsafe解析:选C。从下文的“. out exactly how to locate the concert location可知,用 提供的附加效劳,你可以追踪这两个男孩确实切位置。6A.leading BdrivingCheading D

16、guiding解析:选B。在第二个例子中,女儿驾车和三个朋友一起去参加音乐会,其他选项不合语境。7A.map BmakeCwork Dget解析:选B。句意:通过装载的设备,她能准确地分辨出如何确定音乐会的位置。make out“理解;分辨出;map out“制订;work out “设计出,计算出;get out“出去,摆脱。8A.additional BuniversalCanother Dexceptional解析:选A。additional“附加的,额外的;universal“普遍的,通用的;exceptional“例外的,异常的。9A.learn BknowCfollow Dsear

17、ch解析:选C。通过一个附加的软件包,你就可以了解她的行踪。follow“跟踪,了解。10A.These BSuchCSome DFew解析:选B。such . as是常用句式结构。11A.faults BshortcomingsCdifficulties Ddisadvantages解析:选D。从下文可知,带有跟踪装置的 也有自己的缺点。disadvantage“缺乏;短处,不利因素;fault“过失;shortcoming“缺点;difficulty“困难。disadrantage这里表示尽管这些仪器功能不少,但有些情况的变化,他们是无能为力的,这不是仪器本身的缺点、过失,故排除A、B。1

18、2A.parents BitCpoliceman Dwe解析:选B。it在句中用作代词,用来指时间。13A.considered BestablishedClocated Dplanned解析:选B。established route指的是事先已经制订好的路线。established“已经制订的,确定的。14A.drive BrideCshow Dparty解析:选C。在听完音乐会后去了一个夜总会。show在这里指上文提到过的concert。15A.guaranteeing BprovidingCcaring Dparenting解析:选A。 及附加的程序是保证孩子平安的工具。guarante

19、e“担保,保证,其他三个动词选项与句意不符。16A.never BalwaysCusually Dmerely解析:选A。 的这些功能并不是永远极其可靠。本句all与never否认副词连用,为局部否认结构。17A.everything BnothingCanything Dsomething解析:选C。与前面的under no circumstances相对应,否认句中用anything.18A.relied on Bbased onClaid on Dkept on解析:选B。任何情况下什么东西都不能取代建立在爱和信任根底上的那种parentchild关系。wellestablished“已

20、经确立的;rely on“依赖,信赖;base on“以为根底,在根底上;lay on“加于人;keep on“坚持,继续。19A.specifically BbelievablyConly Dparticularly解析:选C。作者在上文提到 的这些功能也不是绝对可靠,因此在决定让孩子使用这些设备时,不要单纯只依靠它们为孩子提供保护。only“仅仅,在这里符合句子语境。20A.relationship BcellphoneCprotection Dtechnology解析:选D。 及其附加程序的这些跟踪功能,都属于技术范畴。.阅读理解Most of us sit with our backs

21、 hunched (驼着背) when we are studying or working. But this habit can cause us pain in the neck, shoulders and the lower back. Worse still, this posture (姿态) may also make us age more quickly.The most common change in posture as we age is that our bodies gradually return to the foetal (胎儿的) position: t

22、he head and shoulders move forwards, the chest curls inwards and the spine (脊柱) goes from a healthy Scurve to a less healthy Cposition.The main cause of this is weak abdominal (腹部的) muscles from years of sitting in a hunched position, according to Carolyn Hewison, physiotherapy manager for the Nuffi

23、eld chain hospitals group.“If you look around, you see many people over 50, particularly women, who are starting to develop this stance (姿态), Hewison told the Daily Mail early this month.Hewison suggests standing up straight several times a day with your back to the wall, heels (脚跟) against the skir

24、ting board (壁脚板) and your shoulders and head touching the wall to encourage better posture.“Try to maintain the position as you walk away, she says. “The more often you do this, the more accustomed our abdominal and back muscles become to providing the necessary support.Besides bad posture, another

25、cause of weak abdominal muscles is sarcopenia (肌肉减少症) a gradual loss in muscle mass. According to research, from the age of 25 we all lose an average of a fifth of every 450 grams of muscle each year.There is no means of preventing it completely, but latest research suggests the best preventative me

26、asure is doing regular weight training to keep up muscle strength.Osteoporosis (骨质疏松) also contributes to the problem, according to Tom Crisp, a sports expert and lower back expert at the Barbican BUPA medical center, London.However, “you can lessen the risk of getting a hump (驼背) just by being acti

27、ve from as young an age as possible to slow the rate of bone loss linked to osteoporosis, Crisp said.1What could be the worst effects of bad sitting habits?ASpeeding up the aging process.BPain in the neck and shoulders.CLoss of bone mass.DLoss of muscle mass.解析:选A。根据第一段最后一句“Worse still, this posture

28、 (姿态) may also make us age more quickly可知,不好的坐姿最严重的后果会加速衰老,应选A。2. What does the underlined word “this refer to in Paragraph 3?AThe change in posture.BYears of bad posture while sitting.CWeak abdominal muscles.DThe main cause of posture change.解析:选B。联系此句“The main cause of this is weak abdominal (腹部的)

29、 muscles from years of sitting in a hunched position.可知,this指代长期以来不好的坐姿,应选B。3According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?AStanding up straight frequently can contribute to better posture.BDoing regular weight training can completely prevent sarcopenia.CFrom the age of 30, peo

30、ple lose a fifth of every 450 grams of muscle each year.DOld people no longer have any abdominal muscles.解析:选A。根据第五段“. encourage better posture可知,经常挺直站立,有利于形成更好的姿势,应选A。4What can be concluded from the article?AWeak abdominal muscles lead to sarcopenia.BOsteoporosis is the main cause of weak abdominal muscles.COur bone mass doesnt experience a decrease until the age of 25.DDoing regular sport at a young age can keep bones and muscles stronger.解析:选D。根据最后一段“. as young an age as possible to slow the rate of bone loss .可知,年轻时经常做运动有利于骨骼、肌肉健壮,从而减少骨质疏松的发生率,应选D。


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