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1、- 度上学期第二次月考高二英语试题【新课标】第一卷共115分第一局部:听力共两节,总分值30分第一节共5小题;每题1.5分,总分值7.5分请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1、 What isnt Molly wearing today?A. A sweater. B. A hat. C. A scarf.2、 What does the man do?A. A fashion designer. B. An architect. C.

2、 A model.3、 How long did the basketball game last?A. An hour and a half. B. An hour and a quarter. C. Two hours.At 8 oclock.4、 What are they doing now?A. Choosing a cinema. B. Watching a movie. C. Buying the ticket. 5、 What will the woman do next probably?A. Take the plane. B. Call the man. C. Go ba

3、ck home.第二节共15小题;每题1.5分,总分值22.5分请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前。你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,答复第6、7题。6、 How many dogs does the neighbor keep?A. Only one. B. Three. C. Six. 7、 What cant Kevin stand?A. Big dogs rubbish. B. Little dogs b

4、arking. C. The kids loud music. 听第7段材料,答复第8至10题。8、 Whis Pete busy doing?A. Talking with people. B. Tasting the food. C. Watching the performance.9、 What do we know about pete?A. He hopes to work overseas. B. He is not adventurous. C. He is teaching in a university. 10、 When will the man graduate?A.

5、In a week. B. In a month. C. In half a year. 听第8段材料,答复第11至13题。11、 What is the relationship between them?A. Mother and son. B. Father and daughter. C. Sister and brother.12、 Why will David go to Japan?A. To study. B. To work. C. To travel.13、 What didnt David put into his suitcase?A. Clothes. B. Wall

6、et. C. Documents.听第9段材料,答复第14至16题。14、Where is the Rotorua Accommodation?A. Near the beach. B. In the mountains. C. Above the waterfalls.15、Which hotel is the cheapest?A. The Herley Lodge. B. The Gondola Restaurant and Lodge. C. The Stuart Resort16、What will they decide to do?A. Go diving. B. Soak in

7、 the hot spring. C. Go hiking.听第10段材料,答复第17至20题。17、What is the aim of training dogs?A. To help soldiers in the war.B. To make money for soldiers.C. To help the injured soldiers.18、When did Allen recover?A. In 1991. B. In 1996. C. In .19、What do we know about Endal?A. It could respond to 200 instruct

8、ions.B. It was the first member of a charity.C. It has worked for the Royal Navy.20、How much will each dog cost during their working life next year?A. 20,000 dollars. B. 40,000 dollars. C. 80,000 dollars.第二局部:英语知识运用共两节,总分值35分第一节:单项填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分 从A、B、 C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项21. As a film star

9、she was a success, but as a wife she was _ failure, so their marriage ended in _ failure.A. /; / B. /; a C. a; a D. a; /22. How could you _ my sister so easily in the crowd? Because she stood out in her red dress.A. pick upB. pick outC. take upD. take out23. How are the things in your village? Moder

10、n farming methods have been brought in and the villagers are _ now than before.A. well offB. better offC. badly offD. worse off24. Can you tell us what is important to a businessman? _ information.A. CollectB. CollectedC. Having collectedD. Collecting25. In order not to let the others hear what he s

11、aid, he _ the news to me.A. shoutedB. toldC. whisperedD. said26. The country itself didnt have enough gas because of the war, so the government decided to _ its gas supplies to other countries.A. hide awayB. cut offC. insist onD. break up27. Though I have often heard this song _, I have never heard

12、you _ it.A. being sung; sang B. sang; singing C. sung; sing D. to be sung; to sing28. The _ boy was last seen _ near the East Lake.A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; playedD. missed; to play29Martial Art Films are supposed to be educational, inspiring, as well as_.A. entertaining B. ent

13、ertained C. joy D. delighted 30. Come on, please give me some ideas about the project. - Sorry. With so much work _my mind, I almost break down.A filled B filling C to fill D being filled31. It is reported that up to now, mountain slides have cut off more than ten villages from the outside world, _m

14、ore than 100 hundred people alive and _ many houses. A. buried; destroyed B. burying; destroying C. to bury; to destroy D. being buried; being destroyed 32. The Oscar Award is _ all outstanding actors and actresses _. A. what; dream of to win B. something; look forward to win C. what; dream of winni

15、ng D. something; look forward to winning it33. Fear is something that you are born with. You cant _yourself of it completely but you can _ certain fears under certain conditions. . A. break; get rid of B. get; overcome C. overcome; rid of D. rid; overcome34. I dont like this kind of music. _. Its to

16、o noisy.A. Nor do IB. Nor I do C.Neither am I D. Neither I am35. _ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited第二节:完形填空共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项。Once upon a

17、time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagles nest rested. The eagles nest contained four 36 eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked (使震动) the mountain 37 one of the eggs to roll down the mountain, 38 a chicken farm, which was in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must 39 and car

18、e for the eagles egg, so an old hen 40 to hatch (孵) and raise the large egg. One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. 41 , however, the eagle was raised to be a(n) 42 . Soon, the eagle believed he was 43 more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, 44 his spirit cried ou

19、t for more. While playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and 45 a group of eagles soaring (高飞) in the skies. “Oh, the eagle 46 , “I wish I could soar like those birds. The chickens shouted with 47 , “You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do

20、 not soar. The eagle 48 staring at his real family up above, 49 that he could be with them. Each time the eagle would let his 50 be known, he was told it couldnt be done. That is 51 the eagle learned to believe. Slowly, the eagle 52 dreaming and continued to live his life like a chicken. 53 , after

21、a long life as a chicken, the eagle 54 . You become what you believe you are; so if you ever dream to become an eagle, 55 your dreams, not the words of a chicken.36. A. large B. curiousC. smallD. fortunate37. A. guiding B. blowingC. causingD. inviting38. A. on B. overC. pastD. to39. A. introduce B.

22、punishC. protectD. share40. A. offered B. regrettedC. managedD. turned41. A. Carefully B. GentlyC. SadlyD. Luckily42. A. chicken B. eagleC. heroD. fool43. A. something B. everything C. anythingD. nothing44. A. and B. but C. so D. however45. A. noticed B. recognizedC. respected D. watched46. A. cried

23、 B. smiledC. arguedD. explained47. A. excitement B. anger C. laughterD. surprise48. A. approachedB. avoided C. continuedD. considered49. A. promising B. proving C. believingD. dreaming50. A. suggestion B. advantage C. dreamD. discovery51. A. what B. why C. howD. when52. A. went B. enjoyed C. beganD.

24、 stopped53. A. Happily B. Finally C. QuicklyD. Probably54. A. gave upB. broke down C. passed awayD. died out55. A. steal B. follow C. have D. remember第三局部:阅读理解共2节,总分值50分第一节:阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最正确选项。共20小题;每题2分,总分值40分ATalk about a real-life hero! Ten-year-old Larry Champagne from St. Louis,Missouri,

25、 hit the brake (刹车) on a runaway school bus. He saved himself and 20 other kids on board from disaster. It all happened in one terrible accident. On the way to school, the bus driver, Ernestine Blackman, suddenly fell ill. Seeing the car was running away, the other kids started to scream, but Larry

26、ran to the front and stopped the bus. “At first I thought, Were going to die, says Larry, “but after I pressed the brake, I felt safe.Larrys speedy reaction made news all over the country. He appeared on TV shows as a hero. The bus company gave Larry a big gift. His school hung a medal of honor arou

27、nd his neck. “My grandmother always tells me to do whats right, says Larry. He thanked his brother, Jerrick, 9, who “helped me get the bus driver up during the emergency紧急情况. How did he know how to stop the bus? Larry is something of a mechanic机械师. He helps his grandfather work on his old truck. “He

28、 gets his hands dirty, says his grandfather. One thing is for certain: Larry knows where to find the brakes. 56. What did Larry do to save the runaway bus?A. He parked it for the sleeping bus driver. B. He helped all the kids climb out through the windows.C. He dialed 911. D. he pressed the brake.57

29、. When did Larry finally feel safe?A. When the kids finally stopped screaming. B. When the police officers arrived. C. Once he pressed the brake, and the bus stopped. D. When the bus driver started driving again. 58. Larry got the following as praise for his hero action Except _. A. appearing on TV

30、showsB. a scholarship from his schoolC. a big gift from the bus companyD. a medal of honor59. Larry thanked his brother Jerrick for _. A. helping him get the bus driver upB. helping him work on his old truckC. teaching him how to find the brakeD. teaching him how to stop the bus60. The underlined se

31、ntence“Larry is something of a mechanic tells us that _. A. Larrys job is a mechanicB. Larry knows something about machinesC. Larry is a robotD. Larry knows nothing about machinesBNew Years Eve is a time to celebrate and enter the new year with a smile on your face. This year, therere plenty of loca

32、l activities for all ages and interests, so the smiles will come easily. BLUE CONCERT Blues band the Coyotes is playing at the Dance Barn,at 8 Barn View in Sudden Valley, The show will start at 9 p. m. and benefit the charity Bikers Fighting Cancer. Tickets cost $10 in advance and $15 at the door. C

33、all 224-2308 for more information. NEW YEARS LAUGHSRing in the New Year and laugh out the old one at the Upfront Theatre Comic improvisers will hit on all the highlights of the year with The Last Laugh of . The 9 p. m. show will cost $15 and is open to all ages. The 11 P. m. show is to 21 and older

34、and costs $18, which includes a champagne (香槟酒) toast. Call 733-8855 for more information. MAZEFor a fun activity earlier in the evening,walk the labyrinth (迷宫) at the Leopold Crystal Bellroom. Wander through the maze, based on the French Chartres Cathedral, for free from 4 to 9 P. m. Call 752-0048

35、for more information. COUNTRY DANCINGAt the Bellingham Eagles Hall, live local music will help get the dance started at 8 p. m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students and free for kids 12 and younger. For more information, call 676-1554. 61. In what way do these activities have in common?A. Th

36、eyre all held in the same day.B. Theyre all held by the same organization. C. Theyre all organized for children. D. Theyre all about the dancing and music.62. Which of the following activities may be free for Tom aged 16?A. COUNTRY DANCING. B. NEW YEARS LAUGHS. C. MAZE. D. BLUE CONCERT.63. If you wa

37、nt to know something about the Coyotes at 8 Barn view, youd better call _.A. 676-1554 B. 733-8855 C. 752-0048 D. 224-230864. Which of the followings will be the highlights of NEW YEARS LAUGHS?A. Wander through the maze. B. The champagne toast. C. Its live music. D. The Last Laugh of .65. It can be i

38、nferred from the text that _. A. $10 is enough to book a ticket to Blue Concert B. you can read the text on a telephone bookC. all these activities are international ones D. New Years Laughs will hold shows three timesCThe film “Avatar has received great popularity around the world. It turned out to

39、 be a great success. The film got 1 billion in ticket sales in a very short time. The story in the film happens on an alien planet called Pandora where many strange species live. Among the planets inhabitants(居民,栖息动物),the one that has the most similarities with humans is the Navi, and it is the stru

40、ggle between the Mavi and human invaders(入侵者) that forms the story of the film.As to the factors(因素) leading to the films success, many think that the entertaining feast(盛宴) for the eyes and the wonderful story shouldnt be forgotten, but the new language invented especially for the film which provid

41、es audiences with a new experience also plays an important part.In order to increase the truthfulness of an alien race外星人, the films director James Cameron asked an expert in languages from the University of Southern California to invent a language for the Navi. Professor Paul Frommer combined the l

42、anguages spoken among Indians, Africans and mid-Asians and worked with James Caneron for four years to create the Navi language based on the original 30 words that the director had already come up with.According to Professor Frommer, the most important characteristic of the Navi language is that it

43、could be pronounced. “This is an alien language but obviously it has to be spoken by human actors and actresses, Professor Frommer told the BBC, “it has to sound natural and it should make human beings comfortable when using it.The language has a vocabulary of around 1000 words but Professor Formmer

44、 hopes to enlarge the vocabulary in possible follow-ups to the film and in video games. The professor hopes that one day his creation will be as successful as the Klingon alien language from the “Star Trekfilms. “Theres a translation of Hamlet into Klingon and it has received great popularity among

45、the audiences, says Professor Frommer,“if anything like this happens to the Navi language, Id be very happy.66. What do we know about“Avatar from this passage?A. The story in it is a moving love story. B. It brings the producer 1 billion in total.C. The story in it happens on an alien planet. D. It talks about humans and aliens friendship.67. The director of “Avatar James Cameron had a language invented for the Navi to _.A. make the film


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