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1、精品名师归纳总结Unit 9 When was it invented .学案式教案设计【教材版本】人民训练出版社九年级英语【学习内容】 Grammar Focus, 3a, 3b and 4 of Unit 9When was it invented .【学情分析】本节课是第九单元的其次课时, 学习任务是完成课文Grammar Focus, 3a, 3b and 4 部分的学习。本单元要求学会谈论重要创造的历史及用途,然后针对各项创造的用处及特点,发表自己的看法,并说明理由。话题始终是环围着历史上和日常生活中的重要发明,通过使用 “Passive Voice形”式的句型,循序渐进的绽开争论。

2、课本设计的活动情形能够自然的引发同学的奇怪心,大家积极的投入到话题争论中,寓教于乐,简单引起同学的兴趣。同时,它也有利于开阔同学的思路,培育制造精神,绽开丰富的想象力,人人都能成为“小创造家 ”。同学在第一课时学习了本单元的Section A 中的 1a 至 2c 部分,基本能听懂、会说本单元要求把握的部分重要词汇。在图片,相关信息等提示的帮忙下,能较好的运用重要句型和掌握主动语态和被动语态及相互转换。但是本班的同学两极分化比较严峻,有一部分同学基础学问不坚固,前面提到的学过的单词和句型就忘得差不多了,特殊是对于课文中的语法主动语态和被动语态,被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时混为一谈。所以老师

3、在课堂教案中应面对整体,准时复习相关的学问,包括重要词汇和句型,前后学问的连接。同时在设计上要留意活动的多样性,激发他们的爱好,让每一位同学能得到不同程度的收成。【单元整体目标】重点词汇: salty, sweet, sour, crispy, pleasant, potato chips, slipper, leaf, fire, scoop, light bulb, microwave oven, abacus, camera, beverage, be invented by, be used for, by mistake, by accident重点句型: When was the

4、telephone invented. I think it was invented in 1876.技能目标:能够谈论创造的历史和用途。能够对生活中的创造发表自己的看法。能够解决生活问题,设计新创造。情感目标 :布满想象力,发挥制造才能。三、重点难点重点:争论重要创造的时间、创造者和用途,学习使用句型“Whenwas the telephone可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结invented.” , “ Who was it/were they invented by.” , “ What is it/a和re答th语ey。used for.”难点:如何描述一项新创造的来历

5、和用途【课时支配 】6 课时新课 5 课时,复习 1 课时第一课时 : Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c,2a,2b, 2c,其次课时 : Section A: grammar focus, 3a, 3b, 4第三课时 : Section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c第四课时 : Section B: 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b 第五课时: Self- check and reading 第六课时复习【本课时教案设计】 .TeachingAimsandDemands 1.KnowledgeObjects(1) KeyVocabulary bulb,lightbulb,

6、microwave,oven,microwaveoven,island(2) TargetLanguage What is the microwave oven used for.It is used for cooking .What do you think is the most helpful invention .I think the most helpful inventionis Whyisthat.Becauseithelps/gives2. AbilityObjectsTrainthestudentswritingandspeakingskillswiththetarget

7、language.3. MoralObjectsIf you are alone on a tiny island, what inventions would you like to have on the island with you. .TeachingKeyPoints 1.Talk about the helpful inventions and annoying inventions. 2.Guide the students to discuss their opinions on the inventions. .TeachingDifficultPoints1.Discus

8、stheopinionsontheinventions.2.Usethetargetlanguagetodescribetheinventions. .TeachingMethods1.Pairwork2.Groupwork .TeachingAidsSomepicturesofthehelpfulinventionsandannoyinginventions.【学习帮助材料】PPT 课件 .Teaching ProceduresTeaching andlearning stepsLearningcontentsTsactivitiesSsactivitiesPurposeTime( 1)(从

9、有关创造的话T: What s the invention. Whoinvented the inventions . Can you1.Students answers 上课初提 5them.出疑问,【教案程序】可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Revision题入手, 增加同学学习的爱好.)tell me .T:The inventors are great.Are you great.T: Let s have a competition between two groups. Boys are2.Ss say yes.引出竞

10、赛要求和嘉奖方法, 能让同学对学习布满积极性。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Group 1, girls are Group 2. Let ssee which group will be the winner , OK.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结( PPT)1. Tell Ss the requirements .T:First revise the passive voice.Look at the information and finish the blanks.2. Ask two students to finish it.3.T check

11、s the answers. 老师嘉奖。 4.Ask Ss to read the sentences afterthe teacher.3. Ss do it by themselves.4. Ss read them together.复习旧 知,为接下来学习新知做铺垫。这一过程不但可以很好的考查同学上节课所学知 识,准时发觉问 题,查漏补缺。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结( 2) Presentation( 2) PresentationPart 3aWords:light bulb microwaveovenPPT1.

12、T: Look at the picture.What s this.2. T: And this. light bulb 板书 3. T: What s this.microwave oven 板书4. T:The inventions can be divided intohelpful inventions and1. Ss :闹钟。2. Ss:电灯泡。3. Ss:微波炉。通过图片出现新单词,创设情境来6引发争论: Which do you think are helpful inventions/a nnoying inventions.引导同学学会发表自己可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎

13、下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结annoying inventions.I think the computer is a helpful invention.The gun is an annoying invention. Which do you think are helpful inventions/annoying inventions.4. Ss discuss the questions.的观点。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结( 3)PracticePart 3a. PPT1.

14、 T: Make a list of helpful inventions and annoying inventions.PPT2. Ask two students to come to Bb to finish 3a. (板书)3.T checks the answers.(老师嘉奖。)Ss finish it.通过这个活动激发了同学的表现5欲和挑战意识。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结( 4) PresentationPart 3bPPT课件设计说 明:老师播放课件,出现some invention s.图片旁注有单词。1

15、.T shows the PPT.2. T: Look at these inventions. I think the most helpful invention is the computer.Because it helps people search the information.Which do you think is the most helpful invention.Why is it.( PPT 出现)Which do you think is the most helpful invention.Why is it.3. Ask two Ss to answer th

16、e营造英语氛6 围,勉励学生大胆发言。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结questions.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结5Practice1. Ask Ss to practice 3b in pairs.2. Ask several groups to act it out.(老师嘉奖。)1. Ss look at the PPT and discuss them.这也为下面的小组活动这一环节作5了较好的铺垫。利用图片及生活中的创造,让同学进行了听,说方面的训练。培育同学肯定的语感。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎

17、下载精品名师归纳总结( 6) PresentationGrammar FocusPPTT:We have learned the passive voice.What is the passive voice. Do you know.Ask some Ss to answer it.T sums up grammar about the passive voice.show PPTSs think it about.对所学的语6法点进行归纳整理,让同学总结归律,做到敏捷运用所学学问。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结7Groupw

18、orkPart 4 PPTT:Look at the picture.Imagine you arealone on the island. What would you like to have withSs look at PPT.勉励同学发6挥想象力, 敏捷运用所学句型,各抒己见。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结you.PPTGet the Ss to practice Part 4 in groups.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结8Exercise in classAsk some Ss to act it out.T: It s time to d

19、o the exercise.PPTGive Ss several minutes to do the exercise.Ask 5 Ss to answer them.T checks the answers.Ss discuss it in groups.Ss finish itby themselves.设计适当的5 练习题,既能培育同学“写 ”的才能,也可以让他们再次巩固新知。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结9 Assessment老师评判。对同学在活动中的表现赐予确定和鼓 励。T: How many stars have

20、 you got.Which group is the winner.Ss count the stars. 评判让同学1明白自己在本节课的收成以及存在的问题,明确今后努力的方向。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结10 )HomeworkWrite dowm your inventions. PPT )拓展同学的思维,培育他们的创新意识。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结【板书设计】Unit 9When was it invented .light bulbA:What do you think is the most

21、 helpful invention .microwave ovenB:I think the most helpful invention is可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结A:Why is that.B :It helps/gives板书设计说明:突出强调本节课的重点词汇和句型,帮忙同学敏捷运用所学句型表达自己的观点,能把握被动语态的用法及主动与被动语态的互换。【本课设计亮点】我从话题入手,激发同学的爱好,让同学尽快进入状态。然后利用课件,复习旧知, 温习上节课的所学内容,通过出现的图片导入新单词的教案。词不离句,情形交融,生动形象。我先通过师生间的对话过渡到生生的操练,

22、句型的操练是很有必要性的,让同学两人一组进行操练,接着,我又通过让同学进行小组活动,让同学娴熟的把握本课时所学的内容,提高同学的合作意识,增强同学的团结协作精神。该活动的设计,能削减同学独立完成较大型英语任务的畏难心理障碍,在设计中,通过师生示范和图片的提示为同学搭建平台,使层次较低的同学也能在一个有帮忙的平台上,与其他同学一起,顺当完成该项任务。同时,从说过渡到写,进一步强化同学对词汇的把握,整合所学语句,形成语篇,达到词 -句-篇的训练成效。最终对本课的语法进行归纳整理,让同学找规律,勉励他们积极摸索,让同学积极主动的学习。练习题也是环绕本课的重要学问点而设计的。从而检测同学所学情形。在教

23、案过程中我仍用贴星星的形式来夸奖勉励表现好的个人或小组,这种评判方法贯穿始终,目的是为了保持整堂课的趣味性和竞争性。【本课教案反思】1、同学的参加面不广一节课下来,部分同学都能积极投入到课堂教案中来,并积极举手发言。因此合作教案对提高同学实际的语言沟通才能、以及与他人的合作才能有很大的促进作用。而另有一些同学却习惯于当听众,被动的接受别人的观点,很少发表自己的个人看法,而这部分同学主要是学习困难生。【本课教案反思】2、个别同学不主动在教案过程中,个别小组显现冷场,这些同学停留在独立学习的层次上,没有发挥合作学习的优势,合作意识淡薄。因此作为老师既要留意到每个合作小组成员的合理编排,又要留意到自己设计的话题的趣味性以及如何把同学的积极性真正的调动起来。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结总而言之,我领会到了一种思想,一种理念,那就是优化课堂教案,提高课堂成效。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载


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