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《(整理版高中英语)高三英语阶段性测试试卷.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(整理版高中英语)高三英语阶段性测试试卷.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高三英语阶段性测试试卷一听力局部20分1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In an office. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore.2. Where did the speakers plan to?A.A shopping center B. An opera house. C. The parking lot.3. What does the man mean?A.Many young people like to join health clubs. B. Its q

2、uite convenient to join health clubs.C. Its the best way to reduce weight to join health clubs.4. Who is the man?A.A traffic policeman. B. A restaurant waiter. C. A taxi driver.5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman found the exam easy. B. The exam was difficult for the woman.C. The

3、 woman completed the exam in one hour.-6. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son. B. Driver and conductor. C.Conductor and passenger 7. Where is the man going?A.San Francisco B. Los Angeles C. New York8. Which behavior is allowed on the bus?A.Driving alcohol B. Smoking C. Play

4、ing cards.-9. Where is the dialogue taking place?A. In a kitchen. B. At the womans house. C. In a department store.10. Whats the woman looking for?A.A shelf. B. A light. C. A piece of metal.11. By how many dollars is the price going to increase?A. $3 B. $12.50 C. -12. Where does the conversation tak

5、e place?A. In a hotel. B.In a travel agency. C. In a company13. What are they talking about?A.The mans hobby. B. Hotel service . C. Tour information.14. How many days ahead does the man need to book?A. 2 days. B. 3 days. C. 4 days.-15. Why did the son come back late?A.He hurt his hands and knees. B.

6、 He went to a pub with Linda.C. He waited a long time for the bus.16. What happened to Linda?A. She was fired. B. She got injured. C. She had an accident.17. What was the witness?A. Outside the pub. B. At a bus stop. C. In his car.-18. What does the speaker mainly talk about?A. The life of Australia

7、ns. B. Ways of enjoyment in Australia.C. A common day of an Australian.19. What do old poeple do in the evening?A. Read newspapers. B.Go to car races. C.Watch TV at home. 20. How do young people go on outing on weekends?A.By bike. B. By car. C. By train.二、单项选择:15分21.What she referred to was so confu

8、sing that they could hardly make any _of it.A. message B. information C. 22.Education should be a universal right and not a(n)_.23.Where did you meet the girl? It was on the farm_I worked. A. that B. where C. in that D. which24.Could you please give me some advice on my optional courses? They should

9、_to your own preference. A.admit B.lead C.cater D.object 25.It was reported that a rich lady was robbed_thousands of dollars this morning. A.of B. with C.from D.不填26.What has made Tina so excited? _she has been offered a chance to travel around China. 27._digital media is increasingly popular, it is

10、 unlikely that the newspaper will disappear.28.There is no end to learning, so we should never _ourselves with a little book knowledge.29.China _its success_the reform and opening-up policy and the leadership of the Communist Party of China. A.owes; to B.thanks; for C.bases; on D.relies;on30.When pe

11、ople talk about the famous attractions in Lianyungang, the first_comes into their mind is Huaguo Mount. A.place B.one C.that D.of them 31.The companions_whom my brother associates are friendly and warm-hearted.A.with B.of C.on D.at 32.Whom would you like to give the speech _our class? A.on behalf of

12、 B.in spite of C.in terms of D.in consequence of33.Some idioms are very new and youll need to _what they mean.34.Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious_the problem itself is.35.I was much impressed by the great changes and fast pace of life in Shanghai_I came to visit this fantastic city

13、. A.at the first time B.for the first time C.by the first time D. the first time三、完形填空 (共15分,每题1分)I was tired and hungry after a long day of work.When I walked into the living room, my 12-year-old son looked 36 at me and said, “I love you. I didnt know what to say. 37 several seconds I could do noth

14、ing but stand there and 38 down at him. My first thought was that he must need help with his homework or he was trying to 39 me for some news.Finally I asked, “What was that all about? “Nothing. He said. “My teacher said we should 40 our parents that we love them and see what they say. Its an(a) 41

15、.The next day I called his teacher to find out more about this “experiment and how the other parents had reacted.“Basically, most of the fathers had the 42 reaction as you did. The teacher said, “When I suggested(建议) we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some o

16、f them thought their parents would have heart trouble. “The point is, the teacher explained, “ 43 loved is an important part of health. Human beings (人类)44 to be loved. What Im trying to tell the children is that its too 45 we dont all express(表达) that feeling. A boy should be 46 to tell his dad tha

17、t he loves him. The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how 47 it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.When my son came to me that evening, I held on to him for an extra second. And just 48 he pulled away, I said in deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you, too

18、. I dont know if saying that made either of us 49 but it did feel pretty good. Maybe next time one of my children says, “I love you. It would not take me a whole 50 to think of the right answer.36. A. downB. awayC. outD. up37. A. AfterB. ForC. AtD. On38. A. sitB. getC. lookD. knock39. A. reportB. pr

19、epareC. answer D. tell40. A. help B. tellC. askD. make41. A. thingB. experimentC. workD. sentence42. A. same B. differentC. usual D. ordinary()43. A. FeelingB. GettingC. TurningD. Looking44. A. haveB. knowC. take D. need45. A. bad B. goodC. lateD. early46. A. easy B. readyC. friendlyD. quickly47. A.

20、 oftenB. muchC. difficultD. fun48. A. beforeB. afterC. becauseD. if49. A. luckier B. youngerC. angrierD. healthier50. A. day B. weekC. afternoonD. night四、. 阅读理解 30AAlthough there are no state controlled survival courses in Britain or the United States , there are various independent organizations of

21、fering similar activities . Students can participate ( take part ) in outdoor training courses through university clubs and societies . Anyone can register ( 登记 ) with such groups , which then organize courses ,training and trips for all members . One of the most popular outdoor training programmes

22、in both the US and Britain , is Outward Bound ( 户外训练 ) . It was founded in 1941 in Wales and attracts hundreds of thousands of adventurous types every year . The courses are to broaden minds through experiences that build confidence , self-esteem ( 自尊 ) and character . As well as specialist courses

23、such as canoeing , leadership skills and sailing , participants can take part in week long adventure training camps which include a host of sports and survival training education skills . Michael Williams , an American student , took part in an Outward Bound course last year . He said : “We learned

24、lots of first aid skills , lots of natural history , lots of environmental facts , and participated in a wildlife preservation ( protecting ) programme . Beyond that , my favorite skills learned were sailing and rock climbing .Courses can last up to 40 days and are open to anyone over the age of 14

25、. Students must be in general good health , but do not need to be experienced in outdoor-sports . There is no selection process ; everyone is welcome , although new participants are advised to pick a course matching their physical power . Most of the British courses take place in the Beacons in Wale

26、s . Another similar organization is the UK Survival School , which includes courses on learning to live with the environment , sailing and winter survival . On a basic survival weekend students will learn how to get water and food , how to make fire and cook with it , to find and build a shelter , c

27、ontrol survival life support , how to cross rivers , send off an SOS signal , and to use compasses by day and night . According to the leaders , such adventures are “an awakening , an exploration into unknown. Outward Bound believes that participants will “use mind and body traveling some of the ear

28、ths roughest wildness areas .51. The advantage of the training courses is that _ .A. participants can make friends with others B. participants can visit some places of interest C. participants can experience different adventures D. participants can learn how wonderful nature is 52. In the Outward Bo

29、und course last year , the most exciting experience Michael Williams had was _ .A. learning first aid skills B. collecting facts of environment C. preserving wildlife D. rock climbing and sailing 53. Whats the writers purpose to write this passage ? A. To introduce the training course to readers . B

30、. To persuade readers to take part in the training courses . C. To tell readers the danger of this training course . D. To introduce the wonders of the world to readers .B Many Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are still unable to speak English very well when they meet

31、 a foreigner. They seem to have mastered the basic language structure(结构), but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes. Its uncommon that many students who are bad speakers of English can write English perfectly. This prov

32、es that they are unable to organize their idea in English. The center of the problem is that they lack practice and confidence ( 自信). Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those foreigners with whom you are speaking? Dont be shy, they will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The bes

33、t way to get rid of trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. I am sure that constant practice will help you succeed. 54. Whats the best topic for the passage?A. How to Speak to Foreigners B. How to Study English WellC. How to Organize the Idea in EnglishD. Practise Speaking English All the Tim

34、e55 Many Chinese students can write English very well, but they cannot speak English fluently because _A. they seldom meet foreigners B. they seldom practise speaking English C. they had no chance to speak English D. they think its enough to master the basic language structure only56. So many Chines

35、e students are afraid speak to foreigners because A. they are afraid they cant understand foreigners B. they dont think their English is poor C. they worry about making mistakes in their speaking D. they didnt tike speaking to foreigners57. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT tru

36、e? A. We can speak English fluently by doing more speaking. B. If you can write English perfectly, you are able to organize your idea in English. C. If you can write good English composition, you can speak English very well. D.Any Chinese students cant speak English fluently because they are afraid

37、of making mistakes.58 In the last paragraph, the expression get rid of means_. A. throw away B. free oneself from C. give up D. do with C A student is learning to speak British English. He wants to know: Can I communicate with Americans? Can they understand me? Learners of English often ask: What ar

38、e the differences between BE and AE? How important are these differences? Certainly, there are some differences between BE and AE. There are a few differences in grammar. For example, speakers of BE say: “in hospital and “Have you got a pen? Americans say: “in the hospital and “Do you have a pen? Pr

39、onunciation is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the rs in words like “birdand “hurt Speakers of British English do not sound rs in these words. There are differences between British English and American English is spelling and vocabulary. For example, “colour and “honour are British, whi

40、le “color and “honor are American. These difference in grammar, pronunciation, spelling, and vocabularly are not important, however. For the most part, British English and American English are the same language.59. According to this passage, a student who is learning to speak AE might be afraid that

41、 _. A. British people cannot understand him B. American people cannot understand him C. the grammar is too hard for him D. the spelling too hard for him60. AE and BE are different in _. A. spelling B. pronunciation C. grammar D. all of the above61. What is not mentioned in the passage? A. Whether th

42、ere are differences between BE and AE B. Whether BE are AE one language or two. C. How the differences between BE and AE came about D. How important the differences are.62. According to this passage, British people and Americans have _ difficulty in understanding each other. A. little B. much C. som

43、e D. greatD Not many dogs can become movie stars. However, thousands of highly trained dogs in the world today are working in very good work: they are Seeing-eye dogs guiding the blind. The first Seeing-eye dog was a German shepherd(牧羊人) named Buddy. In Switzerland. Buddys owner, Mrs. Dorothy, was a

44、t first training dogs of the German shepherd brought up for police work and saving people from dangers. Then in 1927, she wrote an article for the Saturday Evening Post about dogs being trained in Germany to help blind war veterans老兵. Morris Frank, a young blind American, heard about the article and

45、 wrote to Mrs. Dorothy to ask if there was such a dog to help him. That letter led Frank to spend five weeks in Switzerland learning to be guided by Buddy. Buddy was with Frank when he returned to the United States. Newspaper reporters were waiting for them in New York. They couldnt believe a dog could safely guide a blind man through a modern city. Buddy surprised them by leading master across the streets through th


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