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《2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题(上海卷含解析).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题(上海卷含解析).doc(38页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题(上海卷,含解析)考生注意:1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第卷(第1-12页)和第卷(第13页),全卷共13页。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(填空题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。第卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In section A, you will hear ten short conversatio

2、ns between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best

3、answer to the question you have heard.1.A. impatient B. confused C. pleased D. regretful【答案】 A【解析】原文:【考点定位】住宿类,前台交流2. A. at a bus stopB. at a laundryC. at the dentistsD. at the chemists【答案】 C【解析】原文:M: Do I have to come back for a further treatment?W: No. but you need to come and have your teeth clea

4、ned regularly.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?本题的关键词组是have your teeth cleaned,从而我们知道该场所是在牙医诊所。【考点定位】地点类3. A. An actor B. A salesman C. A translator D. A writer【答案】 D【解析】原文:【考点定位】日常对话类4. A. He lost his classmates homework. B. He cant help the woman with her math. C. He broke t

5、he womans calculator. D. He doesnt know where the “on” button is.【答案】 C【解析】原文:【考点定位】学习类 5. A. The woman should go to another counter.B. The woman gives the man so many choices.C. The man dislike the sandwiches offered there.D. The man is having trouble deciding what to eat.【答案】 D【解析】原文:W: Andy, you

6、have been standing in front of the sandwich counter forever.M: Sorry, I just wish they didnt give me so many choices.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?【考点定位】生活购物类6. A. She has no idea where to find the mans exam result.B. She isnt allowed to tell students their grades.C. Dr. White hasnt fin

7、ish grading the papers.D. Dr. White doesnt want to be contacted while hes away.【答案】 B【解析】 【考点定位】校园学习类;7. A. Move to a neat dormitory B. Find a person to share their apartmentC. Clean the room with the roommate D. Write an article about their roommate【答案】 B【解析】 原文:W: What we need is roommate who is n

8、eat and clean?M: Lets write that in the advertisement, neatness - a must。Q: What are the two speakers are going to do?开头说what we need is roommate who is neat and clean,是文章的主题句,需要重点把握。因此此处要听到重点need, roommate和neat三个词,整个题目的内容也就大体明白了,明白他们谈话的目的是找一个干净的室友。后面的Lets write that in the advertisement, neatness -

9、 a must,最后的neatnessa must,比较难听,但是只要前面一句听明白了,整个对话的意思也就明白了【考点定位】生活类 8. A. Bob wont take her adviceB. Bob doesnt want to go abroadC. She doesnt think Bob should study overseasD. She hasnt talked to Bob since he went aboard【答案】 C【考点定位】校园学习类 9. A. The snack bar isnt usually so empty.B. Dessert is served

10、in the snack bar.C. The snack bar is near the library.D. Snacks arent allowed in the library.【答案】 A【解析】原文:【考点定位】校园类; 10. A. Take her bicycle to the repair shop.B. Leave her bicycle outside.C. Clean the garage after the rain stops.D. Check if the garage is dry.【答案】 BSection BDirections: In Section B,

11、 you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the q

12、uestion you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. It helps care for customers dogs. B. You have to buy food for dogs. C. None of the dogs are caged. D. There is a dog named Princess.12. A. She likes the food there. B. She enjoys the fun with a pet. C. She can h

13、ave free coffee. D. She doesnt like to be alone.13. A. A new kind of cafe. B. A new brand of cafe. C. A new home for pets. D. A new way to raise pets.【答案】11. C 12. B 13. A【解析】录音文本:In the cities all over the world, people go to cafs to relax alone or with friends. And there are many cafes in Korea. Y

14、ou can do more than that. You can relax and play with dogs at new dog cafes. The Snoopy Caf is one of them. The dogs there are in cages around the room. First, you choose a dog. Then it comes out of the cage. You can buy food for it. The Bau House is different from the Snoopy Caf. You dont have to c

15、hoose a dog at the Bau House. All the dogs sit, play or run around while people drink coffee and eat sandwiches. You can play with all the dogs at the Bau House. LaureyChuong goes to the Snoopy Caf about once a week. She likes to play with Princess, her favorite dog. She often buys food for Princess

16、, too. Lori likes to go to the Snoopy Caf for many reasons. “I love dogs,” she says, “but my apartment is too small for a dog. Also, dogs dont like to be alone and I work all day.” So when Laurey needs to have some fun with a pet, she goes to the dog caf to see princess. Dog cafs are very popular in

17、 Korea. But they are not cheap. A cup of coffee costs about 3 dollars and 50 cents, but the fun is free.11. C 录音内容为“The Bau House is different from the Snoopy Caf. You dont have to choose a dog at the Bau House. All the dogs sit, play or run around while people drink coffee and eat sandwiches.”第一句明确

18、交代了the Bau House与the Snoopy Caf的不同,考生需要听到这里时注意听该句后面的内容,就能选出答案。12. B 录音内容为“So when Laurey needs to have some fun with a pet, she goes to the dog caf to see princess.”虽然这句的前面有这句话“Lori likes to go to the Snoopy Caf for many reasons.”给考生一点干扰,并且后面还引用了Laurey自己说的两句话。但是最后还是可以明确听出Laurey喜欢去狗狗咖啡厅的原因。13. A 此题解题

19、关键就是能把握全文的大意,全文介绍两种咖啡厅,虽然名字不同,但形式上的共性就是狗狗和人都可以在咖啡厅里一起玩乐,所以本文主要介绍的是一种新型的咖啡厅。并且录音里提到一句话也帮助考生得到这个答案“You can do more than that. You can relax and play with dogs at new dog cafes.”。【考点定位】对话型Question 14 through 16 are based on the following passages.14. A. A trend that high achievers are given a lower sal

20、ary. B. A view that life quality is more important than pay. C. A dream of the young for fast-paced jobs. D. A new term created by high achievers.15. A. 10% B. 12% C. 6% D. 7%16. A. People are less satisfied with their lives. B. The financial investment may increase. C. Well-paid jobs are not easy t

21、o find. D. Unexpected problems may arise.【答案】14. B15. D16. D【解析】录音文本We are hearing a lot these days about downshifting. So what is it? The term downshifting first appeared in 1994. It was coined by the trans-research institute to describe a new philosophy by which higher achievers at work chose a lo

22、wer salary in exchange for a better quality of life. According to a recent study, four out of ten people under 35 years old are planning to downshift from stressful jobs to a slower pace of life. Its not just the dream of the young. Its also popular with 35-54 years old, 12% of whom are making plans

23、 to downshift, 6% hoping to have done so in the next 2 years. The study found that 7% of workers had already downshifted. Doctor Lucy Grant, a psychologist looking at the phenomenon believes that downshifting is a dream that more and more people want to turn into a reality. People are not satisfied

24、with their lives and they want to make changes. However, Doctor Grant adds some people will hesitate because they dont actually believe they can make it happen while others will rush into downshifting to discover that their dream ends up with financial crisis, so it is something that requires a lot

25、of thoughts and planning to get right.14. According to the passage, what is downshifting?答案:B. A view that life quality is more important than pay.解析:此题是概念推断题。问题是问什么是downshifting?我们听到有这么一句话It was coined by the trans-research institute to describe a new philosophy by which higher achievers at wor cho

26、se a lower salary in exchange for a better quality of life. 判断答案选B。注意这一点:文中的philosophy就是答案中的view。15. According to a recent study, what is the percentage of workers who had already downshifted?答案:D. 7%16. In Lucy Grants opinion, why does downshifting require a lot of thoughts and planning?答案:D. Unexp

27、ected problems may arise解析:此题是句意推断题。问的是根据这个人的观点,为什么人们在放慢生活节奏的时候要考虑和计划很多事呢?我们听到这么一句话some people will hesitate because they dont actually believe they can make it happen while others will rush into downshifting to discover that their dream ends up with financial crisis。人们不相信这会发生,而那些在没有准备就去downshift的人们

28、,他们的美梦最终被经济危机所击败,这里的经济危机就是意料不到的问题。所以判断出答案是D选项。【考点定位】对话型Section CDirections: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your an

29、swers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.SRTService NotesAccount No.: 17 Service Request: Check the 18 Solutions: Send another 19 (2 pm on 20 )【答案】17. XW9470218. electricity19. engineer20. W

30、ednesday【解析】听力文本:WOMAN: SRT Electricity, can I help you?MAN: Yes, I have a problem with my electricity.WOMAN: Sorry to hear that. Your account number, please?MAN: Its XW94702.WOMAN:Okay. Mm-mm. Our notes say that we arranged for an engineer to visit your house yesterday. Did he check the electricity

31、?Man: No, he didnt. Five minutes after he arrived, he had an emergency call and left.WOMAN: Im very sorry, I can arrange for another engineer to visit you on Wednesday.MAN: Okay, but I have a meeting that morning. Do you have an exact time for his visit?WOMAN: Is two oclock okay for you?MAN: Yes, th

32、ats fine. Thank you.WOMAN: No problem.19. engineer 类似上题,文中几次提到了engineer(检修服务的实施和提供者),前一次因故没有完成任务,再次约定时间。此空较容易。20. Wednesday 听力填空中这种时间词很容易在对话中捕捉到,一般前文都会有一些指示词提示同学们注意这里。原文中 I can arrange for another engineer to visit you on Wednesday.一句话中包含了两个空的正确答案。如果第一次没有听清,第二次播放录音时注意认真听,很容易就能写出正确答案。Blanks 21 throug

33、h 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.In what way are these climbers special?They are all 21 .Why did they choose to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro? 22 .What did they do in time of difficulty?They persevered, 23 each other.How did t

34、hey record their adventure?By keeping 24 .【答案】21. disabled22. the human spirit23. inspiring24. an online diary/ a diary online【解析】听力原文W: Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa. Climbing it is no small task, especially for a group of seven who are all disabled in some way. Here we have o

35、ne of the climbers, Mike, to share his experience.W: How do you feel about the climb, Mike?M: It was a lot more difficult than we had expected, but we persevered and made it.W: Why did you choose to conquer such a height?M: We regarded this as a chance to prove the human spirit.W: Really a tough jou

36、rney! What did you do in time of difficulty?M: We turned to each other for inspiration as we continued all the way to the peak.W: So did you keep a record of the adventure?M: Yes, we kept a diary of our troubles online.W: How long did the adventure last?M: 30 days. And we reached the top on June 5th

37、.W: Getting to the top was definitely the high point. Thank you, Mike!21. disabled问题中有special一词,是这道题的信息重点。听过短文之后,不难得出答案为disabled,解释为残疾的。23. inspiring考查了turn to each other这个词组,意为相互帮助。We turned to each other for inspiration as we continued all the way to the peak. 在我们持续到顶峰的过程中,我们向对方寻求灵感。此处用动名词形式作状语。24

38、. an online diary/ a diary online本身难度不大,但是学生很容易犯错。首先,diary日记一词和dairy乳制品一词为形近词,学生很容易搞混;其次,基础不扎实的学生可能会漏听冠词a还有后面的Online,因此在平时训练中,要加强对小词的训练。II. Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the

39、 blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form. of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Gift from a strangerMy local supermarket is always busy. The first parking space I found was convenient, but Id noticed a woman in a blue car circlin

40、g for a while. (25) _ I was in a good mood, I let her have it. On the edge of the car park I backed into the next available spotit was a tight fit. Pretty soon Id made my way through the supermarket and was back in the fresh air. Feeling good, I (26) _(empty) my purse change into the hands of a home

41、less man and helped a struggling woman reverse park(倒车). Just as I approached my car, 1 saw the woman Id let have my car space earlier. She was giving me (27) _ odd lookhalf puzzled, half intent (热切的). I smiled and wished her a pleasant day. As I squeezed back into my car, I spotted the same lady (2

42、8) _ (look) in at me. Hello, she said, hesitantly. This (29) _ sound crazy but I was on my way to drop some of my mothers things off at the charity bins.” You are just so much (30) _ her.” You helped those people, I noticed, and you seemed so happy.” She looked at me meaningfully and passed a box in

43、 through the window. “I think she would like you to have it.” (31) _ (shock), I took it from her automatically. She smiled and walked away. After a pause, I opened the box. Inside was a beautiful gold necklace with a large grey pearl. It was (32) _ (nice) gift Id ever received, and it was from a com

44、plete stranger. The necklace was around my neck, a warm reminder of human kindness.25【答案】 As/Because/Since【解析】 根据句子成分分析,句子有两个谓语(was 和let ),其中let sb do sth 是固定用法,所以得出所填空格为连词。根据划线部分后的句意“我心情很好,我让她用这个”分析,前后句子构成一种因果的关系,所以答案为Because。又因为As和since作为连词时也可以表示因为,所以答案也可以是As 和Since。此外,也要注意大写首字母。【考点定位】考查连词26【答案】 e

45、mptied【考点定位】考查谓语动词的时态27【答案】 an【解析】 本句的句意是她给了我一个奇怪的表情,一半困惑,一半热切。根据句子的结构形式分析:破折号后面是一个解释说明的作用。结合划线部分后面是一个形容词加名词的情况,可以知道该空,应该是填写冠词。又由于形容词odd是以元音开头,所以答案是an.【考点定位】考查冠词的用法28【答案】 looking【解析】 该句前面As I squeezed back into my car是一个状语从句,根据句子成分分析,主句已经有了谓语形式saw,所以判断空格应该是一个非谓语的形式。由于see有一个用法是see sb doing,用于看到正在进行的事

46、情。结合句意“当我倒车的时候,我看到同样这个女性在看着我”,综合可以得出答案。【考点定位】考查非谓语的用法29【答案】 might/may【考点定位】考查情态动词的用法30【答案】 like【解析】 分析该空的句子结构,You为主语 are为系动词,just so much为状语,me为宾语,可以得知,划线部分应该是填一个介词,构成主+be+介词+宾语的结构。根据句意,你和她非常的像。可以知道该空的答案是like.【考点定位】考查介词的用法31【答案】 Shocked【解析】 划线部分后接逗号,单独一个词作状语。该词在句中能作状语修饰谓语动词或整个句子,根据句意“非常震惊,我自动从她手中接过。

47、”由于是用于指我震惊,所以用词是ed结尾,另外,shocked分词的形式是作为形容词,它常用作状语。【考点定位】考查非谓语的用法32【答案】 the nicest【考点定位】考查最高级的用法(B)Ask helpful HannahDear helpful Hannah,Ive got a problem with my husband, Sam. He bought a smart phone a couple of months ago and he took it on our recent ski vacation to Colorado, it was a great trip except for one problem. He has a constant urge (3


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