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1、Unit 8试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) ( )1. Lin Dan is excellent player. Im big fan of him.A. a; the B. an; a C. the; anD. the; a( )2. Aunt Tina will visit us soon. is arriving tomorrow morning.A. SheB. He C. Her D. His( )3. Chinese kids can get from their parents and relati

2、ves during the Spring Festival.A. Christmas trees B. turkey C. lucky moneyD. Easter eggs( )4. She sat the table with a pen and paper.A. atB. asC. for D. with( )5. The children have a lot of fun in the park yesterday morning.A. were B. did C. do D. will( )6. they were very busy, they still stopped to

3、 help us with our work.A. Although; but B. Although; / C. /; and D. /; so( )7. Mr. Zhou Canada for five years and he is working in a big company now.A. has come to B. has been to C. has come in D. has been in( )8. This kind of peach looks really nice, but it very sour(酸的).A. tastes B. looks C. feels

4、 D. sounds( )9. Its too far from here to Lanzhou. We can driving the car.A. take care B. take turns C. take notes D. take place( )10. There are many foreigners in our school. Two of them come from Canada, and come from the USA.A. the other B. any others C. the rest D. the last( )11. Water is the che

5、apest drink. And it is also .A. healthierB. healthiest C. the healthierD. the healthiest ( )12. Its the first time that the boy to a foreigner A. speaksB. spoke C. has spoken D. speaking ( )13. A number of parents their children to have extra classes.A. wantB. wants C. to want D. doesnt want( )14. A

6、ll the food in this restaurant in big plates and its nice and cheap.A. serves B. is served C. will serve D. is serving( )15. They traditional Chinese culture when I walked into the room.A. studied B. were studying C. had studied D. would study( )16. Dont shout at that old man. You should talk to him

7、 .A. polite B. rude C. politely D. rudely( )17. Look! Laura is getting the first place. fast runner she is!A. How B. What C. How aD. What a( )18. I remembered the windows, but they were still open.A. closeB. to close C. closing D. closed ( )19. Mr. Smith is busy flowers in his garden. A. plantB. pla

8、nts C. plantedD. planting( )20. Lisa, could you please tell me ?A. what was your family name B. what your family name wasC. what is your family name D. what your family name is( )21.Li Ming and Wang Gang disagree with me. Never mind, no one can anybody. A. satisfyB. cancelC. promiseD. discuss( )22.

9、The boys tried , but they failed. There was a fight between them. A. to be angryB. not to be angryC. be angryD. not be angry( )23. We are all busy the coming English exam. A. to get readyB. getting readyC. to prepare forD. preparing for( )24. Jack has told us .Would you like to tell us ?来源:学科网 A .so

10、mething interesting; anything elseB. something interesting; else anything C. interesting something; anything elseD. interesting something; else anything( )25. Be careful, youll make mistakes. A. andB. butC. orD. so( )26. The park is home many wild animals. A. atB. toC. inD. on( )27. I like travellin

11、g by train, it is not as fast as by plane. A. untilB. unlessC. thoughD. because( )28. Thats an exciting story the passage. A. according toB. look forward toC. lead toD. thanks to( )29. of the population here are workers. A. 20 percentsB. 20 percentC. The 20 percentD. The 20 percents( )30. A number o

12、f animals killed and the number of them getting smaller and smaller. A. has been; areB. has been; isC. have been; isD. have been; are( )31. What did you do your guests? A. welcomeB. welcomingC. to welcomeD. welcomed( )32. Eric is a middle school student China. A. visitsB. to visitingC. visitingD. vi

13、sited( )33. The driver offered the three children to the train station. A. driveB. to driveC. drivingD. drove( )34. Try yourself and have a good time at the party. A. toB. beC. to beD. to being( )35. Tom always makes his sister the room. But today he was made the room by his mother. A. clean; cleanB

14、. clean; to cleanC. to clean; cleanD. to clean; to clean( )36. There is underground parking lot. parking lot is big enough. A. a; TheB. an; TheC. the; AD. the; An( )37. What would you like to eat? rice, please. A. A bowlB. Bowl ofC. Two bowl ofD. Two bowls of( )38. Her daughter can do almost everyth

15、ing by herself she is only six. A. ifB. becauseC. althoughD. so ( )39. My pen pal came to China with us during the Spring Festival. A. stayB. to stayC. stayingD. stayed( )40.Do you think that man is an honest person? .He always tells lies. A. I have no ideaB. It doesnt matterC. Its very importantD.

16、Of course not( )41. you believe it or not, its a real story. A. WhileB. UnlessC. WhetherD. Until( )42. The can become a rule. A. seasonB. customC. stepD. poster( )43. Her life colorful stories. A. was full ofB. was filledC. full ofD. filled with( )44. To win the match, we must work a team. A. withB.

17、 byC. asD. from( )45. My skirt is similar yours. A. withB. aboutC. inD. to( )46. they are twin sisters, they dont look the same. A. SinceB. AsC. ThoughD. Because( )47. Imagine youre a passenger on a train. What do you think of a cup of tea? A. offerB. to offerC. offeringD. being offered( )48. Each o

18、f us should entering the meeting room. A. take turnsB. take afterC. take placeD. take steps( )49.I want to know eat out in the restaurant. Well go there as soon as our homework . A. when can we; is doneB. when we can; is done C. when can we; will be doneD. when we can; will be done( )50.Wu Dong, you

19、r English is so excellent! A. Oh, no, my English is still very poor.B. How do you know this? C. Thank you.D. Really?二、阅读理解。(每题2分,共20分)ADear TF,Im sad and sorry to hear that you and your friends fight so much. Actually, when I read your letter it sounded like these people werent your friends at all.

20、Friends dont fight like cat and dog. Now, Im giving my advice to you.First, you need to sit back and really think long and hard about these friendships of yours. Like I said, it really doesnt sound like you guys are good friends at all, fighting so much. Good friends wont be in the terrible cycle of

21、 fighting. I think its time for you to look for better friends.And if you still believe this group of girls are the right friends of yours, you should quickly throw off your attitude (态度) of hate and blame and start acting like a good friend to them. You should treat others the way you want to be tr

22、eated yourself. If you stop fighting with everyone and youre nice to everyone around you, youll be surprised to see that your friends will start treating you with the same kindness and respect. And if they dont, well, Ive proved my case they arent your real friends at all.Best wishes,Dr. Wang( )51.

23、Who is most probably TF?A. A teacher.B. A parent. C. A school boy.D. A school girl. ( )52. Whats wrong with TF according to the letter?A. She and her friends always fight. B. She has no friends.C. She is always fighting at school. D. She doesnt know how to make friends.( )53. What does “fight like c

24、at and dog” mean in Chinese?A. 逗弄猫狗B. 狗猫争斗 C. 争吵不休 D. 爱护猫狗 ( )54. What should TF do first if she wants to solve her problems?A. Think about who are the right friends. B. Check her own behavior.C. Ask her teacher for help. D. Stay away from the present friends.( )55. Which of the following is NOT tru

25、e according to the second advice?A. Dont hate and blame your friends. B. Treat different friends in different ways.C. Be nice to everyone around you. D. Treat your friends with kindness and respect.BPeople in different countries behave (举止) in different ways. What is polite or “good manners (礼貌)” in

26、 one country may not be polite in another. For example,Americans usually greet (打招呼) someone they know by saying,“Hi” “Hello” or “Good morning”.We Chinese,on the other hand,usually greet each other by saying,“How are you?” or sometimes “Have you eaten?”or “Where are you going?” But it is bad manners

27、 to greet an American by asking him where he is going or if he has eaten. In Italy (意大利) or in the south of France,a man will greet a woman by kissing (吻) her on the back of her hand or on both cheeks (脸颊).But in China and other Asian (亚洲) countries,kissing on meeting someone is thought to be bad ma

28、nners.To take another example,belching (打嗝) during a meal in America is thought very rude (无礼节的) while in parts of China and the Arab (阿拉伯人) world,belching is a way of telling your friend that you are enjoying your meal.There are also different ways of paying a visit to others home,standing in line,

29、introducing (介绍) someone to other people,and giving thanks. For example,if an American brings someone a present,he hopes it will be opened in front of him. But we Chinese dont usually open the present until he has left.What are the rules (规则) of good manners then?Well,there are too many rules to be

30、written down here. The most important one would be:When in Rome (罗马),do as the Romans (罗马人) do.56. A man in Italy greets a woman by . A. kissing the back of her hand or cheeksB. asking “Where are you going?” C. asking “How are you?”D. saying “Hello”57. In Asian countries it is to kiss a woman when t

31、hey meet each other. A. politeB. rudeC. goodD. nice58. The people in Asian countries usually give a loud belch to show that they enjoy their meal. A. allB. someC. noD. most59. If a(n) gives someone a present,he wants him or her to open it in front of him.来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. Ameri

32、canD. Indian60. The most important rule of good manners is . A. to be on timeB. to be yourself C. when in Rome,do as the Romans doD. to have a good time三、. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成46-50题。Scientists are searching for the cause of the disease, AIDS (艾滋病). AIDS destroys the immune (免疫的) system

33、 of the body. It can also cause serious harm to the brain and nervous system.AIDS has been found in many countries. Tens of thousands of people caught the disease, because of gay (同性恋的) activities, drug abuse (药物滥用) and so on. In Australia some babies died after receiving blood from persons carrying

34、 the AIDS virus. So far, the disease cannot be cured.The AIDS virus may have come from the green monkey in central Africa. Although the green monkeys show signs of infection with the AIDS virus, they are very healthy. They are immune from the disease. Doctors are studying the green monkey to search

35、a vaccine (疫苗).61题判断正误(“T”表示正确,,“F”表示错误); 62、63题简略回答;64题完成句子;65题将划线句子译成汉语。61. Ten thousand people have caught the disease AIDS. 【 】62. Why did some Australian babies die in Australia? 63. The AIDS virus may be from .64. Can this kind of disease be cured at present? 65. 四. 词语运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) A. 根

36、据句意,用方框所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每词或短语只限使用一次)praise noise spoon whether tidy up66. Mum, we need three to have the soup.67. I couldnt decide or not to go to the party.68. Our teacher Li Ming for helping Mrs. Smith.69. Would you please your room? Its so dirty.70. Its so outside. I cant fall asleep at all.B. 用括号

37、所给词的适当形式填空。71. How much was the first (generate) of personal computers?72.Bill Gates is one of the (wealth) persons in the world.73.That man is always (judge) a person by his look.74.How many (human being) are there on the island?75.The (say)from different cultures make people wise.来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K五、

38、基础写作连词成句将所给单词连成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)76. people, or, want, peace, do, war ?77. polite, an, it, age, is, to, adults, ask ?78. will, do, gifts, what, with, you, the ? 79. fight, small, they, matter, over, the, shouldnt .80. many, manners, world, are, in, table, there, the, different .81. he, was, party, invited, the, to ?82. I, common, mum, have, a, in, lot, with, my .83. is, your, similar, hairstyle, mine, to .84. hung, I, have, wall, up, coat, on, my, the .85. first, it, my, is, a, house, visit, time, Canadian .


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