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1、八年级英语下册 第三单元测试题及答案I.单项选择共10小题,总分值为10分1.He _ the bus and found a seat next to the window. a. got down b. got off c. got on d. got out of 2.The plane _ before it rained. a. put on b. left for c. went out d. took off 3.She didnt know the strange man and had to _ the police for help. a. look b. visit c.

2、 call d. run 4.The shop was too _ and I couldnt see _ at all. a. crowded, nothing b. crowded, anything c. busy, nothing d. busy, anything 5.It is really _ unusual experience, and Ill never forget _. a. a, it b. a, them c. an, it d. an, them 6.The teacher came in while Ann _ her purse in the classroo

3、m. a. was looking for b. was finding c. was finding out d. was seeing 7.The sick woman herself walked to the hospital _ a stick _ her hand. a. with, with, b. have, in c. with, in d. has, in 8.Dad, will you buy me a new bike?I dont know. Ill have to _ it. a. think about b. wait for c. put down d. tur

4、n on 9.Gina was sleeping _ someone knocked at the door. a. before b. when c. after d. because 10.The police _ looking for the lost dog at the station. a. is b. was c. are d. am II.完形填空共10小题,总分值为10分Sam and Joe were 1 astronauts and they knew each other very well. There was once a very hard trip. All

5、astronauts knew that they would possibly die during the trip because there was only a small 2 of coming back. All the astronauts did not want to go on this trip except Sam and Joe. They thought 3 would be exciting to have a dangerous trip. 4 they would have some difficulties, they were not afraid of

6、 them. “Were the 5 men for the job, they said to the boss. “There 6 problems, but we can find the answers. “Youre the only person I can trust(信任), said the boss. “Because all the other astronauts dont want to go.When they were in space, Joe had to go outside 7 some repairs. After the repairs were do

7、ne, Joe tried to get back inside the spaceship. But the door was locked. He knocked but there was no answer. He knocked again, 8 this time, and again no answer came. Then he hit the door as 9 as he could, and finally someone asked, “Whos there? “Its me! 10 could it be? shouted Joe angrily. Sam opene

8、d the door and let him in. They came back all right, but Joe would never ask to go on a trip with Sam again! 1.a. all b. every c. both d. either 2.a. time b. chance c. wish d. work 3.a. it b. that c. this d. these 4.a. Until b. Although c. Then d. But 5.a. worst b. best c. good d. bad 6.a. maybe b.

9、may be c. can be d. cant be 7.a. making b. make c. to make d. made 8.a. bigger b. lower c. smaller d. louder 9.a. hard b. hardly c. heavy d. strong 10.a. Where else b. Who else c. When else d. Which else III.阅读理解共10小题,总分值为20分(A)The Internet is a big place. Nobody has enough time to find something on

10、 the Internet. Yahoo gives us a lot of help. Two Stanford University (斯坦福大学) students, Jerry Yang and David Filo started it in 1994. They made a list of their favourite webpages. When their list got bigger, they made a database (数据库) to keep all the information. They let everyone use it for free. So

11、on, thousands of people were using it. Then they made a new kind of software(软件). It could store much information, and people can find information by using it. If you look for “animals, it will give you a list of webpages(网页) with the word. Yahoo became a public(上市的) company in 1996. As the company

12、grew, Yang and Filo went on working hard. They put more uses in the software, such as shopping, free e-mails, etc. They started Yahoo in many different countries and in different languages. Yahoo is famous on the Internet. It really makes money unlike most other web companies. 1.When Yang and Filo m

13、ade the first Yahoo software, they _. a. made people pay for using it b. were still university students c. knew it wasnt useful d. were high school students 2.After the company became bigger, Yang and Filo _. a. became lazy b. worked less c. kept working hard d. stopped working 3.According to the pa

14、ssage, we cant _ by using the Yahoo software. a. go shopping b. look for information c. send and receive e-mails d. book tickets 4.Which of the following is TRUE?a. Yahoo was always a big company. b. Yahoo is a private(私人的) company. c. Yahoo does not make people pay for their e-mails. D. Yahoo is lo

15、sing money. 5.What does the author think of most Internet companies?a. They dont make much money. B. They are all famous. c. They all just like Yahoo. D. They are all in English. (B)Is there something strange high up in the worlds tallest mountains? If so, is it a big bear? Is it a monkey? Or is it

16、a kind of man?No one knows. This mystery (迷) has puzzled (使困惑) the world for years. In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints (脚印) in the snow. They looked like the footprints of a very large man. But men dont walk without shoes in the snow! In 1906, another climber saw more than footprints

17、. Far off, he saw a very large animal standing on two legs. When he watched, it ran very quickly. Fifteen years later, newspapers had new stories about the “smoothing. A mountain climber said he had seen the “Snowman walk slowly across the snow, far below him. He said it looked like a very large man

18、. From then on, more and more people had stories to tell. But not until 1951 did a mountain climber bring back pictures of large footprints. The pictures showed clearly that the Snowman walked on two legs. So it was not a bear or a monkey. Could it be an ape(猿) man? The mystery grew! And the mystery

19、 keeps growing. Someday we may find out just what it is that makes the large of footprints. 根据短文内容,选择最正确答案。6. The passage is about _. a. some mountain climbers b. some strange animals c. some large footprints d. the mystery of the Snowman 7. Why were people interested in the footprints?a. They were

20、footprints of a large bear. b. They looked like the footprints of a large man. c. People found them in the snow. d. People found them in the worlds tallest mountains. 8. A mountain climber took the pictures of large footprints in _. a. 1887 b. 1906 c. 1921 d. 1951 9. Why did the mystery grow when a

21、mountain climber brought back pictures of large footprints?a. They were footprints of an ape man. b. They were footprints of a Snowman. c. The pictures showed clearly how the Snowman walked d. The pictures showed clearly how an ape man walked on two legs. 10. Since a mountain climber first found the

22、 large footprints in the snow, the mystery of the Snowman has puzzled the world for about _ years. a. one hundred and twenty b. ninety-five c. eighty d. fifty IV.任务型阅读总分值为10分The Internet has opened up (开发) a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where weve never been before, but just as

23、 in face to face communication, there are some basic(根本的) rules of behavior(举止) that should be followed when online. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated. Imagine how youd feel if you were in others shoes. If someone in the chat room is rude to you, you

24、 instinct (本能反响) is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so. You should either ignore(不理睬) the person, or use your chat software to block (阻止) his message. Everyone was new to the network once. Offer your advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to comm

25、unicate. When someone makes a mistake, be kind about it. If it is a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel bad about it, think twice before saying anything. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely. At the same time, if you find you are wrong

26、, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those who you have offended (冒犯). 根据短文内容,完成以下表格。Situations Advice Someone is rude to you. 1._, and ignore the person or cut off the message. A stranger asks you for some help. 2. _. Be kind about it. You decide to tell someone about his mistake. 4. _. Y

27、ou find you are wrong. 5. _and apologize timely. V.词汇考查共10小题,总分值为10分A根据句意和所给首字母,在句子空白处填入适当的单词。5分1. He must be k_! I cant believe what he said. 2. My mother is cooking in the k_ now. 3. It was my first e_ of taking a plane. How exciting I was! 4. The little boy likes to f_ her parents everywhere. 5.

28、When I found him, he was having his hair cut in a b_ shop. B根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。5分6. David and Tom saved the girls life. They are _(hero). 7. Its time for meeting. Please keep _(silent). 8. The number of her _(fly) out of Shanghai is CAAC3375. 9. Whats the _(mean) of the word?10. Do you live in Bei

29、jing in _(recently) months?VI.完成句子共5小题,总分值为10分根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1.我旁边恰好站着一位记者。A report was standing _ _ _ me. 2.那个小偷刚刚从商店里出来逃跑了。That thief _ _ _ the shop and _ _ just now. 3.他进来时我正在睡懒觉。I was _ _ when he _ _. 4. 当它走进一家纪念品商店时,我非常惊讶。I was very _ when it _ _ a souvenir shop. 5.别嚷嚷,我能听到。Dont _ ! I can _ you.

30、 VII. 选择恰当的词,并用其适当的形式填空,每词限用一次。共10小题,总分值为10分(lie, sleep, shine, enjoy, blow, pick, play, listen, play, swim )It was a lovely day at the beach. The sun (1)_ and the wind (2)_gently (). All the people (3)_themselves. Many people (4)_ on the beach. They (5)_or (6)_to music. Some people (7)_in the sea.

31、Some people (8)_volleyball on the beach. Many people (9)_ something. They did not notice that someone (10)_their pockets. VIII.补全对话共5小题,总分值为10分选择恰当的句子完成对话。A: What were you doing when Michael Jordan visited our school? B: (1)_A: (2)_B: (3)_A: (4)_B: (5)_A: Really? You were so lucky. a. Did he write?b

32、. But I got his autograph on my back. c. I was playing basketball with my friends. When I saw him getting out of a black car, I ran to him quickly. d. No. There were so many students around him. I couldnt bet close to him. e. Me, too. Im a basketball fan. I wanted him to write his name on my T-shirt

33、. IX. 写作10分请根据表格提供的信息,描述昨晚八点钟停电时以下四个人的情况,内容可以适当发挥。短文起始局部已给出。Mr Zhang watched a basketball match, listen to the radio later Sally play the piano, stop to have a rest Tom do some reading, go to bed later Mrs Wang in the lift(电梯), cant get out When the light went out at eight oclock yesterday evening,

34、Mr Zhang was _. 第三单元测试题答案IV. I.1-5cdcbc 6-10acabcII.1-5cbabb 6-10bcdab III. 1-5bcdca 6-10dbdcaIV.1.Dont act in the same way 2. Offer your advice 3. Someone makes a mistake 4. Point it out politely 5.Correct yourself V.1.kidding 2. kitchen 3. experience 4. follow 5. barber 6. heroes 7. silence 8. fli

35、ght 9. meaning 10. recent VI.1.right next to 2.got out of , ran away 3. sleeping late, came in 4. surprised, came into 5.shout, hear VII.1.was shining 2. was blowing 3. were enjoying 4. were lying 5. were sleeping 6. listening 7. were swimming 8. were playing 9. were eating 10. was picking IX. One p

36、ossible version:When the light went out at eight oclock yesterday evening, Mr Zhang was watching a basketball match. Later he decided to listen to the radio. Sally was playing the piano at that time. Then she stopped to have a rest. Tom was doing some reading in his room. Later he went to bed. Mrs Wang was not lucky. She was in the lift at that time. She couldnt get out until the worker came to help her.


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