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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 文 献 翻 译2022 届论儒林外史中的儒商形象以庄濯江为例学院中国语言文化学院名师归纳总结 专业汉语言文学第 1 页,共 13 页班级1101 学号0704110128 同学许柳倩指导老师贾娟日期- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 译文:威尼斯商人中夏洛克形象分析喜剧和夏洛克简介 夏洛克是威尼斯商人最生动的,令人难忘的性格,他是莎士比亚的戏剧最宏大的作品 之一;在舞台上,这是夏洛克谁使的发挥,几乎全部的英国和欧洲大陆舞台的宏大的演员 都尝试的角色;但是,夏洛克的性格也得到了很多关键的辩论的主题:他是一个

2、嗜血的小人?或者是他一个人 “ 比犯罪更得罪了”?在我看来, 尽管夏洛克在技术上是剧中的对手,很简洁怜悯他与他的困境;在此期间,在历史上,犹太人被扰乱,杀害,后吐了,对待小禽兽不如当然,除非有人想借钱;安东尼在过去后,他吐出,通过借钱给他们不计利息,被盗夏洛克的仆人,他们的伴侣,然后私奔,他唯独的女儿的一个偷了他的客户;II 夏洛克的性格分析 A.夏洛克作为一个犹太高利贷者 莎士比亚制造了一个活生生的肖像,才造成了批判家疑心夏洛克是否仅仅是一个漫画 小人或基督徒残酷的凄惨受害者;犹太人在中世纪欧洲的故事引发了大量光对戏剧的事 件,并为我们供应了参考莎士比亚帧里面是有必要为双方的主要议题和次要细

3、节的懂得这 是商人的面料威尼斯;这是令人担心的是,莎士比亚有夏洛克说在一旁,只要巴萨尼奥引进安东尼,“ 我恨 他,由于他是一个基督徒; ” 1,这是不是一个合理的理由恨任何人,是麻烦的第一个警告;夏洛克的确有一个问题, 安东尼,不是由于他是一个基督徒, 而是为夏洛克说明说:“ 他 安东尼奥 出借资金无偿,并带来下来远期的/ 率在我们这里在威尼斯”2 这是贪婪的夏洛克的一部分,而不是一个简洁的情形下,当时的犹太人挣钱没有别的方法;他们不答应自己 的土地,大部分职业都向他们关闭;通过借钱不计利息,安东尼奥是剥夺了他唯独的收入来源夏洛克;B.夏洛克谁忍耐虐待,但很简洁原谅 夏洛克的谈话中第一次遇到与

4、巴萨尼奥;夏洛克的与之前他的发觉杰西卡的背叛别人 互动的观看发觉,除了关于安东尼奥没有任何不开心;但莎士比亚描述安东尼奥的哀痛和 疲乏 ; 假如安东尼奥有一个更乐观的个性,关系可能会有所不同;有一个在夏洛克的态度 没有任何证据的邪恶意图时,他与巴萨尼奥争论贷款要求:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 13 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 夏洛克:三千块钱,良好;巴萨尼奥:哎,先生,三个月;夏洛克:三个月,良好;巴萨尼奥:对于这些,我告知过你,安东尼奥应当约束;夏洛克:安东尼将成为必定 ; 良好;巴萨尼奥:你可以代替我?请问你我欢乐吗?我知道你的答案吗?夏

5、洛克:三千块钱,你用三个月,和安东尼奥的约束;安东尼奥是一个很好的人 这是事实,企业面试的问题,既不铺张字当事人;与生硬,但专业的银行家不是不礼貌的方式,夏洛克只是重申的总和恳求 “ 三千块钱;” 但他是一个商人;没有理由让他落在巴萨尼奥的脖子,并表示他期望做一笔交易;他必需谨慎,看多么紧迫巴萨尼奥是多 少,因此他可以规定一个更甚至是更有利可图的利率增加了交易自己的收益;没有示意嘲讽的词“ 安东尼奥是个好人”,虽然它确定可以发挥这种方式;夏洛克解释了他的意思: 安东尼奥足以作为担保人, 即使他的船是在海上, 他们的命运是不确定的;他总结说,“ 我想我可能把他的债券;我会放心我可能.可能我说话安

6、东尼奥“4 巴萨尼奥然后问夏洛克和他们一起用餐,夏洛克下降?; 他保证巴萨尼奥说:“ 我会跟你买,你卖了,跟你说话,和你一起走.” ,但由于他的宗教的限制, “ 我不会跟你吃饭,跟你一起喝酒,也不祈求和你在一起; ” 为了减轻他拒绝的残酷,他立刻返回到一个中立的社会问题 - “ 什么消息的里亚托?”5 - 说明他不准备是不礼貌的;当他遇到安东尼奥,他的第一句话他是“ 放心你公正,良好的 signior; 你的崇拜是最后一人在我们的嘴; “6我们只是在谈论你; 反正,谁看到邪恶的,甚至不开心的夏洛克的言论是自找麻烦;夏洛克进行告知安东尼奥约雅各布时,他擦过他的叔叔拉班的羊;这是由所谓夏洛克妄想合

7、理化自己服用的利益,并依据安东尼奥,“ 魔鬼可以举出圣经为自己的目的; ” 7 这是古怪的是,莎士比亚不得不夏洛克用这个故事;一个犹太人将不行能使用它在试图说明 什么,由于它无关感爱好的回吐,因此在这方面毫无意义的故事;更古怪的是就是安东尼 好像有一个更好的明白大事比夏洛克犹太人做的;但是我们知道,夏洛克忍耐多少安东尼奥的滥用,过度的很长一段时间;这可以通过 耻,他诞生的确定数量可以看出;一个很好的例子是在第三幕场景 1,用 50 行开头:“ 他 使我蒙羞,并阻碍了我五十万,嘲笑我的缺失,嘲笑我的收益,藐视我的国家,我的挫败名师归纳总结 讨价仍价,冷却我的伴侣们,加热仇敌.”第 3 页,共 1

8、3 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 在他的下一个显著的讲话,夏洛克表达了安东尼滥用了他的过去;在这些线路夏洛克 听起来很合理,尽管他有理由感到愤慨和懊丧;他说,实际上,安东尼奥已经骂了他多次 在他的钱,他的爱好在市场上,他总是与患者耸肩承担它,你叫我信仰错误,割喉狗,而 在我的犹太华达呢吐,和全部的使用了我自己的这是;那么,现在看来你需要我的帮忙:我应当怎么对你说?我不应当说, “ 岂有狗钱?是否可以拿一个小人可以借三千块钱?“ 或 我弯腰低,在奴仆的关键,屏住呼吸,并窃窃私语谦逊,这样说:“ 展先生,你吐口水在 我身上周三最终,你和我这样的日子,

9、其他时间你叫作我的狗,为这些礼节我会借给你这 样多的款项?”夏洛克有这样一个宽宏大量的精神,他甚至主动安东尼,谁滥用了他的苦头,贷款,免息;夏洛克情愿借钱给一个谁完全毁了他在公开场合上比他的正常商业条款更好的条款;这个和善,宽容的心脏可在法1 中可以看出场景 3,用行 134 开头的:“ 为什么,看你怎么强攻!我会跟你做伴侣,和有你的爱,忘了,你已经有我的名字,请供应你现在想,不实行任何做远期的我的款项,你会不会听到我说:这是一种我供应;”以防万一观众或读者认为夏洛克是夸张了,安东尼的答复:“ 我是喜爱叫你这样为了 防止你再次,要摒弃你了; ”即使在安东尼的录用, 夏洛克仍旧宣称,“ 我会跟你

10、做伴侣, 没有 DOIT远期为我款项;”13 在代替的爱好,他认为,“ 在轻盈的运动” ,他们将起草一份债券下安东尼将被要求没收 他的肉一斤,假如贷款没有仍清;有什么能夏洛克的意思这个古怪的支配?莎士比亚也期望我们觉得他意味着什么?既然我们无法推测的动机,让我们把它的外表价值:夏洛克的真正含义它作为一个笑话;作为夏洛克说明,有什么事情,他得到了严格的一磅肉?他是一个商人,而一磅肉,是不 值得的东西!安东尼奥接受债券,呼吁夏洛克是“ 温顺的犹太人”,并说要巴萨尼奥,“ 希 伯来会变成基督徒:他长大的那种; ” 14 C.夏洛克的对他私奔的女儿的态度夏洛克被巴萨尼奥应邀赴宴;然后夏洛克调用杰西卡;

11、 当她最终来了,他显示了被爆冷的迹象如很多家长都会义正词严定 ,他曾打 给她三次;他告知她,他已经被邀请到一起共进晚餐,并说: “ 杰西卡,我的女孩,看看我的房子;我对不愿去有对我的休息一些坏的酝酿,由于我没做梦钱袋;” 再后来,在同一场景: “ 嗯,杰西卡,去吧,或许我将立刻返回,照我嘱咐你后关车门; ”这些线,特别是那句“ 杰西卡,我的女孩”,证明没有什么际关系就夏洛克而言;他名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 13 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 重复了他的要求,这确定不是一个苛刻的需求,她照料他的财产被关闭的门;最糟糕的事 情,可以说夏洛克是,他

12、担忧他的钱被盗取,其中,在这种情形下,是一个合理的担忧;很明显,他信任杰西卡与全部他,而她只要他已经违反了这种信任;但巴萨尼奥的伴侣正方案偷走了他的女儿,作为一个完全无偿的一块残酷的乐趣,正 将她假装成火炬手到特别宴会,她的父亲是一个客人;全部阻挡这种令人作呕的笑话的制 定是不是任何人的思想对夏洛克的感情,但风仅仅于水火之中,这使得有必要摘去面膜并 获得国外;该风于水火之中,但是,不救他,从他女儿的缺失;fortune-“ 说到这里,抓住这个骨灰盒 ; 这 在场景 6 杰西卡说,一行约她父亲的整个 是值得的痛楚“20 和她相当不成熟的言论其余原谅我的偏见是关于她是多么惭愧地被装扮成一个男孩;她

13、不以为耻,但是,从她的父亲偷; 而事实上,棺材是不够的,由于她说,洛伦佐,“ 我会做出快速的门,和自己贴金 / 带一些金币,并跟你直; ” 21 她明显没有内疚关于某人的不是她自己的信仰流失,没有她父亲的学问或许可的,与他的黄金和珠宝,包括他的妻子,利亚,这杰西卡后来交易的猴子给他一个绿松石戒指;洛伦佐的雄伟与盗窃没有问题,要么; 他爱她由衷地认为她是明智的;洛伦佐称夏洛克一个不忠实的犹太人,当基督徒是谁的移情别恋;“ 为什么,有,有,有,有!钻石走了,花了我2000 块钱在法兰克福!诅咒永不倒我们的民族在到现在为止 ; 我从来不觉得它至今:两千块钱在于,和其他珍贵珠宝;我想我的女儿死在我的脚

14、下,在她的棺材金币!“ 22 描画夏洛克对待自己的女儿后,她跑了,被操纵,使夏洛克好像兽;但是,犹太文化和时间内,他的反应是适当的;之后,他的女 儿跑了,她是,全部意图和目的,六亲不认;因此,他的珠宝被盗削减她来了一个贼的水 平,所以她应当受到惩处;该阶段开头了可怕的庭审现场进行设置;在场景8,Solanio 和 Salarino争论的最新消息:夏洛克的磨练了他女儿的离去,她拿着宝贝;他们嘲笑夏洛克的感情最可怕的反犹 方面:我从来没有听说过这样的激情,太古怪了,离谱,所以变量,由于犹太人在街头做了完全的狗,“ 我的女儿!啊,我的金币!啊,我的女儿!与基督徒逃离!哦,我的基督徒金币!正义!法律!

15、我的金币,而我的女儿,名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 13 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 密封袋,双密封袋金币的,双倍金币,我的女儿!和珠宝!两块石头,两名丰富的宝石.“为什么在威尼斯全部的男孩跟着他,他哭的石头,他的女儿,他的金币;杰西卡私奔,和她私奔夏洛克的成效已经兴致勃勃地由Salarino和 Solanio 描述:我从来没有听说过这样的激情,太古怪了,离谱,所以变量;夏洛克已经拜访过的暴徒欢闹的全部磨练,全部在威尼斯的男孩跟着他哭的石头,他的女儿,他的金币;但即使在这种描述夏洛克的呼声中Solanio的愚蠢版本需要认真研究的资格:我的女儿!

16、啊,我的金币!啊,我的女儿!与基督徒逃离!哦,我的基督徒金币!正义!法律!我的金币,而我的女儿! 23 D.夏洛克的对习俗和法律的态度 夏洛克的犹太人,经过认真检查威尼斯商人,被发觉是威尼斯一个长久的,大度,宽 4,场面之一的法庭现 容,和守法的公民,而不是他的邪恶嗜血反派典型的作用;在行动 场,我们认为夏洛克的批判和公爵的羞辱,由于受害者;从一开头就公然明显,公爵是安 东尼的身边;“ 去吧之一,呼吁犹太人进入法庭; ” 假如不按他的名字称呼他,我们得到 的印象是夏洛克公爵的看法是特别低的;夏洛克是威尼斯的诚信,守法的公民,终止前后;他对法律和秩序的极大的敬重是从 法 4 场景 1 显示在下面

17、的报价;103 线:“ 我的立场来判定;”行 204:“ 我期望法”行 253:“ 啊,尊严的法官?”III 我看夏洛克 莎士比亚是能够从这一传统打破,这使得夏洛克一个了不得的制造 ; 虽然他保留了吝 啬的刻板质量,他不仅仅是一个喜剧反派;莎士比亚投入了他肯定程度的人性化,使得它 可能演员们来诠释他在很多方面;夏洛克仍旧是人们关注的读者,观众和评论家关注的焦 点,但他仍旧是一个谜;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 13 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 原文:On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of V

18、enice I. Brief introduction about the comedy and Shylock Shylock is the most vivid and memorable character in The Merchant of Venice, and he is one of Shakespeare greatest dramatic creations. On stage, it is Shylock who makes the play, and almost all of the great actors of the English and Continenta

19、l stage have attempted the role. But the character of Shylock has also been the subject of much critical debate: Is he a bloodthirsty villain. Or is he a man “ more sinned against than sinning though ” . In my opinion,Shylock is technically the antagonist in the play, it is easy to sympathize him wi

20、th his plight. During this period in history, Jews were harassed, killed, spit upon, and treated little better than animals unless of course someone wanted to borrow some money. Antonio had spit upon him in the past, stolen his customers by lending money to them without interest, stolen one of Shylo

21、ck s servants, whose friend then eloped with his only daughter. II. Analysis of the Character of ShylockA. Shylock as a Jewish usurer Shakespeare created a living portrait that has caused critics to wonder whether Shylock is merely a comic villain or the tragic victim of Christian cruelty. The story

22、 of the Jews in medieval Europe throws a good deal of light on the events of the play and provides us with the Shakespearean frame of reference which is necessary for an understanding of both the major themes and minor details which are the fabric of The Merchant of Venice.It is troubling that Shake

23、speare has Shylock say in an aside, as soon as Bassanio introduces to Antonio, “ I hate him for he is a Christian.1 This is not a rational reason to hate anyone and is the first warning of trouble. Shylock does indeed have a problem with Antonio, not because he is a Christian, but rather, as Shylock

24、 explains: “ He Antonio lends out money gratis and brings down/The rate of usance here with us in Venice. ”2 This was not simply a case of greed on Shylock s part; the Jews of that time had no other way to earn money. They were not allowed to own land, and most occupations were closed to them. By le

25、nding money without interest, Antonio was depriving Shylock of his only source of income. B. Shylock who endured abuse but forgave easily 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 13 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Shylock is first encountered in conversation with Bassanio. An examination of Shylocks interactions with

26、other people prior to his discovery of Jessica betrayal reveals no unpleasantness except with regard to Antonio. But Shakespeare describes Antonio as sad and weary; if Antonio had a more sanguine personality, the relationship might have been different. There is no evidence of evil intent in Shylocks

27、 attitude when he is discussing the requested loawith Bassanio: Shylock: Three thousand ducats; well. Bassanio: Ay, sir, for three months. Shylock: For three months; well. Bassanio: For the which, as I told you, Antonio shall be bound. Shylock: Antonio shall become bound; well. Bassanio: May you ste

28、ad me. Will you pleasure me. Shall I know your answer. Shylock: Three thousand ducats, for thee months, and Antonio bound. Antonio is a good man3 It is a matter of fact business interview, neither of the parties wasting words. With the curt but not impolite manner of the professional banker, Shylock

29、 simply reiterates the sum requested“Three thousand ducats. ut he is a business man. There is no reason for him to fall s neck and express his eagerness to do a deal. He must go cautiously, and see how on Bassanio urgent Bassanio is, and how much therefore he can increase his own gains in the deal b

30、y stipulating a more or even a much more profitable rate of interest. There is no suggestion of sarcasm in the word “ Antonio is a good man” , although it certainly can be played that way. Shylock explains what he means: that Antonio is sufficient as a guarantor, even though his ships are at sea and

31、 their fate is uncertain. He concludes, may take his bond. I will be assured I may May I speak with Antonio. ”4 Bassanio then asks Shylock to dine with them, and Shylock declines; he assures Bassanio that buy with “ I w you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you ”, but because of his religious

32、 constraints, will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you. he returns immediately to a neutral social question“that he did not intend to be rude. ” To soften the harshness of his refusal, what news on the Rialto. 5 to indicate When he meets Antonio, his first words to him are “ Rest you

33、 fair, good signior; Your Worship was the last man in our mouths.6 We were just talking about you. Anyway, anyone 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -who sees evil or even unpleasantness in Shylocks remark is looking for trouble.Shylock proceeds to tell Antonio about Jacob when he grazes his Uncle Labansheep. 第 8 页

34、,共 13 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - This is supposedly an attempt by Shylock to rationalize his taking of interest, and according to Antonio, “ The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. ”7 It strange that Shakespeare would have Shylock use this story. A Jew would be unlikely to use it in an attempt

35、to explain anything, since it has nothing to do with the taking of interest and is therefore a meaningless story in this context. Stranger still is that Antonio seems to have a better understanding of the incident than Shylock the Jew does: This was a venture, sir, that Jacob servd for;A thing not i

36、n his power to bring to pass, But sway d and fashiond by the hand of heaven. 8But as we know, Shylock endured much of Antonios abuse, over a long period of time. This can be seen by the sheer volume of disgraces he has born. A good example is in Act 3 Scene 1, beginning with line 50: “ He hath disgr

37、aced me, and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies ”9 In his next significant speech, Shylock recounts how Antonio has abused him in the past. In these lines Shylock sounds quite rational,

38、 even though he has reason to be angry and frustrated. He says, in effect, that Antonio has scolded him many times in the marketplace about his money and his interest, and he always bears it with a patient shrug; You called me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, And all f

39、or use of that which is mine own. Well then, it now appears you need my help: What should I say to you. Should I not say, Hath a dog money. Is it possibles key, orA cur can lend three thousand ducats.Shall I bend low, and in a bondmanWith bated breath, and whispering humbleness, Say this: Fair sir,

40、you spat on me on Wednesday last; You spurn d me such a day; another time You calld me dog-and for these courtesies I ll lend you thus much moneys. 10Shylock had such a magnanimous spirit, that he even offered Antonio, who had abused him 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 13 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - terri

41、bly, a loan, free of interest. Shylock was willing to loan money to one who totally ruined him in public, on terms that were nicer than his normal business terms. This kind, forgiving heart can be seen in Act 1 Scene 3, beginning with line 134: “ Why, look how you storm . I would be friends with you

42、, and have your love, forget the names that you have staind me with, supply your present wants and take no doit of usance for my moneys, and youll not hear me: This is kind I offer. 11” And just in case the audience or reader thinks Shylock is exaggerating, Antonio answers: am as like to call thee s

43、o again/To spet on thee again, to spurn thee too. 12”“ I would be friends with you and h“ in a merry sportEven after Antonios admission, Shylock still claims, no doit of usance for my moneys.13 In lieu of interest, he suggests that will draw up a bond under which Antonio will be required to forfeit

44、a pound of his flesh if the loan is not repaid. What could Shylock mean by this strange arrangement. What did Shakespeare want us to think he means. Since we cannot guess motives, let us take it at face value: Shylock really meant it as a joke. As Shylock explains, what could he gain by exacting a p

45、ound of flesh. He is a businessman, and a pound of flesh is not worth anything. Antonio accepts the bond, calls Shylock a “ gentle Jew” , and says to Bassanio, “ The Hebrew will turn Christian: he grows kind. ”14B.Shylock s attitude towards his eloped daughter Shylock is invited to dinner by Bassani

46、o. Then Shylock calls to Jessica; when she finally comes, he shows no sign of being upset as many parents would justifiably be that he had to call her three times. He tells her he has been invited to supper with Bassanio and says, Jessica, my girl, Look to my house. I am right loath to go: There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest, For I did dream of money-bags tonight 18 And then la


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