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《2022年教案--求职英语.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年教案--求职英语.docx(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载求职英语教案任课老师 宫丽丽教学单位 外语教研部授课对象 媒体 11(1), 嬉戏 11(1)课程总学时 24 学时名师归纳总结 基本教材求职英语 辽宁科技出版社 第 1 页,共 14 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载大连软件职业学院教案第 1 次课: Unit 2 Job Recourses Part 1 Approaching the Topic &Part 2 Surfing and reporting 学问目标: 把握求职渠道的英语网站和英语聘请广告,熟识

2、与主题相关的英语单词和相关的英语表达,比如 Corporate Websites,Job Fairs等 才能目标: 能够看懂与聘请相关的预备信息,比如 application, resume 的语言的表述,并能依据表述进行特定信息定位;重点: 把握关键单词和聘请语句的特定表达难点:将所学的相关聘请用语与同学的实际岗位和专业相结合教学设计:I. 课程介绍( 5 minutes)Teacher introduces the teaching arrangements, teaching objectives and assessment methods of this course to the

3、students. II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)Step 1 Part 1 Approaching the Topic 1. Brainstorm a list of 10 job-hunting websites you know. 老师指导同学充分课前热身,并充分表达本课程的有用性特点;老师勉励同学积极参加课堂,并充分调动同学参加课堂的积极性;在这其中,老师运用了小组争论法,归纳总结法等等,以使整个课堂活跃起来;2. Which job resources would you like to choose. Give us reasons. Job Resources Rea

4、sons Job-hunting websites Corporate Websites Job Fairs Inside Recruiting Self-recommendation 老师第一在学问方面帮忙同学扫清阅读障碍,学习求职专业词汇如,job fair, recruit, self-recommendation 等等;老师勉励同学张口说英语,并用英语来表达自己的观点;Step 2 Part 2 Surfing and Reporting Tips for the job fairs: A Develop a commercial ad. B Look professional C B

5、ring at least 50 resumes D Bring a bag, a notebook and a pen E Get enough rest F Do your homework G Arrive early H Start in the back . I Pick up literature and a business card G Show your interest The teacher let students know the importance of preparation before an interview 老师实行小组争论法来积极调动同学阐述观点,明确

6、 Tips for the job fairs:III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 1. Summarize what we have learned this period 2. Recite the professional English expressions in this period 作业: Memorize the tips for the job fairs: Further discussion about this topic 教学小结:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 14 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎

7、下载大连软件职业学院教案第 2 次课: Unit 2 Job Recourses Part 3 Understanding the Dialogues &Part 4 Understanding the Text 学问目标: 把握对话中相关的英语表达,把握文章中与 表达如, avoid, booth 等Job Hunting Website 相关的英语才能目标: 能够精确填写对话内容,把握文章的大致思想,并能将重点语句和段落进行翻译重点: 把握与 Job hunting, job fairs, job advertisement reading 等相关的英语英语文章阅读 难点: 将相关的英语阅

8、读材料与实际求职网站之间的应用相联系 教学设计:I. 复习提问( 5 minutes)Ask some questions about last period and summarize the main parts about last period II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)Step 1 Dialogues Read the dialogue above and recite some important sentences Fill in the blanks in the second dialogue and correct the frequent mistakes

9、 in the students Organize the students to recite the written sentences 老师通过讲授法对对话进行示范性朗读,并帮忙同学的读音问题,使同学可以将对话读 准;课上对话填空的实践练习,可以使同学更好地课上操练,老师也可以更好地进行实践指导 Step 2 Texts Study the important words and expressions in the Text For example: Placement , volumes, confidence, and sign up, there is no sense doin

10、g Do further study and reading about the texts Master the main idea of the texts Guide the students do job hunting as is mentioned above in the texts 老师在文章的处理上采纳的是归纳概括法,使整个文章对同学可以最大程度地服务学 生,指导同学的将来就业渠道的挑选;老师对同学的就业情感指导协作文章的完成成效会事半功倍;III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 1. Summarize what we have learned about the di

11、alogue 2. Recite the important job hunting expressions 3. List some main points in the Texts to help students understand better Guide the students finish the job ads reading 4.作业: Memorize the dialogue in Part 3 Further discussion about this topic, collect more English job ads for students to read 教

12、学小结:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 14 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载大连软件职业学院教案第 3 次课: Unit 2 Job Recourses Part 5 Practice&Part6Language Bank &Part 7Culture Tips 学问目标:把握Language Bank 中的英语求职所需专业英语表达,如,personal qualities, language proficiency, computer literacy 等 才能目标: 能够比较清楚明确地阅读英语聘请广告的主要内容,可以将相关的求

13、职英语表达应用于同学的自我介绍和书写中重点: 把握英语聘请广告的信息猎取方法 难点: 将英语聘请广告和其阅读技巧相联系 教学设计:I. 复习提问( 5 minutes)Ask some questions about last period and summarize the main parts about job hunting II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)Step 1 Part5 Practice &Part 7Culture Tips Read the English ads in the practice and master the main information

14、about each of ads. Guide the students answer the questions after the job hunting ads reading Master the skill of the reading ads of job hunting 老师通过讲授法对英语广告的阅读技巧介绍给同学们,使同学可以更好地更有技巧的阅读 英语聘请广告-a glimpse of category -a scan for brief introduction -weighing every word for important information 实践演练法在本节内

15、容的处理中也起到很好的阅读和指导成效;Step 2 Part6 Language Bank Recite the main key sentence structure by category - personal qualities, - language proficiency, -computer literacy -occupational experience 老师指导同学进行重点句子的背诵,并对同学的个别单词发音加以订正和强调,使同学将这些重点句子可以敏捷应用在口语中和书面求职信等文体 是重要的学习方法;III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 的写作中;同学的反复操练法1. S

16、ummarize what we have learned about the practice of English job ads 2. Recite the important job hunting expressions 3. Emphasize some words pronunciation 作业: Memorize the key expressions in Part 6教学小结:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 14 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载大连软件职业学院教案第 4 次课: Unit 3 Job Appl

17、ications & Application Letter Writing Part 1 Approaching the Topic &Part 2 Surfing and reporting 学问目标: 把握与职业申请相关的背景学问,熟识与主题相关的英语单词和相关的英语表达,比如 application, major, position 等才能目标: 能够看懂与工作申请相关的背景问题,并可以依据所给提示词汇对热身问题进行回答,以对本单元的主旨内容有所明白和把握重点: 完成本单元热身问题的回答,并应用所给提示词汇难点:将本节所学的职业申请与同学的实际岗位和专业相结合教学设计:I. 复习提问(

18、5 minutes)Summarize the main parts in Unit2, do some warm up in Unit3 II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)Step 1 Part 1 Approaching the Topic Answer the questions with the given reference to warm up the new unit -Have you ever applied for a job . -What kinds of job did you apply for. -What kind of information do y

19、ou think you should offer to your future boss. Application Name & age University & Major Position offered Work experience & skills Honours & Awards -Can you say something about your job experience. 老师指导同学依据所学词汇对热身问题进行个性化地,符合总体标准的回答;情形模拟法和小组争论法是主要应用的教学方法;Step 2 Part 2 Surfing and Reporting Common and

20、 frequent words: Aimagination Bcreativity Ccuriosity Dmemory Eaccuracy Fachievement Gdiligence Hcharacter Ihonesty Jsincerity Kenthusiasm Lconscientiousness Mreliability 老师对常见单词进行列表学习,使同学对于新的话题有最为扎实的语言基础;III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 1. Summarize what we have learned this period2. Recite the professional En

21、glish expressions in this period for warm up 作业: Memorize the tips for the job fairs: Further discussion about this topic 教学小结:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 14 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载大连软件职业学院教案第 5 次课: Unit 3 Job Applications & Application Letter Writing Writing of Application Letter 学问目标:

22、把握文章中与application letter 相关的英语表达如cover, personalize, target 等才能目标: 能够规范地书写申请信重点:把握与 Application Letter 等相关的英语英语文章阅读,并把握申请信的写作要素和写作要领难点:将阅读内容与实际的申请信相互结合和完整对应 教学设计:I. 复习提问( 5 minutes)Ask some questions about last period and summarize the main vocabulary of this unit II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)Step 1 Reading

23、 Texts Read the passage according to the topic shown -Cover Letter Tips -Target your cover letter -Dont change your resume. -Write simply and clearly. -Personalize your letter. -Use email for cover letters. -Spell check and proofread. 老师对文章的处理主要是归纳概括法和综合整理法,使同学可以很好地把握文 章的主旨Step 2 Writing Write an ap

24、plication letter according to the instructions of the above 1. 老师通过教授法对写作范文进行逐项展现,并将重点和易错项向同学们进行 强调和深化讲解 2. 列出关键写作要素如,日期,称呼,求职意向,落款等等 3. 让同学在课上进行操练,仿照范文将自己和自己的求职意向写入自制的申请 信中,在这其中,老师侧重于培育同学的职业意识,并渗透一些专业岗位英 语如, Maya Designer .等 III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 1. Summarize what we have learned about the text 2.

25、Recite the important job hunting expressions and the keys of each paragraph 作业: Finish the writing of an application letter 教学小结:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 14 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载大连软件职业学院教案第 6 次课: Unit 4 Resume Part 1 Approaching the Topic &Part 2 Surfing and reporting 学问目标: 把握与简历相关的

26、背景学问,熟识与主题相关的英语单词和相关的英语表达,比如 certificate, devoted, qualified 等才能目标: 能够看懂与简历相关的背景问题,并可以依据所给提示词汇对热身问题进行回答,以对本单元的主旨内容有所明白和把握重点: 完成本单元热身问题的回答,并应用所给提示词汇进行相关的书写和口头的语言自由发挥难点: 将本节所学的英语简历内容与同学的实际岗位和专业相结合教学设计:I. 复习提问( 5 minutes)Summarize the main parts in Unit3, do some warm up in Unit4 II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)S

27、tep 1 Part 1 Approaching the Topic Answer the questions with the given reference to warm up the new unit -When is a resume usually required.-Have you ever tried to write an English resume.EducationNameDate of BirthGenderCollege High School Middle School Degree & Certificate-Do you think it importanc

28、e to write a good resume in job application. Why.老师指导同学依据所学词汇对热身问题进行个性化地,语言精确,符合总体标准的回答;情形模拟法和小组争论法在这一部分的教学中可以起到很好的作用Step 2 Part 2 Surfing and Reporting Common and frequent words: A capable B competent C confident D cooperative E dedicated F dependable G devoted H energetic I honest J humorous K loy

29、al L objective M patient N well-trained 老师对常见单词进行列表学习,使同学对于新的话题有最为扎实的语言基础;III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 1. Summarize what we have learned this period2. Recite the professional English expressions in this period for warm up 作业: Memorize the tips for resume. Further discussion and collection about this topic

30、教学小结:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 14 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载大连软件职业学院教案第 7 次课: Unit 4 Resume Part 3 Understanding the Dialogues &Part 4 Understanding the Text 学问目标:把握对话中相关的英语表达,把握文章中与简历相关的英语表达如,objective, expect, a two-line description 等才能目标: 能够精确填写对话内容,把握文章的大致思想,并能将重点语句和段落进行翻译 ,以帮忙简历的完成重点

31、: 把握与简历等相关的英语英语文章阅读-personal information and educational background 等 难点: 将相关的英语阅读材料与实际英语简历书写相结合 教学设计:I. 复习提问( 5 minutes)Ask some questions about last period and summarize the main parts about warming-up II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)Step 1 Dialogues Read the dialogue above and recite some important sentence

32、s Fill in the blanks in the second dialogue and correct the frequent mistakes in the students Organize the students to recite the written sentences 老师通过讲授法对对话进行示范性朗读,并帮忙同学的读音问题,使同学可以将对话读 准;课上对话填空的实践练习,可以使同学更好地课上操练,老师也可以更好地进行实践指导 本节的教学方法主要是老师讲授法和课上实际操练法 Step 2 Texts Study the important words and expr

33、essions in the Text For example: objective , outplacement , appear, aware 等 Do further study and reading about the texts . Master the main idea of the texts -personal information -educational background -resume work experience tips -stating your objective Guide the students do practice of resume as

34、is mentioned above in the texts 老师在文章的处理上采纳的是归纳概括法,使整个文章对同学可以最大程度地服务学 生,指导同学的英语简历的书写;老师指导同学将英语阅读和英语简历写作相结合III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 1. Summarize what we have learned about the dialogue 2. List some main points in the Texts to help students understand better 3. Guide the students finish the writing of re

35、sume 作业: Memorize the dialogue in Part 3 Further writing practice of resume after class and send it to the teacher by e-mail 教学小结:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 14 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载大连软件职业学院教案第 8 次课: Unit 4 Resume Part 5 Practice&Part6Language Bank &Part 7Culture Tips 学问目标: 把握Language

36、Bank 中的英语求职所需专业英语表达,如,job objective, education , work experience 等 才能目标: 能够精确书写书英语简历,要素齐全,标准规范 重点: 把握英语简历的书写规范和要领 难点: 独立完成英语简历的书写,并以自己的实际背景为依靠 教学设计:I. 复习提问( 5 minutes)Ask some questions about last period and summarize the main parts about resume II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)Step 1 Part5 Practice &Part 8Cult

37、ure Tips Master the main parts in writing the resume Guide the students answer the questions based on the resume Master the skill of writing English resume 老师通过讲授法对英语简历的书写技巧介绍给同学们,使同学可以更好地更有技巧的处理 自己的简历-strength -suggestion -the past -try 老师指导同学多多积存关于英语简历的书写和技巧 Step 2 Part 6 writing a resume &Part7 L

38、anguage Bank Study the writing sample -name, gender, place of birth, date of birth ,objective , recommendations 等 Study the key expressions of language bank about the writing resume 老师将简历范文和语言词汇库一起学习,便利同学在范文学习后,应用词汇中的关键句 型,结合自己的求职实际,来制作表达自己个性和实际的英语简历III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 1. Summarize what we have le

39、arned about the practice of English resume 2. Emphasize the important parts about English resume 作业: Memorize the key expressions in language bank and Do further use of these expressions 教学小结:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 14 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载大连软件职业学院教案第 9 次课: Unit 5 Interview Part 1

40、Approaching the Topic &Part 2 Surfing and reporting Part 3 Understanding the Dialogues &Part 4 Understanding the Text 学问目标:把握与面试相关的背景学问,熟识与主题相关的英语单词和相关的英语表 达,比如 height ,background information 等 .把握对话中相关的英语表达,把握文章中与简历相关的英语才能目标:能够看懂与面试相关的背景问题,并可以依据所给提示词汇对热身问题进行回答,以对本单元的主旨内容有所明白和把握;能够精确填写对话内容,把握文章的大概思想

41、,并能将重点语句和段落进行翻译 ,以帮忙简历的完成重点: 完成本单元热身问题的回答,并应用所给提示词汇进行相关的书写和口头的语言自由发挥;把握与面试 等相关的英语英语文章阅读,依据阅读材料来完成面试的仿真模拟难点: 将本节所学的英语面试内容与同学的实际岗位和专业相结合教学设计:I. 复习提问( 5 minutes)Summarize the main parts in Unit3, do some warm up in Unit4 II. 讲授新课:(75 minutes)Step 1 Part 1 Approaching the Topic ,Part 2 Surfing and Repor

42、ting -What kinds of preparations should be made before an interview. -Brainstorm a list of questions that are usually raised in a job interview. Job Interview Employer Employee Greet Ask for a brief introduction Ask about the score of interviewee Ask the reasons of the application -Do you think it i

43、mportance to dress up in job interview. Why. Common and frequent words: 老师对常见单词进行列表学习,使同学对于新的话题有最为扎实的语言基础;A name B Address R hobbies S referee Step 2 Dialogues and Texts Read the dialogue above and recite some important sentences Fill in the blanks in the second dialogue and correct the frequent mis

44、takes in the students Organize the students to recite the written sentences Study the important words and expressions in the Text For example: interview, position 等 Do further study and reading about the texts . Master the main idea of the texts -purpose, -prepare, - what to expect, - behavioral int

45、erviewing Guide the students do practice of interview as is mentioned above in the texts 老师在文章的处理上采纳的是归纳概括法,使整个文章和对话都可以很好地表达本单元的核心 老师指导同学利用情形模拟法来模拟面试III. 巩固练习: 10 minutes 1. Summarize what we have learned this period 2. Recite the professional English expressions in this period for this unit 作业: Furthe


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