
.- 学号: 哈尔滨师范大学 学士学位论文 题 目 清教主义对美国文学的影响 学 生 指导教师 讲师 年 级 专 业 英语教育 系 别 英语教育系 学 院 哈 尔 滨 师 范 大 学 学士学位论文开题报告 论文题目 清教主义对美国文学的影响 学生姓名 指导教师 讲师 年 级 级 班 专 业 英 语 教 育 2012年 3 月 说 明 本表需在指导教师和有关领导审查批准的情况下,要求学生认真填写。 说明课题的来源(自拟题目或指导教师承担的科研任务)、课题研究的目的和意义、课题在国内外研究现状和发展趋势。 若课题因故变动时,应向指导教师提出申请,提交题目变动论证报告。 课题来源:导师指导下自拟题目。 《清教主义对美国文学的影响》 课题研究的目的和意义: 目的: 由于清教主义传统在美国社会生活中的独特地位,它也对美国文学产生很大影响。事实上,如果对于美国清教传统没有足够的了解的话,就会失掉文学文本里的许多丰富内容。不仅如此,有时候作品里看似含混不清或者令人困惑的部分也许在清教传统的背景之下加以理解就很有启发性。 意义: 从某种角度来看,清教主义已经不单单是宗教神学意义上的术语,而是渗透到社会生活乃至文学艺术领域的一个重要概念。由此,我们也可以推断出神学关注与宗教思想在文学批评中的地位和作用。本文通过对清教主义对美国文学影响的研究,可以使我们更加透彻地了解美国文学背后的内涵。 国内外同类课题研究现状及发展趋势: 国外: 尽管17世纪清教徒还没有产生严格意义上的纯文学作品,清教主义对当时文学的创作的制约与影响是明显的。由于宗教和艺术关注的都是人类的终极价值观和前途命运,二者在根本意义上可以说是协调一致的。所以清教主义思想与艺术审美必定始终密切相关。其实,许多西方学者早已注意到了宗教与文学的这一独特关系,并对此作了许多精辟的论述。在谈到二者关系时,里吉斯米肖强调了清教主义对于艺术审美的意义,他认为,“清教主义本身绝对不像很多美国批评家认为的那样与审美相对立,在过去它是第一位的文学动力。清教主义对于人生的悲剧观要比大众那种无聊的乐观主义更为艺术化。没有悲观主义,就不可能有艺术。艺术就其本身而言是对生活的挑战。” 国内: 清教主义是美国文化传统的重要组成部分,也是构成美国精神的重要因素。虽然没有文献明确指出奥尔科特属于哪一支宗教流派,但很显然她坚信宗教是人类生活中必不可少的重要组成部分,对上帝的信仰更是人一生中最重要的情感依靠。对于清教主义国内的许多学者都有所研究,除了天主教以外,清教主义是唯一发明了神话和象征主义的道德体系,清教主义是整个文学想象中不可或缺的重要组成部分。在美国社会文化进程中,清教神学思想渗透在社会生活以及文学艺术中,并通过文学想象得到了艺术地阐释和发挥。清教思想以及美国精神在文学的体现值得我们进一步发掘与探讨。 课题研究的主要内容和方法,研究过程中的主要问题和解决办法: 主要内容: 本课题通过对美国清教思想的探源及其对美国人在思想行为上的影响和对美国文学的影响的分析,结合深受清教主义思想影响的一些名家名作中作者对人物性格的塑造以及他们命运的安排,还有作者在作品的结构、语言、象征、寓意等方面的写作手法,可以更加了解美国清教思想对美国文学的影响和意义。 主要问题: 1.清教主义及其教义内涵的深刻理解 2.清教主义的特点有哪些? 3.清教主义对美国文学具体的影响有哪些? 解决方法: 本课题将从多方面来探讨清教思想对美国文学的影响,通过对清教主义的起源和其主要的宗教教义思想的分析,对清教主义有了一定的了解。再对其宗教思想的内涵的进一步讨论,总结出清教主义的一些特点和相应的主流价值观。最后,结合着对一些具有代表性的作家作品的分析,进一步得出清教主义对美国文学的影响。 课题研究起止时间和进度安排: 1. 2011年11月11日至11月30日:选导师及撰写论文方向。 2. 2011年12月1日至12月31日:与导师商榷论文题目。 3. 2012年1月1日至2012年3月15日:撰写并提交开题报告。 4. 2012年3月16日至2012年4月25日:撰写并提交毕业论文。 5. 2012年4月26日至2012年5月11日:准备并参加毕业论文答辩。 6. 2012年5月12日至2012年5月16日:导师上交所有论文材料。 课题研究所需主要设备、仪器及药品:无 外出调研主要单位,访问学者姓名: 指导教师审查意见: 指导教师 (签字) 2011年3月 16日 教研室(研究室)评审意见: 理论教研室主任 (签字) 2011年3月 16日 系(部)主任审查意见: 英语系(部)主任 (签字)  2011年3月 16日 GRADUATION PAPER FOR BACHELOR DEGREE HARBIN NORMAL UNIVERSITY TITLE: Analysis of Influences of Puritanism on American literature STUDENT: TUTOR: (Lecture) GRADE: Grade MAJOR: English Education DEPARTMENT: English Education Department COLLEGE: Faculty of Western Languages and Literatures May, 2012 Analysis of Influences of Puritanism on American literature BAI Chun-hui Abstract: As a red line the Puritan tradition has specified the United States from colonial times to todays political culture and social culture. Puritanism is a milestone of the development and direction of American Literary. A national literary produce, development and prosperity always are influenced by its ideology, culture, customs and moral habits and values, etc. American literature has been strong influenced of Puritanism since its budding time, too. The effect is profound and extensive extremely, so it can not be ignored in the study of American literature. Through analyzing the origins, the philosophy, the characteristics and impacts on mainstream American values of Puritanism, in order to explore deeply the influence of Puritanism on American Literature, the essay says specifically that American Puritanism has impacted greatly on American literary writing attitudes, writing themes and symbolic writing styles, and so on. Keywords: Puritanism; values; Literature; Attitude; Theme; Symbolism 1. Introduction It is self-evident that the importance of understanding Puritanism to study American literature. the body of this article is divided totally into four parts: first, it introduces the Puritanism and its philosophy, in order to have an initial understanding of Puritanism; second, the analysis of some of the features of Puritanism, so that understand c learly their expression of ideas; then, it discusses Puritanism influences on American literature, which lists some representative works of writers for readers to understand the article very well; Finally, the part makes a summary of the entire article. 2. Puritanism and Its Philosophy These first immigrants were far away from continental Europe in 1620 by the “Mayflower”, with mixed feelings to start their colonial pioneer in New England, Plymouth. According to statistics, from 1630 to 1640, foreign Puritans fled were about 60,000, of which a considerable portion of people crossed the ocean fearlessly and moved to the desolated North American continent, later in New England and other places to establish colonies. War of Independence broke out in 1775, at least 75% of people who grew up in a Puritan family in more than 260 million inhabitants of the 13 colonies. Due to the large number of Puritans were highly educated, had a religious cohesion, had a tremendous impact on the development of the colony, Puritans gradually became the mainstream American cultural groups, namely the WASP (a devout Protestant, with the white of English descent). They brought on “Justification by faith, the idea of ​​calling, a city upon a hill” and other core Puritan conceptions to North America to practice their own beliefs and ideals in this barren and unfamiliar land. The hardships and success of pioneering work make the New World colonists believe the relationship between individual effort and success. They realize that a sober, honest and industrious style is entrepreneurs’ a conception developed which provide the necessary quality. Moreover according to the Puritan doctrine, even though God had already decided his constituents, however, voters exactly who is unknown, so everyone wants to succeed through personal struggle, to prove their own is probably the darling of God. In this way, the importance of personal struggle, prompt the individualism of American character to begin to sprout, and led to the formation of the so-called "American Ideal". This ideal that one person in the bottom of society think he and his offspring can gain success and recognition through individual efforts, had inspired a generation of after generation and played a very important role in the American development process. After World War I, people shocked by the cruelty of war and the postwar depression. Then ideal was disillusioned, and appeared the emergence of the "Lost Generation". Even so, individualism, individuality is still a notable feature in the American character. This feature, although lost the religious fanaticism of Puritanism early, the pursuit of personal success is undoubtedly need the quality of the hard-working, self-control and hard-working Puritanism advocated. Moreover, the kind of the sacred sense of self-righteous Americans and superiority morally seems to be traced back to the initial self-styled as the Secession Puritan, because they think others are not as good as their own spirituality at the very start, their spirituality closer to God. 3. The Characteristics of Puritanism 3.1 Original Sin and Predestination The Puritans advocated that person should respect and obey God. This belief’s deep root is worry and fear about the original sin. In the Puritan view, humans are born evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation. Deeply influenced by Calvinism, the Puritans have a firm confidence- Puritanism, they believe that God determines everything, and before things happen, God unilaterally decide who should be saved, and who should leave. The Puritans believed that they are Gods chosen people, God, beautiful and rich North America has given them as their native land, the purpose is to allow them this piece of land to build a New Jerusalem, the pursuit of freedom of belief and the new Garden of Eden. The historical development of mankind, they undertake a mission of the Holy Spirit. Voyage to North America, the leaders of Puritanism Winthrop quoted in the story of the Bible, as such predictions: We will become a city upon a hill in the entire world, the eyes of people around the world are looking at us, if we are in the process of realization of this undertaking to deceive God, if God help us like today we will become the laughing stock of the world. Over the years, the sense of mission has been an important part of the mentality of the American social and cultural values. To many Americans, God given them sacred mission, asked them to set an example for the world in pursuit of their own practice and career, respected the ideas of freedom and justice, led human being be free from sin and towards the Promised Land . This sense of mission to save the world from misery is always accompanied by the American history of the development process, strongly influenced the views and attitudes of Americans on the outside world. Tracing the source of many scholars believe that this awareness is largely originated the concept of the Puritanism of the city upon a hill. All of these, when reflected in literature, is a eulogy, praising the great God, advertising the fundamentalist religious doctrines. They blame the human degradation and more important to praise the indomitable spirit the saints, to warn the world. 3.2 Limited Atonement and Hard Work The Puritans believed that the most important thing is to prove someone own is God’s election as an ordinary person, according to the understanding of the Bible, so they feel they obliged to administer state affairs. They work hard, follow the saints in life, and restrain themselves with extreme moral standards. Thus, when the earliest settlers arrived in the primeval forest, and saw the vast wilderness land without reclaimed before them, they find that God must be a definite purpose to send them to there. The people chosen, they believe they should rebuild the federal restoration of lost paradise, and built a new Garden of Eden in the wilderness. Under this firm belief, the Puritans as well as all Americans believe that they are able to realize to loyalty to God. On the point, it shows that mainstream American value is the idea of calling. The idea of vocation advocates mundane labor and occupation of each person engaged in which arrangements made by God, given to each persons vocation. God agreed peoples way of life not to beyond the secular moral by their asceticism, but to each person to complete the responsibilities and obligations of their status in this world, so anyone in the secular life in this world do not escape, only fulfill their duties in the earth, via hard work, dedication to the glory of God, to prove that they are Gods chosen people and gain a save. In accordance with the concept of calling, careers have any difference of high and low, gentle and simple, which have the equal value from God. In the Puritans opinion, a career whether it is useful, and can win the favor of God, depends on it provide the extent of the amount of wealth and private profit for the community. It is only a pragmatic spirit to get rich. In earthly activities, it is the most powerful evidence that a person become Gods chosen people but not abandoned. Wealth is not the root of all evil, but the mark of God’s blessing. In this way, the fortune is God’s will, means that a person can fulfill professional responsibilities to be saved into heaven. 3.3 Individualism and Entrepreneurship Early Puritans believed that survival is not an easy task, even if they are full of unexpected dream. They must be bold and tough pioneer, explore and conquer the magical world and spread the blessings of God to every corner of the world. Them given the unique characteristics of individualism to themselves and their descendants, and the spirit of the early work has a strong sense of mission and a strong desire to succeed. Individualist promotes the individual objectives and activities. The entrepreneurial spirit is that people should perform the arrangement of God with the dedication and sense of responsibility. In the literature that individualism and entrepreneurship is performance in the glorification of the American Creed and their fervent desire for the innovation of the American dream. Individualism as a core of mainstream American values, derived from Puritanism, and over time, has penetrated into all aspects of American life. Individualism is in the embodiment of American daily life, such as Aggressive, outstanding personality, emphasizing individual rights and freedoms, respect for the privacy of others, advocating self-struggle, self-reliance and initiative, the courage to explore and the creation of something new, contempt for authority, and value equality, inclusive diversity at the same time frank expression of different views and opinions, and so on. American historian Degler said, "Individualism is the core of Puritanism bequeathed to future generations. If Americans are individualists, Puritanism is the main source of individualism." Puritanism was born in English Reformation period, subjected to the European continental Martin Luther and John Calvin Protestant ideological influence It is the great rebellion against authority, to resist the spirit of privilege, and perform a strong puritanical individual prominent and demonstrate self-awareness. The theoretical come from the source of the Protestant advocate of “Justification by faith” 4. American Literature Was Influenced by Puritanism From produce of Puritanism to Transcendentalism in the 19th century, the influence of Puritanism have shaped Americas national spirit in the hundreds of years, nurturing the national literature of the United States. This effect has felt in all aspects of social and cultural so far. Do not understand Puritanism, you can not really understand the United States and American literature.The early literature in the United States, regardless of religious fanaticism in the early colonial literature, or the concepts of narrative about the legendary Romantic literature of Puritanism original sin, or Transcendentalism Literature strengthen harmony with people and nature and pure moral attention, we can see the impact of Puritanism. Subsequently, whether it is realism, naturalism, the Lost Generation, American value, contemporary literature, attention of the fate of individuals, or preference aloof stray hero is different from the literature characteristics of other country. These American features of individuality and stubborn of deviation theme are still relevant to Purita
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