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1、精品名师归纳总结九年级 Unit4 topic2 when was it invented.班级姓名分数I 挑选题: 每题 1 分,共 15 分1. Ito surf the Internet for some useful information .So I can learn a lot from it.A.am not allowedB.am allowedC.am refused2.The childrento swim last month and they can swim very well now.A.are taughtB.were taughtC.were learned

2、3.-Lily,what s this.-It s a CD.It learning English.A.is used forB.is used asC.is used by 4. Where was the MP3 made.-It was madeShanghai.A.ofB.fromC.in5.-that the Underground Line No.3 will be built in our city in 2021.-Great. We can go anywhere quickly in our city.A.It saysB.It s saidC.It was said6.

3、 What beautiful flowers in the garden.-Yeah. Theyhere last year.A.plantedB.were plantedC.are planted.7.Hevery quickly and then hid in a secret place.A.run awayB.run afterC.ran away8.He often made his sister, but this time he was madeby his sister.A.laugh 。 to laughB.laugh 。 laughC.laugh 。 laughing 9

4、., the plan succeeded.A.With surpriseB.To my surpriseC.To everyone surprise 10.-Our holiday cost a lot of money.-Did it. Well, it doesn t matter we enjoyed ourselves.A.unlessB.soC.as long as 11.I wish I could go into space.A.one dayB.some dayC.some days12.It s reported that six people were killed in

5、 the traffic accident, a policeman.A.includeB.includedC.including13.That scientist warns that if we are lucky, robots might treat uswe now treat our pets.A.toB.asC.with14.-Do you know who the telephone was invented.-Alexander Graham BellA. fromB.byC.at15.The clothes were madecottonthe workers. A.fro

6、m 。 inB.of 。 byC.from 。 by可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结II 词汇题:(共 40 分)A 依据句意及单词首字母完成句子。(10 分, 每个 2 分) 1.-What are the students doing there.-They are carrying out an ein physics. (物理)2.-What s the ruler made of .-It s made of s . Its used for measuring things. 3.-Can I use your pen. Mine has no i.-Here yo

7、u are.4. He often helps his mother do some h.5. The s in Mr.Green s house wanted a high salary 薪水 because of the hard work.But she was refused.B. 依据中文提示完成句子。(10 分,每个 2 分)1.Some animals like sheep, cows and mice 克隆 in the past few years. 2.”I can finish the work in two days, ”Mr.Green said 确定 3. If y

8、ou 迷路 in a city, you can ask the policeman for help.4. GPShas 为 作 贡 献 exploringourplanetand discovering where we are going.5. The thief 逃跑 very quickly after he stole a lot of things from the shop. C句型转换 ( 10 分)1. It takes us thirty minutes to walk from here to the railway station.(同义句转换)Wethirty mi

9、nutesfrom here to the railway station.2. Linda s parents made her not watch TV from Monday to Friday last year.(改为被动语态)Lindamade notwatch TV by her parents from Monday to Firday last year. 3.LiLei showed Lisa a model plane . (同义句转换)LiLeia model planeLisa4. The factory was built in1956(对画线部分提问) the f

10、actory.5. They asked me to come the next day. (改为被动语态)I to come the next day.D依据句意,精确填出以下句子中的介词。10 分1. This kind of machine is madeHaiNan. 2.The dumplings are mademy mother. 3.English is used a second language.4.Radios are used old peoplelistening to the news. 5.The paper is madewood.III 情形交际题。( 10

11、分)依据短文内容,从方框中挑选适当的句子补全对话。A : Jim, what are these in English.B:1I know them from a science book. A:2 B:They are used for keeping fit. A:Oh,that s cool. 3 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结B:Julie ThompsonA:I hope I can have them.4 B:Yes, you can. But they re very expensive. A:5 B:About $500.A:It is really expe

12、nsive.A. How much are they.B. They are battery-operated slippers.(电动拖鞋)C. What are they used for.D. Who is invented them.E. Can I buy them in the market. III 阅读懂得 20 分Hello, everyone, I m Callie of St.Julie Billart, a nine-year old boy. As you know, a big problem in the world today is the

13、loss 缺失 of energy. One way of energy loss is when people are brushingtheir teeth, they leave the water running.This wastes one of the worlds best resources(能源) water.To solve this problem, I have made a machine that limits (限制) how long the water can run in your tap.This machine has a set of buttons

14、 on it. On each of the buttons there is a word,for example “wash hands”. My machine will turn the water on for a certain time,and then automatically 自动的 turn off. It is called the Automatic Water Turn-er Off-er.This machine is not too hard to work. There are no handle 把手 to turn,which prevents peopl

15、efrom using it when they dont want to use the buttons. I hope that this machine will solve our problem of water loss.The Automatic Water Turn-er Off-er will cost about $250.00 delivered 投放 and installed.This machine will help people who dont know how long they should wash their hands or how long to

16、brush their teeth. Both doctors and dentists will like it.If you are interested in my invention , please reach my teacher Jean Stringer or me. Thanks for listening to my speech. 1.We can learn about this machine that A.it can solve our problem of water lossB.it cant limit the water s running C.it is

17、n t able to turn off automatically2.What does Callie of St.Julie Billiart do.A. A teacherB.A waiterC.A student 3.What can we infer 推理 from the passage.A.Jean Stringer is making a machine.B.The boy is making a speechC.The machine took him lots of time.4.What does the underlined 画线的 word in Paragraph

18、4 mean.A. 划分B. 安装C. 修理5.What would be the best title for the text.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结A.The Automatic Water Turn-er Off-erB.Invent something as you like C.An introduction of a little boyV 书面表达( 15 分)请你依据提示,以My Favorite Invention为题,写一篇 80 个词左右的文章。InventionTimeUsecomputer1946Listen to musicSend e-

19、mailsRead articles Make friendsEnjoy the moviesSearch useful informationDo some shopping onlineRead newsDownload something usefulPlay gamesStudy or work onlineMy Favorite InventionThe computer is a great invention. And the computer is playing an important role in our daily life. Unit4 topic2 答案挑选题:

20、1-5 BBACB6-10BCABC11-15 BCBBC可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结词汇题:A 部分 1.experiment2.steel3.ink4.housework5.servant B 部分 1.have been cloned2.for certain3.lose your way4.made a contribution to5.ran awayC 部分 1.spend。walking2.was。to3.showed。to 4.When was。built5.was askedD 部分 1. in 2.by 3.as4.by。for5.from情形交际: B

21、 C D E A 阅读懂得: ACBBA 词汇表达:My favorite InventionThe computer is a great invention.And the Internet is playing an important role in our daily life. It is very useful. I often search the Internet for some useful information and download it when I need it. I can read English articles on the Internet. With its help,I can improve my English. I can also receive and send e- mails and messagesto my friends. If I want to buy something,I can do some shopping online.The Internet makes my life more interesting and colorful. I like the Internet very much.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载


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