
-! 剑桥少儿英语三级介绍 剑三主要学习的是单词和一些英语中常用的时态和语态知识,剑三结束之后学生应当掌握1864个单词,主要单词类别有:学科类,天气类,感官动词类,房屋类,运动项目类,材料类,特殊疑问词类,职业名称类,节日类,城市及国家地名类,以及月份,季节的英语表示方法等。剑三一共160课时,上下册共32个单元。平均4个课时一个单元,教师可按自己进度在四课时基础上自行调配课时。遇到对学生而言想对较难理解和掌握的语法单元,可按照学生的接受程度分配5-6个课时。剑三全册一共六次考试,分别是上册Unit1-Unit4,Uint5-Uint8,Uint9-Uint12,上册结束,下册Unit1-Unit8,全测结束。 剑三的主要语法点有: 1.条件从句 (3A) 2.现在完成时 (5A) 3.定语从句 (7A) 4.宾语从句 (7A) 5.被动语态 (8A) 6.现在完成时的疑问句 (10A) 7.一般将来时 (2B) 8.反义疑问句 (9B) 9.过去进行时 (10B) 剑三主要句型有: 1.Shall we…… 2.Have you ever…… 3.感官动词+like的陈述句及疑问句。 4.lets…… 5.you should…… 6.you could…… 7.Be good at doing…… 8.特殊疑问句 剑三主要教学目标是在学生学习过前三个级别,掌握一定的单词量和语法之后,对学生加强阅读理解及扩大知识,及文化视野扩展的阶段。在剑三学习的过程中,培养学生英语的写作能力和口语表达能力。让学生能够用简单的英语写一些小文章或日记,尽量让学生在写英语作文的时候注意时态及小的语法点的正确。 剑桥三级上册1--16单元重点 Unit one 基本句型: What classes do you have? Can you go to each class without passing any class twice? How far is your route in steps? On which class is nearest to the Music class? What is a best friend? What’s your favorite subject? Music is my favorite subject? I like Math. 重点朗读词汇: Subject, art, music, math, Chinese, English, science, history, geography, without, pass, twice, route, step, best, friend, secret, lot, different, stuck, sad, problem, rich, poor Unit two 基本句型: When is your birthday? On which day is your birthday? Who will be there? We’ll have a good time. 重点朗读词汇: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, present, buy, choose, aunt, uncle, right, person, wish, blow, candles, buy a birthday cake, blow out candles, sing a song, give presents, make a wish Unit three 基本句型: What was the weather like yesterday? It was windy It was sunny all the time. Did you go anywhere? No, I stayed at home Yes, I went to Zhongshan Park. 重点朗读词汇: Weather, band, raindrop, fall, down, loudly, quietly, fog, bring, song, light, scarf, windy, sunny, stay, week, yesterday, cloud, snow, sun, storm, rain Unit four 基本句型: How far is it from Xidan to Wangfujing Street? You should turn left/right You should go straight on Excuse me. Can you tell me how far it is from Xidan street to Ditan Park? It’s about 8 kilometers How long does it take by taxi? You are welcome 重点朗读词汇: Find out, far, distance, route, taxi, square, lake, street, palace, zoo, university, Olympic, centre, turn, right, left, minutes, foreign, Chinese, easily, city, other, ticket, everywhere, line, subway Unit five 基本句型: Have you finished your homework ? No, I haven’t Don’t worry! I’ve got a helper What’s he called? He’s called “Robot” Is he helping you do homework? Have you got a robot to help you? 重点朗读词汇: Robot, helper, finish, already, golf, drum, rucksack, sledge, suitcase, torch, tent, pyramid, diary, finger, tadpole, camp Unit six 基本句型: What’s it like? It looks like a lizard What does it sound like? It sounds like a dog What does it feel like? It feels like wool. One more time, please Which sandwich do you like? 重点朗读词汇: Lizard, octopus, zebra, silver, candle, metal, ring, striped, dinosaur, wool, sandwich, feel, sound, smell, taste, chocolate, heatproof, bowl, saucepan, chopsticks, knife, members, Belly, roast, rubber, goodness, meat, careful, stomach, toilet, washroom Unit seven 基本句型: This is the house where we live What’s your house like? Does it have a kitchen? I can’t remember where I put my envelopes. Which is William’s holiday house? One of the numbers is less than five. 重点朗读词汇: House, tent, town, house, floating house, apartment, cave, hut, castle, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, downstairs, upstairs, living room, balcony, mobile house Unit eight 基本句型: Time went by quickly Fire was first used 500,000 BC by Peking man The old London Bridge was built between 1176 and 1209. What’s the time? It’s six o’clock It’s twenty past four. It’s a quarter to ten. It’s half past nine. When does she usually have her breakfast? 重点朗读词汇: Time, use, robot, London Bridge, Great Wall of the China, pyramids, dinosaur, fire, World Wide Web, global village, space walk, future, quarter, sandglass,candle clock, weight-driven clock, spring-driven clock, pendulum clock Unit nine 基本句型: Shall we go camping next year? 明年我们去野营好吗? Which summer camp would you like to go to? 你想参加哪个夏令营? What shall we do? 我们应该做什么? What do camels eat? 骆驼吃什么? How does a computer work? 电脑是怎么运行的? What does “science” mean? Science 是什么意思? Where are the pyramids? 金字塔在哪儿? Why am I short? 为什么我这么矮? What would you like to know? 你想了解什么? Anything was better than doing nothing. 做什么都比无事可做好。 重点朗读词汇: go camping ,group, so,may-might, boring,else,tell a story,go for a walk, Australia,enjoy,hope,different,museum,playground,countryside,waterfall,bookshop,swan,idea,anything,camel,bike-riding, Unit ten 基本句型: Have you ever been to a science museum?你去过科技馆吗? Which exhibit do you like best? 你最喜欢那个展览? Did you have a good time there? 你在那里玩得开心吗? Where does the light come from? 光来自哪里? I haven’t seen you for ages? 我好久没见你了。 重点朗读词汇: science museum,airport,chemist’s,golf club,fire station,police station, restaurant,age,indeed,tape,recorder,jam ,businessman,college,fridge,freezer,crowd,wish,exhibit,circus,lucky,break-broke-broken,drop,crumb,enough,on a holiday,change,runny,water,movement,earth,rise,set,midday,periscope ,diagram ,sticky tape,bottomface, corner Unit eleven 基本句型: Look carefully at these things. 仔细看看这些东西。 What’s special about them? 它们有什么特殊的? What’s it made of? 它是什么做的? It’s made of plastic. 它是塑料做的。 How about that one? 那一件呢? It’s too light. 它太轻了。 重点朗读词汇: Carefully,special,material,plastic,bookcase,wood ,paper,metal,glass,wool ,silver,others, plate,cupboard,shelf,fork ,chopsticks,cooker,scissors,spoon,glove,shell,seashore,recycle,empty,useful,reuse,happen,china ,light,weak,expensive,noisy ,hard,heavy ,ugly,cheap, Unit twelve 基本句型: Olympic Games are going to be held in Beijing.奥运会将在北京举行。 Who is the best player? 谁是最好的运动员? Gold medals will be given to the best athletes。金牌将发给最好的运动员。 What can you do for Olympics? 你能为奥运会做什么? When was Yao Ming born? 姚明什么时候出生的? Where was he born? 他出生在什么地方? When did Yao Ming begin to like basketball?姚明从什么时候开始喜欢篮球的? 重点朗读词汇: Olympic Games,athlete,gold medal,high jump ,long jump,diving,water polo ,badminton,boxing ,baseball,basketball,rowing,skating ,sailing,running ,volleyball,shooting,tennis,cycling,hockey ,handball,wrestling,protect environment,volunteer,historical interest,human beings,mixed double,directly,diagonally ,cheer,greet,smile,unfriendly,centimeter,team , several,match,childhood,whoever ,skin ,land,wide,blood,pain,joy Unit thirteen 基本句型: Help a little boy find his mom. 帮一个小男孩找到妈妈。 Speak nicely to the businesswoman. 有礼貌地和一个女商人谈话。 The first person to get home is the winner. 第一个到家的人获胜。 Move on a space. 前移一格 Miss a turn. 失去一次机会。 Take a shortcut to 15. 走捷径到15格。 Stand on their own feet. 自立。 重点朗读词汇: Christmas ,space,miss,businesswoman ,forget,treasure,present,Santa,,stairs, policeman,winner,address,wardrobe,jingle ,bell,deliver,hand, fall over ,code,list,stocking,wreath,reindeer,carol,dashing through,sleigh,bobtail ,spirit,season,summer,winter, gift,rucksack,belt腰带 famous ,mouse Unit fourteen 基本句型: We love to play games. 我们喜欢做游戏。 Our ship is leaving soon. 我们的船马上要离开了。 We are going around the world. 我们准备环游世界。 What kind of game do you like to play? 你喜欢玩什么种类的游戏? What am I going to draw? 我准备画什么呢? What made you so happy? 什么使你如此高兴? 重点朗读词汇: Leave,around ,soon,laugh,finish,score, airport,caf,cinema ,museum , station,hospital,library ,stone,soup,whole,everything ,taste –tasty, excellent,pot, stranger,village –villager,colourful,fit for,wonder, wonderful ,milk ,ill,lose-lost, bridge , Unit fifteen 基本句型: Here’s a letter for you. 这有一封你的信件。 Where does Miss Wang live? 王小姐住在哪里? How do you spell Green? 你怎么拼写green这个单词? What books did you buy? 你买的什么书? What is the first day of the week? 一周的第一天是什么? What is your favourite colour? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么? Have you ever been to the US? 你去过美国吗? Who is the oldest person in your family? 你们家谁的年龄最大? How many people are there in your family? 你家有多少人? How did you go to the zoo yesterday? 你昨天怎么去公园的? Have you got an English name? 你有英语名字吗? 重点朗读词汇: Question,what,where,which,who,how many,how much,newspaper ,fruit,castle,treasure,suddenly,coin,throw ,flute, country, send-sent-sent,worry about ,angry, not…any more, Unit sixteen 基本句型: When I grow up, I might be an astronaut。当我长大后,我可能会成为宇航员。 This way, please. 请这边走。 A clown is a person who makes people laugh.小丑就是都人发笑的人。 You can have dinner here. 你可以在这吃晚饭。 When did the story happen? 故事发生在什么时候? Where was Emma watching the stars from?爱玛从哪里观察到星星的? What did Emma see at the door? 爱玛在门口看到了什么? 重点朗读词汇: Businessman,businesswoman,nurse,doctor,policeman,policewoman,actor,actress,,journalist, astronaut,fireman, firewoman ,secretary,farmer,pilot,cook ,photographer,engineer ,dentist, painter, footballer ,spacecraft ,theatre,grown-up,through ,timeline ,flashlight,knock,horrible,mechanic,cleaner 剑桥三级下册1--16单元重点 Unit 1 What’s your favorite season? Words: favorite最喜欢的 season季节 spring春 summer夏 autumn秋 winter冬 picnic 野餐 enjoy the sunshine享受阳光 leaf---leaves叶子(复数) forest森林 树林 snowball雪球 sledge雪橇 fur coat 皮衣 swallow燕子 gentle温柔的 轻柔的 field田地 田野 flap拍动 煽动 bluebird知更鸟 butterfly 蝴蝶 rainbow彩虹 wire电线 hate痛恨 wing翅膀 mean-meant--meant意思是… thread 线 knot结 打结 spin转动 apart分开 be back ==come back Sentences: What’s your favorite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么? I like spring. 我喜欢春天. Why do you like spring? 你为什么喜欢春天? Because spring is beautiful. 因为春天很美. What season is it? 这是什么季节? It’s time to move on. 该飞走了. Unit 2 Being happy all year round Words: January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月 interesting有趣的 diamond菱形 宝石 raise举起 drop落下 merry-go–round旋转木马 Spring Festival 春节 New Year’s Day元旦 Easter复活节 Labor Day 五一劳动节 Children’s Day六一儿童节 summer vocation暑假 Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 Teachers’ Day 教师节 National Day国庆节 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Christmas 圣诞节 have a singsong 唱支歌 afraid恐怕 害怕 angry 生气 camel骆驼 horrible可怕的 nearby附近的 enough 足够的 appear 出现 shy 害羞的 follow 跟随 at the top of his voice用他最大的声音 until直到 since自从 decide to决定 决心 echo回声 Sentences: Which holiday do you like? 你喜欢哪个节日? I like Children’s Day. 我喜欢儿童节. When is that? 什么时候是儿童节? It’s on June 1st. 在六月一日. What do you usually do on this holiday? 这个节日你经常干什么? You can join us if you like. 如果你喜欢你可以和我们一起玩. How many months have twenty-eight days? 二十八天的有几个月? In which month do people eat the least? 哪个月人们吃的最少? Unit 3 What are you good at? Words: drum 鼓 cooking烹调 volunteer志愿者 choose 选择 Olympic games奥林匹克运动会 act表演 amazing使人吃惊的 excellent极好的 perhaps 可能 大概 be born出生 a few 一些 几个 even if甚至 即使 one by one一个接一个 become变得 成为 different不同的 finger手指 kind和蔼的 友善的 种类 actually 实际上 Sentences: What are you good at? 你擅长什么? I’m good at playing drum. 我擅长打鼓. I’m good at cooking. 我擅长做饭. Let’s play “Bingo”.让我们来做 ”bingo “游戏吧. In which sports would you use these things? 在哪项运动里用这些东西? What are they good at? 他们什么做的好? Why do we have to go to school? 为什么我们必须去上学? Unit 4 Let’s go for a walk. Words: burger汉堡 about关于 大约 minute分钟 walk步行 散步 mile 英里as much as和…一样 be good for 对…有好处 almost几乎 strengthen增强加强 go forward to 向前 go back to 后退 回到 actor女演员 up to now 到现在 within在…之内 ever since从那之后 pass away死去 think of想过 考虑 not…any more不再… as strong as a young man和年轻人一样强壮 take some medicine服药 sick 生病的 health健康 Olympic奥林匹克 London伦敦 Athens 雅典Paris巴黎 Berlin柏林 Rome罗马 Helsinki赫尔辛基 Moscow莫斯科 Mexico墨西哥 Seoul汉城 Montreal蒙特里尔 Atlanta亚特兰大 Beijing北京 Sentences: Where have they been? 他们去过哪? Let’s go and buy some burgers. 我们去买些汉堡吧. How about some hot dogs? 热狗怎么样? Walking helps you sleep better. 散步有助于睡眠. He had been in bed for forty years. 他已经在床上躺了四十年了. He could find nothing wrong with her. 他发现她没有生病. Unit 5 Math problems Words: problem问题 spin旋转 wheel轮子 team 队 组 member成员 move on向前移动 reach到达够着 item 物品spend花费 triangle三角形 pattern图案 cover覆盖 square正方形 clever聪明的 easy-going平易近人的 work out算出来 important重要的 receive接到收到 continue继续 match比赛 pass经过 ready准备好的 space空间 太空 add加 添加 plus加上 minus减去 unit单元 page页码 finish 结束完成 learn学会 interesting有意思的 有趣的 difficult困难的 radio收音机 无线电 oxygen氧气 suits 服装 Sentences.: How many goats and sheep are there? 有多少只山羊和绵羊? How many animals are there altogether? 一共有多少个动物? Which unit are you learning now? 你们正在学习哪个单元? How many units have you learned? 你们已经学了几个单元了? Which page is Unit 14 on? 第十四单元在哪一页? Which is the most interesting unit? 哪个单元最有趣味呢? Which is the most difficult unit? 哪个单元最难? How many pages has the book got? 这本书有多少页? Unit 6 How tall are you? Words: measure测量 centimeter厘米 height身度 高 tall高 shortest最矮的 of course当然 camp野营 body-building 健身的 grow 生长guess猜 nobody没有人 movement运动 移动 age 年龄weight体重 hobby业余爱好 salt盐 skip跳 court球场 pick on 嘲笑 欺侮shot投 发射 net网 prayer祈祷 patience 耐心dinner正餐 晚饭 inch 英寸 寸determination 决心 go on practicing 继续练习 a close tie 打成平局hurt受伤 chance机会 step步 in the end 最后 Sentences: How tall are you? 你有多高? How tall is it? 它是多高? Who is the tallest in Group A? 在A 组谁最高? Who is the shortest in Group B? 在B 组谁最矮? Where have you been? 你去哪了? I’ve been to a winter camp. 我去夏令营了. I guess so. 我猜是这样. Let’s go there together. 我们一起去那吧. Unit 7 What did you do last weekend? Words: weekend 周末 first首先第一 next其次 下一个 later on后来 finally终于 最后 lunch午饭 restaurant饭店 kangaroo袋鼠 visit拜访 参观 theatre电影院 picnic野餐 science museum 科技馆 newspaper报纸 shower淋浴 machine机器 spaceship宇宙飞船 documentary记实片/小说 polite有礼貌的 laugh笑 bottom 顶部(反义词 top ) dark glasses 墨镜 sip小口地喝 a bit of一点 +名词 a bit一点+形容词 shout out大叫
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