
,. 2010春季九年级教案 Unit 5 Knowing About China Topic 1 How much do you know about China? Section A The main activity is 1a. I . Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Learn the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”. 3. Learn about the geography of China. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography of China. II. Teaching aids: 五岳的图片/幻灯片/中国地图/录音机 III.Teaching ways: Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (时间:5分钟) 1.让学生尽可能地用英语和同伴谈论他们最喜爱的名胜,培养他们的爱国之情。导入新课。 (呈现一些五岳等名胜的图片,引导学生快速谈论My favorite place is ...,激发他们的英语思维。) 2.Pair work.谈论My favorite place is …,并对其加以描述。让1-2组学生表演。 T: Well done. You’ve just talked about many places of interest. As we know, China is a great country. It has about 5 000 years of history. Do you want to know more about it? OK, let’s come to the new unit. Step 2 Presentation (时间:13分钟) 继续谈论中国的名胜古迹,呈现1a内容,引出并学习文中生词及定语从句。 1. (出示泰山图片。) T: Have you been to Mount Tai? (介绍。) T: I went there two years ago. I like it best. Mount Tai lies in Shandong Province. Every year many tourists visit it. It attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world. (板书并要求学生掌握lie in和a great number of,理解attract和province。然后让学生用所学新词说出他们最喜爱的名胜,操练新知识。) lie in=be in province attract a great number of=many T: Now talk about your favorite places with the new words and phrases. You can say them like this: My favorite place is … It lies in … It attracts many/a great number of tourists … (板书并要求学生掌握fetch。) fetch (示范fetch动作展示Guide to China这本书。) T: The book is Guide to China. It introduces China in detail. I can also say: Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. (板书并要求学生掌握introduce,理解guide。) introduce guide (板书句子,教师适当讲解,要求学生初步掌握that和which引导的定语从句。) Guide to China is a book. The book introduces China in detail.= Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. 2. (利用幻灯片出示下列问题,让学生听1a的录音,回答问题。) T: Now, let’s listen to the tape. Prepare to answer the questions: (1) What are they talking about? (2) How long have Mr. and Mrs. Green been in China? (3) Can you say some beautiful mountains or rivers in China? What are they? (核对答案。) 3. (读1a,让学生找出定语从句,教师讲解其用法。) T: Please read 1a and find out attributive clauses within one minute. (核对答案。教师利用幻灯片出示定语从句,并让学生找规律。) 1.China is a great country that has about 5 000 years of history. 2.There are many places of interest which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year. 3.It’s a book which introduces China in detail. (教师总结学生所找的规律,讲解定语从句的用法并要求学生掌握。然后用幻灯片给出两组简单句,引导学生将其合并成含有定语从句的复合句。) 1.My favorite place is Kunming. It is known as the Spring City. 2.She was not on the train. The train arrived just now. Step 3 Consolidation (时间:8分钟) 1.Read 1a again and underline the key words. Then fill out the form of 1b.Then check the answers. 2.Ask some students to act out the dialog in roles. 3. Look at 1b and the key words of 1a, then retell 1a. Step 4 Practice (时间:10分钟) 利用2中的图片和例子,继续学习并操练定语从句,然后完成3的听力训练。 1. (教师展示一幅中国地图,练习定语从句。) T: What place is this?(教师手指“合肥市”问。) Ss: It’s Hefei. T: Where is it? Ss: It’s in Anhui Province. T: We can also say “This is Hefei which/that lies in Anhui Province.” (然后学生两人一组操练对话。练习使用定语从句。) 2. Look at the example in 2, please. Then let Ss make dialogs after the example while looking at the pictures. (教师挑选几组进行表演,检查定语从句的运用效果,特别注意关系代词的用法。) 3. First read 3. Then fill in the blanks while listening to the tape. Step 5 Project (时间:9分钟) 收集相关地理知识,用which/that引导的定语从句交谈。 Homework: (1) Collect some information about famous mountains and rivers you know and fill in the blanks below. Mountain River China World (2) Make a dialog about traveling in pairs.Requirement:①Talk about places of interest, the famous mountains, rivers, cultural relics, ...②Use the attributive clauses as many as possible. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section A a great number of Guide to China is a book. The book introduces China in detail. = lie in Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. fetch sb. sth.=fetch sth. for sb. Introduce SectionB The main activities are 1a and 2a. I. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Go on learning the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”. 3. Learn more about the geography of China—the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and West Lake. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism. II. Teaching aids 照片/小黑板/幻灯片/录音机 III. Teaching ways: Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (时间:8分钟) 1. Check homework. 2. 教师出示自己的旅行照片与学生交流。 (板书并要求学生掌握fantastic;了解scenery。) fantastic, scenery 3. 学生两人一组,利用旅行照片互相交流他们去过或喜欢的景点,教师给出一些提示性的单词和词组。 (用小黑板或幻灯片展示。) lie in, wonderful, famous, fantastic, scenery, surprised, excited, be well worth visiting, have a lot of fun, some day... (教师选几名学生介绍,以检查学生讨论的结果。) 4. (1)用幻灯片呈现青藏高原图片,教授生词并导入新课。 hear of (板书并要求学生掌握。) (2)教师可以针对青藏高原进行简单的问答,为下一步呈现扫清障碍。 Step 2 Presentation (时间:10分钟) 以听力的形式呈现1a,师生共同学习文中的目标语言。 1.用幻灯片、小黑板或打印材料出示听力问题,让学生边听边判断正误。 (1)The Greens went to Tibet last summer.( ) (2)They visited Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace. ( ) (3)The weather there never changes. ( ) Listen again and check the answers. 2.Read the dialog with your partner and find out the attributive clauses. (教师提问并板书。) (1)Could you tell me something about the places that you visited there? (2)That’s the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of. (教师解释第(2)句是只能用关系代词that引导的定语从句。) 3. 学生指出1a中的难点,教师讲解重难点。 4. 教师用幻灯片/图表的形式出示1a的对话图解。 Step 3 Consolidation (时间:10分钟) 1. Let Ss retell 1a according to the diagram on the screen. (教师抽查几位学生展示复述的结果。) 2. Fill in the blanks according to 1a. Finish 1b. Then check the answers. 3. (根据1a内容,用幻灯片呈现几组简单句,让学生变为含有定语从句的复合句。) (1) I want to know more about the place. You visited the place. (2) I will never forget the place. The place made me surprised and excited. (3) That’s the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is more than 4 000 meters above sea level. Step 4 Practice (时间:11分钟) 呈现西湖风景图,引出2a。然后引导学生自己解决2a中的疑难点并完成2b,训练学生阅读能力和独立解决问题的能力。 1.用幻灯片呈现西湖风景图,师生对话,引出2a。 (板书并要求学生理解surround,掌握tourist attraction, so … that …。) surround tourist attraction so … that … (板书并要求学生了解romantic,掌握tale。) romantic, tale T: Do you know anything else about West Lake? Let’s go on our new lesson. 2. Work in groups of four. Read the passage and find out the phrases and sentences that Ss don’t understand. Discuss and try to understand them. (板书2a中的难句和重点句。) West Lake is surrounded on three sides by mountains. The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it. Besides, the area that surrounds West Lake is the home of … If not, you must find a chance to go there! (教师根据需要可对上述知识点举例进行补充并讲解。) 3. Read 2a again and answer the questions in 2b within 2 minutes. Then check the answers. Step 5 Project 第五步 时间:6分钟) Homework: T: Please make a postcard using the pictures of the famous mountains or rivers in China. Then write some information about them in English on the other side of the postcard. Example: West Lake is in Hangzhou. It is famous not only for the beautiful scenery but also for some poems. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section B hear of That’s the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of. romantic tale West Lake is surrounded on three sides by mountains. tourist attraction The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it. so…that… SectionC The main activities are 1a and 2. I. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some new words and phrases: 2. Go on learning the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”. 3. Learn more about the geography of China—Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. II. Teaching aids 明信片/多媒体/课件/录音机/幻灯片/图片/学生准备的照片 III. Teaching ways:Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (时间:7分钟) 1. 由多名学生扮演小记者,在班级随机采访学生,了解他们的家乡。教师先作示范。 2.利用上节课做的明信片,让学生描述其中的图片,复习祖国的名山大川的介绍方法。 3.教师总结,引入1a。 Step 2 Presentation (时间:13分钟) 通过在大屏幕上呈现有关香港、澳门和台湾的各种图片,引入并学习本课新知识。 1. 用多媒体播放香港回归仪式的视频。 T: What happened in the video? Ss: 香港回归。 T: Yes. Hong Kong returned to the motherland. motherland (板书并让学生理解。) (板书并要求学生掌握。) be known as=be famous as He was known as a singer.=He was famous as a singer. connect … with … (画面切换到澳门回归仪式上。) T: What happened in the picture? Ss: 澳门回归。 (板书并要求学生理解。) gambling (画面转换到台湾阿里山的图片上,同时播放歌曲《阿里山的姑娘》。) (板书并要求学生掌握。) island T: Do you want to know more about Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan? Ss: Yes. (通过回答问题,学生对1a有初步的了解。) 2. (听1a,填小草图,培养学生的爱国情感。) T: Now, let’s listen to 1a and fill out the form below. (核对答案。) 3.Listen to 1a again and then match them. Hong Kong the Treasure Island of China Disneyland Macao the Pearl of the Orient Mazu Temple Taiwan Gambling city Mount Ali 4. Read 1a, and find out something that Ss don’t understand. (板书并要求学生理解。) various: different kinds of Step 3 Consolidation (时间:7分钟) 1.Read 1a again. Complete 1b. Then check the answers. 2. Work in groups of four. Let Ss retell 1a according to 1b. First, retell it to the group members. Others listen carefully. Then the leader in each group should retell 1a to the class. 3. Play a game. I have some pieces of paper. There are some key words about Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan on the paper. Please make sentences about them with the key words. (纸条上可以出现的关键词如下:) Example: Hong Kong the Pearl of the Orient Macao the Shopping Heaven Taiwan Gambling City be known as the Treasure Island of China Step 4 Practice (时间:10分钟) 通过师生对话引出2中的内容及部分生词,引导学生继续练习定语从句。 1.利用图片简单介绍2中建筑,引出并学习文中生词,为下一步训练扫清障碍。 (板书并要求学生理解生词) roof enemy unique flat cave 2.让学生根据教师的描述来猜测民居。教师尽量用含定语从句的句子来描述。 3.让学生仿照2中的例句,任选一幅图片,根据图片下面的提示,写出四句或更多的含有定语从句的句子。 Step 5 Project (时间:8分钟) 1. 小组讨论,结合3介绍各自的旅行经历,然后由小组长总结。 2. Homework: (1)Make a dialog about a trip with your partner. Suppose one student wants to go on a trip. He/She needs to know something about the place he/she’s going to visit. The other introduces it to him/her using the attributive clauses. (2)Write a passage according to the results of the survey in 3. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section C island be known as = be famous as enemy connect … with … flat Section D The main activities are 1a and 4. Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: 2. Review the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”. 3. Go on learning about the geography of China. 4. Talk about the life in the south and north of China. 5. Strengthen the students’ patriotism. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 多媒体课件/幻灯片/录音机/教学挂图 Ⅲ. Teaching ways:Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (时间:8分钟) 1.Check homework. 2. 教师总结,过渡到南方和北方。 (板书) What are the differences between the south and the north of China? T: That’s right. But there are some other differences between the south and the north. Let’s come to 1a and learn about them. Step 2 Presentation (时间:13分钟) 用多媒体展示有关南北方的一系列图片,通过对比得出南北方在气候、地形、农作物等方面的差异,引出并学习1a中的部分生词,然后听1a录音,提高学生的听力理解能力。 1. (出示第一组图片,对比南北方气候的差异。) T: OK. Let’s look at some pictures and compare them. (让学生用自己的语言来简单地描述两幅图。) (板书并要求学生掌握below, freeze, thick;理解mild, sunshine。) below, freeze, thick, mild, sunshine 2. (出示第二组图片,通过两幅图的地貌特征的对比,总结出南北方地貌的差别。) (教师总结,呈现plain,并要求学生掌握。) T: Yes, you are right. In Picture 1, it’s a plain. In Picture 2, they’re hills. (板书) plain T: In fact, there are wide plains in the north. And there are many hills in the south. 3. (出示第三组图片,对比南北方的农作物。) (板书并要求学生掌握。) wheat, flour 4. Listen to 1a and answer the following question. Do you like living in the north or the south? Why? Step 3 Consolidation (时间:9分钟) 1. Let Ss learn the north and the south of China. All the boys are Group A. All the girls are Group B. Group A reads the second part. Group B finishes the third one. Then find out the key words and phrases. Let’s begin. Then check the answers. cold, below zero, freeze, snow, wear thick coats and gloves, Group the north: A in winter make snowmen, throw snowballs, go skating the south: mild and wet, go swimming, bright sunshine the north: wheat flour, by land land people’s way of life Group B the south: rice, by land or by water 2. Read 1a again according to the key words. But Group B finishes the second part. Group A finishes the third part. 3. (1)Let Ss put the key words and phrases into the following boxes. (2) Read 1a again, and please finish 1b. (3) Retell 1a according to 1b and the key words and phrases above. Step 4 Practice (时间:8分钟) 练习定语从句,完成2,3a和3b。 1. (用活动的形式复习定语从句并完成2。) 活动步骤: (1)教师把先行词car, the PC, driving license, a kind of animal写在黑板上。 (2)在每个先行词后写上that, which。 (3)幻灯片出示不完整的句子。 (4)组成完整的定语从句。 (板书) break down PC=personal computer neck license giraffe 2. Listen to 3a and read after it, paying attention to attributive clauses. 3. Let Ss think about the useful expressions in this topic. Please say them as many as possible. Then listen to 3b and read after it. Then I say them in Chinese. You say them in English. Step 5 Project (时间:7分钟) 1. Look at the map of China. Mark the following places on the map. 2. Look at the map and useful expressions. Let’s make some sentences. Ss should use “which” or “that” in the sentences. 3. Homework: Join the sentences with that/which to form attributive clauses. (1)This is the house. We lived in the house last year. (2)This is the best movie. I have seen the best movie this year. (3)The train has left. The train is from Shanghai to Beijing. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section D below zero 1.The car which I rented broke down. thick coats 2.May I use the PC that you bought last month? wheat flour 3.The driving license which was taken away by the break down police is mine. 4.A giraffe is a kind of animal which has a very long neck. Topic 2 I’m becoming more and moreinterested in China’s history. Section A The main activity is 1a and 1c. Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn a new word and some phrases: 2. Learn the attributive clauses which use“who”or“whose”. 3. Talk about a historical person: Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education. 4. Let the students learn about Chinese culture, and improve their sense of national pride. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 图片/小黑板/教学挂图/录音机 Ⅲ. Teaching ways: Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review (时间:5分钟) 1.Check homework.. 2Show some cards with cities’ names and their nicknames, please connect them with attributive clauses. (展示Hong Kong和the Pearl of the Orient的卡片。) T: Who can make a sentence with these words? S: Hong Kong is a city that is called the Pearl
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