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《Module4Thenaturalelements.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module4Thenaturalelements.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Module 4 The natural elements Unit 2 The wind is blowing *. Choose the best answer.1. I think spring is the _ of a year. A. best beautiful B. most beautiful C. much beautiful D. more beautiful2. His school bag is much heavier than _.A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself3. My sister likes _ before her

2、classmates.A. show around B. showing aroundC. show off D. showing off4. Toms sweater is not as _ as Marks.A. expensive B. more expensive C. most expensive D. much expensive5. Theres not _ water in Garden City.A. very B. quite C. much more D. much6. You can see different _ sea animals in the Ocean Pa

3、rk.A. kind B. kinds C. kind of D. kinds of7. Let Jack and Tom _ good friends. They can help each other.A. is B. are C. be D. will be8. The Lees have lived in the town _ seven months.A. since B. for C. to D. after* II. Rewrite the sentences as required.1. Grace is running very fast. 改为一般疑问句_ 2. The c

4、hildren in uniforms are playing basketball in the playground. 对划线局部提问_3. This car is not as expensive as that one.保持原句意思不变That car is _ _ _ this one.4. Nobody can dance better than Zoe in the school. 保持原句意思不变Zoe dances _ _ in the school.5. He reached the destination终点earliest. 保持原句意思不变He reached the

5、 destination _ _ any other one.* III. Fill in the blanks with the letter given.One night there was a big snow, and in the next morning, Mr Smiths garden was full of s_1_. He wanted to take his car o_2_ of the garage, so he paid a man to clean the path f_3_ the garage to his gate. He said, Dont t_4_

6、any snow on this side because it will damage破坏 the bushes, and dont throw any on the o_5_ side because it will d_6_ my fence. And dont throw any into the street, or the neighbours will be a_7_. Then he went a_8_.【试题答案】I.1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. BII.1. Is Grace running very fast?2. Where are the children in uniforms playing basketball?3. more expensive than4. the best5. earlier thanIII.1. snow 2. out 3. from 4. throw 5. other 6. damage 7. angry 8. away


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