2020届高考英语江苏省二轮复习训练题:第一部分 题型专练 专题四 任务型阅读 .docx

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1、专题四任务型阅读题组一Passage 1 (2019江苏南通一模)Life can be overwhelming (令人不知所措的). We want to do as much as we can, see the world, learn new thingsand it can all get a bit too much. Sometimes we reach a point when we feel that we can no longer be interested in everything. We have to shut some of life out, and we

2、dont like that. We are living under the false assumption that to know anything worthwhile takes years of study, so we might as well forget it.But something inside us rebels. We still want to learn new things and make new things. They dont have to be big things. Coping with too big a challenge can be

3、 daunting (吓人的). The secret is to be a “micromaster” by perfecting lots and lots of small thingsfor a big payoff.A micromastery is a self-contained unit of doing, complete in itself, but connected to a greater field. You can perfect that single thing and move on to bigger things. A micromastery is t

4、he way we learn as kids. You never absorb all the fundamentals straight awayyou learn one cool thing, then another. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has written about “flow”a state in which time seems to be suspended because our involvement in what were doing is so great. A micromastery, because

5、 it is repeatable without being repetitious, has all the elements that allow us to enter a flow state, which produces great contentment.As we get older our default setting (默认设置) becomes “off” not “on”. We stop getting interested in new things because we havent got enough time or energy. This is an

6、excuse but who can blame us when we hear we need 10,000 hours to “master” something. A micromastery slices through all the excuses. You start with something so small and easy that it doesnt impact on your life except positively.We envy the person who has a perfect French accent, who can roll a kayak

7、, or compose a poem that isnt laughable, who can lay a brick wall that doesnt fall down. These are regarded as hard things to learn which mean a greater mastery of the field concerned. But with micromastery you can start with the test piece and thenand only thendo you go back upstream to learn anyth

8、ing more about the new world.Seeing the world in terms of micromasteries makes anything seem possible. Fancy bookbinding? Yoga? Tap dancing or tank driving? All have their micromasteries. Its very liberatingyou no longer have to feel trapped in your day job. You will start, in a small way, to get yo

9、ur life back from the idea that the world seems to push on us that we should do just one thing all our lives.An annoying situationWe are too 1 to accomplish everything we are interested in and sometimes have to make a trade-off.We take it for granted that anything worthwhile doesnt have an 2 payoff,

10、 so we might as well forget it.A practical approachInstead of accomplishing big things, the secret is to be a micromaster by starting 3.Facts about amicromasteryIt is connected to a greater field. We can 4 upon small successes to achieve greatness.It enables us to have a good command of important th

11、ings in a 5 way.It can help enter a flow state when we are 6 in what we are doing.For the adults who lack time and energy to try new things, it can have a 7 impact on their lives.Instead of envying the achievers, we can 8 the unknown world by starting with the test piece.ConclusionA micromastery can

12、 help us to liberate our minds and 9 our boundaries.For a satisfied life, be a 10 of small things.答案语篇解读这是一篇议论文。文章主要讲了要得到满意的生活,不能一下子做太大的事,也不能一次做太多的事。我们可以从小事做起,做一个小事情的主人,然后循序渐进。1.ambitious/greedy根据第一段第一、二句Life can be overwhelming (令人不知所措的). We want to do as much as we can, see the world, learn new th

13、ingsand it can all get a bit too much.可知,我们过于贪心或野心过大,无法完成我们感兴趣的每一件事,因此有时我们不得不做出妥协。此处为too.to.结构,根据原句意思可概括出ambitious/greedy。2.immediate/instant根据第一段最后一句We are living under the false assumption that to know anything worthwhile takes years of study, so we might as well forget it.可知,我们错误地认为任何有价值的事情都需要多年的

14、学习,即不会立刻有回报,故填immediate/instant。3.small根据第二段最后一句The secret is to be a “micromaster” by perfecting lots and lots of small thingsfor a big payoff.可知,与其成就大事,还不如从小事做起,故填small。4.depend/rely/count/rest/base根据第三段第二句You can perfect that single thing and move on to bigger things.可知,我们可以完美地做好一件小事,然后再去做更大的事,即我

15、们依靠小成功来取得伟大的成就。此处可用depend/rely/count/rest/base和upon搭配,表示依靠,依赖,以为基础。5.gradual/steady/slow根据第三段第四句.you learn one cool thing, then another.可知,我们先学一件东西,然后另一件,即micromastery可以使我们逐渐、慢慢地掌握重要的东西,gradual逐渐的;steady稳步的;slow慢慢的,都符合语境,故填gradual/steady/slow。6.involved/absorbed/buried根据第三段第五句Psychologist Mihaly Csi

16、kszentmihalyi has written about “flow”a state in which time seems to be suspended because our involvement in what were doing is so great.可知,当我们参与到我们正在做的事情中去时,micromastery可以帮助我们进入一种“流”状态。原文用了名词involvement,此处根据结构应用be involved in。另外be absorbed/buried in 都可以表示专心致志于某事,故填involved/absorbed/buried。7.positiv

17、e根据第四段最后一句You start with something so small and easy that it doesnt impact on your life except positively.可知,对于缺乏时间和精力去尝试新事物的成年人,从小事、容易的事做起可以对他们的生活产生积极的影响。原文用了副词positively,根据空格后的名词impact,此处应用形容词positive。8.explore根据倒数第二段第三句But with micromastery you can start with the test piece and thenand only thend

18、o you go back upstream to learn anything more about the new world.可知,与其羡慕成功者,不如试着去探索未知的世界。learn anything more about the new world即explore the world,故填explore。9.extend/stretch/push/break根据最后一段第六句Its very liberatingyou no longer have to feel trapped in your day job.可知,micromastery可以帮助我们解放思想、扩展我们的边界。故填

19、extend/stretch/push/break。10.master/controller/commander根据最后一段最后一句You will start, in a small way, to get your life back from the idea that the world seems to push on us that we should do just one thing all our lives.可知,要得到满意的生活,并不是一生就做一件(大事),而是从小事做起,即做一个小事情的主人,master/controller/commander都符合语境。Passag

20、e 2(2019江苏苏锡常镇教学情况调研)Sorry seems to be the hardest word. So Elton John sang on one of his biggest 1970s hitsbut not every public figure seems to find it so tough to let out that powerful five-letter word.In recent months varieties of public figures, from politicians, to Hollywood actors and YouTube

21、stars have all publicly expressed regrets.But with floods of regrets on the airwaves, just how can we tell a forced apology from a heartfelt expression?In its purest form, saying sorry should be an “act of regrets, the realization that something you have said or done has hurt someone and you want to

22、 repair it”, says psychologist Geraldine Joaquim.Made early, a sincere apology can be hugely beneficial and can “relieve the tension and takes the wind out of an accusers sails”, she says.A need to say sorry can arise in someones public life and equally at home with their family and friends but, wha

23、tever the environment is, how well it is accepted depends on how personalized it feels.From businesses, governments and organizations, a scripted response will fail to resonate (引起共鸣) as it will not convey empathy (同理心) and sympathy.Whether online or in person, the timing and choice of language in a

24、n apology are decisive factors.“It is important to show that you understand and sympathize,” says Martin Stone, of PR agency Tank. “It is vital that any business or individual making an apology understands the focusis it sorry for the way its acted or is it sorry that the complainant feels the way t

25、hey do?”Performed apologies always have a sense of being “acted out”, and are often accompanied by too many theatrical gestures. If sincere, the person making the apology will be looking for listening clues to see if they are being understood, such as eye contact and facial expressions. They will pr

26、ovide “humbling (谦卑的) signals”, such as a lowered head, to indicate regrets. It is also important to avoid irresponsible statements or promises that cant be kept. “Dont say that youll ensure that this will not happen again if youre not confident it wont. It could come back to bite you,” Stone explai

27、ns.Equally, the use of “but” can hugely change the tone of an apology.As Stone points out, the expression “Im sorry but.”sounds like you are making excuses and arent actually taking any form of responsibility. It may be three letters but it can instantly make an apology seem hollow.Passage outlineDe

28、tailed informationDoes sorry seem to be the most difficult word?For some, it seems to be a1 nut to crack while for others, it is just a piece of cake.Is it a heartfelt apology?There being a storm of regrets on the airwaves, it is hard to make a 2 between a sincere apology and a forced one.In its pur

29、est form, an apology means offering regrets, which can be hugely beneficial if 3 early.A scripted apology from businesses, governments and organizations doesnt resonate, thus being 4 to convey empathy and sympathy.Whatever the environment is, the 5 to which an apology is accepted depends on how pers

30、onalized it feels.How can we make a heartfelt apology?6 you say sorry is one decisive factor. The earlier you say sorry, the sooner the complainant will feel it.The choice of your 7 language is the other decisive factor. You are not 8 out the apology. You should provide humbling signals to indicate

31、regrets.Be 9 for the statements or promises you make. Dont say anything that cant be kept.Never find 10 for your wrong behavior with “but”.答案语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。道歉不是一件容易的事。不少公众人物都曾经向公众道歉,但是被迫的道歉和真心实意的道歉之间有很大的区别。文章介绍了真心实意道歉的决定性因素。1.hard/tough根据第一段第二句So Elton John sang on one of his biggest 1970s hitsbut not

32、 every public figure seems to find it so tough to let out that powerful five-letter word.可知,像Elton John一类的人觉得道歉很难,但是不是每个公众人物都觉得说出sorry一词很难。a hard/tough nut to crack难办的事,棘手的问题,符合文章意思。故填hard/tough。2.distinction此题对应原文第三段内容,第三段中的tell.from.可转换成短语make a distinction between.and.。故填名词distinction。3.made根据第五段

33、中Made early, a sincere apology can be hugely beneficial.可知,早点道歉有好处。再根据短语make an apology可知,表格中if 后补充完整为if an apology is made early。此处为省略结构,故填made。4.unable根据第七段内容可知,照稿子念的答复不能引起共鸣。原文中的fail to可转换成be unable to。故填unable。5.extent/degree根据第六段内容可知,人们接受道歉到何种程度取决于道歉是否个性化;再根据原句中的how well以及空格后的to which可推断,此句利用短语

34、to a/some degree/extent“到某种程度”。故填degree或extent。6.When根据第八段Whether online or in person, the timing and choice of language in an apology are decisive factors.可知,时机的掌握和语言的选择是道歉的决定性因素。再根据设空处后面的一句The earlier you say sorry, the sooner the complainant will feel it.可知,此条内容是关于道歉的时机。空格为主语从句的引导词,故填When,构成主语从句W

35、hen you say sorry。注意首字母大写。7.body根据第十段内容可知,道歉时,肢体语言的选择也很重要,故填body。8.acting根据第十段第一句Performed apologies always have a sense of being “acted out”.可知,此处表示“你不是在表演(act out)道歉”;再根据空格前的are可知,此空格应用act的现在分词形式,故填acting。9.responsible根据倒数第三段第一句It is also important to avoid irresponsible statements or promises.可知,

36、要为自己说过的话、做过的承诺负责。此处应用文章原句中irresponsible的反义词,故填responsible。10.excuses根据最后一段第一句.sounds like you are making excuses and arent actually taking any form of responsibility.可知,在道歉时说but听起来就像是在找借口。因此不要用but一词为自己的错误找借口。故填excuses。注意需用复数形式。Passage 3(2018江苏苏北七市联考)We all have complaints about going to work. Its ex

37、pected: work takes up the majority of our waking day and it very much defines us. We often use our jobs as an introduction and a window into our lives when we meet someonea job reflects who we are. It influences the clothes we wear, the holidays we take, where we live and how we feel about ourselves

38、. Of course, it takes up sizeable amounts of time, focus and energy. We complain about getting on that rush-hour train or the way the boss speaks; we laugh about the pain of Monday mornings and the thrill of annual leave. But for many people, work has ceased to be simply a source of complaints or a

39、joke.But havent there always been tough roles, heavy workloads or overtime? Why has this work-related illness arisen now? From the research that has been carried out on this subject, the workload is consistently cited as the most common reason for this ill health.But as our jobs are not going to cha

40、nge any time soon, its time to change ourselves. Mental-health experts often talk about resilience: the ability to cope, survive and bounce back from difficulties. Some abilities are inborn, but resilience can be built and fostered(培养)and certainly so in ones working life.We know that resilience at

41、work is partly fostered by supportive relationships. So it is important to nurture healthy interpersonal relationships at work, whether that is through the support of a good manager or through friendship with work colleagues. Any supportive relationship you invest in at work will improve your stress

42、 level.Resilience can also be fostered by taking control. That is not easy in the face of a demanding boss or terrible workloads, so you might need to look for it elsewhere. Being able to take control in other areas of your life also leads to empowerment and grows your confidence. Control or change

43、your journey to work, what you have for lunch or even who you sit with in the canteen.Small changes may seem trivial(微不足道的), but they are super effective. Psychologists talk about micro-actions and these are incredibly powerful in the face of stresschanging controllable aspects of your life so that

44、those repeated small successes foster self-esteem, confidence and ultimately more success in the bigger areas of your life. It is also crucial not to let everything become related to work. Look for micro-successes elsewhere, in your hobbies, your exercise goals and your life plan.Our work appears to

45、 be making more and more of us unwell. But we all have the ability to make ourselves better.How to stay well in the officePassage outlineSupporting detailsBasic factsA job reflects our 1and influences many 2 of our lives.It is understandable that people have 3 feelings about work.The workload is to

46、blame for a 4in the work-related illness nowadays.Experts viewWe cant expect our jobs to change 5, but we can change ourselves by building resilience.Ways to buildresilience Resilience can be fostered by developing good supportive relationships with colleagues or superiors. Our 6 in any relationship

47、 will pay off eventually.Resilience can also be fostered by taking control of whatever is within easy 7.ConclusionWe can 8upon small successes to achieve greatness.We shouldnt 9our changes within work. Instead, we should try to seek more successes in other areas of our life.Though the workload appea

48、rs to make us unwell, we can turn the situation in our 10.答案语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。我们既抱怨工作又因为工作而欢笑,但是对很多人来说,工作不仅仅是抱怨或开玩笑的话题,因为工作量被认为是生病的常见原因。我们并不能轻易改变工作,但是可以改变自己,因为复原力是可以培养的。文章介绍了提高复原力、在工作中保持健康的方法。1.identity根据第一段第三句.a job reflects who we are.可知,工作反映我们的身份。故填identity。2.aspects/areas根据第一段第四句It influences the clothes we wear, the holidays we take, where we live and how we feel about ourselves.可知,工作影响我们的衣着、假期、居住地点、自我感受等各个方面。aspect方面,area领域,均符合题意。根据空格前的ma


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