2022年高中英语虚拟语气练习题 .pdf

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1、1 (倒装句 ) 英语句子的自然语序:主语在前,谓语动词在She is a nice girl. 自然语序英语句子的倒装结构: 谓语动词放在主语之Is she a nice girl? 倒装语序英语倒装句分为两种:* 完全倒装:全部谓语放在主语之前There is a table in the room. 部分倒装:只把助动词 ,情态动词或连系动词放在主语之前,谓语的主体部分仍在主语之后Why did you do it like that? 一、完全倒装1. 在 there, here 引导的句子中,谓语是be, exist, live,lie 等表示状态的不及物动词。There is no

2、body in the classroom. There seems something wrong with my radio. There stands a temple on the top of the mountain. 2、在 there, here 引导的句子中 ,谓语动词用 come,go,follow,enter,rush,occur( 发生 )等。There goes the bell. There happened an event last week. Here comes your husband. 注意主语是人称代词时,则不需倒装。Here he comes./ H

3、ere it is. 3、副词 now,then,thus(因此,如此)引导的句子里,谓语come,follow,begin,end,be 等Now comes your turn! Then followed another shot of gun. Thus ended the meeting. 4.in,out,down,up,over,away,off,back,below 等 副 词 作 状 语 置 于 句 首 时 , 谓 语 常 用 动 词 有come,go,rush,等不及物动词。Up and up go the prices. Off went the horses. Down

4、 came the brown waves 但如果主语是人称代词则不用倒装。Back they fought. ( fight back 还击) / Up it flew. 、在直接引语全部或部分置于句首时,引用动词和它的主语(名词)往往要倒装。a.“ You ve made great progress this term.” said the teacher.b.“ Tom” ,said his father, “ You shouldn t make friends with such boys!”注意:1)主语是代词时,倒装不倒装都可以。“ Where are you going?”

5、asked he.(He asked.) 2)引用动词另有宾语时,即使主语是名词也不倒装。“ Why didn t you join us!” Our monitor asked us. 6、谓语是be, 表语提前时,整个句子需倒装。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页2 Happy is he who devoted himself to the cause of communism. Such was Albert Einstein, a single man of great achievements. 7、地

6、点状语提前,为了保持句子平衡且谓语是be , stand, sit , lie, come 等动词时。On every piece of paper was a picture of a horse. From a speaker on the wall comes the doctor s voice.On the ground lay a goat. 二、部分倒装1、在以 so, nor, neither 开头的句子里。( 也是 ; 也不是)A fish can swim and so can I. I get up at seven and so does my brother. He

7、didn t do it and neither did I. He didn t smoke, nor did he drink.注意:)如果后一个句子只是单纯的重复前面句子的意思,则不倒装.( 确实是)-It is hot today. -So it is. -He finished it on time. -So he did. )如按照别人的意思做了什么事,so 也不用倒装 (某人照办了)The teacher asked me to read louder , and I did so. 3)当前面的句子中主语、谓语或肯否定形式不同时,则用so it is with.句型来表示Tom

8、 likes singing, but he doesnt like dancing. So it is with Mary. Tom is clever and he studies hard. So it is with Mary. 2、在疑问句里。Do you have an English class every day? What did the two cheats pretend to be doing? 3、在不带if 的虚拟条件从句中。Should he be interested in this subject, he might work hard at it. (=If

9、 he should be interested in this subject, )Had I known the answer, I should have told you. (=If I had known the answer, I should have )4. 在否定或半否定词放句首表示强调时,部分倒装。never, hardly/scarcely 几乎不,仅仅seldom, little, barely 仅够,几乎没有rarely 不常,很少nowhere 无处,到处都无by no means /in no case /at no time 决不not untilhardly

10、(scarcely) when, no sooner .than(一 .就) Never before have I met him. Hardly did I think it possible. Not a single paper did the scholar write the whole term (条款,条件). Seldom did the boy read newspaper. Little do I dream of seeing such wonderful scenery (风景,景色). Not until mom came back did she know the

11、 truth. Hardly had he entered the house when it began to rain. No sooner had they entered the house than it began to rain. 注意1)当上述单词不提前时,则不倒装。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页3 I seldom read newspaper before. He had hardly finished his homework when the light went out. 2)当这些词

12、作形容词修饰主语时且置句首时,句子不倒装。Little work was done yesterday. 5.Neither.nor 连接的两个句子都要倒装;not only but also连接的两个句子时,not only 后面的句子要倒装, but also 不倒装1)Neither has he called on her, nor will he do so. 2)Not only shall we learn from books, but also we should learn from practice. 6. 当so (such).that.结构中的so 或 such位于句

13、首时 ,构成部分倒装句。So busy is the dentist that he has no time to spare. 7. only 位于句首 ,修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句时,要用部分倒装。注意 : only 修饰状语从句时,主句中倒装 ,从句中不倒装 ; only 修饰的不是状语时,则不用倒装语序。Only the teachers can come in. only +Prep. Phrase /时间副词/When-clause+助动词 +主语 +谓语他只有昨天动身去东京。Only yesterday did he leave for Tokyo. 只有当他回来时我们才能知道

14、结果。Only when he came back could we know the results. 只有用这种方式我们才能算出这道数学题。Eg.Only in this way can we work out the math problem. 当 however, no matter how 引导让步状语从句时,常把 however / no matter how + 形容词/ 副词放在句首 ,此时主谓不倒装。No matter how well a poem is translated ,something of the spirit of the original work is

15、lost. 当 as / though 引导让步状语从句时,可出现“ 名词/ 形容词/ 副词/ 分词+ as + 主语+ 动词 ” 或“ 动词 + as + 主语+ 助动词的倒装形式。当表语是名词时,名词前不加任何冠词。Tired as he was, he continued to work. 模拟题1. So difficult _ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well. A.I have felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. d

16、id I feel 2. _ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. A.Not only they brought B.Not only did they bring C.Not only brought they D.Not only they did bring 3. Only when your identity has been checked, _. A. you are allowed in B. you will

17、be allowed in C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in 4. _, I have never seen anyone whos as capable as John. A. As long as I have traveled B. Now that I have traveled so much C. Much as I have traveled D. As I have traveled so much 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页4 5

18、. You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever 6. On the wall _ two large portraits. A.hangs B. hang C. hanged D. hanging 7. Be quick! _ . A. The bus comes here B. The bus here comes C. Here the bus comes D. Here comes the bus

19、8. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _ with each other. A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreled C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled 9. Not a single song _ at yesterdays party. A.she sang B. sang she C. did she sing D. she did sing 10. Only in this way _ to ma

20、ke improvement in the operating system. A.you can hope B. you did hope C. can you hope D. did you hope 11. Not only _ interested in football but _ beginning to show an interest in it. A. the teacher himself is; all his students are B. the teacher himself is; are all his students C. is the teacher hi

21、mself; are all his students D. is the teacher himself; all his students are 12. -Do you know Jim quarreled with his brothers? -I dont know, and _ . A. nor dont I care B. nor do I care C. I dont care neither D. I dont care also 13. -You forgot your purse when you went out. -Good heaven, _ . A.so did

22、I B. I did so C. so I did D. I so did 14. _ got into the room _ the telephone rang. A. He hardly had; then B. Hardly had he; when C. He had not; than D. Not had he; when 15. _ for the free tickets, I wouldnt have gone to the films so often. A. If it is not B. Were it not C. Had it not been D. If the

23、y were not 16. _ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. A.Were B. Should C. Would D. Will 17. _ , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. A. However late is he B. However he is late C. However is he late D. However late he is 18. Well have to finish the

24、job, _ . A. long it takes however B. it takes however long C. long however it takes D. however long it takes 19 Out _. A. rushed the children B. did the children rush C. the children rushed D. rushed the children did 20 On the bed _. A. lay a poor old lady B. a poor old lady lay 精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

25、 - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页5 C. did a poor old lady lie D. a poor old lady did lie 21 Round the corner _. A. a large policeman walked B. walked a large policeman C. did a large policeman walk D. did walk a large policeman 22 Only after the New China_, _ to go to school. A. was founded; he

26、was able B. was found; was he able C. was founded; was he able D. was found; he was able 23 Only by practising a few hours every day _ be able to master the language. A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you 24 I m going to the meeting, and _.A. so does Dave B. so is Dave C. so goes Dave D. Dav

27、e is so 25 I see you enjoy music very much. _. I m a music fan.A. So do I B. I do so C. So I do D. So do you 26 David has made great progress recently. _ and _. A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have 27 Tom couldn t go to school, _find

28、 a job. A. either he could B. either could he C. neither he could D. neither could he 28 Ms. Jones does not like shopping, _. A. and she does like gardening B. nor she does like gardening C. or does she like gardening D. nor does she like gardening 29 I didn t invite Susan to my party._.A. so didn t

29、 I B. Nor I didn t C. Neither did I D. I didn t so30 If Bob s wife doesn t agree to sign the paper, _. A. neither he will B. neither won t he C. neither will he D. he won t neither31 Barry never eats potatoes and _. A. so doesn t Molly B. so Molly doesn t C. neither does Molly D. neither Molly does

30、32 Ann didn t like our new roommate, and _.A. I don t too B. neither did I C. neither I did D. I didn t also33 _that even people in the next room could hear him. A. So loudly did he speak B. Such loudly did he speak C. So loudly he spoke D. Such loudly he spoke 34 So loudly _their lessons that peopl

31、e could hear them out in the street. A. the students read B. the students did read C. read the students D. did the students read 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页6 35 We are lucky, for no sooner _home_it rained. A. we returned; and B. did we return; when C. after we returned;

32、 and D. had we returned; than 36 Hardly _the police ran towards it. A. had the plane landed when B. had the plane landed than C. the plane had landed when D. the plane was landing than 37 No sooner _to bed _he fell asleep. A. he had gone; than B. had he went; when C. he had gone; when D. had he gone

33、; than 38 Hardly _to the cinema when the film began. A. had he got B. he had got C. did he get D. he got 39 _got on the train when it started to move. A. Scarcely I had B. Scarcely had I C. No sooner I had D. No sooner had I 40 No sooner had the bell rung _. A. when the class began B. while the clas

34、s was beginning C. then the class was going to being D. than the class began 41_, he doesn t study well.A. As he is clever B. He is as clever C. Clever as he is D. As clever he is 42_it rain, the crops would be saved. A. Were to B. Would C. Should D. Could 真题演练1 Never before _ available for quick an

35、d easy access in so many different fields of study. A so much free information B were so much free information C has so much free information been D so much free information has been 2 Hardly _ making the speech when the people stood up applauding. A has the speaker finished B the speaker had finish

36、ed C had the speaker finished D had finished the speaker 3 So fast _ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. A light travels B travels light C does light travel D does light travel 4 No sooner _ begun to speak than some noise arose from the audience. A he had B had he C he has D did he 5 N

37、ot until the game had begun at the sports ground. A had he arrived B would he have arrived C did he arrive D should he have arrived 6 Not until Mr. smith came to China_what kind of country she is. A he knew B he didnt know C did he know D he couldnt know 7 Not until many years later _ known. A was t

38、he whole truth become B did the whole truth become C the whole truth became D the whole truth had became 8 Not until this term _to realize how important this subject is to his future career as a diplomat. A he began B he has begun C did he begin D that he has begun 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 -

39、- - - - - -第 6 页,共 12 页7 英语虚拟语气语气英语的动词一般可带有三种不同的语气:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。不同的语气用动词的不同形式(有的还借助句法形式)来表示。虚拟语气的概念虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,一是用来表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实,而是一种假设、猜测、怀疑等 (在条件从句中或让步状语从句中);一是表示说话人的愿望、要求、命令、建议等(在宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)。一、虚拟语气在条件句中虚拟条件句主句与现在事实相反的假设If+ 主语 +动词的过去式(动词 be 用 were) 主语 +should,would, might,could 动词原形与过去

40、相反的假设If+ 主语 +had +过去分词主语 should, would, might, could have done 与将来相反的假设1、If+ 主语 +动词过去式2、If+ 主语 +were to+ 动词原形3、If+主语 +should + 动词原形主语 should, would might, could 动词原形eg: If I had time, I would attend the meeting. If he had hurried ,he could have caught the train. If I were to go abroad ,I would go to

41、 America. 如果我是你,我就会努力学习如果我知道他的电话号码,我就给他打电话了如果明天下雨的话,我们会取消比赛使用虚拟条件句要注意:当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,被称为:错综时间条件句 “ ,动词的形式要根据它所表示的时间作出相应的调整If you had followed my advice , you would be better now. 如果你听我的建议,你现在就会痊愈了If you had studied hard before, you would be a college student now. 如果你努力学习的话,你现在就会是大学生了

42、二、虚拟语气在名词从句中的运用(1)用于宾语从句精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页8 、 wish 后面的宾语从句中。一般用虚拟语气,表示一种不可能实现的愿望。其谓语动词形式为:表现在过去时表过去过去完成时表将来would, might, could 动词原形I wish (that) I were a bird. I wish (that) I had seen the film last night. I wish (that) I wouldcould go. 2.用于表示命令、建议、要求等一类词后面的宾语从

43、句。insist, order, command, suggest, advise, propose, require, request, demand, desire etc. We suggested that the meeting (should) be put off. They insisted that the boy (should) go with them. 注意: suggest 当表示 “ 暗示、表明 “ 讲时, insist 表示 ” 坚持认为 “ 之意时,应用陈述语气。The smile on his face suggested that he was satis

44、fied with our work. 他脸上的表情表明他对我们的工作很满意The man insisted that he had never stolen the money. 那个人坚持说他没有偷钱(2)用于表语从句和同位语从句在 suggestion / proposal / order / plan / advice / idea / request 等名词后的表语和同位语从句中要用“should 动词原形 ” should 可以省略My idea is that we (should ) think it over before accepting it. My suggestio

45、n that we (should) have a meeting has been accepted by others. We all agree to that suggestion that the meeting (should) be put off. (3)虚拟语气在在主语从句中A.在句型“It is important (necessary, strange, natural) that . ”中,that 后面的从句中的谓语动词用:should + 动词原形我们有必要出去散散步。Its necessary that we should have a walk now. 2 她

46、这样做是很自然的。Its natural that she should do so. 3 重要的是我们要照顾好病人。Its important that we should take good care of the patient. B. 在 It is demanded/suggested/ordered/required. that-clause 句型中从句用(should )+动词原型It is demanded that we should work out a plan. C. 在 It is a pity/a shame/ no wonder that .句型中从句也常用 (s

47、hould )+动词原型Its a pity that you (should) miss a good chance. 三、虚拟语气在其他从句中1. It is (high / about ) time that从句中的谓语动词用过去式或should动词原形, should 不能省略It is high time that you went / should go to school. 2. If only 引导的感叹句(要是该有多好啊)表示现在的情况,应用过去式 ; 如果是过去的情况,应用过去完成时态If only I knew the answer! If only I had seen

48、 the film yesterday! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页9 3. would rather + 从句动词用过去式或过去完成时I would rather you told me the truth. I would rather you had gone there last Sunday. 4. as if ( as though) 看起来常用虚拟形式,即表示与现在事实相反,用过去式;与过去事实相反用过去完成式(had done). He treats /treated the boy as

49、if he were his own son. He speaks/ spoke as if he had known about it 5. even if ( even though) 即使Even if he were here, he could not solve the problem. Even if I had been busy then, I would have helped you. 四 情态动词 + have done could have done 本来可以 - - - might have done 本来可能- - - should / ought to have

50、 done 本来应该做- - - shouldn t / ought not to have done 本不该做- - 你本不应该告诉她真相。You shouldn t have told her the truth . needn t have done 本不必做- - - 比较: didn t need to do 没必要做也没有做- - - 我没必要擦窗户。我兄弟做了I didn t need to clean the windows . My brother did it. would have done 本来会去做 - 我没有足够的钱否则我会买那本书的I didn t have en


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