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1、-!ContentsUnit 1 The Power of Language2Text A Critical Reading2Text B The Language of Confidence3Unit 2 Mistakes to Success4Text A Split Milk4Text B The Cake5Unit 3 Friendship and Loyalty6Text A Reflections: Friendship and Loyalty6Text B A Tribute to the Dog7Unit 4 The Joy of Work8Text A Works Is a

2、Blessing8Text B How to Start Your Own Business9Unit 5 Keep your Dreams Alive10Text A Life Is Difficult10Text B Begin Again11Unit 6 The Value of Money12Text A Teaching Children to Spend Pocket Money Wisely13Text B The Importance of Money in Life13Unit 7 Inner Voice15Text A Your Inner Voice15Text B Ma

3、ke a Good First Impression16Unit 8 The Great Minds17Text A Life without Limits17Text B An Unwanted Baby, Steve Jobs18Unit 9 Facing Lifes Challenges20Text A: 300 Hurdles20Text B A Violin with Three Strings21Unit 10 Ode to Public Transportation22Text A: The Importance of Public Transportation22Text B:

4、 Personal Advantages of Taking Public Transportation24Unit 11 Cyber World25Text A Cyber Love25Text B The Impact of the Internet on Society27Unit 12 A Break from Life28Text A Feeling Free28Text B Self-esteem and Body Image29Unit 1 The Power of LanguageA Famous QuoteLanguage is the dress of thought.-S

5、amuel JohnsonSamuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man of letters, one of the most outstanding figures of the 18th century in England. He made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer. Johnson has been described as

6、 “arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history.”Text A Critical ReadingPre-reading Questions1. Do you usually challenge the idea an author represents? What do you think is active reading?2. What suggestions do you expect the author will give on reading critically?Critical readin

7、g applies to non-fiction writing in which the author puts forth a position or seeks to make a statement. Critical reading is active reading. It involves more than just understanding what an author is saying. Critical reading involves questioning and evaluating what the author is saying, and forming

8、your own opinions about what the author is saying. Here are the things you should do to be a critical reader.Consider the context of what is written. You may be reading something that was written by an author from a different cultural context than yours. Or, you may be reading something written some

9、time ago in a different time context than yours. In either case, you must recognize and take into account any differences between your values and attitudes and those represented by the author.Question assertions made by the author. Dont accept what is written at face value. Before accepting what is

10、written, by certain that the author provides sufficient support for any assertions made. Look for facts, examples, and statistics that provide support. Also, look to see if the author has integrated the work of authorities.Compare what is written with other written work on the subject. Look to see t

11、hat what is written is consistent with that others have written about the subject. If there are inconsistencies, carefully evaluate the support the author provides for the inconsistencies.Analyze assumptions made by the author. Assumptions are whatever the author must believe is true in order to mak

12、e assertions. In many cases, the authors assumptions are not directly stated. This means you must read carefully in order to identify any assumptions. Once you identify an assumption, you must decide whether or not the assumption is valid.Evaluate the sources the author uses. In doing this, by certa

13、in that the sources are credible. For example, Einstein is a credible source if the author is writing about landmark achievements in physics. Also be certain that the sources are relevant. Einstein is not a relevant source when the subject is poetry. Finally, if the author is writing about a subject

14、 in its current state, be sure that the sources are current. For example, studies done by Einstein in the early 20th century may not be appropriate if the writer is discussing the current state of knowledge in physics.Identify any possible author bias. A written discussion of American politics will

15、likely look considerably different depending on whether the writer is a Democrat or a Republican. What is written may very well reflect a biased position. You need to take this possible bias into account when reading what the author has written. That is, take what is written with “a grain of salt.”B

16、y being a critical reader, you will become better informed and may change your views as appropriate.Text B The Language of ConfidencePre-reading Questions1. Are there any words that make you feel confident or diffident?2. Do you believe that language can influence peoples thought? Give some example.

17、The language we use programs our brain. Mastering our language give us a great degree of mastery over our lives and our destinies. It is important to use the language in the best way possible in order to dramatically improve our quality of life.Even the smallest of words can have the deepest effect

18、on our subconscious mind, which is like a child, and it doesnt really understand the difference between what really happens and what you imagine. It is eager to please and willing to carry out any commands that you give it- whether you do this knowingly or not is entirely up to you.“Try”It is a smal

19、l word yet it has an amazing impact upon us. If someone says, “Ill try to do that” you know that they are not going to be putting their whole heart into it, and may not even do it at all. How often do you use the word try when talking about the things that matter to you? Do say “Ill try to be more c

20、onfident” or “Ill try to do that” or “Ill try to call”?Think about something that you would like to achieve, and say it to yourself in two different ways. Firstly say, “Ill try to ” and notice how you feel. Next say, “I will do ” and see how you feel.The latter makes you feel better than the first o

21、ne, doesnt it? It gives you a sense of determination, a feeling that it will be done. Listen to the people around you and when they say they will try to notice if it gets done or not. Eliminate the word try from your dictionary and see how your life improves.“Cant”This is another small word with a b

22、ig impact. It disempowers us, makes us feel weak and helpless, and damages our self-esteem. It limits our infinite abilities and stifles creativity. Rub it out from your internal dictionary and replace it with something that makes you feel great.Instead of saying you cant, why not say something like

23、 “I choose ” or “I choose not to ” Using words like this allows you to take back your power and to be in control of your life.Words may appear small and insignificant, yet they have a deep and lasting effect on us. Mastering your language gives you the power to live whatever life you desire.What wor

24、ds do you use a lot that disempower you? Make a list of words you commonly use and then write next to them some alternatives you can use. Make these alternatives words that make you feel fabulous, not only about yourself, but about life and what you are doing!Unit 2 Mistakes to SuccessA Famous Quote

25、Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.- Winston ChurchillWinston Churchill(1874-1965), British Conservative politician and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Widely regarded as one of the greatest wartime leaders of

26、 the century, he served as Prime Minister twice. He is the only British Prime Minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature.Text A Split MilkPre-reading Questions:1. Did you make any mistakes on your way to success? Give some example.2. Do you believe that making mistakes is a necessary in

27、gredient for success? Explain.Have heard of the story about spilt milk? Well, we all know there is no use crying over spilt milk. But this story is different. I would hope all parents would respond in this manner.I recently heard a story about a famous research scientist who had made several very im

28、portant medical breakthroughs. He was interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked him why he was so much more creative than the average person; what set him so far apart from others?He responded that, in his opinion, it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he was about tw

29、o years old. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor a veritable sea of milk!When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of yelling at him, giving him a lecture,

30、or punishing him, she said, “Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk. Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his

31、 mother said, “You know, Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge, a towel, or a mop. Which do you prefer?” He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the

32、spilt milk.His mother then said, “You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Lets go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little boy learn

33、ed that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!The renowned scientist remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didnt need to be afraid to make mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just op

34、portunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment “doesnt work”, we usually learn something valuable from it.Wouldnt it be great if all parents would respond the way Roberts mother responded to him?Text B The CakePre-readin

35、g Questions:1. Have you ever been wrongly blamed by your parents? How did you feel at that moment?2. What suggestions would you give to the parents who are blinded to their childrens merits?Cindy glanced nervously at the clock on the kitchen wall. Five minutes before midnight.“They should be home an

36、y time now,” she thought as she put the finishing touches on the chocolate cake she was frosting. It was the first time in her 12 years she had tried to make a cake from scratch, and to be honest, it wasnt exactly and aesthetic triumph. The cake was well, lumpy. And the frosting was bitter, as if sh

37、e had run out of sugar or something, which, of course, she had.And then there was the way the kitchen looked. Imagine the huge blender fill with all the fixings for chocolate cake - including the requisite bowls, pans and utensils. Now imagine that the blender is turned on, high speed, with the lid

38、off. Do you get the idea?But Cindy wasnt thinking about the mess. She has created something, a veritable phoenix of flour and sugar rising out of the kitchen clutter. She was anxious for her parents to return home from their date so she could present he anniversary gift to them. She turned off the k

39、itchen lights and waited excitedly in the darkness. When at last she saw the flash of the car headlights, she positioned herself in the kitchen doorway. By the time she heard the key sliding into the front door, she was THIS CLOSE to exploding.Her parents tried to slip in quietly, but Cindy would ha

40、ve none of that. She flipped on the lights dramatically and trumpeted: “Ta-daaa!” She gestured grandly toward the kitchen table, where slightly off-balance two-layer chocolate cake awaited their inspection.But her mothers eye never mad it all the way to the table. “Just look at this mess!” she moane

41、d. “How many times have I talked to you about cleaning up after yourself?”“But Mom, I was only ”“I should make you clean this up right now, but Im too tired to stay up with you to make sure you get it done right,” her mother said. “So youll do it first thing in the morning.”“Honey,” Cindys father in

42、terjected gently, “take a look at the table.”“I know- its a mess,” his wife said coldly. “The whole kitchen is a disaster. I cant stand to look at it.” She stormed up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door shut behind her.For a few moments Cindy and her father stood silently, neither one kn

43、owing what to say. At last she looked up at him, her eyes moist and red. “She never saw the cake,” she said.Unfortunately, Cindys mother isnt the only parent who suffers from Situational Timbercular Glaucoma the occasional inability to see the forest for the trees. From time to time we all allow our

44、selves to be blinded to issues of long-term significance by stuff that seems awfully important right now, but isnt. Muddy shoes, lost lunch money and messy kitchens are troublesome, and they deserve their place among lifes frustrations. But whats a little mud even on new carpet compared to a childs

45、self-esteem? Is a lost dollar more valuable than a youngster/s emerging dignity? And while kitchen sanitation is important, is it worth the sacrifice of tender feelings and relationships? Im not saying that our children dont need to learn responsibility, or to occasionally suffer the painful consequ

46、ence of their own bad choices. Those lessons are vital, and need to be carefully taught. But as parents, we must never forget that were not just teaching lessons were teaching children. That means there are times when really need to see the mess in the kitchen, and times when we only need to see the

47、 cake.Unit 3 Friendship and LoyaltyA Famous QuoteBetraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship.- Ralph Waldo EmersonRalph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882), American essayist, lecture and poet, who led the Transcendentalist Movement of the mid-19th century.Text A Reflections: Fr

48、iendship and LoyaltyPre-reading Questions1. Do you believe that loyal friends are available on the Internet?2. What personal qualities matter most in your choice of friends? And why?How many of us recognize true loyalty in a friend? Loyalty consists of a friend, who will stick by you, through thick and thin. A friend who is always honest with you and never betrays the friendship with lies is a loyal friend. If you have a loyal friend, you have indeed found a true virtue in that friend.The current trend on the Internet is befriending anyone


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