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《初二英语ChapterOneFranceiscalling牛津3.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初二英语ChapterOneFranceiscalling牛津3.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、初二英语Chapter One: France is calling牛津版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Chapter One: France is calling学习过程1. seem 可用作联系动词或不及物动词,意为:似乎,好似.常构成如下几种主要句型:seem (to be) + 名词.Mary seems a very clever girl. 玛丽看上去是一个非常聪明的女孩.TSeem (to be) +形容词或过去分词.Mr Smith seemed to be quite happy.史密斯先生好似十分快乐.This small town seems changed a lit

2、tle. 这个小镇似乎有点变化.Seem + 不定式。不定式有时使用进行时或完成时。Mrs Black doesnt seem to like the idea. 布莱克夫人似乎不太喜欢这个主意。也可以写成Mrs Black seems not to like the idea.The children seemed to be eating something in the room.孩子们好似正在房间里吃东西。The young girl seemed to have changed much. 这个年轻女孩似乎变化很大。Seem +介词短语。It seems like years sin

3、ce I last saw you. 上次和你见面后,好似好多年没有见到你了。Her parents seem in good health. 她的父母看起来很健康。It seems that 意为:看起来,似乎。It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。也可以写成:No one seems to know what has happened in the park.It seems to me that Mr White will not come again. 依我看,怀特先生不会再

4、来。There seems ( to be) 意为:似乎有There seems ( to be) no need to wait. 看来无需再等了.It seems as if 意为: 看起来,仿佛It seemed as if they had never seen each other before. 仿佛他们以前从未见过面.辨析: seem 和lookseem 和look都可以作系动词,表示:看起来,好似,但意思略有差异。seem指说话人的主观判断,look那么指从外表上看,给说话人的印象。试比拟:Jack seems like his father. 杰克似乎像他的父亲。这是说话人的

5、一种主观判断Jack looks like his father . 杰克看起来像他的父亲。这是说杰克的长相让人看起来像他的父亲。2. go on是持续,延续的意思。又如:The meeting went on a bit longer than expected. 这会开得要比想象的长。此外,go on还有如下的含义:继续下去,继续做continue.You mustnt go on talking after Ive asked you to be quiet.我叫你住嘴之后你就不该再继续讲了。发生:happenWhats going on here? 这儿出了什么事?Were just

6、doing some cooking.我们只是在煮饭。3. One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley , where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live. 风景最美的地区之一就是卢瓦尔河谷,在那里,你可以参观法国国王,王后们曾经居住过的古堡。逗号后是where引导的非限制性定语从句, 修饰the Loire Valley, 补充说明卢瓦尔河谷为何值得一游。 这句定语从句是先行词the Loire Valley

7、的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间需要用逗号分开。在整个从句中,old castle后又有一句which 引导的定语从句,用于修饰old castles. which前的in既可以放在which 前,也可以放在live后。used to+动词原形表示:过去常常做某事,而现在已经不再如此。因此,其目的是今昔比照。I used to write poetry myself when I was his age.我像他那个年纪时常常自己写诗。There used to be low and dirty houses. 那里曾是些低矮肮脏的房舍。注意:used to do sth.的

8、一般疑问句和否认句各有两种形式。一般疑问句:Used you to play football? / Did you use to play football? 以前你常踢足球么?否认句:She used not to be so forgetful. / She didnt use to be so forgetful.过去她没那么健忘。辨析:used to do sth , be used to do sth和be used to doing sth.这三个结构非常容易混淆。used to do sth表示:过去常常做某事,而现在这件事情可能已经不再继续了。My father used t

9、o smoke a lot until the doctor told him there was a lung problem with him. 我爸爸过去吸烟吸得很厉害,直到医生告诉他他的肺部出了问题。be used to do sth. 是被动语态,表示:被用来做的意思。Plastic can be used to make all kinds of things. 塑料可以被用来制成各种各样的东西。be used to doing sth 表示:习惯于,适应于的意思。The Smiths are used to living in Shanghai now. 史密斯一家已经习惯在的生

10、活了。4. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. 这是世界上最受欢送的旅游景点之一。本例中,使用了“one of +最高级+可数名词复数的结构。要特别注意在这个结构中,最高级后须用可数名词的复数形式,因为这个结构用来表示 “群体之一 的意思。Nanpu Bridge is one of the longest suspension bridges in China.南浦大桥是全中国最长的斜拉索桥之一。5. With its world-famous landmarks such as the Eiffe

11、l Tower and the Arc de Triomphe, and its wide, tree-lined streets, Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 巴黎拥有埃菲尔铁塔,凯旋门等世界闻名的标志性建筑,拥有宽阔的林荫大道,是世界上最美丽的城市之一。tree-lined是个复合形容词,意为:两边种着树的。Huaihai Road was a tree-lined shopping street in the past. 淮海路曾经是条绿树成荫的购物街。tree-lined 属于“名词-名词ed结构的复合

12、形容词,这类的形容词还有:hot-tempered (急性子的),chicken- hearted( 害怕的,软弱的),honey-mouthed(甜言蜜语的),paper-backed(平装本的)等。6. If you are taking your children with you, remember that Euro Disney is just an hour away from the centre of Paris.如果你带孩子,记得欧洲迪斯尼乐园离巴黎市中心仅有一个小时的路程。本句是由if引导的条件状语从句中,主句除了可以用完整的陈述句,疑问句外,也可以用祈使句,常常用于给予

13、指示,命令,建议,或提醒。Take a taxi if you are in a hurry.如果你赶时间就拦辆出租车吧。Get out if you are still absent-minded.如果你还是心不在焉的话就出去吧。just an hour away from是:距离仅仅一小时的路程的意思。这是一个表示路程的短语,而不是用来表示时间的。因此提问时应该用how far.How far is your school from your home? 从你到你家有多远?About five minutes away. 大约五分钟的路程。7. It offers many of the

14、attractions as the Disney parks in the USA. 那里有众多与美国迪斯尼乐园相同的游乐工程。Offer作动词的用法:Offer 有:主动拿给,给予的意思,相当于give, 后接名词或代词做宾语,也可以接双宾语,即offer sb. sth= offer sth to sb.The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus.那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人。offer 作提出,表示Johnson offered a new suggestion. 约翰逊提出了一个新的建议。We

15、 all went to offer congratulations . 我们都前去表示祝贺。offer后接不定式,表示:主动提出某事。He offered to drive us to the airport, but we preferred to walk there.他主动提出送我们去机场,但我们宁愿走路去。offer还有:出售,出价的意思。搭配的主要有:offer sth for ( money) 以多少钱出售某物。He offered this bike for 600 yuan. 这辆自行车他要价600元。offer sb ( money) for sth/ to buy sth

16、. 出价多少购置某物。We offered him 1,000,000 yuan for his house. 我们愿意出100万来买他的房子。the sameas是:和一样的的意思。事实上,as 后引出的是一个定语从句。但这个从句通常只剩下主要局部。I live in the same house as he ( lives in). 我和他住在同一屋檐下。She got the same salary as a man ( got). 她和男员工的薪水一样多。This house is the same as yours (is). 这个房子和你的一模一样。从上面的句子不难看出,上述句子的

17、从句局部省略的都是与主句内容相同的局部.因此,本例中省略的动词是offer.在本例中,名词attraction是:名胜,吸引人的事物的意思,是可数名词,是由动词attract(吸引)派生而来,其形容词形式是attractive(具有吸引力的)。London has many attractions, such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.伦敦有许多名胜,例如大笨钟和白金汉宫。此外,attraction还有:吸引,吸引力和引力的意思,均为不可数名词.The idea of starting their own business has great attra

18、ction to young people nowadays. 现在自己创业的想法对青年人有很大的吸引力.The tides are caused by the attraction of the moon for the earth. 潮汐是由月亮对地球的引力引起的.8. If you want to go on to visit Britain, you can now do it without flying or taking a ferry. 如果你接下来想去英国游览,那么现在你无须坐飞机或是搭渡轮就可以去了.辨析:go on to do 与go on doing 【模拟试题】答题时

19、间:40分钟一. 填冠词:1. Dont forget to turn off _ light when you go out. 2. Enjoy your holiday and dont forget to send me _ postcard.3. Whats _ name of this village?4. _ Canada is _ very big country.5. What is _ largest city in _ USA?6. I like this room but I dont like _ colour of _ carpet.7. Are you OK? No

20、, Ive got _ headache.8. We live in _ old house near _station.9. What is _name of _director of _ film we saw last night?10. What are you going to do next _ weekend?11. My dictionary is on _ top shelf on _ right.12. I dont like _ milk. I never drink it.13. We went for _swim in _ river . _ water was ve

21、ry clean .14. Where are _ children ? They are in _ garden.15. When I was younger, I went to _ church every Sunday.16. What time do you usually get _ home from _ work?17. I enjoy taking _ photographs. Thats my favourite hobby.18. Where did you stay? At _ Park Hotel on _ Nanjing Road.19. Which river i

22、s _ longer-_ Mississippi or _ Nile?20. _ money doesnt always bring_ happiness.21. _ Rocky Mountains are in _ North America.22. Texas is famous for _ oil and _ cowboys.23. Alan studies_ physics at _ Manchester University.24. Jane doesnt go to _ parties very often.25. I cant sing this song. I dont kno

23、w _ words.二. 阅读理解:AMr. Smith usually got up late in the morning, so Mrs. Smith always called him up in order to make him not to be late for work. One day, they had a loud and long quarelling, so they were not speaking to each other. In the evening Mr. Smith handed his wife a piece of paper. He had w

24、ritten “call me at 7 in the morn-ing on it. Then without a word, he went to sleep. Next morning, when Mr. Smith woke up, it was already 9:30.He got up and put on his clothes quickly. As he went out, he found another piece of paper on the table. “Its seven oclock. Get up!A根据短文内容,对下面的句子作出判断,如句子与短文内容相符

25、,在题前括号内写T,如不符那么写F。( )1.Mr.Smith woke up earlier than his wife every morning.( )2.After the quarelling. Mr. Smith still wanted his wife to wake him up.( )3.Mr.Smith did not speak to his wife the whole evening.( )4.Mrs.Smith did not want to speak to him either.( )5.Mr.Smith might be late for work that

26、 morning.B根据短文内容,从下面每题的a、b、c、d四个答案中,选择一个正确答案,把它的序号填入左边括号内。( )1.If Mrs. Smith did not wake him up, usually Mr. Smith might _.A. be late for workB. get angryC. sleep all dayD. quarrel with his wife( )2.Why werent they speaking to each other?A. They had quarrelledB. They couldnt speakC. They were afrai

27、d to speakD. They wanted to be quiet( )3.Why did Mr. Smith write a piece of paper to ask his wife to call him up the next morning?A. He liked writingB. He was afraid that his wife might forgetC. They had just quarrelledD. They were not speaking to each other.( )4.Mrs.Smith woke up the next morning_.

28、A. before 7B. after 7C. at 9:30D. at 6:30( )5.Mr.Smith woke up late by _.A. two and a half hoursB. one hourC. half an hourD. about three hoursBMr. Smith gave his wife money every Friday evening. His wife always spent it all before the next Wednesday, so that for the next three days she had no money

29、to spend at all. One day Mr. Smith asked her, “But how did you spend all that money? She answered, “I dont know. So one Friday evening, Mr. Smith gave her money together with an exercise book and a pencil. He said to his wife, “Please write down how you spend the money. Next Tuesday, his wife had no

30、 money again. Mr. Smith took the exercise book to see how she had spent it. “I have done what you told me, She said gladly. She had written “Friday, I got 18 pounds from Mr. Smith. on the first page, and on the second page, she wrote, “Tuesday, I have spent it all.A根据短文内容,对下面五个句子作出判断,如句子与短文内容相符,在题前括

31、号内写T,如不符那么写F。( )1. Mr. Smith gave money to his wife.( )2. Mrs. Smith had no money to spend on Wednesdays.( )3. Mrs. Smith did what her husband asked her to do.( )4. Mrs. Smith was glad in the end.B根据短文内容,从下面每题的a、b、c、d四个答案中,选择一个正确答案,把它的序号填入左边括号内。( )1.Mrs.Smith always spent all the money_.A. the next

32、dayB. in four daysC. in a weekD. on next Wednesday( )2.Mr.Smith gave his wife an exercise book and a penciland asked her to _.A. to do homeworkB. to have a lookC. to write down how she spent the moneyD. to draw a picture on it( )3.Mrs.Smith was _ to do what Mr. Smith asked her to do.A. happyb. sadc.

33、 sorryd. excited( )4.Mr.Smith gave his wife money _ a week.A. onceB. twiceC. three timesD. four times( )5.They story tells us that Mrs. Smith was not very _.A. gladB. tallC. carefulD. good【试题答案】一. 填冠词:1. the 2. a 3. the4.,a5. the, the6. the, the7. a8.an,the二. 阅读理解:A:A15 FTTTTB15 AADAAB:A14 TTFFB15 BCAAC


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