2022年人教新课标知识点总复习必修三Unit2Healthyeating .pdf

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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating 核心单词1. balance n. 天平;平衡;结余,余额v.平衡;权衡Can you balance yourself on skates? 你穿冰鞋能保持平衡吗? If you earn 100 and spend 60,your balance is 40. 如果你挣100 英镑,花60 英镑,那么你就会结余40 英镑。You have to balance the advantages of living in the country against the disadvantages. 你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。常用结构 : kee

2、p a balanced diet 保持饮食平衡keep ones balance 保持平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡out of balance 不平衡a sense of balance 平衡感bank balance 银行余额blance of trade 贸易差额keep balance of nature 保持生态平衡The two trucks had wheels out of balance on delivery. 这两部卡车在交货时车轮失去了平衡。The boy has a lot of disadvantages, but on balance I th

3、ink he is still a good boy. 这个男孩有很多缺点,但全面考虑,我认为他仍然是好孩子。联想拓展balanced adj. 合理的;收支平衡的;镇静的balanced diet 均衡饮食a balanced judgement 公平的判决高手过招单项填空In education there should be a good among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment.(2009 12 江西玉山检测) A.distribution B.bala

4、nce C.combination D.assignment 解析 :选 B。balance 平衡; distribution 分发 ,分配 ,散布 ,分布; combination 结合 ,联合;assignment分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)任务,委派。根据句意,选 B。2. lie vi.& n. 说谎;谎话,谎言(lied,lied,lying) vi.躺,卧;处于(某一位置 ),在于 (lay, lain, lying) 常用结构 : tell a lietell lies to sb. 对某人说谎a white lie 善意的谎言lie to sb. 向某人说

5、谎精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页lie in 在于;处于 状态there lies . 某地有 lie on ones back/side/stomach仰卧 /侧卧 /俯卧Its no wonder that she lied to the court. 难怪她对法庭撒了谎。West of the lake lies the famous city. 那个著名的城市坐落在湖的西面。You are lying but lies can not cover up facts. 你在说谎,但谎言掩盖不了事实。Id

6、rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank. 我宁愿把钱花掉也不愿搁在银行里不用。联想拓展lay vt. 放;搁;下 (蛋);产 (卵)(laid ,laid,laying)高手过招单项填空There was an oil painting in the corner. It there for several days. (原创)A. laying; had laid B. lain; had laid C. lying; had lain D. laid; had been lain 解析 :选 C。第一空是 “ 处于/在于 ”的

7、现在分词,第二空是其过去完成时。3. amount n. 数量vi. 合计,总计达;相当于,等同于常用结构 : amount to 总共达;相当于;等于an amount of . 大量的 the amount of . 的数量Planning without any real action amounts to nothing. 只计划不行动等于什么都不做。The total cost of repairs amounted to $100. 修理费用总计达100 美元。联想拓展表示数量的短语及用法:a great deal of,a largesmall huge amount of+不可

8、数名词 (作主语时,谓语用单数形式) largevast amounts of+不可数名词 (作主语,谓语用复数形式) many,a goodgreat many,a number of,large numbers of,a few,dozens of ,scores of+可数名词复数(作主语,谓语用复数形式) plenty of, a lot of+可数名词复数(作主语,谓语用复数形式);也可接不可数名词(作主语,谓语用单数形式)a large quantity of+ 名词, large quantities of+名词(作主语,谓语与quantity 一致)I need a large

9、 amount of money to buy a new house. 我买新房需要一大笔钱。高手过招单项填空精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页Because of mail we receive,we may not be able to reply to your letter.Please remember to include your full name with your letter. (2009 12 江西师大附中检测) A. a great many of B. a large number o

10、f C. a large amount of D. a great plenty of 解析 :选 C。mail 邮件,不可数名词。故用a large amount of。4. curiosity n. 好奇心Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them. 小孩子对他们周围的世界有着天生的好奇心。I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity. 我打开包裹只是为了满足我的好奇心。常用结构 : out of curiosity 出于好奇with curiosity =

11、curiously 好奇地联想拓展curious adj. 好奇的curiously adv. 好奇地be curious about sth. 对某事好奇be curious to do sth. 好奇地做某事高手过招完成句子(原创)Margaret looked at him (好奇地 ). She decided to try a cigarette (出于好奇 ). All the employees in this firm (好奇 ) the personal life of the general manager. (奇怪的是 ) enough, he had never see

12、n the little girl. (好奇心 ) drove Mary to open her husband s letter though she knew it was wrong. 答案: with curiosityout of curiosity are curious aboutCuriouslyCuriosity 5. benefit vt. 有利,有益n. 好处;利益;优势常用结构 : benefit from/by. 从 受益,得益于benefit sb. 对某人有益be of (much, great)benefit to sb. =be beneficial to s

13、b. 对某人有益处be of no benefit to sb. 对某人没有益处for the benefit of . 为了 的利益I have benefited a lot from extensive reading. 广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。It is said Yoga is of great benefit to human health. 据说瑜伽对人体健康有很大好处。易混辨析精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页benefit/interest/profit/advantage benefit 为普通

14、用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。它的复数形式 benefits 意为 “ 救济金 ” 。interest 作“ 利益 ” 讲时,多用复数形式, 既可指集团、 群体的利益, 又可指个人的利益。 interest作不可数名词时,意为“ 利息 ” 。profit 着重指收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利润。advantage 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得的利益与好处。高手过招单项填空We should spend the money on something that will everyone. (2009 12 福建福州检测 ) A. benefit

15、B. benefit from C. beneficialD. benefit to Never forget we receive from our parents. (2009 12 福建龙岩检测 ) A. the benefit B. the benefits C. beneficial D. to benefit Never forget we receive from our parents. (2009 12 福建龙岩检测) A. the benefit B. the benefits C. Beneficial D. to benefit 解析 : 选 A。此处需要用动词作谓语,

16、benefit 可作及物动词,意为“ 对 有益 ” 。选 B。句意为:永远不要忘记我们从父母那儿得到的恩惠。benefit 意为 “ 具体的好处 ” 时是可数名词,可用复数形式。6. combine vt.&vi. ( 使)联合;(使)结合常用结构 : combine into . 联合成 combine .with .把 与 结合起来We consider it is necessary to combine theory with practice. 我们认为理论联系实际是必要的。Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. 氢与氧化合生成水。T

17、he pursuit of knowledge should be combined with wisdom. 知识的追求应与智慧相结合。联想拓展combination n.结合;联合;化合(物)a combination of .一种 的结合(物)in combination with 与 联合起来易混辨析join/combine/unite/connect join 侧重把原来不相连接的事物紧密地连接在一起,但仍可再分开。也指把分散的人或几个部分的人联合起来,或加入到某团体中去。常见结构:join up 联合起来; join .to/and .连接。精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

18、 - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页combine 指两个或两个以上的人或物结合在一起。常见结构:combine with 与 结合。unite 指联合、结合在一起,构成一个整体。connect 指两事物在某一点相连接,但彼此又保持独立。常见结构: connect .to/with 与相连; be connected with 与 有关系。高手过招单项填空The two parties have to form a new government. (2009 12 福建厦门检测) A. Mixed B. combined C. joined D. form

19、ed Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine. (2009 12 江苏如东检测 ) A. Link B. Connect C. Combine D. Join 解析 : 选 B。句意为: 那两个党派合并组成了一个新政府。combine 指原来性质或成分不同的东西合并成一体。选 C。句意为:把中药与西药结合起来。combine .with .把 与 结合起来。7. limit vt. 限制;限定n. 界限;限度联想拓展limited adj. 有限的limitless adj. 无限制的The speed limit on this

20、road is 70 mph. 这条道路的车速限制是每小时70 英里。We must try and limit our expenditure. 我们必须设法限制我们的开支。常用结构:limit sb./sth. to .限制某人 /某事到(某种程度)put a limit on . 对 限制there is a limit to . 对 是有限的without limit 无限地,无限制地高手过招用 limit 相关短语的适当形式填空One s energy is . (没有止境 ) what you can do if you try. He must our weekly expend

21、iture ten pounds.答案: limitedTheres no limit tolimit; to 重点短语8. get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚If you cheat in the exam, you ll never get away with it. 考试作弊必予追究。I wont have you getting away with cheating in the exam. 我不能容忍你考试作弊而不受惩罚。联想拓展精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页get across=

22、put across ( 使 )被理解; (把 )讲清楚get rid of 摆脱;除掉get away (from) (从) 脱离,逃脱 get down to (doing)sth. 开始认真地做某事get in 插话;收获get in touch with 与 取得联系get into the habit of. 染上 的习惯get into trouble 陷入困境get out (of .) 出去,离开,逃脱,摆脱get hold of 抓住get on/along well with.与 相处得好;进展顺利 (多用进行时 ) get over 爬过 ;克服 (困难 );从 中恢复过

23、来get through 完成;花光 (时间、金钱等);通过;接通电话Hes not very good at getting his ideas across. 他不太善于清楚地表达自己的思想。We should get rid of the bad style and keep the good. 我们应该摒弃不良作风,保持优良作风。高手过招(1)单项填空Youre coughing badly, Martin. Why not give up smoking? Give up smoking? Easier said than done, Amy. Once you the habit

24、of smoking, it is very hard for you to. (2009 12 江苏启东检测) A. keep up; break it away B. take up; drop it out C. pick up; get rid of it D. build up; do away with it (2)完成句子(原创)To my surprise, the baby wolf (与 相处得不错 ) the dogs and then managed to survive. She never arrives on time at the office, but she

25、 somehow managed to (侥幸逃脱 ) it. Well, stop chatting. It s time we (开始,着手 ) some serious work. The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will (从 恢复过来 ) the shock soon. 解析 : (1)选 C。考查动词短语辨析。keep up 保持 ,继续 ,维持; break away 脱开;离开;逃脱; take up 拿起;开始;从事;吸取;接纳;drop out 退出 ,退学; pick up 捡起 ,拾起; get rid of 摆

26、脱;除掉;build up 逐步建立; do away with 废除 ,去掉。(2)got on well withget away with got down toget over 9. take off 从 中去掉;脱掉(衣服) ;起飞;突然大受欢迎,迅速流行精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页Her singing career took off after her TV appearance. 她在电视上亮相后歌唱事业迅速发展。Dont take off your sweater. Its cold her

27、e. 别脱掉毛衣,这儿冷。联想拓展take away 拿走,消除 (感情,痛苦等)take after (相貌、体格、性情等)像(父、母等)take back 收回take down 拿下;记下;拆除take in 欺骗;吸收;理解take it easy 不紧张,不急take on 呈现,具有 (特征、外观等) ;雇用take out 拿出,取出;去掉take over 接收,接管take up 拿起;开始(从事) ;继续;占据(时/空间)take apart 拆开(机器等)take for 认为,以为;误以为Take away my good name, take away my life

28、. (谚)美名失去,生命不存。Dont be taken in by his charm-he is ruthless. 不要被他迷人的风度所蒙蔽,其实他冷酷无情。高手过招用适当的介词或副词填空(原创)I want to take the book which you showed me yesterday. Its sad to see the old museum being taken to make way for a new shopping center. She took the narrative( 叙事 ,故事 )where John had left off. My dau

29、ghter does not take me in any way. When she fell ill her daughter took the business from her. 答案: away downupafterover 10. in debt 欠债;欠人情She was in debt when she was poor, but has been out of debt since she got rich. 以前穷的时候她欠了债,可自从富了以后就不欠债了。联想拓展out of debt 不欠债in trouble 处在困境中in charge 管理;负责in detail

30、 详细地in fact 事实上in love 相爱in need 需要in surprise 惊奇地in touch 保持联系精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页in danger 处在危险之中in common 共有;共同in general 通常;一般地说in line 站队in mind 意欲;心想in order 有秩序地in tears 在哭泣in public 公开地;当众高手过招单项填空Ill always be to you for your help. (2009 12 江苏扬州检测) A.in d

31、ebt B. debt C. running into debt D. debts 解析 :选 A。句意为:由于你的帮助,我总是欠你的。11. before long 不久以后The dictionary will be published before long. 不久以后这本词典将被出版。联想拓展long before 很久以前long ago 很久以前高手过招完成句子That happened (很久以前 ). I have seen that film (很久以前 ). His plan seemed to be too difficult, but (不久以后 ) it proved

32、 to be practicable. 答案: long agolong beforebefore long 12. cut down 削减;删节;砍伐cut off 剪下来;切断;使突然中断cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事)cut up=cut into pieces 切碎;剪碎cut through 穿过;穿透cut in 插入;插嘴;超车抢道高手过招用 cut 相关短语的适当形式填空Her little finger was in an accident at the factory. She the advertisement of the newspaper. He the

33、park and reached there in time. I havent given up drinking but I m . I m sorry to on your conversation. You nearly caused a crash by (on me) like that. 答案 :cut offcut; outcut through cutting downcut incutting in 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页重点句型13. “Nothing could be bette

34、r, ” he thought. 他想: “ 再没有比这些更好吃的了。”句中形容词(或副词)的比较级better 与否定词nothing 连用,表达最高级的含义。常用的否定词有no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly 等,表示最高级的含义。Did you sleep well last night? 你昨夜睡得好吗?Never better, like a rock. 从没这么好过,睡得很沉。I think nothing is more pleasant than travelling. 我想没有比旅行更令人愉快的事了。I can t think of

35、a better idea. 我想不出一个更好的方法。高手过招单项填空Your story is perfect. Ive never heard before. (2009 12 江苏南京检测) A. the better one B. the best one C. a better one D. a good one 解析 :选 C。比较级与nothing, nobody, never 等否定词连用时,实际上表示最高级的意义,意为 “ 再 也不过了;没有比 更 的了 ” 。句中的比较对象是一个尚未出现的新人或新事物,故用不定冠词a/an 修饰。14. Something terrible

36、 must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. 要是李昌不像往常那样到他店里吃饭,那问题一定严重了。情态动词 +have done 情态动词must +have done 只用于肯定句中, 表示对过去发生的事情或状态进行肯定的推测,意为 “ 过去一定做过某事” 。情态动词can/could可用于否定句中,即 cant have done /couldn t have done,表示对过去发生的事情或状态的肯定的推测,意为“ 过去不可能做过,肯定没做过某事” 。此外

37、,can/could have done 还可用于疑问句中表示对过去发生的事情或状态的不太有把握的推测,意为“ 过去可能做过 吗?”注意:表推测的情态动词只有can/could,常用于疑问句中。情态动词may/might +have done 表示对已发生的动作或存在的状态进行不肯定的推测,might 语气稍弱一点儿,只能用于肯定句和否定句中,意为“ 过去可能做过某事或过去可能没做过某事 ” 。It must have rained last night, for the road is wet. 昨天晚上一定是下雨了,因为路还湿着。You must have seen the film th

38、e Gold Rush. 你肯定看过电影淘金热。My sister met him at the theatre last night, so he couldn t have attended your lecture. 我姐姐昨天晚上在电影院遇见了他,所以他肯定没参加你的演讲。I cant find Tom anywhere in the office building. Where can he have gone? 我在办公楼的任何地方都找不到汤姆。他有可能去哪里了呢?You might have read about it in the papers. 你可能在报上已经看过这个消息了

39、。高手过招精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(原创)WhereMargaret (can; put) the empty bottles? She (can; throw) them away. They must be somewhere. Hurry up, Michael! Its ten to three.Goodness me! The class(must; begin). Ill be late again. 答案 :can; have put; cant have th

40、rown must have begun 15. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让永慧哄骗人们后跑掉。have sb./sth. doing sth.让某人 /某事一直做某事,表示一个持续的动作。用于否定句中表示不允许某人做某事。He had me waiting for him for two hours. I can t bear it any more! 他让我等了两个小时,我再也无法忍受了!It s rude of you to speak to father like tha

41、t and I won t have you speaking to father like that in future. 你那样跟父亲说话很粗鲁,今后我不会再容忍你那样跟父亲说话了。Won t have sb./sth. doing sth.不能容忍某人做某事/容忍某物have sb./sth. do sth. 使某人或某物做某事(注意不要在do 之前加上to) have sb./sth. done sth. 请别人做某事(自己不去做或无法做); (主语 )遭受了不好的事情I d have you know that I am ill. 我要让你知道我病了。Jack must have h

42、is motorbike repaired. 杰克必须把他的摩托车修理一下。高手过招用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(原创)To my despair, the doctor me (have; wait) in the room for the whole afternoon. I my watch (have; repair) because it didn t work. I can t him (have; make) noise all the time. Yesterday Mum Tim (have; tidy) his room since it was in a mess. T

43、he woman her handbag (have; rob) yesterday. 答案 :had; waiting had; repaired have;makinghad; tidy had; robbed 16. I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu, . 我本来以为你是一位新顾客,现在我才发现你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的I thought/I didn t know/I didn t think 表明说话人以前的想法,宾语从句随之用过去

44、时或过去将来时。I never thought you would come to see me and bring me such a wonderful gift. 我根本没想到你会来看我并给我带来如此好的礼物。高手过招单项填空Oh, it s you. I you in this city. How long have you been here? (2009 12 河北邯郸检测 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页A. dont know; were B. hadnt known; are C. havent known; are D. didn t know; were 解析 :选 D。句意为:我不知道你在这座城市。你在这座城市待了多久?I thought/I didn t know/I didn t think 表明说话人以前的想法,宾语从句随之用过去时或过去将来时。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页


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