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《2020-2021学年高一英语牛津译林版必修第三册Unit3单元复习教案含答案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年高一英语牛津译林版必修第三册Unit3单元复习教案含答案.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1. 必修三第三单元复习教学目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to1. Learn about the benefits and problems of the Internet and how to use it probably.2. Summarize some important vocabularies and sentence structures and learn to apply them in new situation.教学重点:1. Read two passages and understand

2、what they want to convey to us.2. How to apply the vocabularies and sentence patterns to new contexts. 教学难点:How to get students to use the Internet wisely.教学过程: Step 1 课本回眸Task 1 Fill in the blanks Passage OneThe Internet has the power 1. connect people across the world to a single2. (share) communi

3、ty. We can gain almost anything online with access to the Internetcome some trulylifechanging advantages.One of the greatestadvantages of the Internet lies in the quick and easy access to 3. huge amoun of information. The internet has now become the first place 4. the majority o people tend to for i

4、nformation. Mea,nwihtilheas also made our lives unbelievably 5. (convenience,)with all sorts of goods and services 6. (provide) bye-commerce .Above all el,sethe Internet helps us establish and maintain social ties.7. the Internet brings many valuable a,dv8a.ntages (connect) has itsproblems.We must b

5、e aware 9. theseproblems and be carefulto use the Internetprobablyand responsiblyO.nly in thatway can the Internetbe a placeof discovery, wonder and 10. (inspire) for everyone.Passage TwoI was a smartphone addict. The smartphone had taken up too much of my time, and I could 1. (do)somethingmore mean

6、ingfulthanjustlookingat a tinyscreen all dayb,ut 2.was not easy to quit the habit. One day, I looked down at my smartphone when 3. (cross)the road,and a car shot past,nearlyknocking me off my feet! At the moment, I realized I had to make a change. The first day was the 4. (hard).Very soon, time slow

7、ed down. The empty hoursstretcheodut in frontof me, and I felt5. (disconnectf)rom everyoneandeverything. It was 6. (scare) at first. Then somehow I began to feel free. Mo important of all, I began to appreciate the 7. (beautiful) in life with my o eyes, instead of through my smartphone camera. My of

8、fline relationships benefited as well. 8. the end of the,wIeeaklmost did not want to turn my phone back on.I cannotescapefrom themodern world,but I can cutback 9. theamount of time I spend on my smartphoneevery day,and I do. Lifebeyond 10. (smartphone) is richer and more beautiful, and I am going to

9、 make use of it.【设计意图】根据Reading 和Extended Readin两g 篇文章,通过语法填空的形式, 激活课文内容。在整个语篇的主题语境中巩固已学的固定短语、固定句型、词性转换等知识,提高学生的语言应用能力。Task 2 Translate the sentences1. Gone are the days of searching shop after shop for the perfect pair of boots.2. We can achieve almost anything onlinewith access to the Internet com

10、e some truly l-icfheanging advantages.3. No matter where we are, we are able to keep in contact with loved ones, and fin long-lost friends.4. My eyes were glued to the little screen whenever I walked down the street, had dinner with friends or lay in bed at night.5. I cannot escape from the modern w

11、orld, but I can cut back on the amount of time I spend on my smartphone every day, and I do.6. 通过外卖程序和网站,你可以让人送餐上门。You can to you using food delivery apps and sites. (have sth done)7. 不用担心,几乎所有的费用你都可以通过智能手机来支付。 you can pay for almost everything on your smartphone. (There be)8. 唯有如此,互联网才能成为每个人的发现之地、奇

12、妙之所、灵感之源。 be a place of discovery,wonder and inspiratiofnor everyone. (Only介+词短语,引出“部分”倒装)9. 眼睛不再盯着手机,我得以真正享受彼此的陪伴。 eyes no longer our phones, we had a chance to really enjoy each others company. 的(w复it合h结构)10. 我低着头, 眼睛盯着智能手机,走到马路上,突然一辆轿车飞驰而来,几乎撞上我。Head , eyes my smartphone, I stepped into the road

13、and a car shot past, nearly (knock) me off my feet!和(ehyes为d 独立主格结构;现在分词做结果状语)【设计意图】通过英汉互译练习,加深学生对本单元重点词汇、语法和句型的综合应用能力,同时可积累用于写作的表达方式。Step 2 基础过关Task 1 词性转换1. access 机n.会,权利,通道 vt.到达;使用 adj易. 接近的,可进入的,可理解的2. commerce n商. 务,贸易 adj商. 业(化)的,营利的 电子商务3. deliver 递vt送. ,发表 n.传送,分娩 发表演讲 4.arrangement 安n.排,布

14、置,约定,排列 vi安. 排,筹备 vt.整理,布置5. instanatdj立. 咖啡即的 n.某一时刻 adv.马上,立刻 速溶6. entertainment娱n乐. 活动,娱乐 vt./v招i.待,款待 adj.使人愉快的7. appreciate 欣vt赏. ,赏识,感谢 n.感激,欣赏8. establis建h立v.,创立,确立 n.确立,制定,公司,设施9. immediate a立dj即.的,紧急的 adv.立即地,马上地,即刻地10. obvious ad明j.显的,显而易见的 adv.显然,明显地11major adj主.要的 n.主修课程 vi.主修 n.大部分,大多数1

15、2. aware adj知. 道,意识到 n.意识 adj没.意识到13. technological 技ad术j.的,技能的,专业的 n.技术,工艺14. addict对n.入迷的人,瘾君子 vt.使上瘾;使沉溺 adj入. 了迷的,上了瘾的n.瘾,入迷,嗜好15. scare v惊t.吓 vi.受惊吓害怕的adj恐.怖的,吓人的 adj.16. front a前dj面. 的 n.国界,边界,极端17. comic连n.环漫画 adj喜.剧的 n.喜剧 n.喜剧演员【设计意图】根据汉语和词性写出词族关联词,拓展词汇储备。Task 2 短语互译1. 掌握(信息),精通 11.enable sb

16、. to do sth 2. 全神贯注看着某物 12.to a certain extent 3. 撞倒某人 13.military affairs 4. 全神贯注,沉浸于 14.a search engine 5. 挡道,妨碍 15.put down 6. 戒掉这个习惯 16.a smartphone addict 7. 有权使用,接近 17.stretch out 8. 切断联系 18.make progress 9. 上市 19.wide-ranging conversation 10. 涵盖不同主题 20.take advantage of 【设计意图】对本单元的重要短语进行梳理,旨在

17、让学生以课本知识为抓手,扎实地掌握基础词汇及短语。Step 3 重点突破1. When you wish to go on holiday, youmackaenall your travel arrangements just in front of the com当pu你te想r.度假的时候,你可以就在电脑前做好你所有的 旅行安排。arrangementn. plansand preparationtshatyou must make so thatsomethingcan happen 安排,准备,筹划【搭配辨析】(1) make arrangements (fo(r为) )做安排(2)

18、 come to an arrangemen达t 成协议【归纳拓展】(1) arrange to do sth安排做某事(2) arrange sth. for sb为某人安排某事(3) arrange for sb. to do st安h排某人做某事(4) arrange (with sb.) to d(o 与st某h 人)约定干某事(5) arrange that.商定,安排【语境运用】(1) 我和她约定8点钟见面。 I at 8:00.(2) 经理安排格林小姐去机场接一位外宾。The manager a foreign guest at the airport.( 3 ) Foodweb

19、smaybe dominated by manyweaklinks because that (arrange) is more stable over the long term.2. we must be aware of theseproblems and be carefulto use the Internet properlyand responsibly.我们必须意识到这些问题,并恰当地、负责任地谨慎使用互联网。aware adj.知道的,意识到的,有意识的【搭配辨析】(1) become aware of对知道, 明白; 意识到(2) be aware + thatclause

20、察觉到、意识到(3) make sb. aware of sth. 使某人明白某事(4) so / as farasm Iaware据我所知【归纳拓展】(1) awareness n.认识,意识(2) raise ones awarene提ss高某人的意识(3) public awareness公共意识【语境运用】(1) The little girl was not aware of . 这个小女孩儿没有意识到自己做错了事。(2) They suddenly became aware of . 他们突然意识到人们在看着他们。(3) 你有没有意识到已经出了问题?3. with access t

21、o the Intercnoemte some truly l-cihfaenging advantages.接入互联网(给我们)带来了优势,真正改变了我们的生活。access(1)n. the right to enter a place, use something, see机s会om,eo权ne利 the way you use to enter a building or reach通a路p,l入ac口e(2)vt.approach or enter (a pl到ac达e),进入【搭配辨析】(1) have access to 可以获得,接近,使用(2) gain/ get acces

22、s 到to达,接近,使用(3) with access to 可以得到,得以访问,能够接触【归纳拓展】(1) accessible adj.可进入的;可使用的;易理解的;(人)好相处的(2) be accessible t易o 接近的;能进入的【语境运用】(1) Eva (访问了 3 个不同的文件) to findthe correct information.(2) Students must 有使(用图书馆的机会).(3) There is no 通向( 大街的路) through that door.(4) Depending on which role you choose, you

23、could help to increase a communitys (通道) to safe drinking water, or help to protect valuable local cultures.4. Head down, eyeson my smartphone,I stepped into the road aancdar shot past, nearklnyocking me off my feet!knock sb off ones feet: to hit or push sb so that they f撞al倒l 某人双脚离地【归纳拓展】(1) knock

24、down撞倒,拆除,拆掉(建筑物等),使降价(2) knock over打翻,打倒,去除,消除(3) knock out打昏,使失去知觉,歼灭,震惊(4) knock off下班,击倒,减(价),匆忙做完(5) knock up敲门叫醒,迅速做好,使疲惫不堪【语境运用】(1) 汤姆不小心把那个贵重的花瓶撞翻了。Tom the valuable vase accidentally.(2) 为修一条新路,他们家的房子正被拆毁。Their house to make way for a new road.某to人t,he使ground(3) 他同意把价钱减去 10 美元。He agreed to $

25、10 the price.(4) 进屋之前请先敲门。Please the door before you enter the room.5. Sometimes l had the uncomfortable feeling that this littletamkaecnhine had up too much of my time, and thattake up占据,开始从事,接受(建议或挑战)【归纳拓展】(1) take to喜欢上,适应,养成的习惯(2 )take in吸收,接纳,欺骗(3) take on呈现,雇用,承担(4) take of(f飞机)起飞,突然开始成功,开始走红,

26、脱(衣服等),休假(5) take apa拆rt开【语境运用】We byhis innocent,boyish looks. It wasinvestigatedthathe hisfathercosmpany lastyear.Since then,the company . Hecanperfectly balance his workandentertainment.Forexample,he going to the gym after work. In a word, he is a determined man who is willing to any challenge.6.

27、Only in this way can the Internet be a place of discovery, wonder and inspirati for everyone.只有这样,因特网才能成为一个为大家提供发现、惊奇和灵感的地方。【归纳总结】“only +状语(in that wa”y置) 于句首,句子用了部分倒装,即 can 提到主语 way之前。only 所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句位于句首时,句子需要使用部分倒装把谓语的一部分(助动词或情态动词)提到主语之前。【语境运用】(1) Only aftertalkingto two students(我才发现) thath

28、aving strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.(2) Only when we stick to what we have decided to do完成目标). 我们才会(【设计意图】通过用法归纳、固定搭配、英汉互译、语法填空等学习环节的设计, 让学生了解这些重点词汇、语法的用法,完善知识体系,并学会在具体的语境中运用这些知识。Step 4 即时巩固1. 用所给短语的适当形式填空no wanderbe aware ofabove all else what iftake offbelong to

29、(1) the childrenare excite-dthisis the firstime theyvebeen abroad.(2) In this matter, we must place the common cause .(3) He the golf club.(4) The children the danger of taking drugs .(5) the train is late?2. 单句语法填空(1) They were unable to (mobile) the resources they needed.(2) Details of the murder

30、(reveal) by the local newspaper yesterday.(3) His talents are not fully (appreciate) in that company.(4) Clearance of the site required the (remove) of a number of trees.3. 补全句子(1) 我会安排人到机场接你。Ill for you to be met at the airport.(2) 他对我们的建议没有作评论。(comment)He our proposal.(3) 你一得到结果,就给我写信。Write to me

31、that you get the results.4. 句子翻译(1) 他精通几门外语。(fingertip)(2) 在某种程度上,这样的争论也是一种乐趣。(extent)(3) 他告诉我他将在会议上提出这个问题。(deliver)(4) 你明天不必早起。(there is no need.)附答案:Step 1 Task one:Passage 1: to /shared/a/that/convenient/provided/Though/being connected/ of/ inspirationPassage 2: have done/it/crossing/hardest/disc

32、onnected/scary/beauty/By/on /smartphonesTask two: Translate the sentences.1. 为了买一双理想的靴子,一家店接一家店去找的目子已经一去不复返了。2. 我们在网上几平无所不能,接入互联网的确给我们生活带来了好处。3. 不管身在何处,我们都能与所爱之人保持联系,找到久违的朋友。4. 无论是走在大街上,还是同朋友吃饭,或者晚上躺在床上,我都目不转睛地盯着这块小小的屏幕。5. 我无法逃离现代世界,但我可以减少每天花在手机上的时间,我说到做到。6. have food delivered 7.There is no need to

33、 worry8.Only in this way can the Internet 9.With/fixed on our phones 10.down/on/ knockingStep 2基础过关Task1词性转换1.accessible2. commercial / electronic commerce3. delivery / deliver a speech 4. arrange5. instantly / instant coffee6. entertain / entertaining7. appreciation8. establishment9. immediately10.

34、 obviously11. majority12. awareness / unaware13. technology14. addicted / addiction15. scary / scared16. frontier17. comedy / comedianTask 21. at ones fingertips 2.be glued to sth.3.knock sb. off ones feet 4.be lost in5.get in the way 6.quit the habit 7.have access to8. cut off contact e onto the ma

35、rket 10.cover different topics Step 3重点突破11. 使某人能够做某事12.在某种程度上13. 军事事务14. 搜索引擎15. 放下,写下,镇压16.手机迷(手机上瘾者) 17.伸展,伸开18. 取得进步19. 广泛的谈话20. 利用1. arranged with her to meet/arranged for Miss Green to meet/arrangement2. having done wrong/people looking at them/Were you aware that something was wrong?3. have a

36、ccess to a library/access to the street/accessed three different documents/access4. knocked over/is being knocked down/knock off/knock at / on5. were taken in/took over/has taken off/takes to/take up6. did I find/can achieve our goals Step 4及时巩固1. No wander/above all else/belongs to/are aware of/Wha

37、t if2. mobilize/were revealed/appreciated/removal3. make arrangements/made no comments on/the instant4. (1) He had several foreign languages at his fingertips.(2) To a certain extent, this kind of arguing was fun.(3) He told me that he would bring up the problem at the meeting.(4) There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.


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