英语:Unit 1-2 测试.doc

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1、 Test for Units 1-2 第I卷 (选择)I:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1The actress has to _a diet to lose weight because she is to act a pretty slim girl in a film. Atake on Bcarry on Cgo on Dhave on 2The books in the largest library of the city could _ all the information we need.AofferBsupply Cprovide Dpresent3-_

2、you go so soon? -Yes, I _. ACan; must B. Must; must C. Have to; neednt D. Must; have4I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else_, I was wasting my time. Ato make things worse Bin other words Cat the same time Dfor another thing5. Thank you for your wonderful meal. _

3、. A. No, it was just so-soB. The same to you C. No, thats all right D. Its my pleasure6. Why is Mr. Li so happy this morning? Because he was honoured with a(n)_ for excellence in teaching. A. present B. gift C. award D. reward7Look at the ground, it is wet. It _ last night. Amust have rained Bmust r

4、ain Ccould have rained Dmay have rained 8. Who_ it be that is knocking at the door? It _ be Father, but Im not sure. A. can; must B. can; may C. must; can D. may; must 9. I am looking forward to _ your answer as soon as possible. A. receiving B. being received C. receive D. be received10. Your mothe

5、r becomes more and more forgetful. Yes. She searched for her cellphone for a whole day last Sunday but it _ in her coat pocket the next day. A. turned out B. turned on C. turned overD. turned up11. He had led everyone to _ that his family was very rich. A. believing B. believe C. be believed D. be b

6、elieving12. The little boy has not the _ to lift the heavy box. A. energy B. force C. power D. strength 13. _ of food is in need nowadays in Africa. A. A large number of B. The amount of C. A large amount of D. Large amounts of 14. To_ telling lies, he asked his friend to help him cheat his parents.

7、 A. get rid of B. get away with C. throw away D. get down to 15. The hunter _ down and _ to the farmer that he had_ his gun against the tree. A. lay, lied, laid B. lay, laid, laid C. laid, lay, lied D. laid, lied, lay II:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) When I was in Germany, one day at Christmas-time I went

8、 to a post office to send a letter. To my (16)_ I found people queuing some paces away from the person at the savings deposit window. (17)_so? Each did his business (18)_ but the line never moved a step (19)_. I was very (20)_, so I walked to the window to find out the cause. There was a notice on w

9、hich was written “Thank you for your (21)_for others privacy”a polite (22)_to keep people away from nosing into others (23)_ (money matters are regarded as privacy in Western countries). I was deeply impressed by the (24)_ and stayed a while to watch: they were waiting so (25)_ at a distance that th

10、ey seemed quite (26) _to the practice. The (27)_ thing happened at a public telephone box. (28)_ waiting for their turns always kept their distanceenough to be out of (29)_ . Its another typical example!From then on I (30)_ to watch their ways of doing things, manners, treatment (31)_ towards others

11、. And I found the Germans always mindful of others privacy. They avoided putting others in an embarrassing(窘迫)situation. For instance, they never (32)_ about age, incomes or the place to buy such a coat, (33)_would they comment on the others or jewelry others wore. Their laws (34)_ reading diaries o

12、r opening letters without permission. That shows (35) _matters are not allowed to be disturbed16Asorrow Banger Cdelight Dsurprise 17AWhyBHow CWhat DWhere 18Ain secret Bwith care Cin turn Dby turns 19AslowerBnearer Cfarther Dlonger 20Acurious Bangry CinterestedDimpatient 21Acare Brespect Chelp Dsearc

13、h 22Avoice Bphrase Cwarning Dsentence 23Apockets Bsavings Cneeds Daffairs 24Aword Bsight Cpeople Dmatters 25Ahonestly Banxiously CnervouslyDcalmly 26AusedBfamiliar Cuncomfortable Dpolite 27Ainteresting Bstrange Csame Ddifferent 28ATheyBThese CThoseDThat 29Asight Bhearing CtouchDquestion 30Awent onBt

14、ook care Cpaid attentionDtook charge 31A moving Bshown Cfacing Doffered 32A asked Bheard CworriedDlearned 33Aso Bnor Cnot onlyDif 34AappreciateBstop ChateDforbid 35ApublicBpersonal CsmallDimportant III:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)ATea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyo

15、ne in Europe had ever heard about teaPeople in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like, mainly because tea was very expensive. It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity. Som

16、e of them were not sure how to use it. They thought it was a vegetable and tried cooking the leaves. Then they served them mixed with butter and salt. They soon discovered their mistake but many people used to spread the used tea leaves on bread and give them to their children as sandwiches. Tea rem

17、ained scarce and very expensive in England until the ships of the East India Company began to bring it direct from China early in the seventeenth century. During the next few years so much tea came into the country that the price fell and many people could afford to buy it. At the same time people o

18、n the Continent were becoming more and more fond of teaUntil then tea had been drunk without milk in it, but one day a famous French lady named Madame de Sevigne decided to see what tea tasted like when milk was addedShe found it so pleasant that she would never again drink it without milk. Because

19、she was such a great lady her friends thought they must copy everything she did, so they also drank their tea with milk in it. Slowly this habit spread until it reached England and today only very few Britons drink tea without milk. At first, tea was usually drunk after dinner in the evening No one

20、ever thought of drinking tea in the afternoon until a duchess (公爵夫人) found that a cup of tea and a piece of cake at three or four oclock stopped her getting “a sinking feeling” as she called it. She invited her friends to have this new meal with her and so, tea-time was born.36Which of the following

21、 is true of the introduction of tea into Britain?A. The Britons got expensive tea from India. B. Tea reached Britain from Holland.CThe Britons were the first people in Europe who drank tea.DIt was not until the 17th century that the Britons had tea.37This passage mainly discusses_.Athe history of te

22、a drinking in Britain Bhow tea became a popular drink in BritainChow the Britons got the habit of drinking tea Dhow tea-time was born38Tea became a popular drink in Britain.Ain eighteenth century Bin sixteenth century Cin seventeenth centuryDin the late seventeenth century39People in Europe began to

23、 drink tea with milk because.Ait tasted like milk Bit tasted more pleasant Cit became a popular drink DMadame de Sevinge was such a lady with great social influence that people tried to copy the way she drank tea40We may infer from the passage that the habit of drinking tea in Britain was mostly due

24、 to the influence of_.Aa famous French ladyBthe ancient ChineseCthe upper social classDpeople in HollandBIt is natural that children are curious (好奇的) about the world around them. For example, they want to know how their hearts beat. They want to know why the ocean water tastes salty.As children gro

25、w up, they become curious about different kinds of things. When they are babies, they are interested in the parts of their bodies and in the smiles of their mothers. They become interested in the physical world around them: the plants, the animals, the sky. Later, they become interested in the thing

26、s that people have made: wheels, bicycles, cars. And when they are adults, their curiosity continues. Sometimes this curiosity leads to a career (生涯、职业) in science.Scientists spend their lives trying to find out about the worldThose who work with the earth sciences study the earth, the oceans, and t

27、he skies. Other scientists who study living things work with the biological sciences. A third group of scientists study the physical sciences, e. g. physics, chemistry .These scientists have already discovered a lot about our worldFor example, they tell us why your heart beats fast when you run. The

28、y say that when you are quiet, your heart normally beats sixty-five or seventy-five times a minute. Your heart is a pump (泵) that pumps blood to all parts of the body. The blood carries oxygen and nutrition. When you run, your muscles work very hard and use the nutrition that the blood carries to th

29、em. The muscles need oxygen, too . So your brain sends a signal to the heart. The signal means that the muscles need more nutrition and oxygen. Then the heart beats fast and sends blood quickly to the muscles. It may beat 90 to 140 times a minute.Of course, scientists cannot answer all of our questi

30、ons. If we ask, “Why does the ocean water taste salty” scientists will say that the salt comes from rocks. When a rock gets very hot or very cold, it cracks. Rain falls into cracks. The rain then carries the salt into the earth and into the rivers. The rivers carry the salt into the ocean. But then

31、we ask , “What happens to the salt in the ocean? The ocean does not get saltier every year.” Scientists are not sure about the answer to this question.We know a lot about our world, but there are still many answers that we do not have, and we are curious.41According to the passage, which of the foll

32、owing statements is true? APeople are curious in the same way. BPeople in different countries are interested in different things. CMen and women are curious about different things. DPeople of different ages are interested in different things 42Scientists who work with the biological sciences study_.

33、Athe earth , the oceans and the sky Bman-made things Cplants and animals Docean water43When you run, your muscles need _.Amore nutrition and oxygen Bmore signals Cmore salt Dwater44A rock cracks _.Ain wet regions Bin dry regions Cat very high or very low temperatures Dwhen salty water falls in 45Peo

34、ple are always curious because _.Athey cannot explain many things Bthey know nothing about the worldCthey know little about the world Dthey want to be scientists 第卷 (写作)I. 单词拼写:根据句意及首字母,写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。 (10分)1. To s_ his parents, he always works very hard.2. For lack of food, the old man s_ to death.

35、3. I dont mind a_ to others if I make a mistake.4. We classmates visited our beloved teacher on hearing his a_ in the capital city.5. We all a_ her for the way she saved the children from the fire.6. Foods for the old should be easy to be d_.7. Xiao Wang felt frustrated that a lot of c_ went to a ne

36、wly-opened small restaurant.8. Many scientists are doing r_ into the cause of this strange illness.9. It is important to know your own w_.10. Its important to keep the b_ of nature.II. 完成下列句子(25分)1请原谅我忘记了你的生日。Please _ me _ forgetting your birthday.2. 除夕烧香祭祖是中国的社会习俗。Its the _ _to light incense in mem

37、ory of ancestors at the Spring Festival Eve in China.3. 祖先们可能回到世界上帮助他们,也有可能带来危害。 Their ancestors could return either to help or to _ _ _ them.4. 他坐在空荡荡的店里,以咖啡消愁。 He sat in the empty shop,_ his _ _ _.5. 你所说的使我想起了我悲伤的故事。 What you said _ me _ my sad story.6. 他们面对面地坐着,怒视着对方。 They sat face to face, _ _ e

38、ach other.7. 这新的政策将对我们大家都有很有益。 The new policy will _ _ _ _ _ us all.8. 由于负债累累,他每天不得不加班工作。 Being _ _ _, he has to work extra hours a day.9- Im going to Paris for a holiday tomorrow. - Have a good time. (在不改变原意的情况下,改变句子) - Im going to Paris for a holiday tomorrow. - _ _ .III短文改错 (共10分)Breakfast is too

39、 important when youre trying to lose 1_excess(过多的) weigh. When youre asleep, the body switches 2_from an active energy producer to an almost motionless 3_service and repair factory. When you sleeping, most 4_bodily repairs and renewals take the place. Food eaten 5_during the day is broken down and d

40、igest, nutrients 6_are passed round the body and used whatever need 7_try to get up early and eat something, either cereal 8_and fruits. Whatever it is, sit down to eat and try to 9_enjoy it! Soon youll feel much healthy. 10_AnswerI:单项填空 15分1-5 CCBBD 6-10 CA BAD 11-15 BDCBA II:完形填空 20分16-20 DACBA 21

41、-25 BCDBD 26-30 ACCBB 31-35 BABDB III:阅读理解 20分36-40 BACDA 41-45 DCACA I. 单词拼写10分1.satisfy 2. starved 3. apologizing 4. arrival 5. admire 6. digested7. customers 8. research 9. weakness 10. balanceII. 完成下列句子 25分1. forgive for 2. social custom 3. do harm to4. drowning sadness in coffee 5. reminds of 6. glaring at 7. be of great benefit 8. in heavy debt 9. Have fun 10. keep my wordIII:短文改错 10分1.too-very/so 2.weith-weight 3. 4.aresleeping 5.the 6.digest-digested 7.whatever-wherever 8.to 9.and-or 10.healthy-healthier第 8 页 共 8 页


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