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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流英语俚语集锦.精品文档.英语俚语集锦Aat sea 困惑Aunt sally 众矢之的BBalance 除了“平衡”的意思之外,还有余额的意思,其余的barbers cat 面黄的be an angel 行行好吧,有恳求的意思be with you from the egg to apple 永远在一起,白首不相离Beastly 极坏的,糟糕透了 jolly 副,极好的Beastly jolly! 好极了! Jolly beastly! 极坏的,糟糕透了地Beat it ! 滚开!Big potato 大人物 hot potato 棘手问题b

2、ite ones thumbs at 对.嗤之以鼻blue film 黄色电影blue peter 开航旗,离港旗blue stocking 女学者blue book 社会名人录bleeding heart 心肠太软的,感情用事的Bobs your uncle! 万事大吉!bolt from the blue 喜出望外,让人意外break ones neck 竭尽全力做break the neck of sth 攻破事情的难关Busywork 不忙也得做点事的忙butter sb up 给.拍马屁a busy bee 繁忙,大忙人Buy it! 指我猜不着的意思,如果是我要买下,应为“ill

3、take it!”Ccapital idea 是好主意的意思,如果是资本主义的意思,应该是“a capitalist idea”Cat-and-dog life 吵架Cheap 卑贱的,可鄙的,丢脸China policy 对华政策Cold fish 冷酷无情的人Cold turkey 突然中止某种习惯Cold comfort 不起作用的安慰Color bar 种族歧视Cool it 沉住气Cut sb dead 故意没看见某人DDead duck 毫无意义的计划Dead in the water 无望成功Dear john 绝交信dog days 酷暑do-gooder 帮了倒忙Dogsbo

4、dy 家务活Doormat 受气包domestic help 家庭帮助Dutch uncle 唠唠叨叨的人Dyed in the wool 反动分子EEasy does it! 做事小心点Easy street 日子优裕Eat dirt 忍气吞声Eat like a horse 吃得很多Eat no fish and play the game 既忠诚又正直Eat ones hat 不是.才怪,发誓语Eat ones words 承认错误,收回前言Enough to make a cat speak 让人惊奇的,出奇Enter the lists 参加竞争Even steven 打成平局Eve

5、ry man jack 每个人Every Tom ,Dick and Harry 普通百姓FFeather in ones cap 让人骄傲的Feet of clay 致命的弱点Five wheel 多余的人Fly a kite 试探反应For love 出于爱好,娱乐性的For my money 正合我意For love or money 无论如何For the life of me 无论如何,总之Forget-me -not 勿忘我Forty winks 小憩For good and all 永远Four-letter word 骂人的脏话,一般都是四个字Four oclock 紫茉莉GG

6、ive sb too much of a good thing 干过了头Give way to 变形Give up the ghost 报废Go a long way 很有帮助Good and rich good and ripe good and bad=very bad good 在这里有“很,非常”修饰的意思Greek gift 没安好心Greave ones palm / hand 买通某人 butter sb upGreen-eyed 嫉妒心强的HHalf of it 一点点Half of the chance 一有机会Half the time 总是Half an eye 一看,瞅

7、一眼Half-owt 半醉Half seas over 醉醺醺的Hammer and tongs 不和睦,时时口角,干劲十足的Hand in glove 密切合作,狼狈为奸Hand sb a lemon 欺骗Handle with gloves/handle without gloves 温和/不温和的对待Hang in the wind 拿不定主意Hang on to your hat=hold your hat 告诉一件重大的事情,特别重大的新闻Hang up ones hat 入赘Hard-boiled 无情的Hard cheese! 不走运的Hand shoulder 公路上的路肩Ha

8、s the cat got your tongue? 你怎么不说话了?Haste makes waste! 匆忙造成浪费,欲速则不达应为下一句。More haste ,less speed! 欲速则不达Hat in hand 毕恭毕敬Have a ball 玩得痛快!Have a bee in ones head 脑中一直在想Have a bone in ones throat 难于启齿的Have a card up ones sleeve 留一手,胸有成竹的Have a chip on ones shoulder 气势汹汹的Have a face as long as feddle 愁眉苦脸

9、Have a good nose for 对.很精明,敏感的Have a job dong sth 做某事有困难Have a heart 行行好吧Have a screw loose 精神不太正常Have a rage for=have a weakness for 对有狂热爱好Have an axe to grind 打自己的小算盘,别有用心Have an old head on ones shoulders 少年老成Have had it! 受够了!Have butterflies in ones stomach 七上八下Have no opinion of sb 瞧不起某人,对某人没有好

10、感Have ones heart in ones mouth 大吃一惊Have two left feet 不灵活的,笨拙的Heavy duty 重型,耐用的Help a lame dog over a stile 帮助某人渡过难关Hit sb below the belt 伤人不择手段Hit sb between the eyes 十分惊奇,大吃一惊Hobby horse 老生常谈的话题Hot air 大话Horse sense 常识Horse opera 西部片Hot seat 麻烦多How goes the enemy? Enemy指时间,几点了?Hug oneself 暗自高兴Husb

11、ands tea 无味的,淡而无味II dont suppose. 请别人帮助的时候以此开头I do everything but . 绝不会做I will thank you to 请求,拜托别人做If one had half an eye 要是我没有那么蠢的话,虚拟假设Ice-skate in the hell 不可能的事Ifs and buts 借口,理由Im a Dutchman! 我不是人!Im all right ,Jack! 只顾自己而不管别人死活的人In a fog 一无所知In Dutch 困难的境地,艰难的处境In double harness 身兼数职,已婚的In a

12、sweat 焦炉不安In repair 保养得很好,如果是修理的意思,见下Under repair 在修理中In spite of ones nose/teeth 尽管对手的竞争In the bag 稳操胜券In the green / in the green tree 年轻的,区别于“in green”In green 穿绿色的衣服In the running 有获胜的希望 out of the running 没有获胜的希望In the rain 在雨中 in the rains 雨季,很多词汇加了s之后意义完全不一样Exchange a word 交换意见 exchange words

13、 吵架Be on the board 董事会成员 be on the boards 当演员Some advice 一些意见 some advices 一些情报Drink water 喝水 drink the waters 喝矿泉水,饮料In the same street as(with). 和一样的水平In the wind 即将In two twos 一转眼,立刻马上India Summer 小阳春Inflammable 易燃的Ins and outs 一切情况Into the bargain 而且,除之外,还Its been real 过得真开心Its a wise father tha

14、t knows his child . 再好的爹也不一定了解自己的孩子It is a good workman that never blunders. 智者千虑,必有一失Its a good horse that never stumbles. 金无足赤,人无完人It +be +adj+noun+that.翻译为否定,再.也.Its later than you think . 机不可失Its ones baby 是某人自己的事Its ones funeral 某人自作自受Italian hand 有幕后操作JJam on it 好上加好Jack on both sides 两面派Jesus

15、 boots 拖鞋Jaw-breaker 难发音的词或者名字Jobs for the boys 任人唯亲John Hancock 签上的名Johnny on the spot 时刻准备着的Join the club 我也是Jump in and get ones feet wet 到实践中去Jump on the bandwagon 立马表态,赶浪头Just like mother makes 正合胃口Just one of those things 在所难免Just ones luck 真倒霉Just what the doctor ordered 很惬意的Justice of the pe

16、ace 地方法官KKeep an ear under the ground 注意打听,高度警惕Keep body and soul together 养家糊口Keep .in cotton wool 悉心照料Keep ones nose clean 安分守己Keep ones eye on the ball 专心致志,集中精力Keep ones head over / above water 没有陷入困境,对付过去了Keep ones powder dry 以防万一Keep the pot boiling 养家糊口Keep the wolf from the door 勉强维持生活Keep s

17、th in ones hat 保密,不让人知道Kick the bucket “死亡”的委婉说法Kick up ones heels 寻欢作乐Kill sb with kindness 热情得让某人受不了Kiss of death 帮了倒忙,不是好事Be knife and fork 胃口很好的人Knock ones socks off 让人大吃一惊Know a thing or two 精通,了如指掌Know sb is alive 注意到某人Know where the shoe pinches 知道问题症结所在LLame duck 无望的窘境Land on ones feet 总能逢凶化

18、吉Last honors 某人的葬礼Last straw 致命的一击The last straw that broke the back of the camel. 压死了骆驼的最后一根稻草Late for last time 被解雇了Laugh in ones sleeve/beard 暗自高兴Lay heads together 共同出谋划策Lay ones shoulder to the wheel 刻苦用功Lazy Susan 旋转盘Lead a dogs life 过着猪狗不如的生活Leave nothing to be desired 十全十美Left-handed marriag

19、e 错误的婚姻,不对门户Leave sb in the lurch 弃某人于困境中Let ones hair down 放松一下Let sleeping dogs lie 不要惹是生非Light in hand 容易驾驭的Like a bird 爽快地Like a cat in a strang garret 很腼腆Like a fish out of the water 不自在Like bricks 强烈地Like hot cakes 很抢手Like old boots 极力地,竭尽全力地Lions share 最大的股份,最大部分Live and learn 活一天长一天见识Little

20、Mary 肚子Live like a fighting cock 过着养尊处优的日子Live on wind pudding/live on air 喝西北风过日子Live under the governments expense 在监狱里服刑Look like a million dollars/bucks 身体舒畅,精神充沛Lose ones hair/wool 发脾气Lose ones heads 慌张,不知所措MMake hamburger out of 彻底摧毁,痛打某人Make a stake 发财Make difficulties 发难某人Make good 有很好的信用,兑现

21、,实现,补偿Make no bones about/of 毫不犹豫地Make rings round sb 完全超越某人Make ones hair curl=make ones hair stand on end 吓得头发直立,吓一跳Make the feathers fly 引起激烈的争吵Make the pot boil 养家糊口Man Friday 忠仆Man and boy 从小到大Matter of moment 重要的问题Be meat and drink to sb 对某人极大的精神安慰Meat and potatoes 重要部分,主体部分Meatball 肉球,饭桶Micke

22、y mouse 馊主意,差劲的Milk for babies 儿童读物,人类的恻隐之心Milk and water 淡而无味的Minute a minuet description 详尽的,详尽的叙述Money for jam 容易赚到的钱Monkey business 不正当勾当Morning glory 牵牛花NNail a lie to the counter 拆穿谎言Nail ones colors to the mast 坚持到底Names are debts 树大招风Nancy boy 娘娘腔Neck and crop 彻底地Neither fish nor flesh 四不像Ne

23、ver .but. 每必No skin off ones nose /back /teeth 不管某人的事No room to swing a cat 房间小得没有其他地方Nobody the wiser 没人知道Nose dive 猛跌Not for ones health=not for nothing 不是没有原因来的,有目的而来Not on borrowing terms =not on speaking terms 并不友好Not so black as one is painted 不像人们所说的那么坏Noting if not. 再不过,非常Nothing succeeds li

24、ke success 一事成功万事成Noe ive seen everything 真了不起,真不简单Now or never=now for it 机不可失OOff coor 气色不好Old Adom 人性本恶Oil skin 防雨布Old Tom 英式干金酒Old Bill 警察叔叔On tenterhooks 如坐针毡Old hat 过时Old-timer 老人Once bitten,twice shy 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳On the cards 意料之中的,注定的On the side of the angels 站在大多数人一边On the street 被炒鱿鱼的,解雇了Onc

25、e in a blue moon 很少见面One degree under=out of shape 身体气色不哈Open up a can 痛扁某人一顿Out of the world 好得不能再好,太棒了PPaint the lily 画蛇添足Paint the town red 庆祝狂欢Pass the time of the day 聊天Pat oneself on the back 自卖自夸,自我恭维People will be long forgetting. 人们将不会忘记Make personal remark about sb 人身攻击Pigs might fly 那不可能的

26、事Pink elephants 出现幻觉Pink slip 解雇通知书Play ball with sb 和合作Play by ear 见机行事Popular opinion 民意Poor fish 穷光蛋Powder room 女厕所Pull ones leg 开玩笑 Promise oneself 期望Pull up ones socks 加把劲,鼓起勇气Put down ones jacket 冷静Put ones shirt on 孤注一掷Put sb out to the pasture 解雇某人Put the screw on 施压QQuick-tempered 性急的Quarter 住宿,房屋,宿舍RReach the bottom of the barrel 无计可施Real estate 房地产Redeye 廉价的威士忌Red ink 赤字Red lady 放荡的女人Regular guy 好人Return ticket 往返票Revenge sb 为某人报仇Right-handed man


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